Lew's Photo Studio - Book 2 by Lew Pit - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

Dinner chez Grace


Aside from the deposit of three hundred Euro commission I received from Nancy a few weeks after our last encounter, I hadn’t heard from her or her mother Grace in a while. I presumed I would never be invited for a nice meal there, but how wrong I was. Thursday evening the phone rang and believe it or not it was Grace.

“Hi Lew, Grace here, you probably thought I had forgotten all about you but I haven’t. The past few weeks it was a total circus at work, I didn’t know whether I was coming or going, however, now things have finally slowed down a bit and I can breathe again. It was as if everybody wanted to sell their house or buy another house at the same time.”

“Oh, are you in the business of buying and selling houses Grace? I had no idea.”

“Yeah I have had my own realtor firm for ages, but the past weeks were absolute hell… So how are you, Lew?”

“Good, good, I can’t complain now. During the summer, when people go on vacation, they tend to take far more snapshots and upon returning they want prints or to have them turned into a photobook, instantly, so I am rather busy as well, but nothing spectacular. Unfortunately no photo sessions with gorgeous women like yourself or your daughter though!”

“Oh you poor man, you must really feel lonely then, no nude women in front of your lens?”

“No, no babies either, just the odd sports event or festival they want me to take pictures at. At a festival, if you are lucky, you get to shoot a few bare boobs, but that’s about the extent of it, how would you feel then to come over for another round of portraits?”

“I guess I am going to pass on the offer for the moment, but I want to make good on my promise of serving you a wholesome home-cooked dinner.”

“All right, I can go for that as well, after all, it is still true that a man’s love goes through his stomach, isn’t it?”

“Great, how about Saturday evening, are you free?”

“Yes by all means Grace and if I wasn’t, I would have made myself free for such a treat.”

“Excellent shall we say sevenish? You know where I live?”

“No Grace not really.”

“OK I’ll text you the address then, shall I?”

“Wonderful, oh will Nancy and the baby be there as well?”

“Yes they will, Nancy wants to thank you again for selling her photos.”

“She did pay me for it through my commission, which I received the other week; would you thank her for me, please? Before I forget, allow me to bring a nice alcohol-free aperitif and a bottle of wine for Nancy, and a normal one for you and me?”

“Excellent, I heard from Nancy that you have a good nose for wine, so cheers now, see you Saturday!”

I was really looking forward to the evening and extremely curious if I was going to get that triple dessert Grace suggested the last time I saw her. Friday and Saturday really dragged on but I was finally able to close the door to the shop on Saturday at six o’clock. That gave me about forty-five minutes to get ready. Quickly jumping in the shower, I shaved everywhere I deemed necessary and got dressed. To be on the safe side I took one of my magical blue pills with me.

Arriving at the address I was given, I was seriously surprised by the size of the house. It was free-standing with a very nice garden around it, but unfortunately, the gate was closed. Always trying to be punctual, I rang the bell at precisely seven o’clock and as if I had uttered the magic words ‘Open Sesame’, the gates swung apart and I could drive in.

I parked the car in front of one of the garage doors, next to what I recognized as Nancy’s car. The front door was already open and Nancy, holding baby Emilia on her hip, was waiting for me.

“Come in Lew.”

“Hello Nancy, great to see you again, and you too Emilia, how is my favorite baby photo model?”

I tickled her under her chin which made her laugh out loud. I followed Nancy inside and was led straight through to the living room, well room was a diminutive, it was huge, with a big window, ceiling to floor overlooking the back garden, sun deck, and swimming pool. Grace came over from, what I expected was the kitchen, with open arms, and gave me a big hug.

“Hey Lew, welcome to my home, good to see you, how are you holding up?”

“I can’t complain, especially not today, being invited by a gorgeous woman like yourself.”

“There you go again with your flattery, if you keep that up I am really going to start to believe you.”

“It is true, you are absolutely a sight for sore eyes, every time I see you, you look younger!”

“OK, now stop it and make yourself comfortable.”

“I have these bottles for you, to accompany the excellent food I can already smell. I brought the same apero as I did when dining at Nancy’s, alcohol-free to safeguard baby Emelia and her source of nourishment. It might need to chill a little more. I also brought white alcohol-free wine for Nancy and one of my favorite red Burgundies for yourself and me, which I hope you will like.”

