Lew's Photo Studio - Book 5 by Lew Pit - HTML preview

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Chapter 45

Taking Maggy and Grace to the club


When I joined Jada in the computer room upon my return from dropping Maggy at home, she anxiously awaited me.

“What took you so long?” she asked with a cheeky smile on her face, “delivering your latest nude model home?”

“You are far too curious for your own good little girl, that is for me to know and you to guess, so you’d better tell me where you’re at with our project.”

“I’ve completed the final mock-up. All we need to do now is fill the holes with the text and the photos; for the moment we're at about 50 pages.”

“OK, let me see if Hellen has sent us what we need.”

Opening up the e-mail I saw there was one from Hellen with an attachment which I quickly opened. It was a big file but very logically ordered with blocks of text and the numbers of the photos she would prefer to see in the fake articles she had written. I was pleasantly surprised by what she had written, the articles were very professional and could very well have been original articles in this type of men’s magazine. We immediately set to work copying the text and looking up the accompanying photos.

There were even very logical suggestions on the order of the articles. For the ones about cars, she had attached the appropriate photos. She had even included an article about wines and one about food and how to prepare a tempting and arousing dish for your loved one. I told Jada, that although it may be less arousing, I would add my recipe for ‘Vol Au Vent’ I had prepared for my Italian visitors. All we needed now were some ads. I could probably convince Beth to provide one and maybe also Astrid with sexy lingerie, we could then include some of the photos I took of Linda at the fashion show.

“Do you think Tanja would be interested in putting in an ad for the club?” Jada suggested.

“Maybe I should ask her immediately, I think she’s downstairs, preparing for the Saturday bash.”

“Excellent idea!”

I went down to find Tanja.

“Hey, Tanja how’s tricks?”

“Well, well, well if it isn’t my favorite photographer and landlord paying me a visit, need another favor, Lew?”

“Yes and no, maybe this time I can do you a favor, and come to think of it you can do me one in return.”

“Tell me, you want to visit the club with some newbies.”

‘That too, but first let me run an idea by you, as you know, I’m currently putting together some sort of fake men's magazine for a client as a birthday gift for her husband and I need ads, I have one from Bethany, to compensate her for doing the make-up during the photo shoot, and I’m going try to get one from Astrid, including some shots from the part of her fashion bash showing Linda in lingerie and bathing suits. I was thinking that maybe you could put in an ad as well, as we have a section in the magazine with the main model, Hellen doing some kinky stuff, do you remember her?”

“So you decided to include these photos in the men’s magazine too?”

“Yes, and I thought we could do a spread on Beth’s erotic paintings before that section with Hellen’s pictures, bringing in some artsy stuff as well, and maybe a club ad after it?”

“Mmmmhmmm…yes, I could go for that, but then I want more copies of that magazine.”

“I’ll have to ask Hellen, but I’m afraid she will object, as it’s after all something special just for her husband. She will give you the one copy she promised you as she trusts you to keep it for yourself and not share it with the whole village. She has to think of her husband’s business after all.”

“OK, but how about a smaller special edition for me and the club then, say 20 to 25 pages, with just our stuff in it, maybe including a number of the photos you took during the inauguration?”

“Yes, but you’ll have to pay for it, how many copies did you have in mind?”

“Say 50, with the option to have additional ones if I need them, for what price could you put something like that together?”

“I’ll need to think about it, but when it comes to printing these larger quantities, you’ll have to find someone else, I can provide the artwork but that’s where it stops.”

“Sounds good, printing won’t be a problem. One of the members has a big printshop and he prints all the local publicity folders and leaflets, he’ll be over the moon to be able to do this. He’s been bugging me since the inauguration to make something like we just discussed. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have the know-how or staff to put it together ready for printing and I’m no good at it either, even if I could find the time.”

“It will take a while to get it together but I guess we should be able to do that for you maybe by mid-January.”

“That’s fine, now what about these newbies you want to bring? When were you thinking?”

“I thought maybe your December open house evening.”

“Do I know them?”

“You know one at least, Grace.”

“Grace? The Grace from the realtor agency?”

“Yes, indeed that Grace and her long-time friend Maggy from the travel shop.”

“Where does Grace’s sudden interest in BDSM come from?”

“It’s more Maggy who’s an aficionado and she wants to introduce her friend Grace to the lifestyle. Maggy used to practice together with her husband, but unfortunately, she lost him to the big C about 2 years ago and after a lot of mishaps in her career she ended up in our village opening a travel shop. Maggy and I also go back a long way, she used to run the travel agency in the plant and make all my business travel bookings. I never knew about her being a practitioner of the lifestyle until I took her to dinner last night reminiscing about the good old days.”

“I see, and do you need assistance when you bring the two ladies, as you did with your Italian friends?”

“If you offer that will be appreciated, after all, Maggy can’t do it all by herself and as you know I’m only a novice myself.”

“OK, I’ll set it up with Jack, unless you prefer another partner?”

“No Jack is fine, I’m sure the girls will appreciate his nice big cock.”

“Yeah he’s well-endowed our Jack isn’t he?”

