Gold, A Summer Story by Mike Bozart - HTML preview

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Let me tell you a secret - I’ve known author/raconteur/all-around strange guy Mike Bozart for many years and the man never fails to perplex me. The colorful splotches he calls his art perplex me, his attitude and what he calls “jokes” perplex me – hell, what this man generously calls his life perplexes the hell out of me.

So, when he came to me with his finished novel, Gold, I was, of course, perplexed yet again. How this man could take the skittering, scattershot ideas and constantly flickering images that ricochet off the walls of his ever-expanding brain and turn it in to a cohesive work such as a novel, totally made me want to read it immediately. And so I have.

And for once, I am not perplexed. Not only is Gold filled with the kind of action-packed excitement and sexual innuendo the poor souls in Hollywood usually need at least three sequels to convey, but the characters have the kind of fully-fleshed out feel only a master writer can offer. I was totally gripped by the story and felt that the characters became part of my life. A tremendous first novel and hopefully one of many to emerge from the mind of this literary madman.

– Scott Homewood, August 2013