“Excellent, I have something as an appetizer that will go very well with the white and something as a main course that will definitely go well with a stronger red wine. Please make yourself comfortable while I put the last touches to the food and I can join you; till then Nancy will keep you entertained.”

Nancy had put Emelia in her playpen which obviously made her happy as she immediately started to crawl around and play with her toys.

“So how are you doing?”

“Not too bad thanks. I have, after a lot of nagging from my mom, joined her real estate company and I must admit I am doing much better than before; now I could even afford one of your nice photobooks.”

“No need Nancy, I did promise you a photobook and here it finally is, I managed to finish it last week and I received it back from the printers yesterday, just in time. I do hope you like it.”

Nancy eagerly grabbed the book and started perusing it, I heard her make some happy noises, so I guessed it was to her liking.

“It’s wonderful, hey mom, look what Lew brought me, the photobook he promised, it’s absolutely great, more than I could ever expect.”

Grace had come back in from the kitchen with the aperitif and joined Nancy to look at the photobook. While they were busy doing that, I had ample time to look Grace over, she looked as good, if not better than the last time I saw her. All of a sudden it dawned on me that she was no longer blonde but had reverted to her natural red color.

“Hey what have you done to your hair? It looks spectacular!”

“Yeah that’s thanks to you; you got me thinking, why do I need to be blonde, when in fact, my natural color is far better for me.”

“You are absolutely right, you look ravishing. I must confess I didn’t notice immediately when I came in but now that I have, I like it, I like it a lot; I can’t wait to get you back in front of my camera.”

“We’ll see about that,” Grace said with a chuckle. Let’s have dinner! Please take a seat at the table.”

The food Grace served was worthy of what they serve at the Deerhunter so I enjoyed it to the full, and Grace agreed that the wine I had brought accompanied it to perfection. By the time we had finished the main course, Nancy had given Emelia her last feed before she was put to bed after a short bath. While that was happening I had secretly popped my blue pill in the hope that I was going to enjoy the triple dessert the ladies had sort of promised me.

“I will serve the coffee in the salon so please make yourself comfortable on the settee,” said Grace while she brought a tray with cups and the coffee.

I was wondering, “no dessert at the table, will it really happen?”

Grace and Nancy took a seat on each side of me.

“Can we interest you in a little dessert Lew?”

“Uh yes, I guess, what did you have in mind Grace?”

“How about a small show?” Grace said while getting up and moving a few feet away from the settee. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, music started to play, what am I saying, it was clearly striptease music that was playing. Grace started to move her body to the music, holding out her hand to Nancy who also rose and joined her mother. Both now stood in front of me, looking seductive, and slowly, oh so slowly, started to move their hands over each other’s bodies, while slowly undressing each other.

Nancy moved in front of her mother, facing away from me. Grace brought the zipper of her daughter’s dress down, completely baring Nancy’s back. There was no bra in sight, and my heartbeat increased, pumping more blood around, and in a certain place upwards. Grace then slid the spaghetti straps of the dress over Nancy’s shoulders, letting the dress drop to the floor, and leaving her completely naked in front of me.

They then quickly traded places so that Nancy was facing me but completely hidden by Grace’s her back turned to me. Nancy then unzipped her mother’s dress, and slid the spaghetti straps of the dress over her shoulders, letting it also drop to the floor, leaving Grace also completely naked. They danced slowly to the music, rubbing their boobs and pussies against each other, but, enjoyable though their back views were, this position meant that, unfortunately, I could only see their enticing backsides and just a glimpse of the side of their gorgeous bodies.

They gave me ample time to admire their enticing nude backs and tushy before Grace turned, facing me, but both of them had covered their boobs with their hands, keeping up the suspense a bit longer. Stretching out their arms towards me they beckoned me to get up and join them, which I did, not really grasping it was really happening. When I got close enough, Grace started to undo the buttons of my shirt and Nancy dropped to her knees to undo the belt of my slacks, pull the zipper down, and in one go remove them, together with my boxers, leaving me in the same state of undress as they were themselves.