“Absolutely, I’m even a bit jealous.”

“You shouldn't be Lew, you’ve got other qualities that are also very much appreciated by the ladies.”

“Yeah maybe you’re right, size isn’t always everything, you know I for one prefer women with smaller breasts, probably contrary to a lot of men. I love them the size of Petra’s, my cleaning lady, huge ones are nice too but not for daily use.”

“Oh, I see the man has daily requirements?”

“You know what I mean, I like the occasional D cup but only on, say my birthday, or a special celebration day, but for regular or even daily requirement, to use the same expression you did, I prefer smaller perky ones.”

“So my Cs are too big for you?”

“Absolutely not, they’re wonderful: should the occasion arise I would love a nice tit fuck between yours.”

“There’s no time better than the present Lew,” she replied while undoing the buttons of her blouse and removing it.

“Are you serious?”

“Absolutely, I love feeling a cock slide between my boobs, I’m not just into pain or discipline you know,” she replied while unclasping her bra and dropping it. She dropped to her knees, pushing her boobs together and creating an enticing view and fuck tunnel.

“Come on what’re you waiting for, an engraved invitation?”

I quickly opened my trousers and dropped them together with my boxer briefs, my cock already springing to attention at the delicious view. Tanja spat between her tits to make them slippery and believe me, they were really soft and slippery, nicely encasing my rock-hard cock as I slid between them. This was an unexpected perk I never expected from Tanja, as usually, she’s all business or discipline, maybe, who knows there is also a soft side to her. I can’t deny I liked this side and was thoroughly enjoying myself, well my dick was enjoying itself. To make it all the more enticing, she gave the head a lick every time it peeked out over the top of her tits. She kept looking straight into my eyes, which made it doubly exciting, but also difficult to keep from cumming. Oh my God, that look and that feeling…

“Is it going to take you long to give me body lotion Lew?” she asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

“You want me to cum right now?”

“Yes please cum, give me your juice so I can smear it all over my C-cups, make them even grow for you, or is yours a cream from which they will shrink to your preferred A-cup?”

I couldn’t go on anymore and squirted my nourishing sperm all over the top of her boobs.

“There you go madam, one load of prime body lotion, uniquely designed to enhance and fortify your boobs.”

She gave me a toothy smile and smeared my cum all over her breasts as if it was indeed a special body lotion.

“I’m going to wear you the rest of the afternoon,” she said while getting back up and putting her bra and blouse back on.”

“Are you serious?”

“Oh yes I am, I love the aroma of cum on myself.”

“You will never cease to amaze me, Tanja.”

“That’s what makes sex so enticing, you never know in advance what will happen to you next, so I always keep an open mind.”

“I love the way you look at things, when I think back on that day you walked into my shop to view this portion of my building, I couldn’t have imagined in a million years we would be working so well together. So, see you on the open-house day.”

“I’m already looking forward to meeting your Maggy and Grace.”

“Thanks, Tanja, see you then, probably around 9, we’ll have a quick bite to eat before.”

“Don’t eat too heavily if you don’t want them to…” she gestured sticking her finger in her throat…” Cheers, Lew!”

I went back upstairs to bring the good news to Jada, I knew she was going to be thrilled to make this special edition for the club on top of Hellen’s magazine. I was certainly not dreaming of becoming another Hugh Heffner, but it was a nice change from just printing vacation shots or making romantic wedding albums. With the digitalization and all the free porn available on the internet, the big money was no longer in glossy magazines featuring naked ladies. And even though I love to take pictures of nude ladies I wasn’t interested to start earning money by making porn movies.

When I told Jada about Tanja’s request she didn’t disappoint me. She was thrilled to bits by the idea of making another magazine or whatever you want to call it. I’m not entirely sure she could use it for one of her school assignments, but she assured me that the teacher for this kind of work was very liberal. She even asked me if she could invite her to see how we were doing this.

“Who is this teacher then?”

“Her name is Danielle Brooks but everyone calls her Sunshine because she’s always so cheerful and the best way to describe her is to say that she’s an overage hippy. She reminds us of one of the characters from the musical Hair and the song ‘Let the Sunshine in’, hence the nickname.”

“Oh much like myself then?”

“Why? do you think of yourself as an overaged hippy too?”

“Yes and no I don’t have hair down to my waist and I don’t wear flowers in my hair, but I do believe in free love.”

“You don’t say!”

“Watch your mouth filly, you were still an egg in your mother and a sperm in your father’s testicles when we discovered and practiced free love and sex, so yeah I’d be interested to meet your teacher very much.”

“You’ll love her and I’m certain you’ll be able to talk her out of her clothes like you do with most of the ladies you meet.”

“How old is she?”

“She must be about your age, late fifties, but believe me when you see her you’ll be blown away, she’s got a killer figure.”

“I can’t wait to meet her, when can you bring her?”

“I’ll have to be careful how I handle this, she can’t show any favoritism towards me by visiting my workplace, but when I tell her what a nice boss I have, I might just be able to convince her to make an exception. Give me some time and I’ll set it up, maybe during the Christmas vacation?”

