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The main factor, whether we like it or not, is the Army. In countries where the military massacred the population, as happened in Spain with Franco or in Argentina with Videla, and did hand in hand with the Catholic Church, most of the population had a gru-dge. In other words, they knew that voting for same-sex marriage was a slap in the face to the Vatican.

This explains why Spain was able to have marriage a decade before the United States (don’t tell me that Spaniards are more tolerant and better gay activists than Americans).

So, is the gay movement about to triumph? Once countries like Guatemala, Honduras or Jamaica approve marriage, will we have achieved liberation?

I highly doubt it. The gay community in Latin America only gathers in large parades, does almost no social work, does less HIV prevention and cares little about the fight against hate crimes. Considering that no one gives money to the cause, the big or small contributors are the bars, the saunas, some foreign leftist NGOs (who take their good commissions from European donors and push a pro-Palestinian and Antisemitic agenda) and those who organize the famous marches that no one knows what is done with the money. These are the ones who manage the existing groups and travel far and wide attending all kinds of conferences. The Left who sent us to concentration camps in Cuba or refuses to grant us rights in Nicaragua and Venezuela is now our ally as it swallowed the 185

gay movement. If today the activists of the past century (no one would recognize them because the woke movement have made them disappear) could visit us and see gay men and women supporting Hamas, in its supposed “anti-colonial” struggle, which is nothing more than a sham and ultimately a new religious struggle in which Islam seeks to destroy the West, they could only return to their graves and never leave them.

I asked one of these pro-Palestinian supporters how is it possible he allies with a regime that would throw him off the roof. “We must respect cultural differences”- he responded.

Don’t be surprised, then, that we have the same problems of years ago and nothing has changed: alcoholism in our community is three times higher than in the heterosexual community (which is already astro-nomical). And with alcohol, come drugs. Combine both and don’t be surprised that HIV remains higher than in the non-gay community. It is the height of absurdity that in 30 years of living with the epidemic, we have not eradicated it. Our life expectancy is many years less than in the straight community as we still kill ourselves in hundreds of different ways.

When the time comes to finally celebrate same-sex marriage throughout the region, let’s know something: the gay party started, and the gay party is over.