Lew's Photo Studio - Book 5 by Lew Pit - HTML preview

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Chapter 49

The Christmas party with Grace (part 2).


I was lying flat on my back and above me stood a gorgeous naked woman with a foot on either side of my head. She was the spitting image of Sigourney Weaver in the movie Half Moon Street. My eyes went upward over her never-ending legs towards her enticing bush, over her flat stomach and when I arrived at her face she looked down at me between the valley of her relatively small boobs with fuck-me eyes. In passing, I had seen that her nipples were small but rock-hard. She had the most adorable hairstyle, very fashionable in the eighties. Suddenly, her pussy started to come down as she squatted over my face. It barely touched my mouth, I stuck out my tongue to get a taste, but it disappeared up again out of reach of my eager mouth, her arms went straight out in front of her like she was doing squatting exercises.

She came quickly down again teasing me with her pussy. Then all of a sudden I was looking at her ass, just above my face and it felt as if her hot mouth engulfed my rock-hard cock. She slid her wet cunt over my mouth and face masturbating. Before I could realize what was happening to me she had changed her position again this time facing me. God, she had the most beautiful hollow stomach with in the middle the cutest navel. I tried to put my hands on her butt, but she kept evading me and sat down on my flesh sword which was pointing towards the ceiling, harder than I had ever experienced before in my life, when all of a sudden I heard a familiar voice shout, “Hey wake up sleepyhead, time to get out of bed!”

I opened my eyes blinking and saw Grace standing at the side of the bed.

“Where were you? And for whom is this nice erection you're sporting?”

“Oh my God Grace, I must have been dreaming.”

“Yeah, and judging by the size of your cock it must have been quite a hot dream.”

“I have no idea where this came from, but I was dreaming of a woman that looked exactly like Sigourney Weaver in this movie I saw. The one where she plays the part of a brilliant researcher, who is short of money and moonlights as a high-class escort to make ends meet. In the course of the movie, she becomes the pawn in a political game involving a nobleman, a part played by Michael Caine.”

“Big fan of Sigourney are you?”

“Absolutely I saw all her movies, with at the top of my list “Gorillas in the Mist.”

“She didn’t do any sex scenes in that one as far as I remember, but yeah in the one you were dreaming about she did, lots of them. But enough dreaming, time to get up. Despite that I am your slave until 7 tonight, I need your help to prepare the food for today. As you can see I follow the rules,” she said taking a spin, her arms in the air, showing me she was completely naked.

“Yes, and I love you for it, but as my slave, your foremost duty is to take care of my personal needs like this painful erection for instance.”

“Yes of course but we’ll have to be quick about it, we will need all morning to prepare the food.”

Grace quickly climbed on the bed and began to gobble up my dick. This felt divine and given the imposed time restriction, there was the added advantage I didn’t have to restrain myself, I could let go as quickly as I felt the juices rising. She was really working towards making me cum as quickly as possible. I helped by letting my hands wander over her lovely naked frame. When I came to her butt I felt she still had the buttplug in her ass.

“Are you still plugged up?” I asked.

“Mmm-hmmm,” was all she responded, her mouth now also plugged with my hard cock.

“Shall I take it out?”

She shook her head giving me a no. She lifted her head, my cock slipping out of her mouth, looked at me, and said, “if it pleases you Master I would like you to fill my vagina like you did my ass with your precious cum.”

“Be my guest slave, slip that wonderful cunt of yours over my cock so I can give you my essence.” It all sounded a bit bombastic, but hey she started it.

She straddled me, grabbed my shaft which was covered with her saliva, pointed it at her snatch, and impaled herself on it, turning the last part of my dream into reality. I was still so turned on by the dream of fucking one of my favorite movie stars it didn’t take me very long to explode like a supernova and blast jet after jet of hot cum into her waiting pussy. Me playing with her goodies while she fucked me also helped give her, a body-shuddering orgasm, although not as explosive as mine.