“Good idea, then none of the other students will know, but for now let’s continue with Hellen’s issue.”

“Yes boss!” she said with a chuckle.

The week went by like a flash and before I knew it, it was Saturday evening, and Maggy and Grace were ringing my doorbell.

“Hello, ladies, ready for the ride of your lives?”

“Ride of our lives? You’ll have to do something really special if you want to top what we experienced in the States mister,” Grace said with a chuckle.

“Don’t underestimate the skills of Tanja and Jack, they’re all geared up to test you and see how far they can take you before you cry out for help.”

“Wow I can’t wait to meet your BDSM friends and experience how good they really are,” Maggy replied.

“We have an appointment at 9, so I invite you, ladies, for a light meal in one of my favorite Italian restaurants.”

“Oh, only a light meal?”

“It may seem ridiculous, but I know from first-hand experience, and was well instructed in addition, that it is better not to have an overly full stomach when you want to experience the pleasures the club has to offer.”

“OK, let’s go for a light meal then, lead the way.”

We got in my car, the ladies in the back and I like a professional driver, minus cap took us to Mario’s in the next village. We had a nice Italian salad, prepared by Mario himself, accompanied by a light Italian wine from his special stash. As the meal progressed, I saw Grace getting more and more nervous. At a certain point, she excused herself to go to the restroom, leaving me alone with Maggy.

“So, have you obtained Grace’s approval to go to the club tonight?”

“Yes and at first she was all for it but when I picked her up to come to you she started getting second thoughts, and even wanted to cancel the whole thing.”

“We had some BDSM play on board the ship and certainly when we stayed in the villa in Florida so it surprises me that she would bail out.”

“Maybe it has to do with the different setting, after all, on the cruise it was very private, just the two of you, and in Florida, it was only with Grace’s friends. Tonight will be totally different, she might even run into people she knows or be seen by them. Maybe she needs some liquid courage - why don’t you suggest a grappa at the end instead of dessert or coffee which might make her even more nervous? You can expect some disgruntled remarks from her, but do stand your ground.”

When Grace returned from the restroom she looked extremely nervous as if she had to undergo major surgery.

“Nervous Grace?” I asked with a concerned look on my face, I didn’t want her to think I was making fun of her.

“I’m not so sure I want to go through with this Lew.”

“Yes Maggy mentioned something in that direction, and I do understand your concerns about being recognized by people from the village, but look at it from the other side, you will recognize people you never thought you would meet in Tanja’s BDSM club either. Rest assured it is a very tight-knit society, and nobody wants anybody else to know they are a member. Nobody will reveal your passing through there, on the contrary, they might even be interested to play with you.”

“Play with me?”

“Yes dear like we played together onboard with Mel and Lori and later in Florida together with Jeff and Rache. Besides, when they come to Belgium at the beginning of next year you will have to take them to the club as well, they know about it.”

“How is that possible, I never told them.”

“I may have spilled the beans during one of my sessions with Rachel dear, I’m not sure anymore what exactly it was I told her but I distinctly know I told her about the club in my cellar, seeing they both practice the lifestyle. She will expect us to take her there, as it may yet become part of the kind of vacations you will offer. With your visit today, you’ll know exactly what to expect, so look upon it as market research.”

“You are unbelievable, I guess you could sell a dog turd in a bag.”

“I don’t know about a dog turd but I pride myself to be able to talk any woman out of her clothes.”

“OK you’ve got me convinced that tonight is indeed not such a bad idea, but concerning that statement of yours about you being able to talk any woman out of her clothes, maybe one day we’ll have to put that to the test.”

“Let’s finish our meal with a nice grappa, Mario has a special stash, he has at least 10 different ones, but I’ll let him choose the one best suited to steady your nerves.”

We didn’t stop at 1, Mario insisted we taste at least 3, which eventually not only steadied Grace’s nerves but made her even rather eager to go to the club.

By 9 we walked into the club via the official entry at the back. Dressed for the part she was supposed to play, Tanja was already waiting for us, Jack at her side.

“Welcome to the club ladies, Lew informed me you wanted an initiation into the world of BDSM.”

“Grace does, more or less, but I’m already an aficionado,” Maggy replied, “I may be a bit out of practice, but my late husband and myself joined the lifestyle many years ago, but unfortunately I lost him about two years ago.”

“I see,” Tanja replied, “well I think Jack and maybe his slave Elisa will be the perfect partners to accompany you during your adventures tonight, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t join in some of your games or that Grace won’t have the pleasure of sampling some of Jack’s skills. He’s very versatile, and we will try to make this an unforgettable evening for you both.”

I saw Grace already getting a bit nervous again, Maggy, on the contrary, had a big smile on her face letting her eyes roam over Jack’s body and immediately noticing his huge cock, prominently on display in his black trousers.

“I trust you brought your camera, Lew, to document the girls’ adventures?”

“You know me, Tanja, always with my finger on the trigger, so where, and with whom shall we start?”

“Jack will take Maggy with him and I’ll take Grace, you can alternate between us unless you want to play with Elisa, she’s over there in the corner on display, already nicely tied up.”

