Lew's Photo Studio - Book 2 by Lew Pit - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

George and Janet.


The morning after my adventure with Grace in the swimming pool I had lots of work and lots of calls to make; I started with Astrid.

“Hey Astrid, I’ve found a venue for the video shoot, but it’s only available next weekend or the one after. You will love it, it’s a real palace: wonderful gardens, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, scrumptious bedrooms, a majestic staircase, billiard room, stables without horse though and there is even a ballet studio, so take your pick, this or next weekend.”

“Wow that is a lot to take in, I’m OK for either weekend, I’ve nothing special on hand, you need to contact Bethany too for the makeup though.”

“Yeah I know, but you are the one providing the clothes and the main purpose is showing the clothes. I’ll organize with Bethany and with Linda and with my new assistant, and with Grace who has the keys to the property, so I’ll come back to you when I know more.”

“Great, thanks for doing all this.”

“Thanks for giving Linda such an opportunity, talk to you soon.”

Next, I dialed Bethany: ”Hey Bethany, Lew.”

“Yes I heard, I do know your voice by now,” she said with a chuckle.

“Oh, uh yes, sorry. So you remember that Astrid wanted this video for display in her shop, excuse me boutique?”

“Yes, you needed to find a venue and set it up right?”

“Yes, well I found one, but it’s only available this or next weekend, and we do need your painting skills for Linda, are you available on one or both of these weekends?”

“I can do both.”

“Great, so can Astrid, I’ll let you know which one when I’ve talked to Linda, cheerio.”

“Yes, cheerio to you too.”

Finally, I needed to call our star attraction, Linda, she too was available both weekends; all that was left was to secure my help for this thing, Jada, who in the end, as it was school vacation, had no problem either, so I decided to get it out of the way and do it the coming weekend.

I called them all back, including Grace to give them the time and date. Excellent, that was out of the way, one thing I needed to know though was when was this grand opening of the BDSM club planned, now that everything, as far as I knew, was installed, so I called Tanja.

“Tanja, darling, Lew here, do you have any idea when you want to open your new clubhouse? Everything is installed to your specifications as far as I know so what’s the planning?”

“That is still not decided by the board yet. We still need lots of specialized items to be built and installed and that could still take a few more weeks, my best estimate is the middle of next month.”

“Oh, that is indeed another four weeks at least then?”

“Oh yes absolutely, don’t you worry, I’ll give you plenty of warning before it happens; I may want to pay you a visit one of these days to inspect the work that is already done, when would be suitable?”

“I’m free Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evening after closing time.”

“Mmmmm, how about…uh Friday evening then, maybe afterward we can have dinner together?”

“Sounds excellent, what time do you prefer?”

“Shall we say six-thirty? Shall I book a table at The Deerhunter for eight?”

“Great I’ll be expecting you.”

All that was left for me to do was book a return flight to Rome. In a few weeks, it was Catharina’s birthday, and I wanted to congratulate her in person, after all, she was my very first nude photo model, and this was the big one, the big five O, yes sir she was turning fifty this year and I absolutely wanted to be there for her and forget about my turning sixty a few weeks later. Around ten I was done, everything arranged, everything booked, ready for another day at the grindstone in the shop, and it didn’t take long for the shop bell to ring.

When I came forward there was this couple, a big guy, my guess was at least one-meter-eighty-something (6ft), about my size, but a lot more muscles, brownish short clipped hair, big hairy hands. The woman was just a little shorter, but thanks to her heels, around the same height, with fake red hair and sporting a serious rack.

“How can I be of assistance to you folks?” I asked in my normal friendly manner.

“Do you do portraits?” the man asked.

“Yes sir I do, couples portraits, singles portraits, babies, dogs, anything you like.”

“Excellent, we would like some portraits of ourselves for our twenty-fifth anniversary.”

“Excellent idea sir, and when would you like to do this?”

“How about right now?” The guy responded.

“No problem, mister…?”

“Oh sorry, my name is George and this is my wife Janet.”

“Yes, I’m Lew, but I guess you already knew that?”

“Yes we did, you were recommended by a friend of ours.”