When after a short while we had returned to earth she urged me to join her in the bathroom for a shower, but I looked at her and said, “Now as an obedient slave, go take care of the cooking. Me I will have a sleep-in and lie about like the king of Siam just watching you slave at the hot stove.”

She looked rather crossly at me and responded, “I don’t think so mister, you wanted a nice Christmas dinner, so you are going to help me prepare it, Master or no Master.”

“But of course, I’ll help you, I was just pulling your leg,” I said with a big smile making her cross face change into a smile again.

“You did it again didn’t you, just to make me angry?”

“Yes, dear…”

In the shower, I was finally allowed to pull the buttplug out of her ass, resulting in a big flood of cum dripping out of her body, both back, and front. It helped by spraying the whole area with the handheld showerhead, lingering a bit longer on her clit giving her another small orgasm. After we dried we went to the kitchen where she put on a small apron and gave me one as well. She then prepared a small breakfast for the both of us and after we enjoyed it she put me to work as a drill sergeant would.

By eleven the kitchen began to smell heavenly with the turkey roasting in the oven and the soup, for which I had made the cutest small meatballs, cooking on the stove. The fridge was filled to the brim with the crab cocktails she had prepared as an appetizer. We had enough food to feed a small army, but from what she told me it was indeed a small female army that was going to join us.

At noon Nancy walked in pushing Emilia in the pram, she was shortly followed by Linda and Elisa. The last one to join the party was Sunshine, as usual, dressed like a hippy or maybe more like a gypsy, though this time looking a lot sexier than when she had visited me in the studio.

When she had removed her coat I could see that her shoulders were completely bare. She wore an elastic-topped blouse showing off her gorgeous neck, it was pulled down as far as it would go revealing a big chunk of her gorgeous boobs though just keeping her nipples hidden. As the blouse stopped just under her boobs, it showed off her sexy bare midriff. The skirt she wore went all the way down to the floor, but it only started just above her pubes. I thought I even saw a stray pubic hair showing at the top.

The other girls all wore their traditional skinny jeans and T-shirt, which they quickly took off when they saw Grace and me just wearing a small apron and nothing underneath. All this striptease had of course a, for the moment, undesired effect on my manhood pushing the apron a bit forward. Sunshine was the first to notice my problem.

“Oh I see you’re glad to see us, Lew, would you maybe like to see more of me as well?”

“Well sweetheart, for the moment you are definitely the odd one out.”

Sunshine looked around and immediately understood what I was referring to, ”you mean that I’m the only one still wearing all my clothes.”

“Yes, you are the one sticking out.”

“I think that may be yourself, Lew,” she said with a chuckle, “but I’m glad you noticed. I’m not the one showing all her goodies and yet I’m the one you can’t keep your eyes off, so who’s the clever one here?”

“You’re right Sunshine, it is indeed most exciting to guess at what’s hidden, but it is even more exciting to see it revealed.”

“You want me to do a striptease?”

“That would be nice.”

“Only nice?”

“OK, that would blow me away.”

“That’s better,” she replied while pulling the blouse at a snail’s pace down from her shoulders, slowly revealing her rock-hard nipples one-tenth of an inch at a time, until, after what seemed like an eternity, her complete, small, but oh so enticing boobs became visible. Once the garment was under her boobs she grabbed the underside and pulled it up again and over her head leaving her topless.

Although just barely, the floor-length skirt was still hiding the most intimate part of her body. She saw on my face that I was waiting for her to grab to top of the skirt and pull it down. When I looked into her eyes she blew me a kiss and kept me waiting for a few seconds more before sliding her thumbs into the waistband and slowly starting to pull the garment down, revealing her bush almost one pubic hair at a time. Only once her bush was totally visible did she pull the elastic open and let the skirt drop to the floor, allowing me to admire her fully nude and gorgeous body.

“That was some show you put on Sunshine.”

“I like to please my audience, sir,” she replied sticking out her arms to the side her hands pointing upward, “will you reward me with a hug?”

