Lew's Photo Studio - Book 4 by Lew Pit - HTML preview

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Chapter 30

Grace and Lew’s first week on a cruise.


Late on Sunday afternoon, the taxi, with Grace on board, picked me up to take us to the Hoek Van Holland harbor to catch the 10 pm overnight ferry to Harwich in the UK. Sunday traffic was light, so we arrived well in time for check-in. Two hours before departure we were allowed to board the ferry and find our cabin. As we would have all the luxury we wanted on the cruise ship, we had booked a low-cost inside cabin for the short crossing: if we were lucky all we would be able to do there was get a few hours of shut-eye. Arrival in Harwich was planned for 6:30 am, well in time to check in and board the cruise liner. After dropping our stuff in the cabin we went for dinner in the nice self-service restaurant on board the ferry.

The next morning we had a quick breakfast in the same place; that would have to keep us going until lunch on board The Brilliance of the Seas, which we saw docked right next to the ferry. Grace had warned me that the cruise was going to be one big eat fest and to be prepared to disembark two weeks later a few pounds heavier.

It was quickly clear we were not the only passengers from the ferry waiting to board the cruise ship: the little ferry terminal in Harwich was jampacked with people with their huge suitcases. This proved Grace right: I wouldn’t be the only one with a big suitcase.

At 10 the check-in counters opened, and we were directed to a special fast lane for pinnacle or suite guests. With all check-in requirements fulfilled, we got our boarding pass and could move to a far larger lounge than the one from the ferry and relax a bit with drinks and some cookies. Finally, a little after 1 pm they started boarding. As we were suite guests were among the lucky ones to be in the first boarding wave.

“Let’s find our cabin and then hurry to the Windjammer café on deck 11 to grab a bite to eat,” Grace said taking the lead. There was absolutely no doubt she was a seasoned cruiser. I tried to stay close as I didn’t want to get lost on this huge ship.

“This is a big ship!” I said to Grace.

“This is one of the smaller ones,” she replied. “The Oasis or The Anthem of the Seas, those are the biggest I’ve been on, over 6000 passengers with an onboard garden with real trees, one of the two even sports bumper cars, and a big glass ball that takes you high above the ship or the port with superb views. But even on this smaller one, you’ll have a great time.”

“I’m sure, and if the ship turns out to be disappointing, I’ll always have you to keep me company and entertain me.”

“Oh I thought it was supposed to be the other way around, you entertaining me,” Grace said with a chuckle.

“OK, I’ll take that as a hint then?”

“You better take it more as a standing requirement, let’s get some food.”

Thanks to Grace, we walked into the Windjammer self-service restaurant in less than 2 minutes. If it had been up to me to find it, it would have been more like 20 minutes. Grace explained it was only the deck above the one with our suite. The choice of food was phenomenal, at least it was in my eyes with even all kinds of non-alcoholic drinks included, I immediately fell in love with the iced tea they served. After lunch, Grace took me on a tour of the ship.

It was even far bigger than I had imagined. When she explained what was available on the gigantic ones she mentioned earlier, I was happy that this one wasn’t so big, much better for my very first cruise experience. At least I might not get lost so many times on this one. Back in the cabin, our luggage had arrived and our butler was already waiting for us to unpack everything. I looked at Grace when we arrived, mouthing, “What the fuck?”

“My name is Antoine and I will be your butler for this cruise. Any time you need something, don’t hesitate to call me; I will come around every day at 3:30 pm with “hors d’oeuvres” and drinks for you. We will turn down the beds and change towels if required, while you're at dinner. I will gladly unpack your suitcases and store everything away in the cupboards. If you have laundry or need something pressed, I can pick that up at your convenience, laundry will take half a day, and pressing can be done in half an hour. I hope you will enjoy your stay on board with us.”

“How long do you think you will need to unpack?” Grace asked, clearly used to this kind of service on board.

“I can be done in less than half an hour madam, the weather is still nice but may I nevertheless suggest a rest at the indoor pool?”

