Forbidden Fruit: Luscious and exciting story, and More forbidden fruit; or, Master Percy's progress in and beyond the do by Anonymous - HTML preview

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My mother was too wise to allow Mary to sleep in the same room with me after having, as she thought, opened my eyes and allowed me to taste the forbidden fruit of love. That night I was glad to retire early and went to sleep fully believing my usual bed-fellow would lay herself by my side when she returned home with my aunt; but I slept soundly till the next morning and was greatly surprised to find myself alone when I awoke in the morning, and lay for some time wondering how it was—supposing of course they had stayed at my aunt's friends all night. About eight o'clock there was a tap at the door, and I called out "Come in!" and there was Patty all blushes and smiles to say it was nearly breakfast time.

"Here, Patty," I said, holding out my arms to her, "Come and forgive my rudeness to you yesterday. Kiss me; then I shall be sure you do."

"How can I help loving you, Master Percy, after what you did to me?" as she threw her arms round my neck and imprinted a long, burning kiss on my lips.

"You didn't have Mary here last night; your Mamma made her sleep with her last night, and they are not up yet, so I made a pretence to call you. I couldn't get you out of my thoughts all night, you wicked, bad boy. Now you have ruined me."

"My love, how could I help it? You looked so tempting as you lay asleep on the bed," I said, getting one hand up her clothes till it fairly grasped her mossy palpitating love grot.

She didn't struggle, but said softly: "Ah, no, you mustn't, you'll make me a baby, Percy; you are such a big, strong fellow."

"You don't love me, Patty, or you would want me again, but I mean to have it now, just this once, my darling, so don't make a fuss, I must have you now," pulling her down by my side as I threw off the sheet, which was all I had over me, and exposed to her view my Prick in a most glorious state of erection.

There was no resistance now, as I made her grasp the staff of life and champion of love in her hand. "What a big thing!" she whispered. "Only to think it has been in me, or I should be dreadfully frightened, you bad, bad boy," she whispered, gluing her lips to mine in a long, ardent kiss. It was too delicious to hurry matters, her hand was gently, and I believe instinctively, caressing my delighted Prick, which seemed ready to burst from excessive desire, as our tongues met in rapturous dartings in and out of each other's mouths. She heaved a deep sigh, and knowing the psychological moment had arrived with her, I rolled over between her legs, and her own fingers, directed by the intensity of her feelings, put the head of my affair well within the lips of her swimming Cunt, one or two easy shoves sending it home to her heart's desire, as she heaved up to meet the penetrating strokes.

"Ah, how lovely, to feel it all in me again! You don't know how I have longed for you once more. Percy darling, since you ruined me yesterday. Ah, that was awful, how you stretched and tore into my poor Pussy, and yet, you bad boy, I loved you for it, I wanted it so; why didn't you run after me when I run away from you in the corridor at first? But I guess it was Mamma you were after just then, dressed as you were in her things. The sight of you and that kiss did make me feel hot. Now tell me everything, or I will shove you off, and you shan't have any fun with me."

I had got her too tight, but to please her and add zest to my fucking, I told her what a love my mother was, and how we had enjoyed ourselves in her bed, adding, "No fear, I shall fuck every one in the house now, neither my mother or my aunt shall stop me now I have found out what a pleasure it is."

"You dear boy, Percy. I must have my share, even if you make me a baby: shove into me! Quicker! Faster! Fuck me hard! Ah! oh! it's coming again. Spunk into your Patty. Say you will love me a little."

My boiling hot sperm shot into her delighted cunt at that same moment, making her squirm with the excess of her emotion, but it never relaxed in stiffness and kept on poking away, and making her more and more excited till we both came again in a perfect flood of love juice, which was so profuse that my balls and thighs, as well as her notch and legs, were all drowned in the creamy, viscous fluid and we lay panting and exhausted. There was no time for further fucking just then, so I rushed off to the bath-room to refresh myself.

Aunt Gertie was my sole companion at the breakfast table, and she eyed me with a peculiar look as I hungrily put away a lot of devilled kidneys, as well as two raw eggs beat up and mixed in my coffee, to which she slyly added a little fine old Cognac, a speciality of my father as a pick-me-up after too much woman.

"Percy," she said archly, "Did you miss Mary last night? Mamma took care to keep her away from you now she thinks she has opened your eyes. I knew she would take advantage of our being away yesterday to take what she thinks was your maidenhead, but we know better, don't we, dear. Still you must give Auntie Gertie her due now and then, as I taught you first. Tell me how she seduced you, Percy."

