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The power we now possess of fixing the transient impression of the rays of light, and of retaining the beautiful images of the camera obscura, is perhaps the most astonishing of the present age of wonders. Effects similar to those of the electric telegraph, of steam navigation, of dissolving views, and of other wondrous realizations of inventive genius, had been anticipated in growing tales of Eastern romance centuries ago; but the most fanciful imagination had not conceived the possibility of making Nature her own artist, and of producing, in the twinkling of an eye, a permanent representation of all the objects comprehended within the range of vision.

Such an idea could scarcely have occurred until after the invention of the camera obscura; but when looking at the beautiful pictures focused on the screen of that instrument, it became an object of longing desire to fix them there.

To trace the history of Photography from its earliest beginnings, we must go back to the days of the alchemists, who were the discoverers of the influence of light in darkening the salts of silver, on which all photographic processes on paper depend. That property of light was noticed in 1566, and it induced the speculative philosophers of that day to conceive that luminous rays contained a sulphurous principle which transmitted the forms of matter. Homberg, more than a century afterwards, misled by this action of the sun's rays, supposed that they insinuated themselves into the particles of bodies, and increased their weight; and Sir Isaac Newton also entertained a similar opinion.

The influence of the solar rays in facilitating the crystallization of saltpetre and sal ammoniac, was shown by Petit in 1722; and in 1777, the distinguished chemist Scheele discovered that the violet rays of the spectrum possess greater power in producing those changes than any other. A solution of nitrate of silver, then called "the acid of silver," was known to be peculiarly susceptible to the action of those rays. The experiment by which it was illustrated consisted in pouring the solution on chalk, which became blackened by exposure to light. These discoveries were made by Scheele in his endeavours to find in light the source of "phlogiston"—that ignis fatuus of the chemists of the last century. We thus perceive, in the first steps towards the invention of Photography, one of the many instances of the discovery of truth in the search after error.

At the beginning of the present century, Mr. Wedgwood, the celebrated porcelain manufacturer, undertook a series of experiments to fix the images of the camera, assisted by Mr. (afterwards Sir Humphry) Davy. They so far succeeded as to impress the images on the screen, but unfortunately they had not the power of preserving the paper from being blackened all over when exposed for a short time to the light. "Nothing," said Sir Humphry Davy, in his account of these experiments, "but a method of preventing the unshaded parts of the delineation from being coloured by exposure to light is wanting to render this process as useful as it is elegant."

It was in June, 1802, that Mr. T. Wedgwood published "an account of a method of copying paintings on glass, and of making profiles by the agency of light; with observations by H. Davy." Mr. Wedgwood made use of white paper or white leather, moistened with a solution of nitrate of silver. The following description of the process, contributed to the "Journals of the Royal Institution" by Davy, will be read with interest, as showing how closely these experiments approximated to the photogenic process, invented by Mr. Talbot thirty-six years afterwards:—

"White paper or white leather moistened with a solution of nitrate of silver undergoes no change in a dark place; but on being exposed to daylight, it speedily changes colour, and after passing through different shades of grey and brown, becomes at length nearly black; the alterations of colour take place more speedily in proportion as the light is more intense. In the direct rays of the sun, two or three minutes are sufficient to produce the full effect. In the shade, several hours are required; and light transmitted through different coloured glasses acts on it with different degrees of intensity. Thus it is found that red rays, or the common sunbeams passed through red glass, have very little action on it. Yellow or green are more efficacious; but blue and violet light produce the most decided and powerful effects.

"When the shadow of any figure is thrown on the prepared surfaced, the part concealed by it remains white, and the other parts speedily become dark. For copying paintings on glass, the solution should be applied on leather, and in this case it is more readily acted on than when paper is used. When the colour has been once fixed on leather or paper, it cannot be removed by the application of water, or water and soap, and it is in a high degree permanent. The copy of a painting or a profile, immediately after being taken, must be kept in a dark place. It may, indeed, be examined in the shade, but in this case the exposure should only be for a few minutes; by the light of candles or lamps, it is not sensibly affected. No attempts that have been made to prevent the uncoloured parts of the copy or profile from being acted upon by light, have as yet been successful. They have been covered with a coating of fine varnish, but this has not destroyed their susceptibility of becoming coloured; and even after repeated washings, sufficient of the active part of the saline matter will still adhere to the white parts of the leather or paper, to cause them to become dark when exposed to the rays of the sun.

