Lew's Photo Studio - Book 3 by Lew Pit - HTML preview

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Chapter 26

Bethany’s paintings


I’d been reflecting on Bethany’s paintings, and finally decided that if I didn’t take action, they would never make it to an art exhibition. I decided to give some of my friends a call the help me convince her to finally do something about it.

“Hey Linda, it’s Lew, I need your help.”

“Hello, yes I knew it was you, Lew, I immediately recognized that sexy voice, what do you need help with, tell me, will I enjoy it too?”

“I’m not sure about you enjoying it but you’ve seen the paintings in Bethany’s apartment, and you know she is the artist who painted them don’t you?”

“Uh yes.”

“Don’t you think they deserve to be exhibited?”

“Absolutely, when you suggested it to her I fully agreed. Hasn’t she done anything about it yet then?”

“I’m afraid not, so this is where I need your help to convince her to finally go for it. I offered the photo studio as a venue, so it won’t cost her a penny. The only thing she needs to do is bring the paintings, overview the installation of the exhibition, and show up in a stunning dress at the vernissage. I’m sure we’ll be able to find a few sponsors for the drinks and food.”

“Great idea, how do you want to tackle it?”

“I’ve got a few ideas; Bethany owes me for helping her when she was attacked by that brute she had a blind date with, I could maybe use that to put some pressure on her.”

“Beth was attacked by a guy she had a date with?”

“Yes, she was completely distressed that evening. I’ll tell you all about it some time, but not over the phone.”

“If it was so distressing, it might not be a good idea to remind her of it then?”

“No, maybe not.”

“How about sex? Do you think we could convince her with good down-to-earth sex?”

“It might work, but how do I figure into that?”

“You told me about your encounter with Bethany and the way she took to you? Between the two of us, or better yet, with Bethany between the two of us, we should be able to come up with something that will allow us to convince her she needs to do this. After all, it’s for her own good.”

“You mean as a sandwich?”

“You’re so smart. Yes, we could be nasty, bring her to a high, and then deny her orgasm until she agrees to go for the exhibition. It would be fun to try anyway!”

“You devious man, but yes I think it could work. Got any ideas how you can get her into that situation?”

“Dinner is always a good start, that’s how I got to know Bethany intimately the first time - trying to convince her to help your career as a model - dinner and a fuck. That encounter convinced her she had to do something about her sex life, resulting in the disastrous date that brought her to my door that evening.”

“Sounds good, you should try it, let me know when you have a dinner date with her and if you were able to convince her afterward.”

“I think you’re not completely on board with the plan dear Linda, you need to be the other 50% of this deception, how else am I going to turn Bethany in a sandwich, with only one slice of bread? You have to come on this dinner date as well, to appeal to Bethany’s lesbian side. The whole idea is to make her desperate, begging for release, and that’s something I won’t be able to accomplish on my own. So can I count on you?”

“By all means, my pussy is already looking forward to some more play with Bethany… and you of course, or do I need to remind you I’m bi?”

“No Linda, you’re everything a man can ever want, you’re bi, you love to suck cock and you like to dabble with kinky stuff. I’ll let you know when I can set up a date with Bethany. I’ll keep your participation a secret from her so when we walk into the restaurant it will, hopefully, be a nice surprise. All I need to do now is come up with a plausible reason for a dinner date with her, any suggestions?”

“I know you don’t want anybody to know about it, but what if Bethany were to invite you for your birthday?”

“No way, you know how I feel about that!”

“Not so fast Lew, I could whisper something in Bethany’s ear about it, sharing your explicit wish to keep this a secret, she’ll feel privileged knowing about it, being able to treat you secretly to a dinner, beating everybody else. Can I do that please? I just love the intrigue. OK, me attending this dinner wouldn’t be a surprise anymore then, as I guess she will invite me to come along wanting to thank me for sharing this secret with her, and another advantage is that she’ll be financing her own downfall.”

“And you dare to call me devious! As I’ve said before, I’m going to have to be so careful around you: you’re worse than all of the bad Bond girls rolled into one. OK, you’ve convinced me, at least my birthday will bring something positive. Let me know when you’ve talked to Bethany, so I can act all surprised when she calls me with the invitation. I wonder though what reason she’s gonna come up with; it can’t be for my birthday, you’ll make sure of that, won’t you?”

“Yes Lew, you can rest assured I’ll make it very clear to her this birthday has to remain a secret for the rest of the world, and she shouldn’t give it as a reason for the invite. Speak to you soon, do you prefer any specific date for this dinner?”

“Saturdays or Sundays are always good, I can rest the next day, the shop being closed.”

“OK Saturday or Sunday it is, I’ll let Bethany choose the restaurant, or should I whisper a preference in her ear as well?”