“Yes of course, when is the safety drill planned?”

“That would be at 5 pm madam, you’ll find the information concerning your muster station on the inside of your door.”

“Excellent, we’ll be back in 45 minutes.”

“Thank you, madam.”

“Let’s go sit at the pool, maybe you’d better bring a book.”

“I’ll take my tablet. I stopped reading paper-based books years ago, this is so much more convenient, a whole library in your back pocket.”

“Very wise, I do the same, where do you get your books?”

“I download them from different sites, like Literotica or WLP, in e-pub format if available, otherwise in Word, and then I convert them. I don’t always have an internet connection where I am; I guess that would be a problem on board as well once we set sail?”

“Yes, internet connections on ships are always a problem, unless you want to spend a small fortune buying satellite time.

“I had no idea you had such an interest in erotic literature and in English to boot?”

“Has probably to do with the fact that I worked most of my life for an American company, call it a professional deformity.”

“Understandable, shall we go?”


At the pool, we found a couple of comfy deckchairs offering a view of Harwich Harbor. An hour later we returned to the cabin where we found everything efficiently stored away. The lifejackets we were supposed to take to the safety drill were laid out on the bed.

“Can you take your lifejacket so we can head to our muster station: I always prefer to go a bit earlier, as when they call it’s always extremely busy on the stairs and you might not get a seat there either.”

“You’re the expert here.”

We headed down the stairs to the lounge that was indicated as our muster station on the back of our cabin door. A few people were already there, clearly all seasoned cruisers, Grace even greeted some of them she had presumably met on previous cruises. The drill took about half an hour and then we were released.

“Let’s go up on deck for the departure,” Grace said, “that’s always a highlight, especially if you depart from a British port. She was right: when we got outside I could already hear some music - a band was playing some classics on the dockside.

“Is it always like this?” I asked.

“Sometimes it’s even more spectacular, I once sailed from Hamburg on the Queen Victoria from Cunard, there were hundreds of people on the banks waving at us and in the water hundreds of small boats accompanying the ship for several miles, at one point, balloons were even released on the shore, that was truly a unique experience. Later I heard they do it every time that particular ship sails from Hamburg.”

“You really have been cruising a lot, haven’t you?”

“Yes, always with Nancy as my companion, this is the first time I’m sort of on my own, present company excepted of course. I’m curious what it’s going to be like, cruising as a couple. There are all sorts of things I will be able to do or do differently from when Nancy was with me.”

“Oh yeah, what could that be?”

“We can go dancing, and there will be some bed games I hope?”

“The first I can relate to, the second I’m not so sure.”

“Shall I tell you a little cruising secret?”

“Seeing this is my very first cruise I guess you have a lot of cruising secrets you could share with me.”

“Sure, but this one is special, and I was never really able to test it before.”

“Now you’re really making me curious.”

“The legend goes that women get very horny onboard cruise ships or any ship in general, it has to do with the vibration it seems.”

“Serious? And I guess you hope that I’ll do something about that then?”

“Well for the outside world, we are a couple Lew, and couples do tend to have sex on cruises, lots of sex!”

“You may have a point, let me give that some thought, this is totally unexpected as you can imagine,” I said barely able to keep a straight face.

“Stop teasing me and give me a cruise departure kiss you big teddy bear.”

What could I do, when she asked so nicely? I did keep it decent though, after all, we were in the company of half the cruise ship’s passengers. I must admit it gave a special feeling, as the ship slowly slid away from the quay, seeing several people waving from the quayside as if we were emigrating as they would have done so many years ago onboard one of the many Red Star liners sailing from Antwerp to the Americas. We returned to our cabin, and once inside, I took Grace in my arms and gave her a proper kiss, while I squeezed her butt with both my hands.

“Is this better madam?”

“Oh yes, I could get used to that.”

“All part of the service, would madam like me to do this every day at 6 pm, or would madam prefer this several times during the day?”

“I think I’ll go for the latter James, I definitely want one before I retire for the night and maybe one when I wake up in the morning.”

