Cave Man by Aedan Sayla - HTML preview

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A New Home

Three Months Later


The air was chilled, but the elation of landfall was enough to warm the blood. The journey across the Great Sea had been both arduous and extremely hazardous.

Twice giant sea monsters had come close enough to the boat to almost tip us over. Then for two weeks we had been ensnared in a floating log mat, a residual flow from the time before when the great forests of the world were ripped down by the waters raging down upon the earth sent by the hand of God.

For years they had been floating and slowly rotting to one by one sink beneath the waves of the sea to the floor of the ocean. Now, thankfully we were finally free of all the obstacles that we had encountered and entering into a new land.

The boat was moving fast and with a hard riding bump we slammed into the sands of the beach. Enais and I both with a grimace glanced over at our respective wives.

Both were clutching at their stomachs as they sat beside each other in joint misery. The sooner we had them off the boat and onto dry land the better things would be for all of us.

Amidst the crashing of noisy tides I went about gathering up the few provisions that were left to us, while Enais with his great bow jumped to the land to scout out the terrain beyond the beach. He was back quickly and together we got both women to the dry sands of the beach.

The women would’ve gladly stayed on the beach for a while in relishmeant of solid ground, but both Enais and I knew that open places are never that safe and so with slight mumbles of grumpiness they followed us into the terrain beyond the sands of the beach. Both of them were several months pregnant and they had attitudes to match.

Both Enais and I were looking forward to some quiet time apart from them and yet we dearly loved our women and they us and with a joint feeling of growing excitement that brought out new energy in all of us we journeyed forth into a new land. A land far from other men.

A land we would conquer and reproduce our own kind into even as we sought to honor the ways of the Creator, for both I and Enais did not want the judgment of the Creator to fall upon us as we had seen it do upon the greatest city of men.




It took several hours of walking and then some climbing to reach several inviting looking caves. With caution Enais and I investigated them.

They were empty and with thankfulness we moved our women into the central cave. I worked hard upon the making of a fire and that done, I went about collecting firewood.

I made piles of it in all three caves. Then, with my sword I chopped soft needled evergreen branches off to make beds in both side caves.

That done, I went about collecting even more firewood. With a soft spirit of discovery I walked about the surrounding terrain.

In my heart and then with my lips I began thanking my Creator for everything. I made it back to the fire as darkness finally began to fall upon this new land.

Both women had been out and about discovering as I had and now as I drew near I could see that they too had been busy. Armfuls of various looking vegetables, berries, and herbs lay on a blanket before the fire.

Both women were laughing. It was a very good sound to hear.

Ayangla saw me and proudly gestured to the food that she had helped to gather. I smiled and nodded as we were all half starved for something other than fish.

I looked up then to see Enais stumble into the cave weighed down by the plump carcass of a type of deer that I had never seen before. He laid it down and for a long moment all four of us stared at the bounty before us.

Feeling emotional I glanced around only to see both women already crying. Their hands were clasped and nodding as the notion struck I stepped forward and took Ayangla’s other hand.

I held my other out to Enais and he caught on swiftly and stepped forward to take mine and that of his woman’s. Feeling half choked I spoke, “All this before us. These wives you’ve given each of us. We are truly thankful Father. Please help us to be stewards of this land that You’ve led us to and let our dominion over it not be hindered.”

After a long moment of reflective silence we broke apart and went to the work of making a feast. All of us ate and ate and then ate some more.

I don’t know where it went, but we all had the same condition and as we ate we talked and shared stories and made plans for the morrow. Eventually, though feeling the proverbial drawl to be close with my woman, really close, I leaned into her and kissed her behind her ear.

She gasped and lifting my eyes I saw that Enais was similarly making his own intent clear to his woman in much the same way. Both women, who had not been quiet for hours now, were quite silent now as each of their mates made it lovingly clear that they desired to be inside of them.

In some ways it was the most fitting of conclusions to such an epic day. I saw Ayangla’s eyes open and with a cheerful whisper she said to Sarli, “I’ll see you in the morning.”

The only response to her farewell was a giggle as with urgency Sarli was brought to her feet to be drug away by her man. Similarly, I drug Ayangla along as with a torch in my hand, I entered our side cave off of the main cave.

I stuck the torch into the ready-made firewood and with a dry whoosh it started to blaze up. I turned from the fire only to see Ayangla already disrobed with her dress laid across the soft pine needles.

Her long hair was drawn to the side and with a teasing look she gave me a glance over one shoulder before kneeling down upon the bed that I had made for her. My own clothes fell and with a groan I stepped up behind her as she kneeled before me on hands and knees.

Intuitively she knew I just had to come. Squatting behind her I remained on my feet as I rested my hands on her hips for balance.

I drove into her and she gasped hard, only to turn her head and look back at me with a glance that begged for more. I gave it to her and with brutal force I cried out as my seed bathed the gates of her already impregnated womb.

Pulling free I collapsed down to the bed of pine needles. I opened my eyes as I felt her mouth hungrily close over mine even as she straddled me.

My hands stroked lovingly over her and we shared each other’s breath for several long moments. With a groan, she slid down onto my shaft never breaking contact with my lips as she did so.

She road me until with a scream she came crying euphorically against my neck. Her orgasm at last came to a close and softly I left her there impaled upon me as I listened to her steadily fall asleep.

Without a doubt I was one of the happiest men alive. I was pretty sure that there was another such man just one cave door over.

Smiling, I stared out at the starry night sky outside. Winter was coming, but in the cave it was warm.

Encased within my woman it was warmer still. In completion of spirit, I fell asleep with the sweet weight of my loving wife and unborn child resting on top of me.