“No, she’ll probably go for the Deer Hunter anyway, unless she wants to surprise me. Cheers Linda and thanks, I knew I could count on you to help me with this dilemma.”


Later that day in Bethany’s perfumery:

“Hi, Linda, what brings you to my shop? Do you need another wax? Shall I take a look at your delightful pussy to see if everything is still OK?”

“No thanks, not immediately Beth, I’m still recovering from the last one. Hey, I didn’t know you had photos of me in your shop.”

“Compliments of Lew dear, they’re sort of my fee for helping your career along, and to promote the beauty parlor. I’ve got some on my website as well, and I must say since I’ve had the pictures on the site, the business has been growing. Sometimes people come in with a copy of one of your photos they’ve downloaded to show me what it is they would like to look like. I can assure you that’s sometimes a real challenge, you’ve got a beautiful face with excellent bone structure but when somebody walks in, to put it politely, not blessed with what you’ve got, it’s hard to convince them they won’t be looking as good as you, even with my help. I guess your visit here must be a ‘looking in the mirror’ experience for you?”

“Yeah, it sort of is actually. Speaking of the artist that took these photos, I need your help with something. I know from a well-informed source, that Lew’s birthday is coming up and I would like to take him to dinner, to thank him for all he’s done for me, the thing is I’m not familiar with restaurants. I have no idea where to take him, I know some chip shops, but that wouldn’t do for such an occasion. You are a woman of the world, and I was wondering if you could advise me where to take him, a place he would like?”

“Oh, he’s got his birthday coming up? We’ve got to throw him a party then.”

“No, no, absolutely not, he doesn’t want anyone to know, and he doesn’t want any party or fuss, I urge you to keep it a secret, please!”

“Oh is it that difficult for him, why is he turning 50?”

“No, it’s worse, at least in his books, he’s turning 60, practically over the hill as far as he’s concerned, so you can imagine he wants this to go by without anyone knowing.”

“I see, but after what he did the other day for me, I would like to do something for him as well. Let me think…mmh, I know you are just starting out as a model, so I guess that you’re still struggling financially. You shared your secret with me and I can’t do anything with it, but I very much want to do something for him as well. Why don’t we combine forces, I’ll keep the secret, you invite him to dinner I’ll join you and I’ll foot the bill. Could that work for you, having me join the dinner party?”

“Uh, I guess that could work, provided you swear on the grave of whoever is dear to you to keep the secret.”

“Deal, I’ll keep my mouth shut and we take him together to the Deer Hunter.”

“The Deer Hunter?”

“Yes that’s the best restaurant in the neighborhood and I happen to know that Lew likes it very much. It’s the place he took me to when he wanted to impress me and talk me into helping your career. It was very nice, especially the after-party.”

“The after-party? Bethany, are you keeping secrets from me?”

“Uh not really, we had a nice cup of coffee after dinner in my place.”

“Cup of coffee hey, I can imagine that a cup was part of it, but not with coffee, am I right? Please do tell.”

“We had a nice evening…and night together yes, oh god that man made me feel like a desirable woman again. For you youngsters it’s easy to snare a man, even an older one but for the likes of me, they’re not exactly lining up you know, so it’s not so strange I want to thank him too. But I don’t kiss and tell, so you’ll have to rely on your imagination on what happened.”

“I wasn’t looking for details Beth, I’m glad he gave you your confidence back.”

“Unfortunately, I was a bit too eager to get back in the game, and then Lew had to bail me out.”

“You have quite a history with him don’t you, did he have to bail you out of prison?”

“No, no I committed no crime, but my date was another matter Shortly after we left to go to dinner, he stopped somewhere along the way in a quiet lane and tried to rape me. Fortunately, I managed to escape and ended up on Lew’s doorstep, completely in a panic and with my clothes torn. That night Lew took care of me, comforted me and we ended up making sweet, tender love.”

“Wow, that’s quite a story; maybe you should marry him.”

“No I don’t think Lew is the marrying kind, he’s been a bachelor all his life. I don’t think he will change, besides I wouldn’t want him to, I’d deprive him of having young women like yourself to keep him young as well.”

“I guess you’re right Beth, he’s better off on his own so he can take care of the elderly ladies of the village with the occasional young thing.”

“Excuse me, but I don’t think I qualify as elderly!”

“Oh I’m sorry, age seems to be a big problem here, so Lew is not that different from you then when it comes to age?”

“Behave yourself young lady, or I’ll take him to dinner all by myself!” Bethany said with a chuckle.

“I will ma’am, but now for the more practical, when shall we organize it? I think he prefers Saturdays or Sundays, so he can have his beauty sleep afterwards.”

“Let me make a call to see when they have a table available.”