"Oh, Gertie, you know I was mad for her and didn't wait for her to give me a chance. I went and caught her asleep, so I dressed up in her chemise and that blue open-work combination, slippers, stockings, and all: it did show everything off, and the size of my bursting prick made her eyes start, I can tell you. Yet I pretended to not know anything, and acted the innocent so well she thinks she taught me everything. Ah! it was lovely—luscious—I can tell you; so I didn't want Mary much last night, you may be sure. But talking of it makes me awfully stiff now; let me kiss your lovely cunt, and have a fuck on the chair. We can't go anywhere else; the servants won't come unless rung for."

My head was soon under shirts, and my tongue made that lascivious cunt of hers quiver and spend in profusion, as I sucked out every drop, then jumping up, as rampant as a goat, I pulled her across my lap as I sat on a chair; her hands taking hold of my terribly rigid instrument and holding it straight to the mark, as she slowly impaled herself on it; then, gluing her lips to mine, she almost sucked my breath away as she rode up and down on my champion. We were both too hot for it to last long, her spendings gushed in response to my emission at the critical moment, and we revelled in a sea of delight, her cunt nipping me so tightly that I kept on tossing her up and down on it, and a long drawn out engagement made us both so excited that when we spent again the erotic fury gave me such strength that I fairly lifted her in my arms as I stood up and danced her on my prick, without any support from the chair, till I reeled back spent and exhausted, dragging her to the floor by my side. How we laughed when we recovered a little, and resolved to have many more such fucks after breakfast when Mamma happened to lay late.

"Now I shall go and have a look at them in bed, and, if Mary is still with Mamma, will get in between them. Won't that be a lark, Gert?"

"What a boy my Percy is," she said, kissing me. "Take a drop of Papa's liqueur, and perhaps, after all I have done, you will be able to do as much as she can expect after what she did for you yesterday."

I had a nip of that wonderful liqueur, which must have been the same as Mary had mentioned when telling me of the scene between Capt. Devereux and his sisters, for it fired my blood, and if my aunt had not vanished I should have been into her again, so powerful was the aphrodisiac effect.

My prick was as rampant as ever, so I dashed away to my room, stripped quite naked and throwing a dressing-gown around me, hurried to Mamma's bed-room. Entering very stealthily, I surprised her and Mary in the midst of a Tribadic scene each with her head buried between the other's thighs and busy sucking the love-juices as greedily as possible. The bottom nearest to me happened to belong to darling Mary, and the sudden fancy possessed me to put my eager prick into the lovely little brown hole which Mamma's finger was just then probing rapidly, to the girl's evident delight, judging by the way she swayed her buttocks about and pressed down her cunt reciprocating every touch of tongue, mouth, or busy fingers.

Dropping my dressing-gown. I was there in a moment. One hand pulled back my Mamma's fingers as the other presented the head of His Randiness to the wrinkled, brown bum hole of Miss Mary, which was fairly lubricated by the finger-frigging it had had, and got the head of my prick really lodged within the tight entrance before the girl was aware of what was happening.

Mamma realised the situation at once, as with a suppressed ejaculation of "Ah, rogue, push it all into her," she grasped poor Mary firmly round her waist, so she could not get away from me.

"Oh, Lord, what's that? How big it is. Ah, no, no, you shan't, Mr. Percy. Oh, Madame, pray don't let him do that to me," she almost screamed as she found out who it was and what I was at; but all her efforts to frustrate me were useless, as I held on tightly to her buttocks with both hands pulling her towards me, as my prick shoved his way gradually in, till I accomplished the ravishing of her second maidenhead. The state of extreme lubricity in which I had surprised her made my conquest easier than it might otherwise have been, and now I was in she soon began to get still more excited, and Mamma had no further occasion to hold her so tightly, and busied herself by kissing and caressing my balls as they banged against the girl's bottom at every stroke. The liqueur I had taken had the effect of making me desperately stiff, although it did not hasten the climax, which to our mutual enjoyment was some time in coming off, and words fail me to describe the erotic ardour of this bottom-fuck; I ground my teeth like any one in a rage every time I plunged into that burning back passage of hers, and she seemed beside herself with emotion, squealing and sobbing from excessive pleasure, till at last my spunk squirted right up to her vitals, and I knew she also experienced the very acme of bliss, although it seemed to have been one long continued spend with her and my mother.