"The woody fibres of leaves, and the wings of insects, may be pretty accurately copied; and in this case it is only necessary to cause the direct solar light to pass through them, and to receive the shadows on prepared leather. Images formed by means of the camera obscura have been found too faint to produce, in any moderate time, an effect on nitrate of silver. To copy those images was the first object of Mr. Wedgwood in his researches on this subject, and for this purpose he first used the nitrate of silver, which was mentioned to him by a friend as a substance very sensible to the influence of light; but all his numerous experiments, as to their primary end, proved unsuccessful."

It will be seen, from the foregoing account of the results of their experiments, that Mr. Wedgwood's process and the early processes of Mr. Talbot were nearly alike; and if he had possessed the means which the compound salt hyposulphite of soda afforded to subsequent photographers, of destroying the sensibility of the prepared paper to further impressions of the rays of light, there can be little doubt that the invention would have attained a high degree of perfection at the commencement of the present century. As it was, the failure of Mr. Wedgwood to accomplish the object he was so nearly attaining appears to have discouraged attempts by others, and twenty years elapsed without any advance having been made towards its realization.

M. Niepce, of Chalons on the Saone, who was the first to succeed in obtaining permanent representations of the images of the camera, commenced experimenting on the subject in 1814, at least ten years before M. Daguerre directed his attention to Photography. In 1826 these two gentlemen became acquainted, and conjointly prosecuted the investigations which led to the beautiful result of the Daguerreotype. M. Niepce having previously succeeded in obtaining durable representations of the pictures focused in the camera, he came to this country in 1827, and exhibited several of the results of his process, and communicated to the Royal Society an account of his experiments. These photographs, which may be considered the first durable ones that had been obtained, were, with one exception, taken on plates made of pewter. One of the largest was 5¼ inches long and 4 inches wide. It was taken from a print 2½ feet in length, representing the ruins of an abbey. When seen in a proper light, the impression appeared very distinct. Another one, which was stated to have been the first successful attempt, was a view taken from nature, representing a court-yard. Its size was 7½ inches by 6 inches, but it was not so distinct as the preceding one. A third specimen was an impression on paper, printed from a photograph on metal, the picture having been etched into the plate by nitric acid, and then printed from. All these specimens, though extremely curious as the first successful attempts to preserve the images of the camera, were more or less imperfect, and were far from presenting the beautiful results of Photography now attained. It is remarkable, however, that the original process of etching the picture on a metal plate, and printing from it, has now, in the perfected state of the art, become the most recent improvement; and the prints from photographic plates present some of the most beautiful effects hitherto produced.2

M. Niepce communicated the particulars of his process to M. Daguerre in December, 1829. They then entered into an agreement to pursue their investigations jointly, but it was not until ten years afterwards that the invention of the Daguerreotype by M. Daguerre was made known. To M. Niepce must, therefore, be awarded the honour of having first discovered the means of rendering permanent the transient images of the camera obscura. The plan he adopted was to cover a plate of white metal with asphalte varnish, and expose it to the action of light in a camera, when the parts whereon the light was concentrated became hardened, and the other parts remained unaltered, and could be washed away.

In M. Niepce's account of the process, after describing the preparation of the asphalte varnish, he says:—"A tablet of plated silver, or well-cleaned and warm glass, is to be highly polished, on which a thin coating of varnish is to be applied cold, with a light roll of very soft skin. This will impart to it a fine vermilion colour, and cover it with a very thin and equal coating. The plate is then placed on heated iron, which is wrapped round with several folds of paper, from which, by this method, all moisture has been previously expelled. When the varnish has ceased to simmer, the plate is withdrawn from the heat and left to cool and dry in a gentle temperature, and protected from a damp atmosphere. The plate, thus prepared, may be immediately subjected to the action of the luminous fluid in the focus of the camera; but even after having been thus exposed a length of time sufficient for receiving the impressions of external objects, nothing is apparent to show that these impressions exist. The forms of the future picture remain still invisible. The next operation then is to disengage the shrouded image, and this is accomplished by a solvent."

The solvent employed was a mixture of one part of oil of lavender, and ten parts of oil of petroleum. The solvent was poured over the plate, and allowed to remain. M. Niepce continues: "The operator, observing it by reflected light, begins to perceive the images of the objects to which it has been exposed gradually unfolding their forms, though still veiled by the supernatant fluid, continually becoming darker from saturation with the varnish."

The time required for the exposure of the plates in the camera was six or eight hours. For the purpose of darkening the pictures, M. Niepce used iodine, and it has been supposed that the use of iodine for that purpose suggested the employment of it to his partner.