Nancy gave my pecker, which was already standing to attention, saluting the two lovely ladies, a quick kiss and sucked the bulbous head into her hot mouth. Keeping the show going, Grace whispered in my ear, “Will you join us in the jacuzzi sir?”

How could I refuse such an enticing invitation? Grace took my hand while Nancy held on to my cock leading me outside on the deck towards the hot tub which was already bubbling away. I slid into the nice hot water and they joined me, one on each side, I spread my arms out so I could put one around each of them, letting my right hand rest on Grace’s right boob and my left hand on Nancy’s left boob.

Grace bent towards me, and kissed me full on the mouth starting a tongue waltz with me, while Nancy’s hand moved towards my jewels again and started to fondle them making me harder and harder. The blue pill, combined with the lessons I had had from Alicia when I was in my teens, were now helping me to keep my pecker up without immediately cumming. Totally surprising me, Nancy dove under the water to take my cock into her mouth and started sucking on it as if her life depended on it.

Well, I guess it did, as she obviously had to come up for air sometime, which, to my total surprise, she only did after about two and a half minutes, which to my mind lasted almost a lifetime. She didn’t gasp for air or anything.

“How can you hold out that long underwater?” I asked.

“Training, and my hobby of freediving, holding my breath. In normal, colder water I can go for up to five minutes without coming up for air, but in this hot water it is a bit too difficult.”

“Wow, I am really impressed!”

After this surprise act, I wanted desperately to give the ladies a good time.

“Dear ladies, I have a problem, I only have one dick and I only have one mouth and there are two delightful pussies to be satisfied, how in heaven’s name am I going to be able to accomplish that?”

“No worries Grace said, we will assist you, let me take you to one of our sun loungers and I’ll show you.”

Grace took my hand and guided me to a lounger.

“Just lie down on your back Lew.”

Nancy had followed her mother and as soon as I was in a horizontal position walked backward over my head with her legs spread wide, facing away from my dick giving me, in the process, a front-row view of her delectable shaved pussy with her huge milky boobs above it. Making sure she was in the correct position she sat down, sliding her pussy over my mouth. I needed no further explanation; immediately I attacked, licking and slurping her snatch, repaying her for the underwater blowjob she had just given me. All of a sudden I felt a hand grabbing my hard cock and holding it upright.

I heard Grace’s voice, a bit muffled by Nancy’s thighs, saying: “This is how we think you can satisfy us both at the same time, sir.”

I felt something like a warm, wet, soft, and silky glove slide over my cock all the way to my pubes. With my mouth working on Nancy’s pussy all I could do was moan, sending vibrations into her core, and resulting in her also starting to moan above me. Grace clearly had my cock buried in her snatch and from the angle, I guessed she was facing her daughter’s backside. It felt absolutely fantastic, the only downside was that I couldn’t see anything but Nancy’s stomach and boobs.

I could feel mother and daughter moving above me and when I looked up, I saw Grace’s hands starting to play with Nancy’s tits. That view alone made my dick even harder than it already was. High time to concentrate on keeping that orgasm as far away as possible, I definitely needed to keep going for a long time to keep up with these two vixens.

Devoid of some of my senses, I had to go on with what I could feel with my own body. With one hand I could feel Nancy’s stomach taut and going in and out indicating an oncoming orgasm, with my other, I could feel similar movement on Grace’s abdomen, while my dick also felt Grace’s pussy muscles making small contractions while going up and down and gyrating on my cock.

To help bring them to their climax, I started to massage Nancy’s clit with my thumb, while trying to reach Grace’s love bean with my other hand to give it the same treatment. Believe me, this is mighty difficult if you can’t really see what you are doing. From the noises, both girls were making I could only guess I was doing the right thing. I heard both of them moaning and whimpering louder and louder as if they were competing in who could make the most noise. I hoped for them that the neighbors were not at home, too far away, or stone-deaf.

All of a sudden Nancy started to buck while pushing her pussy harder and harder into my face, flooding me with her lovely tasting juices while at the same time I felt Grace stop all movement with her pussy but really contracting on my dick. The combined noise they were making would have exceeded the permitted decibels at a music festival.