“Your wish is my command,” I said with a chuckle.

“OK wise guy, let’s get ready for dinner; it’s strictly casual tonight, you don’t have to wear a tie, just slacks, and a shirt will do.”

“Can I go like this then?”

“Yes, I guess you're OK like that, let’s go to our first happy hour.”

“Oh, I like the sound of that, happy hour, lead the way.”

Again I was happy I could just tag along or I would have again been hopelessly lost. When we arrived at a closed door, Grace wiggled her keycard in front of it, after which I heard a click and the door sprung open. There were a few people present in the room all in casual outfits; again Grace greeted some of them as long-time acquaintances and introduced me to them as a friend.

“You can have anything you want from the bar, but as you are a wine lover, I would like to recommend White Zinfandel, it’s a semi-sweet wine from California, and I’m sure you’ll love it. I’m addicted to it on board.”

“OK, I’ll take your word for it.”

She was absolutely right it was very nice, and I immediately fell in love with it myself. After a few drinks, we adjourned to the main restaurant where we were led to our table by one of the many waiters - it was a table for 10. Grace had told me to bring my glass of wine from the lounge, to enjoy during my meal. Very clever of her as I saw later when going over the wine list and looking at the prices they charged.

The choice of food was excellent: it all looked so tempting. While we were trying to figure out what to eat, 8 more people joined our table: and introductions were made. We had a very international group, there was a young couple from Belgium on their honeymoon, a British couple, and 2 American couples returning home. Aside from the newlyweds, the Brits were around our age, with the Americans in their seventies or eighties. All very pleasant people. The restaurant was very full. Grace told me that was usually the case for the first sitting. The second sitting was more populated by French, Spanish, or Italian guests as they always tend to eat much later than we do.

After the meal, we again took a walk around the ship, ending up in the theatre for our first show. It was not bad, but I would say not top acts. Grace told me that was normal, and it showed as the theatre was only half-full. I guess most people were still unpacking, as suitcases for the cheaper cabins were still being wheeled in. After the show, we adjourned to our suite after what I would describe as a whirlwind day. We were both bushed, ready to get some shut-eye. It was a bit weird at first as neither of us had the habit of sleeping with another person, but as we were going to be stuck together for two weeks, we decided that simple spooning would be the best way to start our journey. Grace lay in front of me and I put an arm around her, carefully cupping one of her boobs.

“You love boobs don’t you,” she said with a smile.

“Sorry am I overstepping?”

“No silly, I love it when you touch my boobs, it’s probably the vibration of the ship that makes me like it so much. Oh, have you opened the balcony door a little bit?”

“Yes I have, why do you always sleep with the window open?”

“Not necessarily, but in this case, it will help if you start to snore - it will be drowned out by the sound of the sea outside. I know because Nancy also snores and that’s how we manage to sleep together onboard ships.”

“I see, very clever, well goodnight Grace.”

“Goodnight teddy bear.” Thus ended our first cruise day.

The next morning I woke up as I felt Grace get out of bed; she was an early bird - it was barely 6:30. She disappeared into the big bathroom, maybe I should find out if she would like me to join her. Jumping out of bed the first thing I noticed was my morning wood, bigger and harder than usual, maybe it also had to do with the vibrations of the ship, Grace had mentioned. I had no idea. When I entered the bathroom, what I saw did not help to bring the beast down, Grace in her fully nude glory in the shower. It was a shower, not for two, but easily for five people.

“Mind if I join you, dear?” I said rather loudly because of the noise of the water. It startled her, but she recovered quickly, her eyes immediately drawn to my soldier standing at attention.

“Nice!” she said pointing at it, “I see you’re an early riser,” while she beckoned me in.