A few minutes later, Bethany reported that everything was settled, a table for 3 was booked for Saturday at 7 pm. They agreed that Bethany would invite Lew later that day. Linda was rather pleased with herself for handling this mission so well. It was clear Bethany had no idea whatsoever she was being manipulated. She immediately reported back to Lew, telling him to expect a call from Bethany with the invitation.

“Hello Lew, I heard that you have a special day coming up, and I would like to invite you to celebrate that day with me in the Deer hunter.”

“Oh my god, who told you? Isn’t it possible to keep any secrets in this village?”

“Doesn’t look that way, but rest assured your secret is safe with me, I won’t breath a word to anyone provided you accept my invitation.”

“Are you blackmailing me?”

“No, no nothing of the sort, I just want to thank you again for comforting me after that terrible ordeal I had gone through the other day, and what better reason than your upcoming special day.”

“You can call it my birthday Bethany, we both know what we are talking about here, so what did you have in mind?”

“I booked a table for next Sunday at 7 pm in the Deer Hunter, would that be OK for you?”

“I guess it will have to be, thanks for the invite, you know how to entice a man don’t you, well at least with one of the two things men like.”

“What would that be?”

“You don’t know the method? It’s so easy to seduce a man: bring food and come naked. So you’ve got the first part already covered, and who knows the rest may come later in the evening?”

“You naughty boy! Yes, who knows what else the evening might bring. So is it OK, can you pick me up at, say, 6:45 maybe?”

“OK Bethany, I’ll pick you up at 6:45, I guess the dress code is formal?”

“Absolutely, I want to dazzle you with a new dress I bought, see you Sunday then.”


Sunday evening I picked up Bethany at the agreed time. Of course, acting duly surprised when she showed up together with Linda, who gave me a wink. Both looked stunning, Linda wore an off-shoulder cocktail dress in mint green, the lower part wide and very short, showing off her beautiful legs, her feet encased in 5-inch fuck me heels. Bethany looked ravishing, also in a cocktail dress in royal blue, covering her shoulders, but with a plunging neckline drawing my attention to her ample cleavage, her big boobs nicely pushed against the dress which ended just above her knees with her feet also encased in 4-inch, eat more pussy, heels. I felt like a king, or maybe a sultan with the better part of his harem? When we walked into the Deer Hunter, all eyes focused on us. In this town, that lived for gossip, we would be the ones on everybody’s lips for the next weeks. As could have been expected, the food was superb, we gave the chef free reign, and he didn’t let us down, surprising us with some daring combinations, one of them was cod with sour cherries. Later, when he came to the table to find out if we liked what he’d done, he confided that he had learned about this unusual cod/cherry combination in Finland, from a top female chef over there. Being the designated driver, I refrained from too much alcohol, having a mocktail while the ladies had Champagne. I had one small glass of wine while both Linda and I urged Bethany to enjoy the Riesling I had selected. After dinner I suggested having a ‘pousse-café’ at my place - the ladies agreed. Linda knew what was about to happen and Bethany hoped something like that would happen, so both of them were rather anxious to get there.

“So ladies, coffee and cognac, is that acceptable or do you prefer Irish coffee, or one of my favorites, Baileys on ice?”

“Oh Baileys on ice please!” they said, almost in unison.

“Excellent, Baileys on ice it is.”

Linda and I had arranged that Bethany sat between us on the sofa. I put my arm around her shoulders, slightly tickling her neck with my fingers, sending tiny electric shocks straight to her pussy, Linda had put a hand on her knee, not doing anything but only the fact that it was there enticed a small moan from Bethany’s lips. Bowing towards her, I put a tentative kiss on her lips, distracting her from Linda’s hand creeping up her leg and thigh. I pushed her away from the back of the sofa, so I could get to the zipper of her dress, sliding it slowly down. When it was about halfway, I slid my hand inside the dress, caressing her naked back. I knew she was wearing one by the way her boobs looked in the dress: it was a push-up. I pulled her dress sideways off her shoulder, all the time dancing a tongue tango together in her and my mouth. A slight shiver went through her as Linda let go of her thigh. I looked at Linda and she mouthed ‘wet’, she’d ventured all the way up Bethany’s leg to her panties. Linda got up, looking at Bethany, her hand went behind her back, pulling down the zipper of her cocktail dress. When it was down, nothing much was holding it up anymore making it fall to the ground and ending in a puddle around her feet. Linda looked extremely sexy, her arms in the air, swaying to the music that played in the background. Her boobs pushed forward, totally on display now, and her still hairless pussy was barely covered by a tiny triangle of transparent material. She definitely had my cock’s attention. I gave Bethany a nudge to get up out of the sofa which resulted in her dress following the example of Linda’s, falling to the floor, and puddling around her feet. I had a first-row view of her enticing butt encased in panties matching her bra. I couldn’t help myself, and grabbed the elastic of her panties, pulling them down.