She didn’t have to ask me twice, I put my arms around her and gave her not only a hug but a hot kiss to boot. She must have felt my hard cock pressing through my apron against her crotch but did not comment any further. After that, I had to give them all a hug of course, which did not help to bring my erection down.

“Who’s for champers?” Grace asked.

Everybody wanted a glass of Champagne, except Nancy of course as she wanted to keep Emilia sober when she fed her, a task she immediately began under the watchful eye of all the females present, except for Sunshine.

“Doesn’t it hurt when she sucks?” Linda wanted to know.

“No, not most of the time, sometimes it even has an arousing effect on me.”

“I’ve always wondered what it tastes like,” Elisa said.

“You can ask Lew, he helped me once when one of my boobs was still very full and painful.”

“Did you Lew?” Sunshine wanted to know, “do tell us what was it like?”

“The taste is fine, kind of sweet and it’s great fun of course.”

“Yeah, I can imagine,” Elisa interjected.

“Hey maybe if you ask nicely, Nancy will allow you to get a taste.”

“Oh would you Nancy,” Linda and Elisa asked almost in unison.

Nancy looked at both of them with a smile on her face, “if there is some left I don’t mind.”

“Oh, we don’t want to deprive Emilia of course.”

“Don’t worry she has started to eat solid food now as well, so she needs less of my milk.”

“Oh my God, I can’t wait to taste this,” Linda said clapping her hands.

“Later, when Emilia is taking her nap we’ll have plenty of time to feed you two little babies, as well,” Nancy said with a wink and a smile on her face.

“Yes maybe as dessert,” Elisa said.

“Before you are entitled to dessert, we have a lot of eating to do first. We prepared lots of food so let’s get started. Please take a seat at the table,” Grace said.

On the table, Grace had set out the appetizer crab cocktails so we could dig in without delay. I had appointed myself as the sommelier and served a nice chilled Pouilly-Fuissé from a vineyard I had visited myself. Something I used to do when I was on a business trip by car in one of the European wine countries. That way I had been able to build up a nice stock of around 2500 bottles from different areas and vintages in the old cellar under the original photoshop.

When I bought the place from the old photographer he told me I would find some surprises in the cellar and I did. Being a wine aficionado and collector himself, he had bottles in there going back to before world war I, some of them had partly evaporated as he had never replaced any of the corks. I kept them just for fun, when opened they would probably taste like vinegar.

After the appetizer, we had a very creamy tomato soup for which I had made the very tiny meatballs everybody very much appreciated. After the soup, we had a short break which Nancy used to breastfeed Emilia, who’d already had her version of the crab cocktail and some of the soup as well. Towards the end of drinking her milk, she had fallen asleep and was put to bed by her mom. When she returned all eyes were on her as, by the enticing view of Nancy’s gorgeous big boobs, we were again reminded of Linda’s and Elisa’s request to get a taste.

Nancy immediately noticed all the eyes were focused on her ample bosom and asked her face slightly pinking up but with a cheeky smile on her face, “Who was it again that would like a taste?”

Immediately Linda and Elisa put their fingers up like they would have done at school.

As she took a seat between the two girls, she continued, “OK, we can do that now, I’ve got two boobs so each of you can suck on one, mind you the one Emilia drank from will give less milk than the other one, but you can trade places after a little while.”

They didn’t even let Nancy finish before latching on, Linda on the left side where Emilia just had her lunch, and Elisa on the right side. Very quickly I saw Nancy’s face change expression from a gentle smile, when the girls attacked her tits, to a clear expression of arousal; she even began to moan. The girls were obviously doing more than just tasting her milk. She wasn't the only one getting aroused, I too felt my dick slowly but surely raise its head again.

All of a sudden I felt a soft hand from behind me slide over my hip towards my crotch and close around the shaft, gently stroking it, bringing it to a full erection. When I looked over my shoulder I saw Sunshine sitting at my side, giving me a wink and an air kiss. Well, what she could do I could do better so I let my hand go to my back in search of her knee. From there I slid over her inner thigh towards her kitty.