“It usually does that when I get up in the morning, and the current view is not helping to bring it down quickly,” I said while I joined her in the shower.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let it go to waste,” she said while she grabbed my cock and started fondling it, bringing it to full mast. I joined in, grabbing one soapy tit with one hand, while the other went in search of her pussy. It was impossible to judge if she was wet from the shower or her juices. Only one way to find out and that was through a thorough oral investigation, so dropping to my knees I started my first onboard pre-breakfast. Her taste was divine, not soapy, not watery, but a rich tangy-sweet womanly taste. I heard her moaning over the noise of the shower. She put one hand behind my now soaking head, and the other replaced the one I’d had to remove from her boob, squeezing it. After a while, I got back up and she automatically turned around and braced herself with both hands against the wall, sticking her enticing butt out towards me like an open invitation to start banging her from behind - which I gladly did. To try and keep a better balance on the slippery floor I grabbed both of her fun bags, mangling them.

“Yeah fuck me, fuck me hard, it’s been too long since I felt your cock in my pussy, in fact since I felt any cock in my pussy.”

It became instantly clear as if I hadn’t known upfront, this was not only going to be my first cruise but also my first sex cruise with a hot woman. It’s a good thing I had packed my blue pill support system. I kept on pounding her cunt until I felt her breathing getting faster, while her butt pushed harder against my crotch, trying to get my cock deeper into her streaming, hot love canal. I felt she didn’t need much more for her first onboard orgasm to crest: just a bit of clit massage might bring that about I thought, quickly bringing one of my hands to the exact spot I needed to stimulate. Judging by her vocal response, the result was almost instant.

“Yes, yes fuuuuuuck, ooooh god, keep going, keep going, I’m cuuummming, I’M CCUUUUMING!” she shouted while she painted my hand and the wall in front of her with her girly juices, all of which were quickly washed away by the shower. Still, inside, I held her as she became a bit weak in the knees after her orgasm. She quickly recovered, turned around making my cock slip out, and kissed me.

“That was awesome,” she whispered.

I switched the shower off and stepped out while grabbing the two bathrobes, one of which I handed to Grace. She quickly slipped it on.

“I didn’t feel you cum, you want me to give you a blowjob?”

“No, there is no need, I suspect I’ll cum plenty of times in the coming two weeks, so for now I’m OK. Let’s go find this special breakfast room you told me about - I’m starving.”

Grace took me again around the ship, showing me places I hadn’t been to before. She walked around that ship as if she was at home, never getting lost, or even hesitating over which deck she needed to be on or in what direction she needed to go. Backboard or starboard held no secrets for her. When we walked into the special Pinnacle breakfast lounge we were greeted by a nice young lady. “Hello Grace, welcome back, it’s been a while since we last saw you on board, I hope everything is OK?”

“What a nice surprise to see you here Elsie, everything is fine, and yes it’s been a while, but I hope to start cruising again more in the future.”

“Nancy not with you? Do you need to tell me something?” she said while looking curiously in my direction.

“Nancy’s fine, but she had a baby, six months ago and we didn’t think it was a good idea to come on a cruise with such a young child. No, I don’t need to tell you anything, but I’m happy to present a friend of mine who was kind enough to join me. This is Lew, Lew this is Elsie, who I got to know during my many cruises.”

“Nice to make your acquaintance, Elsie.”

“I’m afraid my dear that Lew is not Pinnacle, it’s his first cruise, but I hope you can let him in on my card?”

“Oh a cruise virgin, we love those, we really want to pamper them so they keep coming back to us, so yes Grace, no problem for Lew to join you.”

“Thanks, Elsie, I owe you one.”

As we walked towards an empty table, Grace explained she met Elsie on her very first cruise, when she started to work for the cruise line and then kept on running into her during the many cruises she made, striking up a friendship with the girl.

“Elsie’s almost like a daughter to me. Like Nancy, her boyfriend left her when she was pregnant so you understand I can relate to her very well. She has a little boy, he must be about 8 now, he stays with her mother when she is doing a contract on a cruise ship.”

“That must be a hard life, not being able to see your child for such long periods.”

“Yes it is, but I must say, she seems always cheerful, so I guess she’s learned to live with it.”