“Excellent, it’s always nice to hear that people have recommended you, it means at least one satisfied customer.”

“Please come through into the studio so we can see what and how we are going to portray you and your lovely wife.”

Once in the studio, I gave them a short overview of the possibilities, after which we sat down to discuss what exactly it was they were looking for.

“So, do you want to go for something frivolous, or more serious like official portraits or maybe a bit naughty?”

“What exactly do you mean by naughty?”

“I mean with maybe a bit of nudity, that’s very popular these days, even sometimes completely nude pictures, tasteful mind you, none of the naughty bits showing, just hinting at them.”

“You are a man after my own heart, that’s exactly what we want, and I want some tasteful pictures of my wife as well, showing all her assets though.”

“That’s fine, no problem. You want to go immediately to full nude, or shall we build up to it?”

“Uh, maybe build up to it?” He replied hesitantly.

“Yes no problem, now all we need to do is choose the setting, the best thing is to keep it simple, a neutral background and a simple easy chair, let me set that up for you and we’ll take it from there.”

I pulled down the white background and set the chair I had used with Nancy in the middle of it.

“Shall we start with the two of you then? Janet, can I ask you to open up your lovely blouse so we can see your bra and you George, unbutton your shirt, please? Janet, you sit in the chair and George you take up a position behind her. Lean into her and put your hand on her shoulder giving the impression you are sliding her blouse open.

“Excellent, please keep the pose so I can take some photos from different angles.”

“Shall we take it a bit further now? Janet please remove your blouse and bra and then slip your blouse back on, similar but slightly more revealing, George can you take off your shirt completely?”

George had hair all over his chest, Janet clearly was a D-cup with nice pointy breasts, crowned by large darkish areolae and prominent nipples, which were already quite erect: nerves, the cool of the air on her skin, I could only guess.

“Now sit sideways in the chair Janet, with your back against one armrest and your legs over the other, George you cover up Janet’s right breast, with your hand.”

George put one of his hairy hands over Janet’s breast, drawing a little moan from her, no real change in her nipps, so it was clear that the protruding nipples had nothing to do with nerves or arousal but were simply signs of being cold. Again I took pictures from different angles using different types of lighting. I love to work with narrow-beam spotlights, leaving most of the body almost in the dark, while accentuating the lighted part.

“OK Janet, now is the time to get completely nude, and you to George, get all your gear off, including shoes and or socks.”

When they both got completely naked I could see what Janet looked like, I couldn’t judge if the hair color was fake as she had clearly had a Brazilian wax: her pussy was very neat, only the outer labia showing, looking like a ripe plum. George was really hairy like a bear, but his pubic hair was trimmed.

Once they had shed their clothes they stood awaiting my instructions, I had them take up different poses, each more revealing than the previous one, but all in good taste, until George, who was by now sporting a raging hardon, took up a position behind Janet and simulated fucking her from behind.

“Wow George, do you want a picture of this pose as well?” I asked.

“Yeah, why not,” George replied, but not fake, I’d like it to be real.

“If that’s what you want George, no skin off my nose, I’ll shoot it.”

Upon which George spit in his hand, smeared it all over his dick, and penetrated Janet from behind with his 18 cm (7 inches) hard cock and started pumping away. I thought I noticed Janet wince when George penetrated her, but it was just a flash.

“Hold on George, these are stills, you want movement, I can do movement on video if you want to.”

“Yeah, do video as well.”

Now all hell broke loose. George was pumping away like mad while Janet starting making noises.

“Aaaaah, aaaah, aaaaaah!” It sounded fake though, and Janet’s body language was not giving signs of arousal nor pleasure, rather more as if she was in pain. I pride myself on being a fairly good reader of body language, especially when it comes to the arousal of women. I can spot a fake orgasm a mile off, and this was very clearly a fake reaction from Janet.

“Could I stop you there George, please?”

“Whatever for, Janet is having fun and me too, why do you want me to stop?”

“I am afraid that Janet is not having fun, in fact, in my opinion, Janet is suffering.”

“No, no I like it!” Janet interjected.