She immediately opened her legs wider giving me full access to her already damp playground. While she began to seriously masturbate me I slid a finger between her labia going up and down and picking up as much of her juice as possible in the process. When I deemed it wet enough I slid it into the furnace-like heat of her wet haven drawing a moan from her upper lips.

Hearing Nancy and Sunshine moan gave Linda and Elisa the inspiration to bring Nancy also to a higher level of arousal. I saw each of them slide a hand over Nancy’s inner thigh inviting her to open up completely to allow them to flirt with her groin and crotch. When the tickling fingers reached that magical place where her legs meet I saw her shiver.

From there on it was difficult to see which hand was doing what, but whatever they were doing, Nancy was slowly but surely building up an ever-heightening spiral of arousal, and from the sounds coming from my side so was Sunshine. I saw Linda and Elisa throw furtive glances toward Sunshine and when our eyes crossed a whole silent conversation took place challenging each other on who would come first Nancy, Sunshine, or me.

As far as I was concerned, the game was won: I was determined to make Sunshine orgasm sooner than they could make Nancy go over her orgasmic cliff.

I began by first sliding a second finger into her quivering hole while ferociously attacking her clit with my thumb. I immediately felt her tense up, frantically searching for an orgasm. It immediately became obvious that she was also determined to give me a taste of my own medicine as I felt her increase the pressure, while at the same time speeding up her hand movements on my cock.

I turned on my chair, now facing her, and kissed her full on the mouth, sliding my tongue inside her hot lips. After a short tongue tango, I moved my oral attention towards her ear lobe and the sensitive area just below it, which I knew from my previous encounter with her would increase her level of arousal. The next stop on my oral arousal trip were of course her perky little boobs with the tempting small dark-colored areolae crowned by her big, now rock-hard, nipples.

As I sucked one into my mouth I felt her wet sacred hole clamp down on my fingers accompanied by a high-pitched exultation of her pleasure. The pinching of my fingers with her pussy muscles was a good indicator of her level of arousal. I guessed her climax was imminent but not there just yet. What could I do to make her go over the top and give me the satisfaction of winning this impromptu little contest? Going down on her the way we were seated would be physically, far too challenging, so I had to figure out a different way to skin this feline, who was clearly in heat, but just not hot enough yet to make her climax.

The way we were seated also made it impossible to reach her backdoor, which I knew was a very sensitive area for her as well, so it had to be the boobs. I wondered if I would risk playing the pain card using my teeth on her nipps. There was not much else I could think of to give her the jolt she needed to detonate, so I took the leap and bit down, careful to not break the skin of course, but enough to entice a high-pitched yelp from her lips. Believe it or not, it did the trick as I felt her cunt clench my fingers, her belly pulsing as she howled out her rapture while shouting out some perverse obscenities. I guess you can fill in the words yourself. Less than 5 seconds later I heard Nancy shrieking and squealing like a banshee, an incredible wave of sexual ecstasy running through her body.

When I looked up from the carnal pleasure both women were displaying I saw Grace sitting on the other side of the table enjoying the whole scene in front of her. I gave her a wink to which she responded with a thumbs up. When both girls’ orgasms had run their course and they’d come back down to earth, Grace got up and announced that she was ready to serve the main course, the turkey. As the only man present, I was of course requested to carve, which I gladly did. A few minutes later everybody was happily munching away at the succulent turkey meat, the vegies, and the croquettes.

Maybe a bit out of the ordinary, I served a Châteauneuf-du-Pape with it. I got a few strange looks at first but when they tasted it they all agreed that it was a match made in heaven. I must admit I got some expert advice from my preferred sommelier on this, Catharina, and it was she who told me to try this combination, pairing white meat with red wine. The only sounds that could be heard were the clatter of cutlery for the next fifteen minutes while we were all thoroughly enjoying Grace’s cooking.

Aside from the turkey itself, she had prepared garden peas, salsify with a creamy sauce, cranberries, chicory, and of course homemade croquettes. The gravy, one of the best bits for me when having turkey, was just to die for, as it was enriched with poultry stock. I wondered if anybody would be up for much play after all this rich food.


