Agent in Training by Aedan Sayla - HTML preview

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“Take me!” She begged, but I shook my head no.

“Why?” She groaned out.

“Because our first time together is not going to be on the floor of Dmitri’s plane.”

Her eyes mournful she remained quiet as I kissed her again. Then I got up off the floor only to realize that we were flying.

Fastening my pants together, I then helped her up off the floor. I surprised her then by sitting down in her seat and pulling her to sit down on me with her back to my front.

Her legs splayed apart to either side of mine and I felt her shiver as I spoke against the sensitive spot behind her ear, “Just because I’m not going to take you now doesn’t mean I’m not going to torment you for the duration of the flight.”

She gasped as I kissed behind her ear and then bit gently into the side of her neck. She was shaking slightly as I maintained my grip with my mouth on her even as I worked my hand up under the front of her skirt.

I rubbed my fingers across her panties where she was already soaking wet and she came apart at the seams. She held nothing back as she groaned and shuddered through her orgasm poised on my lap in complete submission to my every touch.

I’d barely touched her and this had been the result. What would be like when I put my mouth on her?

“Undue your blouse.” I whispered after she’d calmed down a little.

Fingers shaking, she began to do so.

Looking over her shoulder I said, “You have absolutely beautiful breasts, Honey.”

Her chest seemed to swell out even more at my words and then she groaned gutturally as my fingers slipped beneath the band of her soaked panties and rubbed directly upon her pleasure center. She bucked on my lap and gasped and I knew I was giving her too much direct stimulation, but a part of me didn’t care.

I wanted to see this girl screaming with pleasure. Any other woman would have probably jumped off my lap, but she stayed and let me play with her as I wanted to and finally she did scream.

Trying to cut the scream off, she rammed her fist against her mouth, but it was still the sweetest sound I’d ever heard.

“You are so sweet.” I whispered, as her whole body shook from the shattering release she had just experienced. Her legs still remained splayed apart in open invitation of whatever I wanted.

Her utter submission to my desires was like the sweetest of foods that I couldn’t get enough of.

“Stand up and take your panties off.”

Shakily, she got up with my assistance. Pulling her skirt up, she did as I asked and as she stepped out of them, she held them up and I took them from her.

Hand shaking she brushed at her hair even as I brought her panties to my face and smelled in the spicy sweet aroma that was all her. I patted the table in front of me and she got the message.

Almost shyly she stepped in front of me and set her gorgeous rear down on the small table before me. The smell and the look of her was simply too much.

Shaking my head I said, “Stand up.”

She did so.

“Lift your skirt up and turn.”

Fingers obeying even as her amber eyes reflected molten desire for me she brought her skirt up and turned around. Her bottom was breathtaking and leaning forward I kissed each half of perfection before turning her again and pressing against the delta of her womanhood for her to sit and as she did I pressed up higher until she lay backward over the table.

Her head and upper back falling over the small table I witnessed for the first time the glory of her womanhood splayed out before me. Caressing her silken thighs, I firmly held them apart even as if by instinct her calves hooked over my shoulders.

I leaned forward and kissed her and immediately she moaned. I licked the length of her wetly engorged labia and she cried out.

I suckled directly upon her clitoral bud and she came screaming.

It seemed all I had to do to pleasure this woman was to touch her. What would it be like to be inside her?

Her hands fought a war of wanting to pull my head away only to fall back down as she let me have my way with her. I let off on my suckle, but capturing both her hands, I held them by the wrist with just one of mine and pressed them against the warm pool of her belly even as her head still hung free towards the floor.

I began with my tongue to explore the new territory of her that was now entirely mine. My tongue touched everything.

I explored the creases of her thighs. I kissed the narrow patch of skin between her vagina and her asshole and then I licked wetly into the hot heat put off by her completely engorged vaginal lips, which were soaked wet with moisture from her desire of wanting me to be in her.

I penetrated her with my tongue and tasted her deeply all the while her body shuddered and spasmed as I did whatever I wanted to do with the most sensitive parts of her. A finger poised at her entrance I played with her clitoral bud again.

As she moaned I let my finger slide deep and crying out she came bucking against my face again. I could hear her crying from the force of pleasure she was experiencing, but she never told me to stop.