“Seeing she is tied up, she won’t be going anywhere soon, so I think I’ll join you and Grace as moral support for her and see what you have in mind. I’ll probably learn a thing or two in the process?”

“Good thinking!” she said with a wink.

I saw Jack put a collar on Maggy and take off with her in the direction where Elisa was tied up.

“Are you familiar with slave positions Grace?”

“Yes, I am Tanja.”

“From now on you will address me as Mistress or Mistress Tanja and you don’t speak unless I ask you a direct question or need to confirm something.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“To start off, why don’t you get naked, STRIP!”

Grace started to take her clothes off, unbuttoning her blouse and sliding it off, undoing her bra, and showing us her nice C-cup boobs, the shoes, jeans, and panties followed quickly.

“Put the shoes back on, I love a naked woman wearing heels.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Did I give you permission to speak slave!” Tanja barked.

Grace looked all guilt-ridden and shook her head, without uttering another word.

“ATTENTION!” Tanja barked after which Grace quickly took the requested position.

“I see that Lew trained you well slave, excellent…INSPECTION!”

Grace jumped in the inspection position, her legs slightly spread and her hands behind her head, elbows out, prominently displaying her boobs, with already hard nubs. Tanja approached her stopping barely an inch from her face. Grace didn’t budge and kept her eyes straight ahead.

“Very nice, but I still need to punish you for speaking out of turn slave, I think I’ll give you 20. Seeing this is the first offense I’ll give you the choice of instrument to use on that enticing body of yours, go to the cupboard on your left and bring me the instrument of your choice.”

Grace moved quickly, wanting to avoid more than 20 hits, and from all the ones that she could choose from, she brought back a flogger with wide leather strips, which she knew from our adventures in Florida was the least painful instrument, someone could use on her naked body, dependent of course on the applied force. She handed the flogger to Tanja, always keeping her eyes averted, instantly going into the waiting position as she was supposed to under the circumstances.

“Excellent choice for a warm-up, and keeping your eyes averted, and taking the right position, you are actually a pretty well-trained slave, INSPECTION!”

As before, Grace immediately took the requested position making her enticing parts wide open for whatever Tanja had in mind. She began to walk around Grace with, in one hand the flogger, while the other trailed over Grace’s body cupping her right boob and squeezing the hard nipple between thumb and index finger. It was a light squeeze as I didn’t see Grace’s face change expression, then sliding her hand over her back ending up cupping the left boob, again squeezing the hard nub, but giving it a vicious twist. Judging by the expressions on Grace’s face that was rather painful, but she didn’t utter one sound.

Tanja’s hand now moved slowly down Grace’s midriff, over her still nicely shaved mound towards her slit. I saw a finger go in, and judging by the ease it disappeared, I concluded that Grace was already aroused and wet. That was immediately proven as the finger came back out covered in her juices, glistening in the light. Tanja wouldn’t be Tanja if she didn’t have an idea up her sleeve to surprise Grace yet again.

The wet finger was pressed against Grace’s lips, “clean it!” Tanja barked, and dutiful as she was, Grace opened her mouth to let Tanja slide it in making her taste her own juices while licking and sucking on it.

Tanja went on for a while longer, teasing Grace, letting her hand slide over her butt, slapping it while allowing me to focus a bit more on her attire. She was wearing a black leather corset laced up in the back, with small holes in the bra cups allowing her nipples to peek through. I knew from previous encounters that Tanja had rather large dark brown nipples and by now they looked hard, very hard. For the rest, she wore black leather panties, Brazilian style with strings in the back leaving her butt almost bare, the Mistress uniform was completed by long black leather boots to mid-thigh, with 5-inch stiletto heels.

The way she was dressed, she oozed authority. She began swishing the flogger in the air without yet touching Grace’s body, but from the look on her face, I knew that was going to change in the next few seconds. When finally the leather straps touched Grace’s body she didn’t flinch, so I guessed Tanja was still only tickling her with the flogger rather than really punishing her, but knowing her that was soon to end.

By the third hit, I saw Grace’s face scrunch up in pain, the teasing was over now and I saw pink stripes appear on her back. After five swats across her back, Tanja began to concentrate on Grace’s butt cheeks. Although I guessed that by now it must be getting painful, Grace stood her ground keeping her inspection position without flinching. I wondered when Tanja would move to her front and attack her beautiful boobies.

That thought was still going around in my mind when she did, placing a hard swat across Grace’s tits, hitting the nipples with the tips of the leather straps, making it extra painful. This was followed by another 4 taking her up to 15 of the 20 she was going to administer to Grace’s alluring naked body. In the position, Grace was in, with her legs slightly spread, I wondered if she was going to go for her pussy as well. It was so inviting to hit the most tender flesh at the junction of her legs, and of course, Tanja saw it too. Was it because I was looking if Grace’s cunt was getting any wetter or because she had her strategy worked out from the beginning? I will never know, but honestly, I hope it was not for the first reason.