After enjoying the compressions of that delicious arsehole for a few minutes I withdrew with difficulty. My priapism continued so violent, and prick was so enormously distended that when at last it came out there was a flop like the drawing of a very tight cork.

Mamma seized my member and sucked it clean in her mouth, but finding there was not the least relaxation of stiffness wished also to have it in her bottom.

Mary could hardly yet believe that my now enormous tool had really been up her back entrance, so she wished to see the operation performed, and getting off Mamma, made her kneel up dog-fashion and taking her old friend in her hand, presented its head to my mother's bottom, as I mounted behind. It was not a virgin like Mary's and was well stretched by previous insertions of her husband's and other pricks; still my priapism continued so strong on me, and my affair was so enlarged, it was no very easy matter to shove past her tight sphincter muscle, which gripped the head of my prick and made further progress hard to achieve.

The idea of fucking my own mother's bottom increased my ardour, I felt actually stronger than ever, and should have liked to get in balls and all; her buttocks were pushed out to facilitate my efforts, and getting past that muscular obstruction, my cock glided in to the roots of my sprouting hair; what a luscious feeling that was; Mary was handling my balls most lovingly, as she feared they might be lost inside, and I could feel her kissing my rump.

"Now it's all in. Fuck me well, Percy, my love! don't forget it's your own mother who gives all to her dear boy. Make it last as long as possible. Frig my cunt, Mary—put in two fingers. Now go on, but not too fast at first—gentle strokes bring the greatest pleasure, till at length we go crescendo. Oh, you do it so nicely, my love, my own boy! Isn't he a darling, Mary? He shall fuck you, my love, as often as he likes; only I must have my boy when I want him."

"Darling Mamma—my own mother. Do I do it nicely?" as my cock pushed slowly and gently in and out of that delicious bottom, which closed so tightly on my enraptured tool, feeling as hot as a fresh poultice; the grip on the sphincter muscle and the heat inside combining to produce the most voluptuous sensations.

I got beside myself with the erotic intensity of pleasure, and soon began a rather furious pushing; each drive increased my ardour, making her wriggle and squirm her buttocks about so that had I not got a firm grasp with my hands I should have lost my position. Mary's fingers frigged her rapidly as well, and she managed with her other hand to caress my testicles, and every now and then grasped the root of my prick, drawing back the skin of the foreskin, so that each plunge gave me the most intense delight, the head and shoulders of my prick being so well bared, I felt the contraction of her anus in the most exquisite degree.

My priapism was too violent for me to spend quickly, so this was a most delicious drawn out bottom-fuck, which seemed never ending to me, and I could feel dear Mary's fingers well up her cunt, as only the thin membrane was between them and my burning tool.

Sometimes she withdrew her fingers, all dripping with my mother's copious emissions, and tried to insert them by the side of my prick in the maternal arse-hole, but only succeeded in getting one up alongside of Mr. Pego; this was a lovely idea and tended even more to excite me.

"Spend, mother darling. Shove your bottom out to meet every poke I give you, I shall come soon now!" I almost shouted in my savage delight. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!—Ah, this is Fucking. It's come! Don't you feel it shoot up you, dearest mother? Oh, oh, I'm done now!" as I fell exhausted and rolled by her side on the bed.

She drew my face to hers between her two hands—laughing, sobbing, and crying from the excess of her feelings. "My boy, my own Percy, how you did fuck me, you dear," smothering me with a profusion of the most loving hot kisses, whilst Mary, also carried away by the scene in which she had participated, took possession of my still stiff machine and sucked it till she had extracted every drop that still oozed from it.

We had been nearly an hour over these two bouts of bottom-fucking, and now felt so done up we fell asleep in a confused heap of disorder, uncovered as we lay and our parts reeking with the overflow of so much spending.

It was long past mid-day when I opened my eyes again on the scene, Mary was gone, but darling Mamma was ardently examining my manly cock, feeling how stiff it was still, and gently frigging it with the softest possible up and down motion of her delicate hand, covering and uncovering the ruby-coloured head as her hand moved the skin.

