Agent in Training by Aedan Sayla - HTML preview

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Ecstasy of Belonging

Sonia wandered along the beach. The breeze was warm, so very warm.

It was hard to imagine the feeling of such warmth. Two weeks ago she’d been locked away in a Moscow brothel that she hadn’t been allowed to leave since the day she had arrived in chains.

That place…… she thought it had taken everything, now, though…… now was good. Now was indescribably good.

She let unspoken tears of gratitude fall. It felt good to cry.

For the first time in her life, it felt good to cry. Coming to a stop Sonia sank to her knees in the warm sand and gazing heavenward, she sang a song of praise to God in her native Russian language.

She’d never let go of her faith, not even in the midst of hell, but He was the one who’d given her the strength to see this day come to pass. Feeling overcome she fell forward in the sand and it was like her skin absorbed the heat from the sun-kissed sand as if her insides were a cold place in need of the fire of rejuvenation.

That was just what her God was doing for her too. He was giving her back everything. No, He’d given her more than she’d ever had.

Life had always been hard and only her mother had wanted her it seemed, but now she had a man. A hard man, but a good man.

He had a heart to care, despite everything that must of happened to him, he still had a heart for her that he shared openly with her. All this week and last week such smiles he’d given her.

It was as if he’d never done it before in terms of the way his face creased with the effort to show that he was happy. Each smile was priceless because it told her she had value far and above her body. She had his heart.

No man had ever been like him. She’d been taken many times, only some had ever tried to please her. He alone had pleased her the most.

Her God was making everything new. Her hands swept down and formed over her still flat stomach.

Even new life was coming to be inside of her. Not only was she a wife, but soon she would be a mother.

Whether it was a son or daughter she would gladly die to protect them from what had been done to her. Rorian was the same.

In public he would not let her get out of his sight. Always he watched over her like she was the most precious gem in the world.

Smiling Sonia laid over in the warm sand relishing everything that was coming to be in her life. Rorian had been gone for two days, but tonight she would be back in his arms and she could not wait, because it felt like he had taken her heart with him when he had left.

In his arms had become her favorite place to be. Getting up, she wiped at her face, but only succeeded in getting sand stuck to her cheeks.

Laughing, she got up off the sand and with eagerness headed for the villa located on a nearby bluff overlooking the sea. It was a beautiful place and the gleaming ring on her finger said that it belonged to her. As nice as it was though it would never be home unless Rorian was with her in it.

Gaining the plateau above the beach she saw a car approaching in the distance. It was his.

Smiling, she stopped to wait. The car came to a stop and he was out in the next moment.

He stayed by the car, but everything about him screamed intense want. He needed her.

Smiling shyly she approached to stand within the bears reach. Not hesitating she moved forward and kissed him.

His hands claimed her hips with a decisive hint as to the pressure she could sense that was vibrating like an earthquake just beneath the level of his skin. Breaking the kiss off, she took in his hot gaze upon her bikini-clad chest and said, “Welcome home, Honey.”

His eyes had guiltily started to lift but fell back down as with one hand she pulled the strings free behind her back and let bikini fall. Smiling richly she took in with delight how she had pleased him and going farther her fingers began to undo his shirt until it was completely open.

He had remained still all this time, now his breath exhaled as she leaned in close and kissed his neck wetly allowing her nipples to brush into his chest hair when she did so. The pulse beneath her lips thundered and with each beat, she fell further in love.

His restraint was unnecessary and yet it spelled out his love for her. No man had ever restrained himself when it came to her, but he did.

Strange was life, for he was the only man she did not ever want to be restrained with her. Kissing her way down his chest until her knees found the travertine pavers of the front walkway she undid his belt.

Glancing up she took in the heat of his gaze and softly whispering she said, “I missed you. Did you miss me?”

In exclamation then he burst out with, “You’ve enslaved me! I can’t do anything but think of you!”

Laughing in delight, she made him groan, then by taking his raging member into her mouth even as she was still laughing. He was literally about to explode.

He had spoken the truth. Thoughts of her had driven him to be in pain.

Her hand gently cupped his swollen balls that burned hotly with the repressed desire they had suffered with because of his thoughts for her. She kept the head of his shaft encircled by her lips as she turned her head and glanced up at him with one eye.

He was unique this man. He did not want to come because he had done nothing for her yet. What a gift he was.

Gaining his full attention she let her lips slide free of him, but she held his shaft in place with her hand as she whispered, “You are home. Relax. Let go. Please me later. Okay?”

Grudgingly, he nodded as if she’d asked a hard thing. She took the head of his shaft back into captivity and with her head still turned with her lips stretched full of him she gave him a suggestive wink even as she stroked the skin behind his swollen balls with a thumb firmly.

It was too much to resist and he went past his ability to control the inevitable. Her lips constricted around him even as he started to fill her mouth with his hot seed.

She had done this to many men, but never had she craved it like she did now. Her loins already moistened let go and in shock she felt an orgasm rip through her even as the evidence of his pumped continuously into the sucking clasp of her lips.

At last his orgasm was complete and she let go of him and shakily got up to her feet only to huddle in against his chest. His arms came around her tightly and in a peace far deeper than any she’d ever known she rested against him.

Always in order to survive and to not be beaten, she had been forced to give, but giving to this man gave her far more in return. His arms moved and she found herself lifted up and cradled in his arms.

