Name: Azlan Bin Benjamin
Metric No: BK1011002
Topic: Non Destructive Monitoring of Mortar Hydration Using Peizoelectric (PZT) and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV)
Abstract: Introduction of piezoelectric test is one of the structural health monitoring. Interest in structural health monitoring (SHM) has increased as related to both research and implementation. It represents an attempt of deriving the actual condition of a structure or system by aiming of not just knowing its performance has deteriorated but rather to be able to asses remaining performances levels and life. This ability in the future will enable the operation of civil infrastructure decided in less time, more efficient, more accurate and save cost. Experiments were conducted based on the piezoelectric test and ultrasonic pulse velocity test. This test will monitor the hydration of the mortar(specimen) by assessment of its velocity through the days. Different method of experiments has shown different range of velocity. As for UPV test, it was already know in the industry and had set the range of its velocity to the quality of the specimen. At the 28 days of hydration the velocity of the specimen using PZT with 100 mm spacing is 2775.31 ms-1 and for 160 mm spacing is 2827.45 ms-1. While for UPV test shows 3575.2 ms-1 of velocity which means it is in good quality of specimen.