"Let me feel your lovely cunt, my own mother's cunt," as I got my fingers between the pouting lips of her vermilion slit, working them gently so as gradually to again rouse all the lubricity of her nature. Within a couple of minutes a flood of sperm rewarded my efforts to please her, and she gasped in ecstasy: "What a boy you are! There is such a magnetism in your touch, I came directly. In fact, the idea of possessing you, my lovely boy, makes me spend continuously. I even kept coming in the short sleep I have just had, and when I awoke your precious prick was still standing hard in my hand; you don't come often, and I am rather afraid of injuring you, my pet! but I must have it once more; once more feel this fleshy jewel probing up towards my very heart. Lie still on your back and take it as easy as you can: I will do all the work."

Saying which she rolled me over, then kneeling across me, took my inflamed prick, now as hard as ivory, and placing the head to her longing notch, slowly settled her body down upon it as it gradually slipped in, and seemed to fill and distend even her well-used cunt—used as it had been to take in the manly affairs of husband, brother, or others.

"You dear boy, how your grand, young prick fills your mother. To think my boy is such a splendid fellow! What a fucker you will be!" she said laying herself over me and kissing my lips rapturously, but never for a moment allowing her glorious cunt to lose hold of my cock. Sitting up again, she slowly raised her buttocks up and down, so as to let me feel each insertion, nipping me so tightly that the folds of her vagina turned back the foreskin each time she came down on me. This fired me so I could not keep still, but grasping her round the hips, I bucked up to meet each downward motion, sending my delighted tool chock up to the entrance of her womb. Now and again she settled down on me in the closest possible conjunction and treated my prick to the most enjoyable contractions on the very head of my bursting engine, till at length quite a sudden paroxysm made me eject right into her womb as she imparted to me a most singular quivering sensation, the sure indication to both of us of a real impregnation.

"You've done it again, Percy. I shall have twins, and if they are girls you shall fuck them as soon as they are old enough," she said with a laugh. "But really, my darling, I should like my own boy to make me a baby—you would be both father and brother to it. Now we must get up for luncheon or Aunt Gert will be after us. She always knew I would have you, and you may have her some day."

"You lovely mother," I said, clinging to her for another kiss. "I shall fuck you all in this house. I know I shall, now I think of nothing else. There's you, auntie, Mary, and Patty. I must have her too. May I Mamma?"

"What a boy it is: but you must always love Mamma best, Percy, won't you?"

"Yes, darling mother; but you have taught my prick to fuck, and—and I want so to shove it into every nice woman or girl I see. I know I shan't be able to help myself."

"To-night you are to sleep in that room next to mine, and I won't let you do any more for a day or two: you must not be exhausted by too much of it, or you will soon be ruined in your health. So I must now keep you away from Mary, as your eyes are opened to the forbidden fruit."

However inclined I might be for the incestuous embraces of my lovely mother, the door being locked on the other side, it could only be when she thought proper to admit me, as she intended to have due regard for my health, and not allow a boy of my age to run into excesses, which might ruin my constitution.

She could also now (as she thought) take care that neither of the others should rob her of very much of my puerile vigour, which was so precocious considering my age. For a day or two her precautions were quite needless, as when my violent priapism had subsided it left my energies in a very relaxed state, and I would seriously advise any of my readers who may think of resorting to Aphrodisiacal stimulants, to have nothing to do with them, but rather to trust to the impulses of their nature; when they really need a good fuck the cock-stand will be evident enough; forcing nature only tends to after enervation, and should only be resorted to on some special occasion when one really wishes to prove himself a champion in the arena of Love. Then it may be excusable.

But to return to my story: I did not at all relish the idea of Mamma's supervision, it was repugnant to my idea of personal liberty, and had the contrary effect, in making me restive under such restraint, and firmly resolved to do as I liked every chance I could get. One morning I had a most pleasant dream. "I was in a beautiful garden, laying on the soft turf under some rose bushes, when just as I was hand-frigging myself two delicious looking little girls stood before me, holding up their frocks, and showing me their rosebuds of hairless slits, as they also rubbed and frigged their little cunts, smiling and telling me they could. They were exquisitely dressed in the Watteau style, looking almost like Dresden figures, being so chic and delicate; then, seating themselves one on each side me on the grass, they proceeded to handle and play with my great big prick, allowing me at the same time to frig their two little cunts for them, till the juice spurted from my affair right up into their faces, and I could feel their sticky young spendings all over my busy fingers." I awoke and found I had quite deluged the sheet with a flood of sperm. This dream made me reflect and think where such little dears could be found. I was quite innocent as regards knowing what an awful offence it would be to poke or take liberties with such little girls, so resolved to take a walk in search of adventures.