The first swat was like a caress, followed quickly by a second one making Grace flinch, but she didn’t try to close her legs or protect herself with her hands; which drew some admiring glances from Tanja, but Tanja wouldn’t be Tanja if she wouldn’t try to draw further reactions from her slave. The third swat proved this: it was really hard, leaving red marks right across Grace’s mound and drawing a small cry from her upper lips.

“Do I hear you, slave?” Tanja sneered.

Grace was definitely not going to fall into the trap of answering verbally, giving Tanja more opportunity to administer more punishment with the flogger but shook her head in a no answer. The fourth and fifth swat was less severe, after which Tanja caressed her pussy with her hand, making sure no real harm was done to Grace’s tender flesh. Again I saw a finger slip deep into Grace’s folds, but this time it stayed longer making a come here movement stimulating Grace’s G-spot combining pain with pleasure.

“Does this make you feel good?” Tanja asked. Grace responded nodding her head again.

“Why aren’t you moaning then slave? You can answer me.

“I was afraid to make any noise mistress.”

“Moaning is OK, moaning is good it lets me know you are enjoying yourself, and if you enjoy yourself, I enjoy myself, would you like Lew to lick your pussy, now that it’s nice and warm?”

“Oh yes mistress, I love it when Lew licks my pussy, he’s so good at it.”

“You heard the slave Lew, but first let me test your pussy eating skills again before I let this lowly slave enjoy them, lick me!”

“Since you ask me so nicely mistress Tanja I’ll gladly apply my skills to your divine intimate folds.”

But she wasn’t finished yet playing the Mistress.

“Before I’ll allow you to taste my divine pussy, I want you naked, so strip!”

In my mind, I thought, “the bitch, she knows I can’t resist licking pussy and now she wants me to lick two different ones in short succession and make sure I’m naked before she is.” But I gave her what she wanted, knowing I would be rewarded with her gorgeous pussy and exquisite taste, after all, I still had a little debt to pay for her giving me that tit fuck.

So as soon as she had removed her leather panties, I went to town on Tanja’s hot slit, trying to make her cum as quickly as possible as I had to do Grace immediately after. I also desperately wanted to see what Jack was doing with Maggy before he finished.

I was concentrating on Tanja’s clit, taking it between my lips and squeezing, sucking on it like a vacuum cleaner, and alternating with short bites, not too hard but just enough to give her a little bit of pain, which I knew she loved. Two fingers of my right hand had also found their way into her hot vagina making a come hither movement to excite her G-spot while I stimulated her enticing little brown star with the thumb of my left hand.

I had her panting in two minutes flat, pushing her cunt as hard as she could into my face, while also pushing with both her hands on the back of my head, a clear sign of her impending orgasm. When I was close to suffocating and the fingers of my right hand were getting very tired from their come hither movement, I felt her pussy clamp down on them as she came squirting in my mouth and almost drowning me with her juices.

I heard her cry out, “Fuck! Yes! Keep going, suck on my clit, yes! Yeeeeees!” When she stopped squeezing my finger she also let go of my head and pulled back allowing me to breathe normally again.

I let go and took up a position on the floor between Grace’s legs who had been standing in inspection position all the time, not daring to move, afraid of additional hits with the flogger or any other instrument Tanja might choose. That way, I had a front-seat view of her cunt already flowing profusely from Tanja’s stimulation. My tongue was already tired from eating Tanja out, but I could suck on her little pearl which she immediately appreciated by giving me more female juice to drink. Slightly different in taste, but oh so similar to the taste of the cunt I had just vacated. Since Tanja had kept her close to boiling point but hadn’t allowed her to orgasm it was a lot easier to get Grace over the brink. I only needed 60 seconds of intense sucking and licking to make it happen, with the same fluid result. By the time I had finished with Grace, my tongue hurt, but I didn’t complain, and neither did Grace who had a big smile on her face.

Tanja had been watching us and said, “now you can take Grace to Jack so that she can get a taste of his bondage skills, I’m afraid I have some urgent matters that need my attention.”

“Don’t you worry Tanja, I’ll take Grace around,” I said while I stood up and took Grace’s hand in mine.

She looked at me and whispered in my ear, “would you mind if we call it a day?”

“You had enough?”

“Yes, it was nice while it lasted but I’m not so into this BDSM stuff as Maggy is, the cruise and Florida adventure, combined with tonight will do me fine for a long time.”

“No worries dear, but I’m dying to see what Jack has done with Maggy, care to join me?”

“Do I need to get dressed again?”

“If you don’t mind, I would prefer it if you came with me as you are, in the nude.

“OK since you ask so nicely, but please hold my hand.”

We walked hand in hand over to the corner where Jack was turning Maggy into a piece of Shibari art. Not wanting to offend Jack, but to me, she looked like a tied-up sausage, although I must admit an artful sausage. He had her suspended from one of the winches, the closer we came, the better I could see how he had her bound. Her arms were tied behind her back with two strings of grouped ropes around her upper arms, and another below her elbows, supporting her upper body. The second bunch of ropes was around her waist also going up to the winch.