The process adopted by M. Daguerre was, to deposit a film of iodine on a highly polished silver plate, by exposing the plate to the vapour of iodine in a dark box. The prepared plate was then placed in the camera, and after an exposure of ten minutes or more, according to the brightness of the day, an impression was made on the iodised silver, but too faint to be visible. To bring out the image thus invisibly impressed, the plate was exposed to the vapour of mercury, in a closed box. The mercury adhered to the parts on which the light had acted, and left the other parts of the plate untouched; and by this means a beautiful representation was produced, in which the deposited mercury represented the lights of the picture, and the polished silver the shadows. The iodised silver remaining on the plate not acted on by light, was washed away by a solution of hyposulphite of soda, and the picture could then be exposed without injury.

Nothing can exceed the delicacy of delineation by such a Daguerreotype; for the fine surface of the highly polished silver seems to exhibit the impressions of the smallest objects that emit rays of light. The length of time required to produce an impression was, however, a serious obstacle to the use of the process, as originally invented, for taking portraits. Numerous attempts were consequently made to obtain a more sensitive material. Bromine was tried, in addition to iodine, and with such complete success, that a few seconds were sufficient to effect an impression on the plate, which could be forcibly brought out by the vapour of mercury.

It was in 1840 that portraits were first taken by the Daguerreotype process in this country. In the first instance, a concave mirror was employed to concentrate the rays of light on the plate, instead of a lens; and the author has now in his possession a portrait taken in this manner, by "Wolcott's reflecting apparatus." The object of using a concave mirror was to be able to concentrate a greater number of the rays of light than could be done by a lens, and thus to form a brighter image. At the time that portrait was taken, the means had not been discovered of making the mercury adhere to the plate, and a feather would brush it away. Soon afterwards, however, M. Fizeau ingeniously contrived to fix the images on the plate by gilding it. This was done by pouring on to the plate a few drops of a diluted solution of muriate of gold, and holding it horizontally over the flame of a spirit lamp; by which means the gold was deposited and formed a thin, beautiful film of the metal over the surface, and thus not only made the picture more durable, but gave it increased effect.

The French government, fully appreciating the importance of the invention, determined to purchase it from the patentee, and to throw it open to the public. An account of the invention was published in June, 1839; and in the following month an arrangement was entered into, to the effect that, in consideration of M. Daguerre making the process fully known, a pension of 6,000 francs should be granted to him for life, and a pension of 4,000 francs to M. Isidore Niepce, the nephew of the original inventor of Photography, his uncle having died before the final success was attained.

It was generally supposed at the time, that by the grant of those pensions the invention was thrown open to the whole world, as represented by the French Minister; but, nevertheless, M. Daguerre patented the process in other countries, and France alone reaped the benefit of a free use of the invention.

Whilst M. Daguerre was thus successfully working out to perfection the plan of producing beautiful naturally-impressed pictures on iodised silver surfaces, Mr. Fox Talbot was at the same time nearly attaining the same results. The following is the account given by himself of his researches:3—"Having in the year 1834 discovered the principles of Photography on paper, I some time afterwards made some experiments on metal plates; and in 1838 I discovered a method of rendering a silver plate sensitive to light, by exposing it to iodine vapours. I was at that time, therefore, treading in the footsteps of M. Daguerre, without knowing that he, or indeed any other person, was pursuing, or had commenced or thought of, the art which we now call Photography. But as I was not aware of the power of mercurial vapour to bring out the latent impressions, I found my plates of iodised silver deficient in sensibility, and therefore continued to use in preference my photogenic drawing paper. This was in 1838. Some time after—in August, 1839—M. Daguerre published an account of his perfected process, which reached us during the meeting of the British Association; and I took the opportunity to lay before the Section the facts which I had myself ascertained in Metallic Photography."

Whilst to M. Daguerre must be awarded the honour of having first brought to perfection the method of rendering permanent the images of the camera on metal plates, Mr. Fox Talbot may claim to be the first who perfected similar images on paper, which the comparative roughness of the surface alone prevented from being as delicately beautiful as the pictures of the Daguerreotype. He commenced his experiments in Photography in 1834; and on the 31st of January, 1839, he read a paper before the Royal Society, entitled, "Some Account of the Art of Photogenic Drawing; or, a process by which natural objects may be made to delineate themselves without the aid of the artist's pencil."