“Who wants dessert?” Grace asked a half-hour after we had put down our forks and knives. All of a sudden it occurred to me that with all of us being naked as jaybirds we could not loosen the button of our trousers to relieve the pressure. And pressure there was judging by the round bellies I saw around me, mine included.

“I need some time Grace before I can face dessert,” I replied which was confirmed by all my table companions.

“OK, why don’t you all adjourn to the easy chairs while I clear the table,” Grace added.

“Let me help you, dear,” I replied.

“Oh my God a true gentleman, you could have made some woman very happy Lew,” I heard Sunshine say.

“I hope I sometimes do.”

“Yes, you made me very happy just a short while ago and all it took you was a couple of fingers and a mouth, so I don’t agree with this statement about all the things women need to be made happy.”

“What statement are you referring to Sunshine?”

“Well, that they need to be pampered, that you have to buy them lots of things, take ’em to fancy places, adore them, worship them, and lots more that I don’t immediately remember.”

“Yeah I remember that as well, but there is also a short list of what it takes to make a man happy isn’t there?”

“I don’t immediately remember that part…”

“You don’t? It’s easy though. Grace did exactly what was required to make a man happy, bring food and show up naked.” That got me a small laugh.

I continued to help Grace clear the table and put the remainder of the food in containers in the fridge and the dishes and cutlery in the dishwasher, after which we both joined the others for a well-earned rest, especially Grace, who’d been on her feet since dawn. After another half-hour, Grace repeated her question about the dessert and got a more positive reply.

“What have you planned Grace?” I asked being the dessert aficionado of the group.

“I thought of serving iced coffee instead of your traditional Dame Blanche if that’s OK for everyone.”

“Oh yes lovely, I like that as much as Dame Blanche.”

“I know Lew, you are a real ice-cream-o-holic.”

“Guilty as charged dear, allow me to make the coffee.”

When the coffee was ready, Grace gave me 6 tall glasses. I poured some of the coffee into each of the glasses but before she could add the vanilla ice cream I got a pressurized can of whipped cream out of the fridge to help her, but as she was standing real close and I couldn't resist first to spray some cream on one of her boobs.

“Hey what do you think you’re doing!” she shouted.

“Just decorating the goodies dear,” I replied bending forward, “no problem if you want me to remove it,” while I said it I started to lick it off of her.

“Anybody else needs to cool off?” I ventured and all of a sudden I was faced with four pairs of boobs. Each time I sprayed a nipple with the cold cream it pebbled nicely. By the time I’d finished decorating the last one of the perky tits in front of me, it was high time to clean the first one with my tongue before the cream fell to the floor and was wasted.

By the time I had finished licking them clean, Grace had got another can out of the fridge which she used to decorate my semi-hard cock. That resulted in the two older girls who were closest to me dropping to their knees, beating the young ones in the process, and succeeding to be the first to enjoy the cream.

I was experiencing a déjà vu of the evening before, but this time with two mouths on my cock instead of just the one I had before, it felt heavenly. When I glanced down it looked as if they were kissing each other but with my dick between their luscious lips and when they started going together from the top to the base of my cock and back, I had to scramble to avoid immediately squirting a load of cum on the carpet.

It only took less than 30 seconds to be completely surrounded by the remainder of the naked female flesh in the room. I felt Linda and Elisa standing on each side of me grab one of my hands and guide it to their already moist pussies. Nancy was standing in front of me invading my mouth with her agile tongue. If ever I dreamed or imagined what a gangbang would be like, this was it. I couldn’t believe it I WAS ACTUALLY HAVING SEX WITH FIVE WOMEN AT THE SAME TIME!

The moaning, groaning, grunting, and purring around me was deafening, I had landed in the most exotic porn movie I could ever imagine. I only wished I had an extra pair of hands to allow me to capture this on video.