Our residence stood in large grounds of its own, surrounded by a delightful country stretching away in a long vista to the South Downs. Papa owned several farms in the neighbourhood, so we were generally respected and looked up to by the working class and their families, as Mamma disbursed a good deal in helping any who might be in trouble.

I remembered one labourer's family, the husband a carter who never got home till late in the evening, as his work was rather at a distance; his wife, about thirty or a little more, was a fine, handsome, young woman with a ruddy, tanned face, but oh! such brown eyes as she looked at you from under her dark eyelashes. She was a fine woman of her class, and I had once heard Mamma say Peter, her husband, had to marry Phoebe (that was her name) very young as he had got her into trouble; she had three very pretty little girls—ten, eleven, and twelve years old—regular beauties, with the same dark brown eyes and arch looks as their mother, and they were well grown for their ages. This was my mark. I had often been with Mamma on a visit to their cottage when they had any little illness, and carried a basket of nice things for them. I didn't know their family name, but Phoebe always kissed me and so did the girls when they were well. "Master Percy, Master Percy," they would call out as soon as ever I got in sight, because I generally had some sweets in my pocket for them. Now I had not been to the cottage for quite two years, and wondered if Phoebe would kiss me now. I would her if I got the chance. It was only about a mile to walk from our house down an unfrequented lane leading to nowhere but an old farm-house further on.

Mrs. Twiggs, our housekeeper, lent me a small basket, so I went into the pantry and helped myself to a good sized cake, some eggs, and a bottle of port wine, as I said I had heard that Phoebe was rather delicate.

I timed myself to get to the cottage soon after their mid-day meal, so as to have a long afternoon in case I found any sport.

Phoebe was all smiles as she answered my rap at the cottage door. "Oh, Master Percy, how you have grown, and how's your Mamma—I hope she isn't ill?"

"No thanks, Phoebe, I heard you were not quite well, so made up my mind to walk over with some new-laid eggs and a bottle of wine for you and a cake for the girls; where are they?"

"How kind of you, Master Percy, who could have told you that? I'm all right, and the girls have gone to see their grand-mother at Becton and won't get home much before dark, so I'm alone; no-one ever comes so see me. Thank you so much. Won't you come in and sit down for a rest?"

"That I will, Phoebe, and I feel done up carrying that basket. You might draw the cork and give me a glass of port, and a drop will do you good."

The cork was soon drawn, and she drank to my health with her "Best respects to you, Master Percy. How you have grown, I shan't like to kiss you now."

"Why not, Phoebe, what harm can it be? I have often sat on your lap and kissed you when my mother was here, and I mean to again."

"Oh, no, it isn't proper only with little boys. They're harmless you know; now you're so big you must only kiss your young lady sweetheart, or Mamma, or your dear aunt, Miss Gertie."

"But you must give me one, or I shall feel quite a stranger. What harm can it be?"

"Well I don't know any harm, and you're a dear, kind boy to think of us, as you have, but I mustn't do it again before any one," as putting her glass down she stood up and kissed my cheek, and would have sat down again; but my arm was round her waist in a moment, drawing her close to me, my lips kissed hers, then her cheeks and lips again.

"You only gave me half a kiss, Phoebe, I must have a proper one," pushing her back on her chair, and seating myself on her lap. "This is how I want it, just as you used to do. Now kiss me nicely."

Her rich-colored face crimsoned, and I felt her splendid bosom heave with emotion as I fairly glued my lips to hers, and tried to push my tongue between her lips, and one hand tried to get inside her neck-kerchief.

"You mustn't, you wicked boy. What a flutter you have put me into: now get away do, Master Percy. You ought not to kiss me like that."

But she only struggled faintly; my hand slipped inside her bosom and felt those still lovely firm orbs, as her heart palpitated and her lips gradually relaxed till my tongue fairly met hers tip to tip.

"Ah, you rogue! how bad you make me feel," returning my caresses, and rubbing one hand up and drown my back, as if she only wished she dared put it in front.

"Percy, Percy, Master Percy, for shame, don't be so rude," as I suddenly placed her hand on my big prick which I had let out of my trousers. "What a size for a boy of fourteen, and I believe you know a lot."

