His Favorite Mistake Part 1 (After School Special Vol 1) by Maya Leigh - HTML preview

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A sneak peek

Into Ashley and Adam's further adventures


He's driving me home and we're halfway to my house already, so I have to admit I'm a little disappointed, because I was hoping we would at least fool around for a bit, if nothing else.

But I shouldn't have been worried, his car going towards the abandoned forest road, where I know we will have some privacy. My little kitty already began gushing her sweet juices, to prepare herself for the workout she was about to receive.

I shudder and I can feel goose bumps all over my body, the anticipation was killing me.

Finally, he stops the car in a secluded area on a grass clearing behind some trees, where I know no one will see us, even if they drive on the road right past us. I smile at his cleverness and look at him. He already unbuckled his seatbelt and is reaching for me. I gladly go in to his arms.

He kisses me with fervor and the pent up lust that was garnering between us for the entire day at school. His hand reaches up and squeezes my breast hard, pinching my nipple through the thin bra, giving it a little swirl. I moan at the pleasurable sensation and my hand glides towards his cock on its own accord.

I squeeze him through his jeans and he rocks hard at my hand, needing additional friction in order to gain some release.

He pulls back and unbuckles his belt and releases his erection from the confines of his jeans. He lowers his pants and his boxers down to his knees and before I know it his hand is at the back of my head, pushing me down on his hardness.

I lick my lips and look at him, knowing my eyes show my desire. I love going down on him, it's so decadent and I feel like a naughty school girl, which makes me even wetter. I spread my legs a little and one of his hands reaches behind me and dips his finger in my hungry channel. He adds another one then another, until I have three of his fingers pistoning in and out of my squelching little kitty.

I wrap my lips around the big mushroom head and suck, eliciting a groan that makes me smile and I continue on my downward notion. Licking the soft silken skin along the way. I know what he likes, he's taught me well, after all.

I lick the underside of his cock in a long motion, squeezing my hand over the parts that I can't reach with my mouth, while my other hand plays with the heavy sack underneath. He groans again, letting me know he likes it and I'm doing a good job. I increase my efforts, sucking harder and moving my head up and down faster.

"Fuck, you're gonna make me come. I'm so close." He starts puling my head off his cock, but my suctioning doesn't stop. "Ease off. I'm not coming in your mouth, I want that little kitty of yours first."

I finally let him pull me off, after a few more licks of my tongue, making him shudder.

"Come here." He pulls me over him, on his lap, and I lift, positioning his cock at my opening and slowly gliding down. He's always too big at first, so we always go slow, until my kitty adjusts and opens up further. When that happens, he goes to town, fucking me with hard powerful thrusts, while his hands clutch my hips, holding me down.

I love every second of it, an experience I wouldn't replace for the world, even though I'm always sore after, but it’s the good kind, you know, the kind that makes you clench your thighs in remembrance, wishing it would happen again and again.

He thrusts so hard and deep, I swear I feel him in my cervix. God, it's sooooo gooood. That pleasure pain that always makes me come so hard, while he continues to thrust inside me, prolonging my climax until it reaches unprecedented levels and I start to squirt, almost pushing him out with the amount of fluid I'm gushing out.

He loves it when he makes me do that, he says its proof my kitty is his and only his, since only his cock can make me do that. Of course his is the only cock I've ever known, so. Not that I would ever want someone else.

I can feel his speed increasing, a telltale sign he is close to his own climax. I clench my kitty tightly around him, making him groan in ecstasy. He pushes deep inside me, one… two… three… four times, and I feel him at my cervix, pushing still, he shudders, closing his eyes, his head falling back on the headrest. His hands tighten on my hips and I know there will be an impression of his fingers on my flesh for the next few days.

I feel him pulse inside of me and it triggers another orgasm, my kitty delighting in the feel of his seed spurting her inner walls. "Ahhh, mmm. I love it when you come in me." I say between shallow breaths.

I see him smile at my words before he kisses my shoulder in agreement.