The hot naked bodies of 3 women were sliding up and down my upper body while the agile mouths of two others were sucking and licking my cock which felt harder than I’d ever experienced before in my life. I simply had to submit to the whole experience and couldn’t do anything about it - they were determined to make me cum and I couldn’t stop them. I couldn’t speak, my mouth totally occupied by Nancy’s tongue and lips, I couldn’t move, Linda and Elisa pressed hard against my sides with my hands imprisoned in their pussies and kept firmly in place by their thighs, and my cock either inside Grace’s mouth with my balls inside Sunshine’s or the other way around, or between both their lips.

I desperately tried to keep in charge but felt the tension building with the cum churning in my balls until it finally raced up my shaft, unstoppable like a runaway train. I couldn’t shout out so I just had to let it go into whoever’s mouth my dick was in. Over the noises made on both sides of my head by the girls while they reached their peak, I heard someone below me make swallow noises as if drowning and felt my cock being moved in a different direction.

Again it entered a hot tunnel, which I guessed was the other mouth that had been pleasuring me, filling that one with the remainder of my creamy fluid. The only one that was rather quiet was Nancy just winding down and kissing me, allowing me to take a deep breath. When I was able to remove my hands from the two pussies they had been playing with they felt very wet and so did my outer thighs; I was dripping with girl juice. I grabbed the shoulders of Grace and Sunshine sitting at my feet, to steady myself as my knees had almost turned to jelly.

When we had all caught our breath we looked at each other not quite understanding what just happened. I still couldn’t get my head around the whole thing either. It was a good thing that at least Grace kept her wits about her as she asked looking around, “Everyone still wants iced coffee?”

We all burst out laughing at the absurdity of the question. Grace looked at us and asked, “what?” while she picked up some of my cum left on one of her boobs and licked it off her finger, “We were going to have dessert weren’t we?”

“Yes Grace you’re absolutely right, and I’m so sorry to have spoiled it by squirting some of this cream on your lovely boobs.”

She looked at me wiggling her index finger in the air, “yes Lew you are a naughty boy and for that, you will prepare the dessert all by yourself.”

“Hey, what happened to my 24-hour slave girl? I don’t think it is seven o’clock yet is it?”

“He’s right Grace,” Linda said, it’s just like me and Elisa, we owe him 24 hours of slavery.

“What is all this about 24 hours of slavery?” Sunshine and Nancy asked in unison.

“I can understand that Sunshine is not aware of our little arrangement, but I thought that you Nancy would know about it?”

”No I don’t, please do tell.”

I told Nancy and Sunshine the whole story of what had happened on our London trip and what the consequences were for the girls and why they were here. They all agreed that Grace needed to complete her duty as my slave and that she even deserved to be punished for trying to wiggle out of it.

“Good idea girls, we haven’t had any disciplining yet, what shall we do to this insubordinate slave girl?”

They started to shout from all sides, “flog her, restrain her, apply nipple clamps on her, spank her…” it continued and continued, one disciplinary action harsher than the next. I had to make this stop, so I held up my hand to silence them all.

“As her Master, I’ll decide what is to be done and we will start with Grace preparing our desserts, and while I enjoy that I’ll think of an appropriate way to discipline her.”

They all mumbled but in the end, agreed that it was indeed my task to decide what punishment my slave needed to have.

I knew that after our joint visit to the cellar with Maggy, Grace was not really into pain/pleasure like her school friend was, so I had to figure out a way to make the crowd happy but also I wanted to make Grace happy, after all, she had prepared a wonderful Christmas dinner for us and last night we had lots of fun together. After finishing dessert I instructed the gang to blindfold Grace. While they were busy finding something to accomplish that I wrote instructions on a piece of paper as I didn’t want Grace to know what was going to happen to her to make it a bit scary. When Grace was blindfolded I put my finger in front of my mouth indicating I wanted total silence and held up the piece of paper on it was:





They all looked at me and gave me the thumbs up, after which they took Grace to the bedroom and positioned her as instructed.

“What are you going to do to me? Grace asked in a scary voice.

“Have I given you permission to speak slave?” I said with a stern voice, after which she quickly replied.