The final support for her body was wound around each of her thighs, just above the knee. Her legs bent with her ankles also attached to her thighs helping to keep her legs wide open, with her dripping pussy on full display, ready for whatever action anyone would choose. As usual, Jack had a nice audience all eager to give a helping hand in stimulating Maggy and making her cum. When Jack saw us approach he handed me a riding crop.

“I heard you are an aficionado of horseback riding, so I guess you are familiar with this device Lew?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Would you care to apply it to our sub to bring her up to temperature?” he replied while pointing between Maggy’s legs.

“You want me to hit her pussy with this thing?”

“Yes, how else would you like her to enjoy this session and cum, or shall I ask somebody else in the audience?”

I looked around at who was watching and they all looked eager to take my place and torture Maggy’s pussy with whatever device Jack would give them. Some of them came prepared and were holding all kinds of torture instruments, going from a cane to a paddle in wood or leather, even cat-o-nine tails floggers, but the ones with knots or beads in the leather straps which hurts like hell and might even draw blood if applied harshly. I couldn’t let that happen to Maggy, so I needed to take control and do as Jack suggested. All the while this conversation was going on, Maggy was slowly turning around, so I had to time exactly when to hit her cunt with the riding crop. The first hit was not very hard, which drew some remarks from the audience. I even heard someone whisper, “Pussy”.

Jack also commented in a low voice, “Come on Lew you can do better than that, remember she loves it, she craves it, don’t disappoint her.”

It was clear I needed to improve my performance. The next time she turned into a position I could hit her, I gave her cunt a serious whack with the crop. It immediately showed on her skin, a nice red little rectangle, the size of the leather tab at the end of the riding crop on her mound, just above her clit. Maggy moaned. I started to circle her so I didn’t have to wait until she made a full circle again.

Jack came to my side and instructed me to not only concentrate on her cunt but to also tickle some other parts of her enticing naked body so beautifully displayed. The first things that came to my mind were of course her gorgeous big tits nicely displayed in what you could describe as a rope bra. I concentrated on her nipples when I hit her. That got some approving noises from the audience, especially when they started to turn pink and later red to match the color of her pussy. After letting me flog Maggy for about a quarter of an hour Jack stopped me, telling me he had some more rope work to do on her.

The first thing he did was bring her down again on a table he had placed under her and due to the way she was bound, set her on her knees, held upright by the ropes around her arms and waist. He then proceeded to wind a thinner rope hard around each of her tits, which quickly turned red and blueish, her nipples hard as nails. From the ropes circling her boobs, he had a rope going up to the winch, after which I released the ropes from her arms to the winch, hoisted her up, and removed the table from under her. Maggy’s body was now fully hanging by her tits which had completely turned blue.

At first, I could see from her face that it hurt, but soon her smile returned. Again she started to turn around real slow, allowing everyone to admire Jack’s handy work and Maggy’s beautifully bound body. Jack handed out a pair of nipple clamps to two of the guys watching who immediately approached Maggy to clip them on her rock-hard nipples. Each of them also took the opportunity to slip a few fingers into her still completely available cunt or her ass, which was, based on her facial expression, much appreciated by Maggy.

Once the guys stepped away, Jack approached her, his big hard cock on display, ready for action. Clever Jack had hung her at the ideal height for him to fuck her cunt or ass, which he began to do, first slipping effortlessly, balls deep, between her wet intimate folds. Her clit, which could be clearly seen eagerly peeping out from under its hood, had grown to the size of a prawn. Maggy was breathing hard, moaning and grunting while Jack pumped in and out of her quivering quim.

I thought he was going to fuck her till both of them came, but Jack wouldn’t be Jack if he didn’t have something unexpected up his sleeve. All of a sudden he pulled his huge cock out of her and took a step back to admire his handiwork again. Maggy, still panting from the intense fucking, began to turn around slowly so she could be admired from every angle.

When Jack was satisfied he approached her again and lined his cock up with her asshole. One of his hands slid over Maggy's dripping cunt, gathering as much juice as possible, and applied it to her asscrack. He inserted a couple of fingers into her pucker to make sure she was well lubed, then replaced them with the most masculine part of him, his throbbing cock, sliding into her back passage effortlessly.

This resulted in more satisfied moaning and grunting from Maggy. To help bring things to a high for her he beckoned me to join him and fuck Maggy’s dripping prized jewel, turning it into a double feature. When Grace saw this she encouraged me to go for it by releasing my cock, which she had been holding, keeping it in an upright position ready for action since I had stopped flogging Maggy. She pushed me in Maggy’s direction. When I approached her she was beaming a 1000-watt grin towards me fully aware of what was going to happen.

I grabbed my cock with my hand and guided it towards the entrance of her wet channel shoving it easily balls-deep into her in one go. Whimpers of pleasure erupted from her lips as I began to fuck her in synch with Jack meeting his pleasure stick deep inside her hot body, but not touching it because of the fleshy walls separating us. The crowd which had doubled in size since I joined them was cheering us on. Although as a sub she was basically not allowed to Maggy began shrieking and squealing like a banshee, voicing how good it felt.

“Yes! Yes! make me cum! make me cum! Give it to me! Yes! I love it! I love it!”