The spread in the breakfast room was mouth-watering with different kinds of tropical fruits, and delicious little almond croissants. You could also order eggs any way you wished. The only thing missing was my all-time favorite, baked beans, but Grace assured me they were available in the self-service on deck 11, so we agreed we would have breakfast there the next day.

The remainder of the day went by without anything special happening until we were wandering around one of the sundecks after lunch when all of a sudden I thought I saw a familiar face and body.

“You seem to know several people on board this ship from previous cruises, so I was a bit jealous, but I think I see somebody I know as well.”

“Oh yeah, do tell.”

“I think the couple over there are Lori and Mel.”

“Lori and Mel? And how do you know them?”

“They came to my shop a few weeks ago and showed me a photo of Nancy: one of the series with the baby she sold. They wanted me to photograph them in the nude, having sex, the works. I even took them to the cellar and they had a ball there. I knew they were going back home after their ‘Europe in two weeks’ tour, but they never told me they were going by cruise ship.”

“Do you want to say hello?”

“No, not for the moment, maybe later, it’s not as if they can get away.”

“Why, they seem friendly enough.”

“They’re swingers and seriously into BDSM, so if they hear you're Nancy’s mother, I’m sure they’ll want to have sex with us and for the moment I prefer to keep the sex just between the two of us. So, maybe later; we’re bound to run into them again on the cruise, time enough to allow them into one of our games.”

“I see, you want exclusivity for the moment, I can relate to that. It may be better for us to get to know each other a bit more before we venture into swinging and even this BDSM you mentioned?”

“I’ll tell you all about their evening in Tanja's club later, then you will understand my point. They are well beyond simple flogging or nipple play, they do tend to go for the real hard stuff, and Mel is a master in macramé.”


“Yeah, that's what I call bondage, comparing it to those artsy woven string nets they make to go around flowerpots to hang them up.”

“Oh, I see, that kind of macramé.”

“I can’t wait to hear about your adventures with them.”

“Why, are you interested in BDSM?”

“I have thought about it a few times. I’m curious what it’s like to be controlled by someone who makes me do new things, expanding my limits, to feel what some inflicted pain can do to one’s body and pleasure.”

“You surprise me Grace, I never thought that would interest you.”

“Lew Emmett, you’re the one who awoke the exhibitionist streak in me with your photo session, and who knows maybe you also kindled a BDSM fire in me.”

“I guess I’d better be careful in the future then, who knows what other kinks I might stir in you.”

“You have the coming three weeks to find out what makes me tick.”

“Maybe I should start by dragging you to our cabin and tying you up for our butler to find when he brings around the hors d’oeuvres.”

“I think he would be rather more interested in finding you all tied up, than me.”

“You think so?”

“Come on, the guy is clearly rooting for the other side.”

“Mmh maybe you’re right. Let’s go to the cabin, I could do with a siesta, especially if you want to go dancing tonight.”

“Good idea, I’ll let the old man get some rest, while I read another sex story on his tablet - unless you care to act out one of the stories you’ve read?”

“You’ll be the death of me yet, but you know I can’t resist you, you hussy.”

In the cabin, I convinced Grace to let me have my way with her, she playfully agreed hesitantly but finally, she did. I started by blindfolding her.

“What are you going to do?” she asked in a scared-sounding voice.

“Please bear with me, I only want to take away your vision, which is your most dominant sense, so you can concentrate more on your other senses, and I need eventually to restrict your movement as well. So now please lie on the bed; no, first take off your dress, or better yet why don’t you get completely naked. Whenever you don't want to continue anymore, you can stop me with a safe word.”

“What do you mean a safe word?”

“You choose a word and when you say it, I’ll immediately stop what I’m doing and untie you, so what would that word be?”

“Euh, now you’ve caught me.”

“Don’t take something that you might use in the throes of passion or which is too complicated.”

“OK, what about ‘Antwerp’?”

“That’s OK, we’ll go for Antwerp.”