Linda had, in the meantime, taken over the tongue play, allowing me to concentrate fully on Bethany’s enticing, now bare, bum. Sliding my hands from her hips forward to her abdomen I pulled her toward me while I placed numerous little kisses on her cheeks. My hands had moved down, over her pussy, just making tickling movements with my fingers, while Linda’s hands had moved to her back, swiftly unclasping her bra for me so I avoided that most difficult task, for a man, once undone, I helped by pushing the straps forward over her shoulders, getting her completely naked. As usual, I was still fully dressed, while the ladies were already completely nude if you disregard Linda’s tiny transparent G-string.

Getting up I said, “Shall we adjourn to the bedroom ladies?” Without really waiting for an answer, I put an arm around each of their waists and pulled them in the direction of the bedroom. They followed without protest.

Once arrived, Bethany noticed my attire. “Hey you’re still fully clothed, we can’t have any of that can we Linda?”

“No, we certainly can’t.” Both of them attacked me, undoing my tie, unbuttoning my shirt and trousers removing everything in record time. I held on to the tie.

“Bethany, how would you feel about letting me take full control over your gorgeous body?”

“My body’s completely yours, take me to heaven,” Bethany replied in a slurred voice. The alcohol was clearly showing its effect. Excellent I thought, the plan is working.

“For you to enjoy what I’m about to make you experience Bethany, I need to restrict some of your senses, please don’t be alarmed.”

“That’s OK Lew, I trust you completely.”

I put the tie, I was still holding in my hand, over her eyes.

“Oh, the light went out,” she said, giggling and slightly unsteady on her legs. “Must I go to sleep?”

“No, no Beth, just go with the flow, lie down on the bed.” Bethany let herself drop backward on the bed with her arms spread, the lower part of her legs still over the edge.

“Move up!” I said, which she immediately did. Now completely on the bed, I proceeded to restrain first her legs, with a soft cuff on each ankle and some rope I had at the ready. I spread them wide and then did the same with her arms, leaving her nicely spread-eagled on the bed, with little possibility to move. She was now totally in our power. To increase her level of arousal, I proceeded to tickle the inside of her thighs, while Linda did the same to her arms, slowly approaching her boobs, but going past them towards her abdomen. I had a similar tactic on her legs and thighs, going all the way up to her pussy, just running one finger along the valley between her thigh and pussy. Moving her pelvis, she tried to get me to touch her slit, but I avoided the trap and went down her thigh again, enticing a disgruntled moan from her lips. Linda was doing just the same to her upper body, sliding one finger through the valley of her tits and back around the underside, drawing a circle around them, but staying far away from the nipples. Bethany began squirming and laughing with all the tickling going on all over her body.

“Please stop teasing me! Fuck me or finger me, but just make me cum!”

Both Linda and I were keeping quiet but we moved our hands and fingers closer to her more sensitive spots. I began sliding my finger over her snatch, but stayed away from her clit, Linda drew closer to her areolae, causing her nipples to harden, but stayed away from the tender nubs resulting in more squirming and increased moaning. Time to bring her to the brink of what could be the first orgasm. I carefully placed a kiss on her pussy, while Linda kissed her nipps and gave them a lick. Then, with a glance at each other, both of us got to work on our helpless Bethany. After the kiss she pushed her pelvis forward, sort of obliging me to start licking the outside of her pussy lips from the bottom to the hood over her clit, then circling my tongue over the hood before placing my thumbs on either side and sliding it back, exposing her erect clit fully to my agile tongue. When it was well wet, I sucked it hard into my mouth. Bethany jumped at the sudden move, then responded with muffled whimpers of pleasure erupting from her mouth. The muffling was thanks to Linda, who had her tongue stuck deep into it while mauling her tits with both hands, and pinching her nipples. When Linda moved her mouth back to Bethany’s nipps, sucking and biting them she released shrieks and squeals giving indications of her impending orgasm. This was our cue to stop what we were doing. Linda let go of her tits and I moved away from her cunt, leaving her high and dry.

“No, no continue, please I was just on the verge, don’t stop!”

We moved away from the bed, Bethany had no idea what was happening, she saw nothing and she heard nothing either.

“Where are you? Don’t leave me, I want to cum, I deserve to cum, I need to cum, Lew fuck me, pleeeaaaase fuck me!”

“Stop whining woman, or I’ll have to punish you!”

“Punish me? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Yes you did Bethany, you made promises and you didn’t follow through.”

“Promises? I always follow through on my promises.”

“Are you sure, think hard, the promise you made me weeks ago, and I’m still waiting for a positive answer?”

“I don’t remember making you any promises.”

“You promised both me and Linda you’d think about something.”

“I don’t know, please, Lew…Linda don’t torture me anymore. What did I promise? I don’t remember anymore.”