Mr. Talbot had not then succeeded in obtaining the impressions of images focused in the camera; what he had succeeded in doing was to fix upon paper the shadows of objects placed upon it, and exposed to the light of the sun. The paper was first dipped into a solution of common salt, and then wiped dry, to diffuse the salt uniformly through the substance of the paper. A solution of nitrate of silver was then spread over one surface with a soft brush, and dried carefully before a fire in a darkened room. The strength of the solution was regulated by first obtaining a saturated solution of the nitrate of silver, and afterwards diluting it with six or eight times its volume of water. The objects to be copied, such as leaves, lace, or other flat surfaces, were pressed against the prepared paper by a glass fixed in a frame, and exposure to light quickly darkened all the parts of the paper, excepting those shaded by the objects. The image thus impressed was what is termed a "negative," the dark parts which excluded the light being left white on the paper, and the parts through which the light passed being darkened. To produce a picture corresponding with the natural lights and shades, the process was repeated, substituting the picture first obtained, on thin transparent paper, for the original object, by which means the lights and shadows were reversed.

The chloride of silver, formed on the surface of the sensitive paper by the combination of the common salt and nitrate of silver, being insoluble in water, great difficulty was experienced in washing it away, so as to prevent the whole surface from afterwards darkening on exposure to light. The application of hyposulphite of soda, for the purpose of making the pictures durable, was suggested by Sir John Herschel, and it answers remarkably well, as it dissolves the chloride of silver. A solution of ammonia is nearly equally efficacious in removing the chloride.

The Calotype process, by which the images of the camera can be fixed upon paper, was invented by Mr. Talbot, in 1840. It is thus described:—Dissolve 100 grains of crystallized nitrate of silver in 6 ounces of distilled water. Procure some fine writing paper, and wash one side of it with the solution, laid on with a soft brush; then dry the paper cautiously, by holding it at a distance from the fire. When dry, dip the paper into a solution of iodide of potassium, containing 500 grains dissolved in 1 pint of water, and let it remain in the solution two or three minutes. Then dip it into a vessel of water; remove the water on the surface by blotting paper, and dry it by a fire, in the dark or by candle-light. The paper thus prepared is called "iodised paper;" it is not very sensitive to light, and may be kept for some time without spoiling. Next dissolve 100 grains of crystallized nitrate of silver in 2 ounces of distilled water; add to the solution one-sixth of its volume of strong acetic acid, and call that mixture A. Then make a strong solution of crystallized gallic acid in cold water, and let that solution be called B. Mix equal volumes of A and B together in small quantities at a time. That mixture Mr. Talbot calls gallo-nitrate of silver, and with it wash over the surface of the iodised paper. Allow the paper to remain half a minute, and then dip it into water, and again dry it lightly with blotting paper. The paper thus prepared is very sensitive, and will receive an impression in the camera in the shortest possible time. The impression is at first invisible, but it may be brought out by laying the paper aside in the dark, or by washing it once more in the gallo-nitrate of silver, and holding it at a short distance from the fire. To fix the picture, the paper is first washed in water and lightly dried, and then soaked in a solution of hyposulphite of soda for a few minutes, by which means the iodised silver is removed, and after being again washed in water and dried, the process is completed. The picture thus produced is a negative one, and requires to be transferred in the manner before stated. The original Calotype may, by that means, serve to produce a great number of pictures.

Mr. Talbot's patent was sealed on the 8th of February, 1841. In his specification, he claimed the use of gallic acid, and he succeeded in enforcing his claim in a Court of Law, though it appeared that on the 10th of April, 1839, photographs of objects taken in the solar microscope in five minutes, by the Rev. J. B. Reade, were shown at the London institution, which were described to have been produced by an infusion of galls, and fixed with hyposulphite of soda. It must be mentioned, however, to Mr. Talbot's honour, that on a representation to him by the President of the Royal Society that the art of Photography was impeded in its progress in this country by patent monopolies, he generously made a present to the public of all his inventions and discoveries, reserving to himself only the privilege of taking portraits.

The transfer from one paper to another of the picture obtained in the camera, and the comparative roughness of the surface of the paper itself, prevent Calotypes from exhibiting that sharpness and delicacy of definition which are so admirable in a Daguerreotype. Several attempts were therefore made to obtain a more smooth surface for the reception of the image; but without much success, until glass was adopted for the purpose. To make that material available, it is necessary to coat it with some substance that will absorb the sensitive solution. In the first instance, the white of eggs was employed with considerable success. Albumen has, however, been supplanted by collodion—a solution of gun-cotton in ether—which is found to be peculiarly suitable for the reception of the sensitive preparation of silver.