“I am afraid I need to disagree with you there Janet; you are not enjoying this one bit. Faking that you’re enjoying it is no good for either of you As far as I see, this is a consensual rape if such a thing exists.”

“You are overstepping the mark buddy!” George shouted.

I ignored George and spoke to Janet. “Janet, please stop it, you are in pain, I can’t allow it.”

All of a sudden Janet broke down and started to cry hard.

“What’s up, honey? Shall I thump this idiot in the face?” George said.

“No George,” Janet replied, “He is right, I don’t like what you are doing and I was faking enjoying it. I have been faking my orgasms for the past twenty-five years.”

“No, no that is not true, I can see that you have orgasms every time and good ones, I hear it in your voice, I see it in your body.”

Janet cried harder and harder, thus confirming her difficult confession. Wow, this was heavy, a woman confessing to her husband that she’s been faking everything for twenty-five years and all that in front of a total stranger. George looked at his wife and had no idea what was happening to him, his whole world crumbling in front of his eyes.

“No honey this can’t be true, I would never force myself on you, you always immediately went with it.”

“Yes, George…” Janet said in between cries, “It’s my fault that I always pretended to like what you were doing, but I never derived any pleasure from it. I’m so sorry.”

“No darling, I should be the one sorry for not seeing it. I could never imagine forcing myself on you, I honestly thought that you liked our sex life.”

I needed to do something for these poor folks, this could directly be leading to a big break, maybe even a divorce, and it was clear that deep down they loved each other. This was a clear case of a total lack of sexual education on both sides, combined with terrible communication. I couldn’t imagine that this sort of thing was still happening in our liberated times.

“Listen, Janet, George, what you need is proper education, something you never got when you were young. So you married twenty-five years ago, how old were you?”

“I was eighteen,” Janet said in between sniffs, “and George was twenty-two, and I was pregnant with our now twenty-four-year-old and only daughter Dawn.”

“I see and you were never properly told what sex was all about, you had to figure it all out by yourselves.”

“My mother told me that men want to have sex and that we women have to accept that and make sure they enjoy it and had orgasms to impregnate us, a woman enjoying sex was a harlot, a whore.”

“Oh my God, one of those, and I bet George that your sex education was not much better?”

“Uh, my dad told me that women are naturally inclined to pleasure us and their pleasure is second to ours and you could always tell by the sounds a woman was making if she enjoyed it or not.”

“Oh boy, have you two got a lot to learn.”

Both looked at each other as if they had stolen a cookie out of the cookie jar and got caught red-handed.

“OK, it’s never too late to start a sex education, George have you ever seriously looked at Janet’s pussy?”

“You mean her vagina?”

“Strictly it’s her vulva George, but I prefer the word pussy, it’s far more friendly than the correct term. Same as a penis, we call it a cock or a dick. Now I am even giving you guys language lessons as well,” I said with a chuckle which got a small cagey laugh, hopefully breaking the tension a bit between them.

“Good back to the pussy, and believe me, George your Janet has a very beautiful one, many women would be jealous and many men would drool over it.”

That at least put a big smile on George’s face and a small one through Janet’s remaining tears.

“Janet can you please take a seat again in the chair, your enticing butt on the edge and your legs slightly open, so that George here can get his first lesson in pussy reading. You George come over here and kneel between her legs so that you have a front-row view of Janet’s treasure”

Surprisingly, George’s aggressive attitude had completely disappeared and he took up the indicated position.

“Now George look closely, Janet has very pretty outer labia, or lips if you prefer, completely closing off her, yes vagina, you see the term vagina is actually the opening you put your cock in when you have intercourse, vulva or pussy is the term used for the whole thing. Janet’s pussy looks like a ripe plum you see?”

“Yes, now that you mention it, it does, doesn’t it?” George mumbled more to himself than to me.

“If you now open the outer labia, always handle a pussy carefully George it’s a highly sensitive thing, so if you open them with your fingers, “I said while demonstrating it, “you will see the inner labia appear, they open up like a flower. Now you try.”

George hesitantly put a thumb on each side of Janet’s outer pussy lips, like he had seen me do it, and pressed, opening them up indeed like a flower, unveiling the inner lips.

