Hot Nights in the Hills by Austin Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter Two

Miss Donnette Brown was looking out of her shop in Keswick when a man named Biggs drove up in a 1971 Ford Cortina motor car. She knew what he wanted. He was a tall, broad shouldered man. She guessed that he was about twenty- seven years of age.

He was dressed in jeans, a polo shirt and workman boots. He was clean shaven and his head was bald. It was about eight o’clock.

As he came into the shop, she asked.

“Your usual things, Biggs?”

“You know the thing, Miss Donnette.”

She laughed.

She threw out a half glass of wine. She broke two eggs and emptied the contents into the glass. She gave him a table fork to stir the mixture. He dumped the contents of the glass down his throat in one swallow. He then paid her, her money.

“You’re going to make worries tonight, Biggs?”

He laughed.

“I did it already. I’m just putting it back now.”

She laughed and he went to his car and drove away.

She watched him drive away. She had heard that he had two baby mothers in Norris, two miles away. He was living in Keswick, with a woman, Mabel with whom he had three children.

Miss Donnette looked at herself. At forty-two she still considered herself a sexy woman. She was copper colored and was about five feet, five inches tall. She had a small waist, wide hips and big but firm breasts. She had been married, but was separated from her husband for the last five years. She was seeing another man, Langston Evans, for the past two years. He was a yam farmer down in St. Elizabeth. Her two daughters were on scholarships in the United States.


In another part of the community Ken Raymond was in his truck. Avrill Deans was sitting on his member as he thrust it into her. They were parked on the Keswick back road. It was minutes past ten o’clock. Ken was caressing her breasts as he thrust it into her. She was a thirty-year old mother of a boy and girl. She worked as a counter clerk at Ramsay’s hardware. Ken was a year older than her. He lived with his woman and three children in the neighboring community of Norris. He had come over to visit Avril and to get some sex from her. He operated a mechanic shop over there.


Biggs had reached Norris now and was lying on his back as Curdell Hall rode his member. Her big breasts were swaying and her wide hips were a blur of motion as she rode his member. She was a twenty-five-year-old woman and the mother of two children, one of whom is for Biggs.

“Oh God, Biggs, I love what you’re doing to me,” she cried out.

“You love it, baby?” he asked.

“Of course, I do. If I didn’t, I would give it to you every time you come up here. I know that you have so many other women.”

He started going into her faster now.

“What kind of haste are you in, Biggs? Why don’t you sleep here tonight?”

But he shook his head and continued thrusting into her. After some time, Curdell could feel her body tensing as her climax neared. When it came, she cried out.

“Biggs, oh God, why are you so bad?”

She started shouting as she rode his member hard. She collapsed on top of him.

She started beating his chest as the climax overtook her and she writhed in ecstasy. Finally, it subsided and he began thrusting into her again.

“Oh God, Biggs, finish now. I want to sleep.”

He grunted, the mixture that he had bought at Miss Donnette’s shop made him feel like going all night. He continued thrusting into her.

“Biggs, Biggs, what happen to you? You can’t finish?”

She started gyrating her body on his member.

Finally, he finished, thrusting into her with long deep strokes.

“Biggs, you must get me pregnant. Why you never pulled out and you know that I’m not on the family planning?”

“Nothing is going to happen to you.”

“If you get me pregnant, I’m going to carry the baby.”

“It looks like you want to have another baby.”

“I don’t want any more children right now. Since you won’t leave your baby mother, Mabel, for me, I will have to look a man of my own.”

“You’re all right, Curdell, you’re not going to get pregnant.”

She didn’t reply and he realized that she had dropped off to sleep. He took a sheet and threw it over her naked body. He then decided to take a short nap himself.

An hour later, he woke up beside a sleeping Curdell. He went and took a bath. He returned and put on his clothes before throwing down some money on the bed and going out. He closed the door behind him. He had another woman to go to tonight.

Mona Distant had a child for him a year and a half ago. He knew that she was waiting for him. One thing he knew about women and that was if you had money, drove a good car, was a good talker and could dance, then you were in business as far as women were concerned.

He would really lay it into her tonight. She loved when he stayed long inside of her so that she could get her climax. She had told him that none of the men who used to come to her had filled her up like he did.


Things didn’t go as Biggs would have liked, when he reached Mona’s house.

“Mona has gone to sleep with Hopeton. She said that she’s going to visit a friend in Jackson, but I know that it’s him, she’s gone to look for. She took the baby with her.”

 Miss Greta looked around, saw the bulge in Biggs pants and felt it.

“Mona missed something tonight. And I am going to get all of it.”

 She got off her stool and led him inside. This was not the first time he was having sex with forty-three-year-old, Miss  Greta.

She was of brown complexion, about five feet six inches tall. She had a small waist, wide hips, big, but firm breasts.

Many times he had slept with her after tricking Mona that he had gone home. When he knew that she was fully asleep, he had returned to have sex with Miss Greta.

Both of them went to have a bath, then he played with her most sensitive areas until she told him she was ready. Now  he was thrusting into her. She was loving it as his huge member went into her. Both of them knew that Mona would not be returning tonight, but they did not have the rest of the night to enjoy themselves. Miss Greta’s man, Bill was due home from the bakery in three hours’ time.

“Biggs, take your time, remember how we’ve always done it. I want you to stay long inside of me so that I can get a big climax.”

 Biggs slowed his lovemaking on this sexy woman’s body. He was glad that her man, Bill, was not due to come in until later tonight.

“I love the way you do it to me, Biggs. That Bill is a waste of time. If he wasn’t coming tonight, I’d let you stay and make love to me the whole night.”

She started moaning as the sex got sweeter. She was nearing her climax now. That was why she always loved when Biggs made love to her as she always climaxed.

“You're doing it right Biggs, god you feel so big, oh Jesus.”

She screamed and beat his chest as she climaxed. She rode out the waves of ecstasy engulfing her body. He waited for her to finish climaxing before he started going into her again.

“Biggs, finish now. I want to sleep.”

He started going faster, finally releasing his load into her, spent, he rolled off her.

“It’s a good thing I’m still on the family planning and you’re wearing rubbers or else you’d get me pregnant tonight.”

He burst out laughing. He felt like staying longer with her, but he couldn’t risk being caught in her bed. He would be risking a fight with Bill and a scandal.

“Mona doesn’t know what she missed tonight. You gave it to me good, Biggs. I hope that man don’t wake me up about any sex tonight.”

“You’re going to have sex again tonight, Miss Greta?”

“If he comes in and wants it, I have to give it to him.”

Biggs went to take his bath before leaving.