“Something about paintings.”

“Paintings? Which paintings?”

“Your paintings, silly woman, the ones you have in your apartment.”

“You mean my paintings?”

“Yes, your paintings, and what did you promise?”

“I don’t remember, do you want any of them?”

“I want all of them.”

“You can’t have all of them.”

“Yes, I can, for an exhibition in my photo studio.”

“Oh my god, I completely forgot about that. Yes you are right I told both of you I’d think about it.”

“Well have you?”

“Yes and I don’t think they're good enough.”

“We think they are and as long as you don’t agree, we propose to keep on tormenting you without letting you cum.”

That said, I ferociously attacked her cunt again while Linda resumed torturing her nipps with tongue and mouth. To increase the pressure, I slid a finger into her sopping hole, stimulating her, in a come hither motion, on the sensitive nerves at the top, the G-spot, while sucking and licking her little nubbin, drawing more blood into it, making it super sensitive. After introducing a second finger I felt her squeeze them with her pussy muscles combined with a very high-pitched vocal exultation of pleasure. She arched her back, her breathing increasing, as she inched, or rather rushed, to orgasm again. Keeping true to our promise, we both stopped again and moved away from the bed.

‘No! NO! Don’t stop this is inhumane! This is pure torture, I hate you, I HATE YOU!”

“You know what to do Beth!”

“Release me immediately! I’ll sue you!”

“I’m afraid you’re not going to find a judge who is going to believe you, let alone convict us for torture. Just give in and we’ll give you the best orgasm you have had in months, you won’t regret it, you’ll thank us when your exhibition turns out to be a huge success.

“No, they're not good enough, it’s just some amateur work, don’t embarrass me please!”

“It’s not amateur work, and you know it; we both think your paintings are fantastic, and we want you to share them with the world. We also want to give you a fantastic time, if you’ll only let us. Give in, just say yes Beth, say yes, we’ll do all the work, the exhibition room is for free and I’m sure Tanja will help you as well. She saw your paintings too and she confided in me she would like you to make some for the cellar, she even asked me to take some specific pictures for you to turn them into paintings, for permanent exhibition in the club.”

Linda wanted to put in her two bits as well and said, “Beth, we love you and we want the best for you. Not only that, we would love to give you a tremendous orgasm on top, in fact, it’s killing me to keep stopping – almost as bad as it’s driving you mad! Please let us do this for you, let us organize an exhibition and take you to orgasm heaven.”

“OK, OK, but only if you give me an orgasm right this minute!”

That was all we needed, I released Bethany immediately, took her blindfold away, and invited her to straddle me, but not before Linda had sucked my dick to a full-blown raging hardon, which only took 10 seconds. She held my cock upright until Bethany had maneuvered her pussy right above it and impaled herself riding me like a professional amazon. We had another surprise for her though. Linda had moved away, behind Bethany and donned the double strap-on dildo we had used on Petra. When she was ready she signaled me with her hand, mouthing ‘ready when you are’. I put my arms around Bethany’s back and pulled her closer to my chest, thus bringing her bum up in the air, and making her brown star fully available for an assault by Linda. The latter began fondling Bethany’s buttocks slightly pulling them open while running a glob of lubricant into the hole. The strap-on black cock was encased in a condom and very well lubricated. She placed it at the entrance of Bethany’s back door, grabbed her hips, and pushed. As Bethany was completely taken by surprise, she didn’t have the chance to contract her sphincter and deny entry into her back passage. She shrieked however not realizing what was happening to her.

“What is this, what’re you doing?”

“Don’t worry, just some light anal play, relax you’re going to love it, Linda knows exactly what she’s doing.”

“Take it easy Linda, you remember your first time, give Beth a minute to adjust.”

“Yes sir, don’t worry Beth I’ll take it easy, just relax and enjoy the ride.”

“I’m not sure, it hurts, it burns, I can’t think I’m going to like this one bit.”

Linda remained totally still, so did Bethany, as she didn’t dare to move on my cock anymore for fear of increasing this intrusion into her back passage. The urge to stimulate her pussy, however, took over and she slowly began to move again, involuntarily sliding the dildo deeper and deeper into her rectum, till all of a sudden Linda yelled out. “I’m fully in, shall I now start fucking you, Beth?”

“Beth you just experienced your first DP.”

“DP, what the fuck is DP?”

“Double Penetration dear, two dicks in your body at the same time. How does it feel?”

“Full, very full, a little weird, but not too bad. Can you continue please?”