I removed one of the clamps on her nipps and replaced it with my mouth sucking on the hard little jewel which made her shiver all over as it sent small electric shocks directly to her little bundle of sensitive nerves at the top of her pussy. We kept on pounding her as if in a competition to give maximum pleasure to Maggy keeping our own at bay. I was wondering how long Jack would be able to go without filling her up with his cum and if I could beat him. I had never witnessed a session with Jack before so I had no idea how long he could go. Maggy wasn’t helping one bit, her pussy clamping down on me and I guess the other side doing similar things to Jack’s cock. When I removed the second nipple clamp and sucked on the tortured little gem, she went completely berserk, screaming at the top of her voice, orgasming at 200 miles per hour.

The audience cheered and clapped their hands. Both Jack and I kept on pumping her trying to make her orgasm last as long as possible. Maggy almost pushed my cock out of her producing enormous amounts of girl cum, but I persevered and pushed back in like Jack on the other side, but he was in trouble I could see from his face he was on the brink unable to hold back any longer also cumming with a roar, filling her ass with a load of hot cum of his own. Although she was very restricted in her movements, the way she was tied and strung up by her tits, I felt Maggy’s body react immediately tensing up completely, all her muscles in overdrive. She felt like that for at least 30 seconds and then went completely limp, her eyes fluttered and closed while she lost consciousness.

As Jack couldn’t see her face, I immediately informed him while I pulled out of her still very hard, which drew some approving looks and grunts from the females in the audience. Jack immediately lowered Maggy down and began to undo a number of the ropes to make her more comfortable. He worked quickly and efficiently and had her untied in no time at all, after which he took her in his arms and put her in a comfy chair, putting a blanket over her still-quivering body. Shortly thereafter Maggy opened her eyes again, first looking a bit dazed but quickly she realized where she was and what had happened to her.

“Are you OK?” Jack and I asked almost in unison.

She looked at us and gave us a toothy smile, “That was out of this world, thank you guys I really needed this.”

Like a trained boys’ choir, we replied in unison again, “You’re welcome Maggy.”

Grace, who had joined us, hugged Maggy and kissed her tenderly. Tanja had also joined us, drawn by the crowd that had gathered around us.

“What’s going on?” she asked me.

“I think, that Maggy outdid any previous performer you had in here. She was masterful at being a sub, she managed to make Jack lose control and cum like I guess he never did before while she was completely restrained… maybe you might consider giving her a free membership for a year?”

“I’ll have to check with Jack if what you claim is true and I’ll give it some thought and by the way, you never cease to surprise me in the way you always support the girls you bring in here.”

“You know me, Tanja, I always look after my girls.”

“What about the other girl you brought, she didn’t seem too thrilled with the session?”

“You mean Grace? She loves to have sex but she’s not so much into the pain/pleasure combination, I don’t think you will see her again in the club unless it is to accompany me with some tourists.”

“Do you intend to bring tourists to the club?”

“We may in January, we’re expecting a visit from our American friends we met in Florida, they are aficionados of the lifestyle.”

“Tell me more, are they anything like Lori and Mel you brought to the club? Are you still in contact with them?”

“Yes I am, we mail regularly, and no Jeff and Rachel are completely different, they run an estate of luxury villas, some of them fifty shades of Grey themed, you would love them.”

“Can you give me their contact information?”

“Why? Are you planning a trip to Florida I’m not aware of?”

“I’ve been thinking about it and Vag, you know my sub, she would love to go to Florida, she’s been dreaming all her life of visiting Disney World and she’s been so good to me that I would like to offer her a trip for her 25th birthday next year. If we could combine Disney with fifty shades of Grey that would be the best birthday present I could ever give her."

“You will meet Jeff and Rachel in January, or I can send you the link to their website, or you could wait until after their visit because Grace wants to go into some sort of joint venture with them also including the two Italian girls I brought to the club a while ago to represent each other in Belgium, Italy, and the States.”

“Wow, that sounds serious.”

“It is big, why don’t you contact Grace and have a meeting with her, she can give you all the details.”

“But a joint venture? How should I see this?”

“Well Rache and Jeff want to attract more Europeans to rent their villas in Florida but it’s difficult from across the pond to set that up, and sometimes they get a request from their American customers about renting something similar in Europe. Gina and Victoria, have a few luxury villas for rent in a prime location along the Italian coast, close to Rome and to complete the circle Grace is looking for prime real estate in Belgium around Antwerp or Bruges, the latter a favorite destination for American tourists. Jointly they could then offer luxury places to stay for wealthy tourists that on top may have an additional interest in the lifestyle.”

“I see.”

“If you play your cards right, you could probably talk Grace into offering one or more visits to the club in the rental deal.”

“You sly fox, always ready with a deal that sounds too good to be true.”

“Deals that sound too good to be true usually are not, but I can assure you that when you make a deal with Grace, she sticks to her word…hey what’s going on, what’s all the cheering about?”

When I turned around I saw a crowd that had gathered again around the spot where Jack had played with Maggy. While I had been chatting with Tanja, Jack and Maggy had lured Grace back into some more play. I saw both women standing boobs to boobs very closely together and very artfully tied up, their arms high up in the air legs lightly spread, secured to metal rings in the floor giving full access to their naked backs for anyone that wished to.