She giggled, then as moving forward, he stumbled and almost crashed both of them to the ground as he fought his pants that were still around his ankles. Smiling wryly, he righted himself and tore one leg free of his pants.

Gaining that freedom he started up the walkway dragging the pants behind him. Not able to help herself, Sonia let herself burst out with the deep laughter that she’d been holding to a chuckle.

“Think it’s funny do you?” He challenged, but he had a smile fighting at his own lips to be free.

“Yes, I do darling!” She said laughing even as she still laughing kissed him.

The kiss was a long one and then she was being let down. The door was behind her and reaching around her he opened it and said, “Now get your beautiful self inside before I make a complete fool of myself and have you where you stand.”

Smiling, she turned and went inside the house. Half of her bottom was treated to a slapped spank from one of his big hands.

It stung, but far from hurting her it excited her more than anything. She turned around only to see him getting everything off. True to his words he was once more erect.

As men physically went his vitality was amazing and while not beautiful of face as some men could boast he was nonetheless all male, which she liked even more. More important than appearance, though was the reality of who he was inside and the knowledge of that overshadowed everything he was in terms of outward physical manifestation instead of it being the other way around as it was commonly the case with women other than her that looked no further than what the exterior had to offer.

Her fingers pulled the strings on her hips and the bikini bottom fell even as he stepped closer to her. As his hand reached out and lifted one of her full breasts, she asked invitingly, “How you want me? Hard and now? Want me to bend over?”

Shaking his head, he said, “No, Honey. I’m afraid I’m going to torture you for a while.”

His hand left her breast to capture her hand as he headed for the master bedroom. Smiling, she followed with anticipation. He was ever a man of his word.




Seven Hours Later

Dreamily Sonia watched the classic movie playing on the TV as she munched on popcorn. They were on a couch and Rorian was behind her fast asleep.

He’d been true to his word and tortured her with pleasure. After that they’d made dinner completely naked.

Ate it and had each other again and since then they had been watching old movies. Well, she had anyway.

He’d been asleep for hours. For whatever reason, though she was wide awake.

Life was too precious and enjoyable right now to waste any of it with sleeping through it. The movie was over though, and she did not want to move to put in another one.

She shut the TV off with the remote and the room became dark. Sighing happily she nuzzled her face down onto the arm of her husband that her head rested on.

“What, your movie marathon is finally over?” Came his drowsy voice from behind her head.

Smiling in the dark she said, “I’m too lazy to get up and I didn’t want to wake you.”

His arm shifted and then all of him was moving. He lifted himself up and over her in the pursuit of disturbing her as little as possible and she listened in the dark as he moved about.

The TV screen came alive and yet one more old movie came to life on the screen. Admiringly her eyes traced over her husband’s figure as he came closer and knelt down to her.

“I think you’ll like this one. Can I get you anything while I’m up?”

Staring at him she had to fight against a sudden urge to cry.

“No.” She whispered.

He looked burdened as he took in the emotion of her face, but he didn’t say anything. Then he spoke, “You sure?”

She nodded.

Sighing, he rose only to climb back behind her and settle in again. His arms came around her and he held her tightly with evident love and it was just too much and Sonia let out a sob even as her arm reached back to cradle the head of the man she loved so much.

He kissed behind her ear and in between the sobs she managed to get out, “You make me so happy. No one ever care about what I want. Now God has given me you and it seems you do nothing but care for me. I don’t deserve……”

His hand came over her lips, silencing her. Whispering into her ear, he said, “Shut up Darling.”

She did only to hear him then say, “I could never give you as much as you deserve Honey. You are of priceless value in both my eyes and God’s. What you are inside can never be bought or sold. This is how you need to see yourself. You are more than worthy of anything anyone could do for you, okay?”

She nodded and rubbed her cheek lovingly into the palm of his hand. She kissed it and felt his shaft stir to life against her bottom.

Rubbing back into his groin, she welcomed anything he wanted to do to her. His hand left her cheek to slide down her side only to cup over her hip possessively.

“I never dreamed it was possible to want a woman as much as I want you!”

Glancing back, she smiled and cajolingly said, “I’m yours so have I.”

His hand slid to her thigh and lifted it to rest on top of his leg and then his shaft was nuzzling into her from behind even as he held her to him. The moment was sweet and moaning with the joy of him in her, she shifted back into him to better receive his shallow thrusts.

As the minutes went by though it became clear that the action was not enough for both of them. With cat like grace Sonia lifted her upper leg away from where it rested on his and smoothly slid off the couch onto her feet.

Not looking back, she sauntered barefoot across the expensive rug towards the TV, only to kneel down and present her rear to a man who didn’t need a second invitation. As her nipples grazed the carpet on the floor, she waited in expectation of his hands to claim her hips only to then feel his shaft claiming her body.

It happened just as she had imagined and groaning she ground her rear back into his masterful invasion of her with the sheer ecstasy that she felt continually of both body and soul to be this man’s woman. He lasted a long time and she had come twice when finally his seed jetted hotly into her depths that only he would ever plunder again.

In exhaustion, they both fell over onto their sides to face each other and as if she was a wayward storm tossed vessel she eased forward into his arms like he was her safe harbor meant to shield her from the storm and that was exactly what he was.

The old movie played on in the background as two lovers lost in love for each other rested together in the first real peace of either of their lives since they’d been children too young to know how cruel the world could be at times.