Linda started to move first, while Beth tried to follow her rhythm as she began moaning again, clearly enjoying herself, as did Linda, stimulated by the other end of the dildo embedded in her own pussy. Soon they were moaning and whimpering in unison, stimulating each other, getting closer to their individual orgasms. Time was ripe to give Bethany her reward. To help her over the brink, I wormed a hand in between our bodies, strumming her clit, while the other grabbed one of her tits, pinching the nipple. From the sounds emanating from her lips, my moves were well received. I didn’t have to worry about Linda, as her pleasure nub was being thoroughly stimulated by the protrusion on the dildo embedded in her hot snatch. The pleasure noises produced by both women became louder becoming real cries of ecstasy. It was difficult for me to distinguish between the two as both were on top of me. My dick was also getting stimulated differently, both by Bethany’s hot pussy and the dildo in her back passage, which was hitting me regularly via the two thin walls separating both canals.

I thought I recognized Linda’s shout, at the top of her voice, “Yes, oh god, I’m cumming, fuck, fuck yes; Beth cum with me!”

Upon which Beth replied, “Yeah me too, finally, yes, this feels soooo good AAAAAH!” The cries combined with Beth clamping down on my cock with her pussy muscles, experiencing her orgasm was all it took to throw me into my own blissful orgasmic state, pumping her cunt full of my hotter than hot cum. After that the whole tower collapsed on top of me, making it rather difficult for me to breathe. Fortunately, they came quickly to their senses and rolled off me.

“Are you OK Lew?” Bethany asked sounding rather concerned.

“I’m fine darling, just catching my breath; the question is did you enjoy it?”

“Yeah you bet, you can do all of that to me again any time you like.”

“Do you remember what you agreed to?”

“Yes I do, even if it was obtained under duress I’ll do it, I agreed to an exhibition of my paintings in your studio. I even remember you telling me something about a Tanja wanting paintings of mine for permanent exhibition in a club somewhere.”

“Yes in the BDSM club in the cellar.”

“What BDSM club? And where is this? In your cellar?”

“Yes, didn’t you know? I thought the whole village knew by now that the local BDSM club’s playroom is in my cellar.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, you want to see?”

“By all means, I wouldn’t miss this for the world…Did you know about this cellar, Linda?”

“Yes Beth, I was even the main attraction during the inauguration ceremony.”

“No way - you practice BDSM?”

“Yes Beth, I do, and I love it, Astrid is my Master.”

“Astrid a Master of BDSM?

“Yes a Master and a sub sometimes, isn’t she Lew?”

“You’re a Master as well Lew?”

“Hell no, well not Astrid’s master anyway, I just played a bit with her and learned under Tanja’s guidance. I do have a sub, sort of.”

“And who is she?”

“She’s my helper in the shop and studio, Jada.”

Jada as well? Is there one single woman left in this village not involved in this BDSM stuff?”

“Yes, you!” I said with a chuckle. “OK if you want to visit the cellar I’m afraid you will have to wait a bit, they’ve got their weekly Saturday night bash. If you care to stay the night, we will be able to go first thing in the morning, it’ll be empty then, it’s up to you.”

“I don’t mind, how about you Linda, you want to stay?”

“Definitely, you know I love being all night in your bed, Lew.”

“Great we’ll go tomorrow then, though on one condition: we go like this.”

“What do you mean like this?”

“I mean naked, that’s the best way to visit, we’ll take the inside route, then no one will see us.

The next morning, after a relatively peaceful night, I took both girls to the cellar. Bethany’s mouth fell open when she saw all the stuff that was there.

“And you know how all these contraptions work, and what to do?”

“Not all, but I know a few, would you like a demonstration?”

“Uh yes, if it’s not too painful!”

“OK, I’ll demonstrate. Linda, come with me, we’ll try the Saint Andrew’s Cross.”

Linda came with me and I proceeded to attach her with cuffs and chains until she was fully restrained in a nicely spread-eagled position.

“And now what? Although she couldn’t stop you, you can’t fuck her like this.”

“Very few of these things are designed to let you fuck someone Bethany, they’re meant for discipline, or to bring a pain-pleasure sensation to an aficionado, I’ll show you.”

I picked up a flogger and swished it in the air a few times, Bethany looked at me with fearful eyes.

“Are you going to hit her with that?”

“Yes, why?”

“That must hurt terribly!”

“No, it doesn’t, want to feel?”

“No, no, I’ll just watch thank you.”

I moved closer to Linda, who looked at me with a big smile, even when the tips of the flogger made contact with her skin. Bearing in mind my lessons, I hit Linda 4 times lightly and the fifth time hard. It resounded in the otherwise completely silent cellar, drawing a little shriek from her lips. Her smile stayed. To make it more interesting I took up a second flogger making circles with them alternatively hitting her body with one and then the other, sometimes 3 or 4 light ones followed by 2 or 3 harder hits. Linda’s skin slowly turned a glowing pink, especially her boobs and abdomen. After feeling with my hand I decided they’d had enough punishment and concentrated more on her thighs. Bethany was looking at the display with wide eyes, her hand in front of her open mouth, not believing what she was witnessing. After 10 minutes, I thought Linda had had enough, for a demonstration anyway.