As I felt how incredibly tight she was about my finger, lost in orgasm as she was, I lost my resolve to wait even as I about came in my pants. Withdrawing my soaked finger I fumbled at the side of the seat that I was sitting on until finding the automatic button lever I depressed the recline function even as I continued to lick and suck at her.

Her voice was unintelligible as moan after moan bubbled from her lips even as her body seemed locked in a constant orgasm. I lifted my head from her and taking her hands that were now straining to be free I pulled her up.

She came upright and collapsed in against me weakly, still groaning from an orgasm that had never stopped. I tipped her chin up and the sensually clouded haze of her amber eyes blinked as they met mine.

“I wanted to wait and be romantic, but I can’t.”

Straightening up a little she kissed me wetly even as her hands undid my pants. Her fingers fumbled, but succeeded at last in their objective.

She was still shaking, completely overcome and in the moment I did what I wanted to. Standing up I stepped to the side and pushed her forward toward the reclined seat.

Stepping behind her I lifted her at the waist and brought her forward just enough for her knees to catch the edge of my reclined chair. I pushed on her back and she fell forward onto her hands even as I moved forward to stand between her calves.

My shaft was raging to be inside, to be where my finger had been, but she was positioned too high. In frustration I felt anger surge as in the moment the basic need I had to penetrate was being denied.

She did then what females have been able to do ever since the days of old at creation’s first breathe. She flexibly shifted her knees wider apart and her back arched down and suddenly she was perfectly positioned before me ripe for the taking.

Slipping her skirt up I claimed a harsh grasp upon her wide hips with my hands, even as in my passion driven state I took in the exotic look of a woman well pleasured, who turning her head looked back at me in a way that said she thought I was the most amazing stud in the world and that she couldn’t wait to have me buried inside of her to the hilt.

It wasn’t an act on her part, it was real, and nuzzling my shaft into the engorged folds of her entrance I let myself go and drove all the way home into my wife. She was mine and forcibly I laid claim to her as every blessedly tight inch of her canal gave way to my shaft in a repeated fashion that was both brutal and beautiful.

My grip on her hips kept her from getting away, but far from that was the reality of each time I made my way into her, she was giving all she had to push back and meet my invasion with open submissiveness that begged for me to take everything and go as deep as I desired. The moment was far from romantic. It was elemental and raw and yet perfect.

My seed erupted from me almost savagely and straining I worked my way into her as deeply as possible and breathing like a stallion I held still locked in muscular tension as I spilled everything of me into the deepest reaches of her. The pleasure I was experiencing was indescribable.

This woman was perfection both physically and elementally. I couldn’t believe that she was mine, but she was.

I could take her every day like this if I wanted. How…. why had God blessed me so?

Groaning, I bucked my shaft into her realizing with pleasure the orgasmic squeeze of her gripped tight about the entirety of me in yet another full orgasm on her part. She’d come at the same time that I had and not being able to stop myself, I began easing my still hard shaft back-and-forth into her for the sheer glory of the pleasure of feeling how good she felt.

Slowly better senses returned to me, but that said I couldn’t bring myself to pull free of her. I never wanted this moment to end, but eventually it had to.

Sighing, I pulled free of her already wishing to be back where I had been. I helped bring her up to her feet.

She could barely stand. Feeling bad I kissed the hair covering her one ear and said, “That was hard. I’m sor….”

Her still shaking fingers covered over my lips and pulling her head back, she gazed up at me. I saw the truth written within her eyes that she had just experienced as much nirvana as I had.

Whispering, she said as tears fell, “Never….. never before like this! Thank you, all my heart. I’m yours and just now I feel you give all of you to me. Very beautiful! Please never change. I want all you have! I will give you all that I am always, promise.”

What did you say to such honest sincerity of heart? I kissed her and took her with me as I lay down upon the reclined chair.

I brought her to lay over top of me and together we just lay there kissing with a sincerity that I realized almost by surprise was love. There was the physical yes, but right now was love of a different kind.

She loved me and I loved her. Apart we were two darkened and somewhat shattered people, but together I was discovering something new, happiness.

I’d never had it and with relish I held on to her even as I got to experience more and more of it as each air mile went by taking us to our destination.