In conducting the collodion process, the collodion is first iodised by adding to it iodide of potassium and iodide of silver, dissolved in alcohol. The iodised collodion is then poured over a plate of glass that has been carefully cleaned, and is moved about horizontally until a perfectly uniform film is spread over the surface, to which it adheres firmly. The plate is afterwards dipped into a solution of nitrate of silver, which renders it so highly sensitive to impressions of light, that it will receive an image in less than a second. The image is latent, until it is developed by pouring over the plate a mixture of pyro-gallic acid in distilled water, acetic acid, and nitrate of silver. The impression is fixed with hyposulphite of soda.

The pictures produced by the collodion process are negatives, which serve admirably for transferring positive pictures on to sensitive paper. But, if required, the negative picture can be readily changed into a positive one, by converting the darkened silver into white metallic silver, by a mixture of protosulphate of iron and pyro-gallic acid. In a short time a white metallic image is obtained, which, when relieved by a background of black velvet or black varnish, equals in delicacy of finish the most beautiful Daguerreotypes.

Many attempts have been made, but hitherto without success, to obtain photographs coloured, as well as shaded, by nature. The opinions of those who have most studied the subject differ as to the possibility of ever attaining that desired object. Sir John Herschel has so far shown that it is not impossible, as to have impressed the colours of the solar spectrum on paper, by the mere action of light; and parts of the images of objects fixed on the screen of the camera are also sometimes coloured. These facts induce us to hope that in the progress of discovery some means may be found of obtaining naturally-coloured photographs, notwithstanding it has been pronounced, by good authorities, to be an absolute impossibility.

Specimens of coloured photographs were exhibited by Mr. Mercer at the recent meeting of the British Association, which showed that by the use of various chemical preparations that are sensitive to light, photographs may be shaded in colours. The principal re-agents employed were salts of iron, and by immersing the paper in suitable menstrua, after the image had been impressed in the camera, the picture was developed in any colour required; the same tint being spread over the whole. One purpose to which it was suggested this coloured photographic process is applicable, is printing on woven fabrics, the action of light serving as a mordant to fix the colours.

Photography has been already applied to various uses, and it is capable of being rendered much more valuable. To the meteorologist it affords the means of registering the rise and fall of the mercury in the barometer and thermometer, and, by a self-registering apparatus, the changes of temperature and of atmospheric pressure are marked upon paper that records the time at which the changes occur. It may also be applied, in the same manner, to register the directions of the wind, and the times of its changes. The sun impresses his own image upon paper; and the spots on his surface, thus correctly delineated, can be compared with those seen in pictures of the sun at other times; and the foundation is laid for more correct knowledge of the nature of those appearances, and of the motion of the sun himself. Photographs of the moon and planets present exact representations of those heavenly bodies, as seen through the most powerful telescope; and, with the assistance of the stereoscope, the figure of the moon is shown in its true globular form, as it can be seen by no other means. It has been proposed, indeed, by the aid of Photography, to extend our knowledge of the stars far beyond the reach of telescopic vision; for as the image focused on the screen of the camera is composed of rays from every object on the body of a star, it might be possible to see those objects by greatly magnifying the image. It remains, however, for the further progress of discovery and invention, to arrive at so delicate a delineation by photographic processes, as to obtain landscapes of the moon, and portraits of the inhabitants of Jupiter!

One of the latest advances in the art of Photography has been the engraving on steel-plates by the action of light, by which means more forcible effects have been obtained than by the impressions of light upon paper. Mr. Fox Talbot has distinguished himself in thus fixing the images on steel, as he was the first to impress them upon paper. In his method of doing so, he covers the steel plate with a solution of isinglass and bichromate of potass, and placing a collodion negative picture upon it, he exposes it to the action of light. When the picture is sufficiently impressed, he etches it into the plate by means of bichloride of platinum. M. Niepce, the nephew of the original inventor of Photography, has produced the same effect by reviving the first processes adopted by his uncle; using, as he did, bitumen, dissolved in essential oil of lavender, to cover the plates. Two other foreign photographers, M. Poitevin and M. Pretschi, have also successfully directed their attention to engraving the images of the camera, which has now obtained a high degree of perfection.

It is well worth notice that these most recent improvements in Photography are but further developments of the original designs of M. Niepce, who not only succeeded in etching the pictures impressed by the light of the sun on his metal tablets, but made use of a glass surface, on which the now generally adopted collodion process depends.