Grace undressed and lay naked on the bed with her arms at her sides -, she had no idea what I was going to do to her. I took a moment to gaze at her: she looked fantastic, her boobs pointing upwards, nipples already hard in anticipation of what was to come. After taking a bottle of massage oil from my cupboard, I sprayed some on my hands, took her right foot, and began to massage it. At first, she giggled, because she was ticklish, but soon I could hear her relax, making satisfied noises. Working my way up her leg massaging till I got to the top of her thigh, I changed to the other leg just bypassing her pleasure center, going down again to her other foot. That resulted in some disgruntled noises, which I completely ignored. I left her in search of our bathrobes, I wanted to recover the sash of both of them in case I needed to restrain her. I had every intention of binding her hands. When I returned I saw she was quickly pulling the blindfold back down.

“You were peeking!” I said sternly.

“No, I wasn’t,” she replied.

“Yes, you were and that’s not acceptable sex slave behavior, I’ll have to punish you for that, hold up your hands!”

“Sex slave? I’m a sex slave now?”

“Yes you are, today, you’re my sex slave. That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it? As such you will address me as Master!”

“Yes Master,” she immediately replied giggling but falling into character, while holding up her hands. I bound them tightly together with the bathrobe sash, after which I moved them over her head and tucked the rest of the sash between the mattress and the head of the bed, giving her the impression they were fully restrained. I now had full access to her upper body and started taking advantage of that privilege. Holding onto the sash firmly with one hand, I began tickling along one of her arms with the other. As expected, she started to squirm but couldn’t move with me holding onto the sash. She tried to move her boobs towards my hand without much success, giving a voice to her frustration with some deep sighs.

“Turn around slave, on your knees and elbows. I want to see that butt of yours.”

Graces scrambled quickly into a doggy position, sticking out her bum, her hands still firmly restrained by the sash.

“I will punish you now for unauthorized peeking, you will count down from ten and thank me.”

“For what shall I count down and thank you, Master?”

I didn’t reply but slapped her right butt cheek with my hand, she immediately understood.


“Excellent you catch on quickly, you forgot, however, to thank your Master. As you’re in training I’ll overlook that mistake.” Slap!

“Nine, thank you, Master!” I continued hitting her lovely butt until each cheek had received 5 hits turning her natural whitish skin to rosy red. Each time she faithfully counted and thanked me. To reward her, I slipped my hand between her legs and massaged her mound. She quickly opened her legs further to give me better access, lightly moaning as she did. Her pussy began to feel moist as she pushed it harder against my hand, increasing her pleasure. As I felt her red bush, an idea germinated in my brain, but to make it happen I needed to restrain not only her hands but also each of her legs and I had only one sash left. I needed to find something to bind her feet and hold her in a spread-eagle position on the bed. All of a sudden it hit me, we had each put straps around our suitcases; if I could find them I could bind her. Luckily I quickly found them inside the suitcases which were under the bed.

“On your back slave!” I shouted. She quickly obeyed again with a giggle, clearly enjoying the game we were playing. I loosened the sash holding both her hands together and tied it to one wrist, before securing it to the side of the bed. I bound the other wrist with the second sash, tying it to the other side. Shoving a pillow, covered with a towel, under her butt, I tied each foot with the suitcase straps and finally had her exactly the way I wanted, nicely spread-eagled and fully restrained. To make sure she had no idea what I was going to do, I needed to cloud her hearing as well. I took her phone, put the earplugs in her ears, and turned the music on. I checked with her that the level wasn’t too high as I didn’t want to damage her ears. Now for my plan of operation shave, Grace had a nice full red bush, it was beautiful and I’d fallen in love with it as you might recall during our first photo session. Although I truly loved it, I wanted to see what she would look like with a nicely shaved mound. I needed to tread very carefully so as not to raise her suspicion before it was done. The best way was to keep her off balance by stimulating her pussy while bringing her to the edge of an orgasm and keeping her there, but first I wanted to torture her nipples a bit. With not much to work with, I was winging it, using a pair of thin shoelaces. I sucked on one of her nipps until it was hard and as big as I could get it, then slid one of the shoelaces in a slip knot over it. After I did the same to the other one I began tightening them, resulting in a painful whimper, but no safe word. I continued tickling her sides approaching her abdomen and crotch trying to make her focus only on pleasure. Taking the can of shaving cream I squirted some on my hand and applied it to her pussy, massaging it into her curly hair. She squirmed, though not immediately realizing what I was doing…I stopped and waited for a reaction, but none came, so I continued until…

“Are you going to shave me?”