“Why did you stop Master?” she asked with a big smile, “have I not behaved as you expect me to?”

“I thought we were only giving a small demonstration.”

“I want more!”

“OK, if you want more, I’ll give you more.”

Going back to the cupboard I retrieved a couple of nipple clamps and applied them to Linda’s nubs. That led to a high-pitched shriek, shortly followed by another smile on her face. It was high time to increase the temperature of her pussy. Picking up a flogger, I began to hit between her wide-spread legs, aiming to get the stinging ends of the thongs just on her protruding clit, and again alternating light with hard hits. Now tears began to come to her eyes. Bethany had almost turned into a statue, whimpering, both hands in front of her wide-open mouth.

“Would you like to try Bethany”

“No, I couldn’t stand the pain.”

“No I mean would you like to flog Linda?”

“God no, I couldn’t hurt her.”

“Don’t worry, she loves it. Would you like Beth to flog you, Linda?”

”Oh yes please Beth, flog me!”

Handing the flogger to Beth she stood there not knowing what to do.

“Go on hit her!”

Beth gave a halfhearted swish with the flogger, barely touching Linda.

“Come on Beth you can do better than that, after all when you apply your wax to a girls’ pussy that hurts like hell, and here you’re afraid to touch Linda.”

Bethany got a determined look on her face, spread her legs, standing more firmly in front of Linda, then drew back her arm, and hit, hard this time, drawing a yelp from Linda’s lips, which was quickly followed by a smile. That was all Bethany needed to go for it, imitating my movements hitting Linda’s boobs and abdomen hard, every time. After about 10 lashes I stopped her. Tears were now coming seriously from her eyes, her mascara in streaks all over her face.

“Now is the time to feel if Linda’s skin is OK Beth, caress her, also feel her pussy, see if it’s wet, and if it is, slide a finger in, to pleasure her. She’s extra sensitive there now, you should be able to make her cum in no time at all.”

As soon as Bethany slid a finger in Linda’s cunt, the young slave began to moan, pushing her mound into Bethany’s hand, demanding her to go harder. After 5 ins and outs she came, Beth was so pleased she kept going, sliding in a second and third finger, Linda shouting at the top of her voice kept cumming, proving it by squirting all over herself and Beth. She created a serious puddle of girl juice on the floor. Bethany was totally beside herself, looking at me, looking at Linda, not believing what she just did. I carefully removed the clamps from Linda’s nipples, one by one, softly sucking on them to reduce the pain of the blood flowing back, then released her from the cross.

“Oh my god Linda, how is that possible, I had no idea that inflicting pain could result in such a huge orgasm, I never understood this BDSM stuff and how people could endure and enjoy it, but now that I’ve seen it I believe it.”

“How about a small demonstration on yourself Bethany?”

“No I don’t think so, I’m far too sensitive to endure this.”

“How do you know if you don’t try? Come on don’t be a wimp it’s less painful than that Brazilian wax you gave me,” Linda interjected.

“OK but if it hurts too much you promise to stop immediately?”

“Sure, you know me, I don’t like to hurt women,” I reassured her.

“You know what, I will have to restrain you as I don’t want to hit something I don’t want to hit, I’m only interested in hitting your boobs or bottom.

“I bet you are, you little pervert!”

“I do it with the greatest love in mind Bethany. I really love your tits and butt; I only want to make them a bit more sensitive. I won’t put you on the cross like Linda, just stand here and give me your hands, so I can cuff them.

Bethany let me cuff her wrists and then lifted her arms in the air, looking at me with big eyes. Connecting the cuffs to a rope dangling from one of the winches I had her arms and body nicely stretched out in no time.

When I lifted my arm with the flogger in hand she moved away as far as she could.

“This isn’t going to work this way. Maybe it’s better if you don’t see what’s coming; shall I blindfold you, like last night?”

“If you think that will help. OK try it.”

When Beth was blindfolded I picked up the flogger again, swished it in the air, and lightly touched her butt with the leather thongs. She flinched but didn’t say anything. Then I touched her boobs with the flogger, again little reaction. Continuing with a figure 8 movement, I hit her bottom and back 5 times, not too hard, and finished with a harder swat across her butt, resulting in a surprised shriek.

“Are you OK?”


Taking her again by surprise, I hit her boobs with the flogger, moving down over her ribs and abdomen, ending up at her pussy, each area got 5 mild hits and one hard one. Each time it was harder, she groaned more loudly than with the other swats.

“Stand on your toes and open your legs, I want to see that gorgeous pussy of yours!”

