A Russian Rose by Aedan Sayla - HTML preview

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Words of Truth

Movement had me lifting my head. I was being held. Blinking, I came aware enough to acknowledge the fact that I was still naked, but wrapped up in a blanket.

Looking about I saw the door of a house and obligingly I opened the door.

“Ah, she awakens. You were out of it there for a while.”

Blushing, I combed at my wild hair as he set me down on my feet. It was broad daylight outside.

Blinking, I looked away from the window to him. This was his house.

I was going to live here with him. I was going to have the opportunity to cook, clean, talk, and love this man every day of the year.

How was such a future possible?

Somehow he seemed to read my turbulent thoughts and came closer. His arms came about me and in confession, I whispered, “I don’t deserve this.”

“I could say the same, but the truth of it is that even as God is giving me the greatest of gifts in you, even so I’m going to do my best to do right by His generosity.”

“You believe that your God put us together.”

“Yes, I do.”

“I need to know Him then.”

Caleb pulled back and smiled, “Why yes you do. In the meantime, I’m going to run over to your place and get a few things for you and in the process of doing that I’m also going to get a rather large amount of food for us to devour.”

“That sounds wonderful. I’m starving.”

“I’ll be quick.” He left then, but not before he patted my ass.

Smiling, I watched him go. We were going to be the laughing stock of the entire town.

Oh well.

Slowly I moved about my new home. It was modest, but nice.

There were things I could improve but I would do so only with his permission. I had no desire to change Caleb other than to help him drop his own scars of the past and be more like himself.

In some ways I viewed myself almost as his guest as I surely did not deserve all that I had been given. Coming to the bedroom I saw the evidence of a man who’d had no one to care for him in a very long time.

In many ways the whole house just seemed to exist for necessity’s sake. That would change.

I would make it into a home for him. I entered the master bathroom and dropped the blanket.

Thankfully, my fair skin was only slightly sunburned. Going to the shower, I turned it on.

I glanced down over myself. In some ways I still felt his hands upon me.

My lips perked up in a smile as I noted light bruising about my ankles. The ache inside me was real too, but the reality that I wanted him in me again was even stronger still.

I got into the shower and began to leisurely wash myself. I took my time and thoroughly relaxed.

His water pressure was amazing. Finally I turned it off.

Stepping out I gave a start as I saw him standing in the doorway of the bathroom. Shyly I dried off before him and then slipped into his bathrobe that was gigantic in its proportions upon me.

Seeming to come unglued, he said, pointing back the way he had come, “I have food, but first I just want to say thank you. My life has been all right, but I…. I just know you’re going to add to it where before my first wife seemed to subtract from it. Thank you for everything. I… to see in my shower, in my house…. I… joy. Yep, that’s the best word for it. You give me joy.”

Coming close to him I stood up on tiptoe and whispered, “When do you have to get up for work in the morning?”

He blinked dazedly and then told me.

Puzzled, he asked, “Why do you ask?”

“Because Mr. Lawman, I need to know the time so I can wake up before that.”

“Why? You don’t have to.”

“Oh yes I do. Who else is going to see that you get the correct start to your day?”


“Now that you’ve told me don’t bother with your clock. I will wake you.”

“You will wake me?”

“Yes and now is when you ask how I will wake you. Go on, ask me.”

“How will you wake me?”

Smiling, I slipped down to my knees and undid his pants. He was already hard and smelled gloriously of sex.

Looking up into his shocked gaze I said, “I’ll wake you up like this.”

My lips slid over him wetly and I felt his whole body shudder. He was speechless.

Wrapping a hand about his shaft I smiled and pulled back enough to say, “But you have to stay in bed until you go off okay?”

Numbly, he nodded and I went back to feasting upon him. He came then in great surging loads and I swallowed all of it.

Kissing the tip of his penis I stood up as he leaned back against the one doorjamb. Kissing him on the cheek, I said, “How about you get a shower while I get the food ready.”

I moved on down the hall and thickly he asked, “What if I wake up in the middle of the night with a raging hard-on for you?”

I turned and, walking backwards toward the kitchen I held up one finger and said, “The most important thing is don’t wake me up to ask if you can. Just move me into position, however you need, spit into your hand, wet your shaft and wake me up the hard way. You might have to hold me down, but that can be fun to you know. Don’t stop until you come and when you do leave your shaft buried in me and fall back to sleep with me.”

He was shaking his head and with a profound look in his eyes, he said, “You actually mean every word of that don’t you.”

I nodded and turned to go into the kitchen. It was the truth. I’d meant every word of it.