Cave Man by Aedan Sayla - HTML preview

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A New Day

It was getting light all around us, but I didn’t have the heart to wake her yet. At some point in the night she had drawn close.

Progressively in search for warmth I guessed she had shifted until now she lay entirely on top of me. I watched her head rise and fall with every breath that I took.

She truly was a thing of delight and not able to restrain myself, I brought my hands to her sides and pulled her further up me. Her eyes abruptly flew open.

She made to push away, but my hand lifted to the back of her head and pressed and within a moment we were drinking in each other’s breath. I kissed her wetly and with insistence, I eventually got her to open her mouth.

When it finally did sweetly fall open I pressed my tongue in to play with hers even as my hands reveled in the curving slope of her back until they met the sublime arching curve of her ass and that is where they stayed.

My fingers curled over the cheeks of her bottom and I pulled. Her ass split apart, only to be pressed together again by my hands.

Her lips broke from mine and I saw her blink appreciably as I continued to work her ass. She liked what I was doing I could tell.

On her elbows, she stared at me and then blushed as my gaze lowered to her full breasts. I looked meaningfully from her one breast to her eyes and then back again.

She knew what I wanted. I was curious to see what she would do though.

Her countenance blushed several shades darker and yet slowly she began to move. She hitched herself forward several inches and leaning to the one side she offered me with one hand the dusky brown nipple that my eyes had hungered for.

My mouth enveloped her nipple wetly and I began a full suckle upon her breast that had no gentility to it. Her whole body twitched and her hand left her breast to briefly push at my chest, but I claimed her wrist with mine.

She was mine to taste and I wouldn’t be denied the delight that her breasts could afford me. She shook within my grip as I hungrily suckled upon her with the firm latch of an adult man.

She would give me milk long before the birth of our first child and with that emphatic thought to myself, I shifted her and hungrily took hold of her other nipple. She gasped and bucked against the grip of my mouth, but I gave her no mercy.

I was hungry, so very hungry to once again be nourished daily by the body of a woman. Both of her breasts had engorged with blood and in a way I could tell that my actions were already provoking a physiological change within her.

I glanced up from my mouth’s clasp of her warm, sweet flesh to see her eyes crammed shut even as the breath came fast to her lips. Letting my restraining hand slide away from her back, I let it come beneath her.

Firmly my fingers rolled her other nipple. She jerked and as I suckled hard on the other I felt the beauty of her orgasm course across her whole frame.

She screamed with extreme passion and then with a desperate look to them I saw her eyes open. There were tears in them, even as the pleasure I had her experiencing had her writhing upon me in naked want.

I was being too hard with her. I let her abused nipple escape and bringing her head down I kissed her on the lips wetly.

Her lips swollen from earlier parted without resistance and again I tasted her mouth. Her eyes that were so hard to read stared into mine as I wetly explored the depths of her mouth.

My shaft was a raging torrent of need as it strained against her thigh even as its head grazed the gates of her womanhood repeatedly. Taking a hold of her hips I pushed her down and in doing so I entered her.

Her eyes opened even wider as she felt me make way in between her legs and breathing heavy she lay upon me. Meeting her gaze even as her passionately full breasts drug through my chest hair I said, “Ride me.”

She blinked. She yet couldn’t understand me and then she surprised me by moving down upon my shaft slightly.

I went deeper and with the passage of time my shaft became utterly soaked to the hilt in her hot womanhood. She struggled for a moment to proceed and patiently I waited for her.

She moved then and my shaft went shallow and then deep. Her nails dug into my shoulders even as she gasped in time with her own movements.

Laughing softly I pushed her up by her shoulders and as I did her body sunk on me and I went to the hilt in her once more. She jerked hard and would have risen up off of me, but I let one hand fall to her widely proportioned hip and held her seated upon me.

She swayed there and stared at me unsteadily. She would’ve collapsed back down onto me, but I pushed her completely upright upon me.

She seemed very shy and again I wondered at potentially how little sexual experience she had ever had. Lying back I let my hands slide from her hips to place them behind my head and interlace them there.

Drinking in the vision of her fully engorged breasts and split apart thighs, I said lazily, “Move.”

Lifting my own hips off the ground I drove up into her even as I lifted her whole body up into the air. She gasped hard and both of her hands fell to grip at my waist.

Breathing heavy her eyes opened to gaze down at me once more. I nodded in encouragement and slowly then she rose up on me, only to reach a midpoint and then slide all the way back down.

As she slid down her eyes closed and with every heated slide by her upon me, I felt a look of sheer contented pleasure come across my face. It became too much eventually though for her and with hands fallen to my chest once more for support she drove herself down upon me only to then grind with a series of breathy gasps before her whole body seized about me in an orgasm that left her gasping for air and me thanking my Creator all over again for this amazing woman.

The feeling of being willingly enveloped by her was simply too much and I lay still beneath her as I filled her with my seed that was coaxed out of me by every rhythmic squeeze of her womanhood wrapped so tightly about me.

Smiling, I waited for her eyes to open and as they did I said, “That was beautiful Ayangla. You are so beautiful!”

She blushed even hotter still and hesitantly, her hands came up towards her breasts, but catching my gaze her hands stopped. Beginning to look embarrassed I saved her by rolling her under me.

Shaft still within her I began kissing her all over again. I kept kissing her until my shaft was once more hard and as it fully materialized, I embarked once more in exploring her as deeply as I could go.

She clung to me and again I heard my name on her lips. Grunting savagely I eased my seed into her for the second time, even as I had just provoked her body to orgasm for the third time.

Resting on my elbows I opened my eyes and saw something even more beautiful than expected. She was smiling.

Her smile brought out my own and leaning down I kissed her even as I relished the feel of her legs gripping about me. There would be no need of bound hands or a lead rope today.

This woman was mine and once more she now fully knew it and was accepting of it. I thanked my Creator for the victory as my tongue played with hers that was now timidly beginning to venture forth to play with mine.