“No Master, sorry Master.

“I will have to punish you extra for that slave!” I said while I opened the top drawer of the nightstand where I knew Grace kept a few toys for lonely nights, one of which was a plugin, Magic Wand. I also knew she kept a flogger in her wardrobe, hidden under a bunch of clothes. Judging Nancy’s face when I pulled it out, she had no idea it was there. Grace was obviously keeping some things secret from her daughter.

“Prepare for your punishment slave!” I shouted.

I saw Grace tense up as far as she could while being firmly held down by my four accomplices. Grace began to struggle a bit and screwed up her face when she heard the flogger swishing through the air. When I finally let the tips of the leather straps touch her abdomen she gave a small yelp.

“SILENCE SLAVE!” I shouted.

She closed her mouth immediately and screwed up her face again, awaiting the next hits of the leather straps. I just loved playing with her, so I took my time making circles in the air with the flogger without touching her skin. She however felt the air displacement every time I was coming closer to her tits and tensed up more and more, pulling in her stomach till it was a deep pit in the middle of her abdomen with her ribs sticking out.

Oh my God, she looked so beautiful that way. I wanted to stop this and just fuck her, but I had to please the crowd as well, so I finally grazed her tits with the tips of the straps a couple of times. We could almost see her nipples, which had already been hard, grow even more due to her mounting arousal. I had been counting the hits all the time and when I arrived at 7 I changed the direction of the circles, moving towards her pussy. The last 3 hits I directed at her pubic mound, trying to hit her clit. I only succeeded with number 10, drawing a sharp intake of breath from her side.

I walked away from the bed and plugged the Magic Wand into the wall socket and handed it to Sunshine who was holding Grace down with her left hand. I had intentionally directed her to Grace’s left side as I knew Sunshine was right-handed and would handle the wand far more efficiently if she held it in that hand. Upon my non-verbal instructions, she switched it on to low and placed it strategically against Grace’s lower pussylips, avoiding her clit for the moment. I gave her a thumbs up.

Moving to the side of the bed, I indicated to my helpers what my next move would be by wiggling the fingers of both of my hands, they immediately grasped where I was going with this and braced themselves; knowing that Grace was going to start to thrash around a lot as soon as I started to tickle her in the right places. I started slowly on the inside of her upper arms, slowly moving towards her armpits, which for most people is a very tickle-sensitive area.

The closer I came to her armpits the more Grace began to thrash around on the bed, going completely berserk when I tickled her directly under her arms. All of a sudden I stopped and I heard her let out a sigh of relief. I moved down the bed and began tickling her knees. She immediately assumed where I was going now, but she was wrong, I didn't go up towards her inner thighs but down to another very tickle-sensitive part of her body, her feet. She almost inaudibly mumbled, “no, please not my feet…”

I pretended I hadn’t heard it, but couldn’t resist saying, “ you are going to love what I’m going to do to your feet darling.”

As a result, she began to try very hard to shake her legs free from the restraining hands of Nancy and Sunshine. They had to use all their power to keep her on the bed. Sunshine dropped the wand for a while to use both of her hands on Grace’s legs. When I finally reached her feet and began to tickle both of them at the same time, she almost acted like a wild bull during a rodeo.

All of a sudden it dawned on me that I had Grace cum only 3 times during her 24-hour slavery and I distinctly remember I promised all 3 of them at least 5 orgasms during that period, so I better make sure to give her another 2 before 7 tonight. With a bit of luck and the help of my co-conspirators, I would be able to give her number 4 here on the bed.

A quick look at the clock told me I had only one hour left to accomplish my goal. High time to get her motor going. I motioned to Sunshine to shift up a gear on the magic wand, which she immediately did applying it again to Grace’s cunt. I from my side had moved again to her knees, but this time I was going in the direction she expected before, up over her inner thighs to her pubic area.