I couldn’t hold it together anymore either, not helped by being restricted in my breathing by Nancy’s hot pussy. I came, I came hard, squirting so much cum into Grace’s love tunnel mingling with her love juice and building up the pressure so much in her grotto that I felt it flow out over my abdomen. I pushed Nancy up with both my hands on her ass, coming up for air; lucky for me she caught on fairly quickly and moved off my face, allowing me to breathe normally.

After a little while, Grace said, “That is how you pleasure two girls at the same time!”

She got up too, my cock plopping out of its warm nest.

“Hey, I see that you are all ready for an encore?”

Thanks to the blue wonder pill my cock was still fairly hard and was immediately gobbled up by Grace, who started to suck it back to its full height. That done she chased me off the lounger, instructing Nancy to take my place but on all fours, which she did, sticking her butt high in the air as an open invitation to invade her love channel, this time doggy style, an invitation I couldn’t, and didn’t want to, refuse. Once inside Nancy, Grace got up on the lounger, facing me while straddling her daughter and maneuvering her full red bush pussy right in front of my mouth. She put her hand on my shoulders to steady herself; again I didn’t need any further instructions and although her pussy was filled with my own cum, I immediately attacked the red forest and its most enticing valley with my mouth and tongue.

“Oh God, I do love to eat that red-haired pussy of yours!”

All I got in response was: “Mmmmh Aaah, yes, yes there, lick there, bite my clit!”

All the while I was pumping in and out of Nancy’s cunt, my hands were mauling her tits and pulling on her nipples. When I felt her squeezing my dick with her pussy muscles, suggesting she was again building up towards her next orgasm, I moved one hand to her pussy to frig her clit making sure she would reach that peak as quickly as possible. I had to bring both of the girls to their peak quickly, as my neck, which was in an awkward rather painful angle, was starting to hurt like hell and so was my tongue after the hard work in Nancy’s pussy before. My back was protesting too, so I increased the speed of my fucking, at the same time sucking hard and long on Grace’s clit. Judging by their body movements and the noises they were making, it seemed they were close.

“Yes, yes, deeper Lew, deeper, fuuuuuck me, make me cum, yeees…I’mmmmmm cuuuuuuuuuuming!” I heard from beneath me, while in front of me I heard similar noises from Grace: “Go, go, lick me, make me come, eat my clit oooooooh yeeees, I’mmmmm cuuuuuuuuming, I’mmmmmm cuuuuuuuumiiiiing!”

I felt my cock being squeezed hard by Nancy’s pussy muscles milking me for all I was worth, while a hot tsunami of Grace’s tasty girl juice combined with my own cum inundated my face. I responded by flooding Nancy’s pussy with what felt like loads and loads of cum. After that the whole tower collapsed, Nancy fell down on the lounger, me on top of her and Grace came forward onto my back. We recovered fairly quickly, enough to allow all of us to sit next to each other, though we were still panting and breathing hard as we came down from our earth-shattering orgasms.

“Wow Grace, Nancy that was…”

”Awesome!” Grace completed.

“That’s the understatement of the year!”

“That was what the French would describe as ‘du jamais vue’! Something never seen or experienced before.”

“Let’s clean up under the shower and then I can serve the proper dessert,” Grace said all matter-of-factly, which due to the way she said it, resulted in a burst of laughter from Nancy and myself.

“What? What’s wrong, I do have Lew’s favorite dessert and I think he deserves it after that performance!”

“Yeah mom, but the way you said it, it sounded hilarious!”

“You see Lew, these youngsters have no respect for their parents anymore: they think we’re hilarious,” Grace said with a chuckle and a wink my way.

With a grin and a wink from my side, I responded, “Now you know why I never wanted kids Grace!”

We adjourned to the bathroom and jumped into Grace’s gigantic walk-in shower, where we proceeded to wash or should I say grope each other until we were clean and smelling nice again. Grace provided me with a nice fluffy bathrobe like theirs, in which we returned to the living room where Grace served a top-notch ‘Dame Blanche’.

“I am impressed Grace that you picked up on my favorite dessert during our conversations.”

“You said it yourself Lew, a man’s love goes through his stomach!”

After finishing this dessert fit for the gods, followed by coffee and a brandy, I took my leave, with the promise that we would do this again soon.