EGAT's Thaitanic by Ken Albertsen - HTML preview

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E G A T’ S     T H A I T A N I C

Second Edition, with updates written weeks after Fukushima


Second Edition     ISBN 9781879338135   

Written and copyright 2011 by Ken Albertsen Publications, Chiang Rai, Thailand   


This Second Edition includes discussion of Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Power plant – which has hit by the double whammy earthquake/tsunami of March 2011 – which happened awhile after the first edition of this booklet was published.


FOREWORD:  Like many countries worldwide, Thailand is having to take a serious look at future projections of its electricity needs.  It has some natural gas reserves on its territory, but those reserves are not expected to be robust for the long term.  Thai authorities import natural gas from Burma – and import electricity generated from hydro from Laos.  


     There is a belief among some Thai politicians and business leaders that nuclear power plants are inevitable for Thailand.  They appear so determined to join the nuclear club, that objective perspectives take a back seat.  In this text, we’ll articulate several reasons why nuclear power plants would be a mistake for Thailand.