“Euh…why do you think that?”

“You have taken 2 of my senses away, sight and hearing, but you forgot about the smell, and I distinctly smell your shaving cream you’re now applying to my pussy.”

“Damn, I wanted it to be a surprise to see how you would react.”

“Don’t worry, it was one of the things I was going to ask you to do during our trip, I want to see what my pussy looks like, completely hairless, so yes please continue.”

At least she wasn’t freaking out, that was a relief, no point anymore to keep her blindfolded and inundate her ears with music.

“Welcome back,” I said after removing the blindfold and earplugs and untying her.”

“Oh golly, can I watch? I want to see how you do this, are you gonna shave everything off, or are you going to leave something, and if you do in what shape?”

“You definitely are into this aren’t you? And yes I want to leave a little landing strip, I’m not sure if I should shape it as a rectangle or as an arrow, and if I do where do I make the arrow point to, up or down.”

“Definitely down, towards my pussy.”

“OK, we’ll go for that then.”

“Will you be careful?”

“No, I’m gonna cut everything away and leave a bloody mess. Of course I’ll be careful, I want to feast on that pussy of yours several times during this trip, so lie still before accidents happen.”

“Yes, Master!”

I hadn’t done this very often in my life, but how hard could it be? I’d shaved my face, my dick, and my balls thousands of times without accidents. What I wouldn’t do is apply aftershave when I was done, I tried that once on myself and it got so hot and painful I never did it again. I remember another instance when I was playing with champagne on a woman’s body. It was very nice to pour some in her belly button and let it flow down towards her pussy and then drink it from there, but after she had cum I tried it again but then the alcohol started to burn her clit. Even trying to suck it clean didn't help, and I never saw her again after that experiment. After 15 minutes I was done shaving. I gave her cunt a kiss and licked it for good measure, after which she immediately jumped up and hurried to the bathroom, to see, in the mirror, what looked like.

“Oh, it’s so cute, I love it!” she screamed, “now I want you to fuck my bald pussy, fuck me hard, doggy style!”

She came running out of the bathroom and began tearing at my clothes, just like you see sometimes in the movies. I was buck naked in 10 seconds flat, my dick in her mouth, as she was trying to get me harder. After what I’d just done to her that was easy. Once she got me how she wanted, she jumped on the bed and assumed the position, sticking her butt invitingly in the air. Her cunt was already dripping wet from the shaving session so I slithered my cock balls deep into her cunt without any effort at all.

“Oh yes make me cum please I need it, I need it so bad,” she growled deep in her throat.

Grabbing her hips I began to rhythmically pound her freshly shaved pussy, drawing whimpers of pleasure from her lips. Ten minutes and one orgasm later she insisted on taking the lead and ordered me to lie on my back, while she straddled me, impaled herself on my cock, and began riding me like a professional amazon. This allowed me to play with all her other goodies, for starters her bouncing boobs which I grabbed successfully with both hands pinching her nipples hard between my thumb and index finger. Her facial expression showed they were still very sensitive from the treatment with the shoelaces, but her voice betrayed her pleasure with her increased moaning.

After a few minutes of manhandling her tits, I moved south toward her pleasure center. She was trying to stimulate her clitty as much as she could in the way she was riding me, but past experience had taught me this was not the best way to build an orgasm. To reach that ultimate goal, she needed just that little bit more stimulation, and I was in exactly the right position to provide the perfect stimulation of her pleasure button with my thumb. With my hand flat on her mound, I enticed her clit from under its protective hood and massaged it, alternating gentle pressure with all-out hard rubbing. The effect was astounding, her breathing increased, and she pulled in her stomach while arching her back, her arms swaying high above her head.

