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For philosophers like Zizek, one never knows why we fall in love. When one realizes it, you are already in love and there is no way to go back to the previous state. It is like Derrida sees language: it is acquired suddenly, once learned, there is no turning back.

For me, a blond mammoth with an Italian mouth, virile and with a position in the Senate, was a dream of any gay teenager. Ted tells me that, if his Greek god-like face attracted me, my eyes obsessed him. I come from a Polish Jewish family whose DNA goes back to Turkey, where Jews surely mixed with Arabs or Spanish Jews and then, my eyes were, as Ted said, those of García Lorca. They also ironically resembled those of Hershel Grynspan, who killed his German lover at the Embassy in France, which sparked Kristallnacht27.

“You’re right. I hadn’t thought about it. You really resemble Grynspan. This is more dangerous than I thought. Hershel killed Ernst vom Rath28 and it 27 Kristallnacht, also known as the Night of Broken Glass, occurred on November 9-10, 1938, when violent anti-Jewish pogroms took place throughout Nazi Germany. It resulted in widespread destruction of Jewish-owned businesses, homes, and synagogues. This marked a significant escalation in the persecution of Jews during the Holocaust.

The name “Kristallnacht” refers to the shattered glass from broken windows. The event is a somber reminder of the atrocities committed during that dark period in history.

28 Ernst vom Rath was a German diplomat whose assassination played a role in triggering Kristallnacht. He was shot by Herschel Grynszpan, a young Polish Jew, on November 7, 1938, in Paris. Vom Rath 118

was never known if he did it to avenge his family or because there was something between them.”

“Vom Rath looked like a crazy bitch. Killing you would be a crime against humanity. Grynspan was born in Hanover, but his family was from Wiskow and the Schirano and Grynspan families are related, and that’s where we come from.”

For me, at seventeen, it was not difficult to enter Ted’s mind and observe the cockroaches running there.

Could this be the Look that Ted talked about? He argued that I gave him the Jewish Look, a way to see that deconstructs your ego and returns it in a better way.

His father, handsome like him, was an alcoholic and womanizer, he was never home and when he was, he would beat his mother, Ted, and his siblings. He could never satisfy him with anything, not even when he entered politics and had so much success. In that, it was the repeated story of JFK and they had both been friends. And JFK had touched my face years ago. It was a premonition, I’m sure.

JFK’s older brother was the one who was supposed to be president. Jack had to get into politics because his father demanded it. Ted tried to win his father over with the position of senator. However, neither of these fathers knew how to thank them. My father hadn’t succumbed to his injuries on November 9, 1938. The Nazi regime exploited his death as a pretext for the violent anti-Jewish pogroms that ensued, known as Kristallnacht. The assassination and its after-math were part of the escalating persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany leading up to the Holocaust.