“Wow, this looks really beautiful!” George exclaimed.

Janet released a small moan.

“Now comes the most important part George, right here at the top of Janet’s snatch, another word for this most beautiful part of the female anatomy, you see a little protrusion, now that is the pleasure center, covered by a protective hood. If you caress this hood and slide it up with your thumb, you will see something that looks like a very small penis come from under it. This part is called the clitoris or clit for short; stimulating this tiny thing will almost always give a woman an orgasm, a real orgasm, not a fake one. This little pearl is just a small part of Janet’s clitoris, that is the visible part the biggest part, almost the size of your cock resides inside her body and is invisible.”

From the look on his face, I could see that George was fascinated by this wonderful, for him up to now secret, female world that was unveiling itself before his eyes.

“Shall we try to give Janet her first real orgasm George?”

“Yes, by all means, I want to make up for all these lost years!”

“Excellent, now spit or suck on your finger and then gently, ever so gently rub the clit, as if you were manipulating the little keyboard nub or mouse as they were called, on early IBM laptops.”

George sucked his finger into his mouth and then extremely gently started to rub Janet’s clit, almost immediately drawing a moan from her lips.

“You see George, you touch the mouse in the right place and it responds immediately.”

“Oh my God, this is amazing!” George cried out.

“Oh honey, yes this is wonderful, I like it, I like this a lot,” Janet whispered.

“You want to make Janet cum for real George?”

“Yes, yes by all means.”

“Ok, this might be a big challenge for you, but instead of your finger, use your tongue on Janet’s clit.”

“What! My tongue, isn’t that nasty? What about the taste?”

“Don’t worry about the taste, for now, only think of Janet’s pleasure, you’ll probably find you’ll start to enjoy the taste after a while, you will even start to crave it, believe me, I speak from experience.”

Very hesitantly George bent his head towards Janet’s nether regions, extending his tongue and carefully flicking the tip just over Janet’s clitty, again drawing louder moans and whimpers from her, this seemed to give him the courage to lick her pleasure bean with his full tongue. Janet’s motor was running now for real, as she started to push her pelvis carefully into George’s face, not wanting to upset him and stop his ministrations. Luckily for her, it had the opposite effect, George now went for the full treatment: he started sucking on her clit, even going down a bit with the flat of his tongue and discovering her entire pussy. Slowly but surely I heard Janet’s breathing increase, she was already arching her back, pushing out her enticing big fun bags, pulling in her stomach, grabbing George’s head, and pulling it against her pussy. In the meantime, I had taken a few steps away from them to give them a bit more privacy.

“Fondle her tits, George,” I whispered.

He did just that as I saw her first real orgasm inching towards boiling point.

“Slide your finger into her vagina George,” I whispered in his ear.

Janet went berserk. She started convulsing, drawing George’s face tighter into her, while George was sucking and licking like crazy, clearly feeling his wife was coming closer and closer to something he had never experienced before with her.

“Yes, yes oooooh George, yes, fuck fuck, aaaaah I’m cummmmiiiiinnnng; I’m cumming George oooh baby yes, yes, YES

Janet was shaking and shivering so hard I had to hold her by the shoulders so she wouldn’t fall out of the chair. After about thirty seconds, she collapsed, going completly limp; she seemed to have lost consciousness.

“It’s OK George, you can stop and let Janet come down from her orgasm now.”

George sort of fell on his butt, panting himself from this earth-shattering experience.

In between breaths, he said, “God what was that?”

“That George, was a real orgasm, not a fake one like you have experienced the past twenty-five years.”

“This is unbelievable, I could never imagine it would be this intense, that this little nub, which I never even knew existed up to about half an hour ago, could bring this much intense pleasure to my beloved wife, oh God we have really been in the dark when it comes to sex.”

“Have you never watched porn then?”

“No, that was described to us as sinful and was only watched by people with sick minds.”

“You will never hear me say that porn is real, also in fact most of it is very fake. A lot of what is shown will never give a woman a real orgasm, but you can learn a thing or two about the female anatomy. There are also some educational videos on porn sites, the trick is to find them. One of those is, a very interesting Dutch site, ‘The Secret Circle’ and they have educational programs as well; like ‘With three in bed’ presented by a leading female sex therapist, Kaat Bollen, broaching different topics, the first one, if I remember correctly was about listening to each other.”