"Yes, Phoebe, I know what 'cunt' and 'fuck' mean; shall we have a game? We're all alone, and it is so nice—you have made me feel wild." I was now raising her skirts and soon had my hands up a splendid pair of thighs, fit for Venus herself, and quite innocent of drawers, as a delightful aroma of cunt made me feel still more randy. Separating her legs, as she lay back in the chair, I could see what a splendid white skin she had, and the lips of her cunt just peeping out from a profusion of almost black brown hair. Not a word passed between us as I tried to get into her, but I could hear the heavy breathing and the almost audible palpitation of her heart. I was a little awkward, but her hand helped me to go straight: the head of my eager prick got in, and, she pushing herself forward, I progressed upwards within the folds of her vagina and found myself at full length in one of the hottest cunts I had yet felt. "Wait a moment, don't hurry, dear; let me enjoy it—this is a treat, Master Percy. I couldn't help myself, but it is so awfully wicked you know."

She kept me like that for quite five minutes, the inner folds of that amorous cunt of hers pressing and nipping the head of my prick, her arms were tightly clasped round my back, so I could scarcely move, whilst her lips seemed as if they would eat mine, and her tongue was regularly fucking my mouth.

"Let me fuck you, Phoebe, you're making me come. I can't stop it, dear.
Ah, oh! There it is shooting up you. Can't you feel it?"

"Yes, yes, I'm spending too, Percy, you love; what a grand prick to hold in my cunt—Peter's isn't near so big—you fill me up so beautifully, besides he only fucks me on Sundays; he is too tired to do it during the week. Will you come and see Phoebe as often as you can? Now fuck me well, you dear boy."

Without losing my stiffness, I went on drawing right out to the head of my instrument and pushing it slowly in again, which soon drove her quite wild.

"Faster quicker, fuck hard, darling!" she almost screamed, and as I did so with all my force, she lay back and gave quite a neighing squeal in the excess of her lubricity. I came again at the same moment. So finished my first fuck with the splendid country woman, who was indeed a rough jewel in her way. She would not permit any more just then, so I took leave of her after we had kissed each other's parts, and she made me promise not to be long before I called again.

All the way home my prick was very troublesome to me, I had not had enough; it repeatedly stood stiff so that I could hardly walk, and I think it must have been that, like many quiet women who seldom think their cunts require a bath, she had treated me to rather too much essence of woman.

Mamma made me read to her and Auntie after dinner till it was time to retire. My morning's adventure, as I thought over it and all the possibilities it promised for future pleasure (not only with Phoebe, but also her three girls) now roused me to a state of quite furious lust.

"Mamma, Mamma!" I shouted as I jumped out of bed and rattled at the door between our rooms. "Open, oh open, mother, I'm so ill!"

This ruse answered at once, and I found Mary was with her, as, opening the door, anxiously enquired what was the matter.

"Look, look, I shall die! It's so stiff," lifting my night shirt to let her see my glorious state of erection, as I rushed in and jumped on her bed, where I found darling Mary under the coverlet. Being mad for a fuck I tried to uncover her, but she rolled herself in the bed-clothes laughing at my baffled efforts to get at her.

"Help me, Mary, to hold him tight. I'll make his bottom tingle for cheating me like that," grasping me by her left arm round my waist and keeping me face downwards on the bed. "You're ill are you, Percy? Well I'm the doctor; a few good spanking slaps will do you good. Hold him tight, Mary, he's so strong and so wicked. There, there, how do you like that—and that—and that? Kick away my boy!" as I plunged and yelled under the smarting smacks.

"The poor boy; pray don't be too hard on him," said Mary, holding me tightly with both arms around my neck, and kissing me amorously at the same time.

"Well, well, you take his part, do you, you wanton girl? you are as bad as he is. No doubt this has been planned between you; have him then and see what you will get by it."

Mary disentangled herself from the coverlet, etcetera, and opening her delicious thighs, my randy weapon instantly found its way into her spending cunt, which was so well lubricated that the entrance was effected almost instantly, and she heaved up in delight as she felt the full insertion of the object she so desired. My mother was equal to the occasion, having perhaps even rehearsed it with her beforehand; taking two long long leather straps, she passed one underneath dear Mary's buttocks and buckled it tightly over my plump bottom, so that we could not enjoy the proper fucking motion, and in answer to our expostulations that it was too tight, quickly passed the second strap over my l

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