Swatting her thighs, both inside and outside produced more shrieks, until I finally hit her right in the V of her legs, right on her cunt, first, a light one immediately followed by a hard hit, directly on her clit. Tears began to run down her cheeks, but she remained silent. I saw her clenching her teeth. I wondered if she would like to continue and maybe take it a step further.

“Shall I continue then? Would you care to take it a step further and experience what nipple clamps feel like?”

“Yes, but please be careful.”

“Good but first let me feel if you’re OK.”

I caressed her butt and back and while tickling her sides moved my hands over her boobs, giving them a little pinch. Linda had come to me with two clothespins, which are far less painful than the nipple clamps I applied on her nubs. Taking a nipple between my fingers and making it nice and hard, I applied the clothespin to it.

“Waw that hurts, take it off please!”

“Bear with me Beth, it will hurt less in a few seconds, once you get used to it.”

“OK, I’ll try.” She said while biting her lower lip.

Proceeding to the other side, I applied the other clothespin too, again resulting in another yelp, but not so loud this time. I gave her a bit of time to adjust, then gave them a tap, creating a little shock going straight to her pussy;

“Wow, that’s weird, did you do something with electricity?”

“No that’s just the effect of the nipple clamps on your nervous system. Shall I try something different?”

“Yes…I don’t know, will it hurt?”

Without saying anything I gave her boobs a swat with the flogger, making the pins jiggle. She rewarded me with a small cry followed by a giggle. I was on the right track. Moving around her body, swatting all over, back, butt, abdomen, tits, and thighs, ending up with a nice hard hit between her legs directly on her snatch, making her take a small leap. It was now high time to make her feel a bit better. Picking up a bottle of oil I poured some in the palms of my hands, then rubbed them together and applied it generously to both of her tits and her abdomen. With another gulp of the bottle, I proceeded to her back, and butt, sliding between her legs towards her pussy, ending with a finger inside her love canal, wiggling it about, enticing some serious moans from her lips.

“Oh that feels good, yes keep going, make me cum.” She whispered.

I handed the flogger to Linda, moved to Beth’s front, and removed one of the clothespins. The blood rushing back into her nipple made her cry out, though once she passed the initial shock, I softened the stinging by sucking on it. I gave the other one the same treatment, then holding onto her hips, I got on my knees and began eating her out, indicating to Linda to flog her back and boobs. Beth immediately pushed her pussy into my face, and I obliged by sliding a few fingers into her pussy, while I continued nibbling on her clit. Mewling whimpers emanated from her lips, alternating with high-pitched yelps every time she was hit hard with the flogger. Her body movements, combined with her pussy clamping down on my fingers indicated that she was well on the way to a body shuddering orgasm. All of a sudden she tensed completely going into subspace and shouting loud while she orgasmed, squirting her juices all over my face and upper body. I signed to Linda to stop hitting her. Catching on immediately, she dropped the flogger and grabbed Beth’s boobs from behind fondling and squeezing them, flicking the nipples and keeping her orgasm going just that little bit longer. I got up quickly to support her, as she went completely soft. Linda helped by untying the rope that held Beth’s hands and arms up. Luckily for me, Beth was not that heavy, so I could carry her in my arms to one of the dressing rooms where I lay her down on the bed.

“You stay with her Linda, while I go clean up the mess we made, I don’t want to antagonize Tanja or make one of the slaves be incriminated for neglect.”

When I returned after 10 minutes, Beth had reopened her eyes and was smiling from ear to ear.

“That was awesome, although I loved it, I think I’ll keep it with this one-time experience. It did give me insight into what they are doing and I understand it better now. It will probably help me with the paintings you seem to think Tanja may ask me to paint.”

“Shall I tell her you are interested then?”

“Yes, if you would, I’d appreciate that, I don’t know her so well, but from what I heard and saw, she is a formidable woman.”

“Yes, that she is. OK let’s go upstairs again and get some breakfast, I bet you are hungry by now, after all that exercise.”

“Yes, we are!” They said almost in unison.

Back upstairs I prepared my famous English breakfast, with lots of bacon, eggs (scrambled and sunny side up, as I like them), and tomato, not forgetting the best part, but extremely difficult to get in Belgium, ‘Heinz Baked Beans’, and all that washed down with a big pot of English Breakfast Tea.

Now, all we needed to figure out was how to get the girls back home as discreetly as possible. As they couldn’t walk down the street in their beautiful and revealing cocktail dresses at this time of day, Beth helped by giving me the key to her house to pick up a pair of jeans and T-shirts for each, which, thanks to her excellent instructions, only took me 10 minutes. One hour later, they walked out the door after a nice long threesome shower. I spent the rest of Sunday on my sofa watching some taped episodes of Playboy’s ‘69 Sexy Things To Do Before You Die’, thinking about how everybody was going to feel when they found me gone on my birthday.