Upon closer examination, though I saw a no entry sign on their lower backs, just above their asscrack forbidding any entry with Jack standing guard. There was, however, behind each of them, a small line patiently waiting with different types of floggers in their hands to have a go at them, though awaiting approval from Jack. When the first one came up behind Maggy holding a flogger with leather straps, I saw Jack giving him instructions, after which he began to swish the flogger in circles hitting Maggy’s enticing ass on every pass. Curious how many he would give her, I counted and after ten hits he stopped, thanking Maggy with a caress across her abused bottom. Almost simultaneously a woman was doing the same thing to Grace’s cute ass.

This continued until each candidate flogger had his go at the women’s bottoms and back. I saw some of them turned away before they could even have a go, at first it was unclear to me why Jack sent them packing, but soon I grasped he only allowed leather stripe floggers, no paddles, canes, or whips were allowed. Jack loved to chastise women or see them chastised but he always made sure it was a pain/pleasure experience for the sub.

When the lines had gone he gave it a go himself, giving Maggy double the number of hits as he had gathered that Grace was far less into the pain/pleasure thing than Maggy was. Before untying them he made sure their skin was undamaged and gave it a rub with some soothing oil. When they were finally released they kissed and caressed each other giving a small lesbian show, including fingering each other’s pussy, and then came hand in hand towards me and Tanja.

She immediately took the opportunity to ask if Grace would be willing to have a meeting with her one of the coming days. Grace agreed but had absolutely no idea why Tanja would want a meeting. When we walked back to her original station to pick up her clothes and get dressed she asked me if I knew why. I gave her the whole story. Maggy listened very carefully too, as she might have an interest in organizing Tanja and Vag’s trip to the States. So at the end of the day, both of the girls had a great time in the club and they maybe would get some interesting business deals on top. Grace had perhaps enjoyed herself a little less than Maggy, who was completely over the moon with the way Jack had treated her, but both ladies had fun.

I took them both to my apartment for drinks and a recap of their adventures in the club. As we were going over the whole evening, all of a sudden Maggy burst out, “Lew, when you and Jack were DPing me, I clearly remember feeling Jack cum in my ass, but I don’t remember you filling up my pussy, you didn’t cum did you?”

“No, and I was proud of myself for beating Jack in our improvised fucking competition of who could last longest.”

“Oh yes, you are always capable of holding off for a very long time thanks to your training as a youngster with Alicia aren’t you?” Grace said, “So for you, it was some sort of competition?”

“Yes, I always like to compare my endurance to another male and I never had the pleasure to do that with Jack. I was curious if he could keep himself from cumming with that huge cock of his. I think size is important for a woman, but stamina as well, or am I wrong here ladies?”

“No, you’re absolutely right,” Maggy replied, I loved it when I felt Jack cum and you kept going and kept my orgasm going at warp speed…”

“Yeah, until you lost it.”

“Going into subspace has never happened to me before, even with my husband, and believe me he was a master. He could also go on for a very long time, but I knew exactly how to make him cum by flexing my pussy. I tried that with you as well, but you beat me by sending me into Nirvana with your love machine.”

“My pleasure dear!”

“Well allow me to remedy the situation and give you some pleasure as well; will you allow me to give you a blowjob and make you cum?”

“Hey, I want a part of that as well!” Grace interjected also staking her claim on my cock.

“What can I say, ladies, please be my guests, but please be gentle, I’m not into pain/pleasure.”

My words were hardly out of my mouth when they both attacked my trousers and ripped them off my body, my cock already standing at attention because of the conversation. They began by each licking one side of my hard pole, one going up, and the other going down. The one that was at the top took the glans between her lips and sucked on it while playing havoc with her tongue on the sensitive underside. It all went so fast and either mouth or tongue felt so good I couldn’t distinguish between the two of them. Even my balls got a hot bath from the one who happened to be in that area. In between the sucking and licking, they had each removed part of their clothing as well, allowing me access to naked tits which I eagerly took. I love playing with boobs when my cock is being sucked.

When I felt my sperm rise I shouted out, “I’m cumming, I’m cumming,” and felt my cock being pointed in a different direction with each squirt. I couldn’t immediately see who was holding me, but whoever it was, was a master at directing sperm traffic, each squirt ended up in one or the other wide-open mouth. It was a lot as you can imagine after all the visual and bodily stimulation each of the girls had given me during the evening.

I saw them swallow and carefully bring any tiny spatters that had landed on their faces, with a finger into their ravenous mouths as if they were a delicacy.

“Oh my God, I do like sperm sighed Maggy, I can’t believe I had to go without for more than two years.”

“Yeah, same here,” Grace replied, “until the day my daughter convinced me to have my portrait taken by this photographer…and the rest is history…”

After those wise words, they both got dressed again and by the time they left to go home, it was nearing 3 am and I could finally go to bed. I had one consolation: I could sleep as long as I wanted, it was Sunday and the shop was closed.