All the while she kept uttering high-pitched yelps of pleasure. “That feels soooooo goooood, keep going, rub my clit!”, she cried out, while she grabbed her tits and pinched her nipples hard.

“Yes, make me cum!”

What else could I do to bring her over the finish line, maybe she needed some stimulation like a racehorse just a few yards away from victory! Not having a riding crop I slapped her butt hard with my right hand; not expecting this, she screamed out loud, but it did the trick. I felt her go completely rigid, panting, while her pussy clamped, like a vice, down on my cock. Her mouth was still wide open after the last cry but at first, nothing but air came rushing out, though after a short while she did produce a few small gurgles. She came like a geyser spraying my abdomen profusely with her aromatic cum. She stayed like that for several seconds, after which she collapsed on my chest, totally winded, her body making small twitches as her orgasm died down. After 5 minutes she came back; lifting herself with her arms she looked me in the face, all of a sudden realizing I was still lodged rock hard in her pussy.

“Oh my god, that was the most powerful orgasm I’ve had in years and you're still hard?”

“Yes dear, I haven’t cum yet, so if you want we can go another round.”

“Can we? I’ve never experienced multiple orgasms, can you do that for me?”

“Of course, I’m well-rested. You’ve done all the work so far, now it’s my turn,” upon which I put my arms around her and quickly flipped her over, bringing her into a missionary position. I slowly pulled out of her overheated cunt drawing a sigh from her lips.

“Could you please make love to me this time?”

“Absolutely my dear, I think we’ve fucked enough, it would be a great pleasure to make love to you this time, I’ll be very gentle, I promise, though should warn you there may be some in and out movement involved!”

Before she could respond I closed her mouth with mine, giving her a tender kiss, with little taps with my tongue against her lips, like knocking at her door; a door which she gladly opened, inviting me in for further exploration. Quickly she responded, making circles around my tongue with hers. Resting on my elbows, I tenderly took her face between my hands, while she crossed her ankles around my lower back, surrendering herself completely to me while she tenderly stroked my upper back. I’d slipped out of her, my cock just resting atop her pussy. I tried to get back in, but failed, so she came to my rescue, taking my dick and guiding it back into her sopping hole, pushing me firmly inside.

I continued the movement as I slid deep inside her hot tunnel, moving back again as I developed a steady rhythm. I made sure that I was at the right angle to give her magic little appendage maximum stimulation, and continued for around ten minutes until I felt the silky walls of her pussy beginning to twitch, as another orgasm built slowly inside her. She held my head with both hands pulling our lips together, our tongues still battling. She arched her back, pushing her crotch firmly against mine, seeking more stimulation while I felt her rock-hard nipples almost punch holes in my chest. I felt my juices churning in my ballsack, about ready to explode. I lifted my upper body on my arms, pulling away from her face, as I prepared to flood her pussy with my hot, gooey cum. She looked at me questioningly, wanting to know why I had stopped kissing her.

“I’m cumming,” I said quietly feeling her cunt contracting around my pole, her eyes rolling up, her breath increasing fivefold. I felt my sperm race up my shaft shooting out of me making her go rigid and climax as well.

“Me tooooooo, “ she responded, even quieter than I had, making this the most intense orgasm we had ever had together.

After that, we finally got to our now much-needed siesta, which was the original intention before we got sidetracked by talk about BDSM. We woke a few hours later, almost at the same time, leaving just enough time to get ready for dinner. Luckily it wasn’t a formal night, so we could just throw on some casual clothes, which would come in handy when we went dancing later.

Thus ended our first week onboard this wonderful ship, 3 more days at sea before we hit our next port of call. The weather was still very nice, so tomorrow we could soak up some more sun at the pool, topping up our vitamin D levels to full for the coming winter. The second week of the cruise was to prove a lot more adventurous, as we involved Lori and Mel in a very interesting bondage session...