Gold, A Summer Story by Mike Bozart - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

Greg got up first at 7:35 AM, scratched his stubble then his balls, mumbled something about needing to go, gathered his things, and was out the door and gone in five minutes. A classic rock-n-roller one-night stand.


Susan caught a glimpse of his disheveled mullet as he closed the door. Gosh, I feel like a too-old-for-this, pathetic, grade-C groupie. What am I doing? What have I become?


Susan’s head hurt from all of the Zombie drinks last night. She could deal with the hangover; she had her oxies and she had nowhere to be. She was just glad that Greg ejaculated on her leg. However, from now on, ‘No glove, no love’ would be her motto. In fact, she was going to buy a pack of condoms as soon as she saw a pharmacy.


Susan slid over to the refrigerator and got a bottled water. She gulped down some St. Joseph’s aspirin. She swore by it for hangover relief. She lay back down on the ruffled bed. What a day this is going to be. Beach world, please stay quiet.


After an hour of just lying on the bed, semi-watching some lame teenage-girl drama, she got up to take a shower. She stayed in there for twenty-five minutes – until all of the hot water was gone. Is that it? No more hot water? Well, I guess for this bargain rate, it’s to be expected.


She toweled off while thinking about Mark. How should I ask for the divorce? Or, should I lure him into asking for it by pissing him off? I’m sure he’d bite. Wonder what he’s doing right now in Charlotte?


Then her cell phone rang. Is that Mark? She tapped Answer.


“Hello, am I speaking with Mrs. Susan van Buren?” the official-sounding older male voice asked. Oh, crap, who in the world is this?


“Yes, that’s me; and, who is this?” Susan timidly asked.


“This is Chief Wurroll with the Carolina Beach Police Department.” Oh, no!


Her heart almost missed a beat. “Yes –”


“Ma’am, I’m very sorry; I don’t have good news. Your husband has died.” No way! Did I really hear this?


She screamed, “What?!” She took a breath. “Are you sure it’s my husband?” Was Mark really down here at Carolina Beach? What the hell!


“Yes, we are very certain. Where are you right now?” This can’t be happening!


“I’m at the Dauphin Reign Motel. Oh, my God!” Susan started to cry like a little girl.


“We’ll need for you to come by our station at 1121 North Lake Boulevard, which is US 421. Do you think you can find it? If not we can have a patrol car pick you up.”


“No, that’s ok. I know the road. I’ll be right over. Just give me fifteen minutes to recompose myself.”


“That’s not a problem, Mrs. van Buren. I’ll be waiting here for you. Just ask for me.”


“Ok,” she whispered.


Susan sat on the end of the bed with her head in her hands. She was sobbing. The grief was overwhelming. She felt guilty and dirty. She slowly got herself dressed and made her way over to the town’s new police station.


Her mind couldn’t stop swirling with questions. How did he die? Did someone kill him? Was it an accident? Did he overdose on some drugs? Did Mark commit suicide? Did he know which motel she was in? Did he know about the extramarital affairs? Did he confront Rick? Did Rick kill him? Did he confront Greg? Did Greg kill him? Where was he staying? When did he arrive at the beach? Had he been spying on her the whole time? Her mind was a million thoughts per minute.