Gold, A Summer Story by Mike Bozart - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

Mark arrived at the Super Wally World at the junction of US 421 and NC 132 at 1:42 AM. This intersection was known as Monkey Junction by the locals, as there was a small private zoo with monkeys just down the highway. Maybe all of the monkeys are asleep dreaming of gold, or dreaming of golden monkeys.

Once inside the brightly lit store, Mark meandered over to the luggage section. He decided to go with two pieces of luggage: a burgundy-red matching set. If I have two pieces of luggage, I can use the larger one for my clothes and the smaller one for the two gold crescents. It should be an easy transfer into this suitcase. Time is of the essence. And presence is to be minimized.


He checked the handles of the smaller suitcase to see if it could handle the weight. They seemed sturdy enough. He proceeded to the checkout line.


At the cash register, the young, black, female cashier told Mark that he had a cool exotic look. Mark was surprised by the comment at first, almost taken aback. He hadn’t really cared about how he appeared to females since he found that gold on the west bank of Little Meadow Creek.


“My dad’s side is Dutch; my mom is half Vietnamese and half Malaysian,” Mark dryly announced.


“Looks like they got the proportions right.” She was overtly flirting with him. There was no one else in his line.


“Thanks for the compliment. You look very well-proportioned, too. Well, listen, I have to run. I’m on a secret mission.” Mark then chuckled.


“What’s your alias, secret agent?” Alias?


“Oh, I’m Mark. No need for an alias yet. Nice to meet you. And, what might your alias be?” Can he not see my name tag? Is he afraid to look at my left boob?


“My code name is Chantelle,” she said while nodding down and eyeing her name tag. Wow, she is sexy as hell. She’s looks like fun. But, I can’t get distracted by a pretty woman right now. / I seem to have his attention now.


“Well, I’d love to continue this chat, Chantelle – I really would – but upcoming events have my name on them.” Mark couldn’t believe what he had just said. Get a grip, and get out of this store. Stop talking! Good grief, what’s wrong with you?


“Goodnight, my secret agent.” She winked to him as he exited the store. Do people know that I’m soon to be gold-laden? Do I have that minutes-away-from-wealth swagger? His thoughts made him chuckle. Don’t get cocky, sport. Remember, you don’t have anything yet. / I wonder what he’s up to.


As he walked back to his rental car, he thought about what he told Chantelle at the register. Why did I have to say that I was on a secret mission? That was dumb. Even if I was only joking, not a smart move. No more idle conversation with anyone. No more allusive remarks. Just keep your mouth shut.


When Mark arrived at his rental car with his shopping cart, he was puzzled. He thought about the upcoming trunk transfer. He looked up and noticed that the nearest parking lot light’s plastic cover was missing. Where should I put this luggage? On the rear seat? In the trunk? Which place will have quicker access? Which place will look less suspicious?


After mulling it over for eight seconds, he decided on the rear seat. Once inside the car with the luggage, he cut the price tags off with a jagged house key. That Chantelle sure is hot. Should I go back in the store and buy a cold drink just so I can get her phone number? No, just get going – get the hell out of here. Stick to the plan.


He started the Ford Focus and got back on US 421 South. The white sand on the shoulder of the highway almost looked magical. He looked deeper into the pine forest. It looked like a scene from another planet. Is it all just a play within a play? And, can I just make some hay?


At 2:22, he was crossing back over the Snow’s Cut Bridge. A thin crescent moon was out, disappearing and re-emerging from behind the high cirrus clouds. Good, I won’t be doing this under a full moon. The less light, the better.


He waited at the red traffic light at Carl Winner Drive. A Carolina Beach Police cruiser was beside him, on his left. He just tried to look preoccupied, fumbling with the radio knobs. He was afraid to look over at the police officer. Why do I always get so damn paranoid around cops? I’ve done nothing wrong. I don’t have any dope or alcohol on me. I’m not inebriated. This rental car’s lights work and it has a valid tag. And, there’s no gold in this car … well, not yet.


After what seemed to be half an eternity, the traffic light changed to green and the police car sped away. Whew! If a person could get arrested for just being paranoid, I’d already be looking through iron bars. I’ve got to relax a little. Just calm down, Mark. Chill the fuck out.