Janet was slowly coming back to this world with a big smile on her face.

“Oh darling that was wonderful, thank you.”

“You better thank Lew, dear he was the one that saw through our fake sex and guided me through the process that led to your first real orgasm.”

“Thank you, Lew, how can I ever thank you for opening this whole different world to us.”

“Easy Janet, first give your daughter a good sex education so she won’t have to wait for twenty-five years to experience her first real orgasm, and second give George a blowjob for finally admitting he was mistaken and as a result was open-minded enough to do something about it.”

“A blowjob?” they said in unison.

“Yes my darlings a blowjob, I hope you know what a blowjob is?”

“No,” they said again in unison.

“Come on guys, a blowjob, sucking-dick, fellatio, the male counterpart of cunnilingus - never heard of it?”

“Uh no,” Janet replied.

“Jesus, you guys have really been living in the dark ages, although I think they did these things in those days as well. OK, Janet, like George was licking and sucking on your clit, you now take his cock in your mouth and lick and suck on it, preferably until he cums, but be careful, as the first time you get semen or cum, in your mouth, it may taste queer. Again in time, you may start to like it, it’s an acquired taste, some women even crave it after a while.”

“Should we try that George?” Janet asked still in a scared voice.

“You know what guys, go to dressing room one, explore there some more on your own, in total privacy, you can take a shower afterward. I’ll see you when you’re done, take all the time you need.”

I left them a bit flabbergasted but saw them get up and go to the indicated dressing room closing the door behind them. I didn’t want to be a witness to their newly discovered sex games, besides, I had lots more to do in my computer room, the first thing being to watch my video recording of Elisa and Jada. I was really curious how that turned out, especially the sequence I filmed at high speed.

I was not disappointed. It was an absolute turn-on to see Jada’s tits flop from under her top in slow motion as she lifted it right in front of the camera; Oh God I would like to get my hands on that girl’s enticing eighteen-year-old boobs. About an hour later, I heard a noise at my door as it opened slowly.

“Hi Lew, we have finished, we cleaned everything up,” Janet said.

George added, “Foremost we want to thank you again for what you did for us; this has completely changed our lives. Your analysis of our behavior and your knowledge of body language saved us from a life without real sexual joy; we have no idea how we can ever repay you.”

“Well as I said, number one, educate your daughter and save her from a similar mistake. Oh and by the way, if she wants, I am always looking for beautiful girls who want to pose in the nude for me; if she takes after you Janet she must be a stunner.”

“I don’t know if she will want to be that liberated at once, but if she does I’ll certainly give her a hint. I hope you don’t mind me asking, what you were just looking at, it seemed very juicy?”

“Oh, it was some video footage I took the other day, of a Latina girl, testing my new camera, she’s a bit younger than your daughter, and will be my new apprentice as of next week. She wants to go to photography school so to apply for a part-time job here was ideal for her.”

“You wouldn’t know anyone who can take on our daughter as an apprentice sommelier do you?”

“You won’t believe it, but I did that once, finding an apprenticeship as a sommelier. It was, in fact, the very first girl I photographed in the nude, way back when I was young and handsome, and on a business trip to Italy. I will visit her in a few weeks for the celebration of her fiftieth birthday.”

“Do you think she would be willing to take on our daughter as an apprentice?”

“I have no idea, she and her husband Mario have a restaurant in Rome, I could always ask, my motto is ‘no is a given, a yes I need to work on’. Send me some particulars of her studies ok?”

“Will do, bye for now Lew; when do you think our photos will be ready?”

“I have a small-size simple print here for you to choose the ones you would like in a bigger format or in a photo album. Again let me know and I’ll make them or have them made for you.”

“Wonderful, thanks again, and bye for now.”

“Bye Janet, bye George.”

It does feel good to bring together two people who have been wandering basically in the dark and helping to ensure the rest of their sex lives will be much more fulfilling and enjoyable.