I bypassed the wand and moved my tickling fingernails up her abdomen and ribcage towards her boobs. Going around them in circles, getting closer to the nipples with each pass. By the time I reached them, they had become rock-hard and I pinched them. I pinched them hard, resulting in a satisfied moan from her. I made a mental note of that for the future, I knew she wasn’t a big fan of pain but apparently, she loved to have her nipples pinched. I soothed them with my mouth. She began, almost inaudibly, to moan, her orgasm barometer on the rise.

I motioned to Sunshine to switch the wand to maximum and slide it all over her pussy which was getting pretty wet judging by the sounds it made. All this had also brought my cock to full mast again and that was noticed by the audience.

One of them began to say “fuck her, fuck her,” the others quickly followed with in the end all four of them chanting louder and louder, “fuck her! FUCK HER! FUCK HER!” They let her loose, Sunshine took the wand away and all stepped away to make room for me to climb on the bed and plunge my hard cock into her dripping and needy wet cunt.

I began pumping in and out of her while the others clapped their hands changing the chant too, “make her cum, MAKE HER CUM! MAKE HER CUM! I also ripped the blindfold away and we looked into each other’s eyes. It felt as if we were in our private cocoon, oblivious to the audience surrounding us, just the two of us having sex, completely enjoying each other's bodies.

Her breathing was becoming fast and shallow as I felt the tension building up inside her. My goal was to get her off twice to meet my target of 5. It was as if I heard her pussy already screaming with pleasure. Her legs had gone around my body with her heels digging into my lower back, spurring me on to go deeper and faster driving her into the mattress. The feeling of flesh sliding against flesh was overwhelming my strokes becoming harder each time when all of a sudden I felt the length of her sheath convulse about me as her orgasm was cresting and she coated my shaft with her warm release pulling me with her into an abyss of total pleasure.

Cum launched from my dick into her body, spewing hot sticky sperm in her tight cunt. She kept on convulsing and contracting down on my shaft as the last orgasmic shivers ran through her and she went limp her body like putty. While I rolled off her body to give her some breathing space, I heard the others leave the room very quietly leaving us to come back from our high.

After about 10 minutes our breathing had returned to normal, I stuck out my arm and she rolled into it and looked at me.

“God Lew that was one hell of a ride, you can take me on one of these any time you feel like it.”

“I’m so sorry darling I won’t be able to give you what I promised you.”

“What do you mean, you gave me an earthshattering orgasm just now what more can you give me?”

“You don’t remember?”

“Remember what?”

“I promised all three of you that when you would be my 24-hour slave I would give you 5 orgasms in that period.”

Grace looked at me and I almost saw the cogs in her brain turning at full speed, counting and thinking, “but you did this last one was definitely number 5.”

“No, it wasn’t, I made you cum 3 times and this was number 4.”

“Sorry to disagree with you Master, but you made me cum on the glass table after my striptease act, you made me cum when you fucked me in my ass and the next morning in bed and in the shower, that’s 4 and just now is 5.”

“I forgot about the one in the shower, that’s why, but that was just a small one.”

“Small one big one, overpowering one I don’t care, an orgasm is an orgasm and I’m grateful for each one you give me, let’s join the others, they might think we’ve died and gone to heaven, well come to think of it we did go a little bit to heaven?”

“Yes we did, didn’t we?”

When we joined the others, they had already cleared the table and were even washing up the glasses and all the stuff that couldn’t go into the dishwasher.

“Coffee anyone?” Grace asked, and everybody nodded.

Nancy heard Emilia cry and went to fetch her. She looked with big eyes at all these naked people surrounding her and stopped crying as they all became very motherly all of a sudden cooing and tickling her tummy while Nancy changed her diaper. That done it was time again for a feed we all enjoyed watching, with a few of us knowing exactly what the milk tastes like. When she had burped she was put in her playpen and went about her business playing with her toys and dolls.

Slowly but surely the party was winding down. Linda and Elisa were the first to leave. They told us they were going to another Christmas party at a friend’s house where they could dance and have fun. Shortly after Sunshine left as well, thanking Grace for the wonderful party and food, she claimed she was bushed and needed to rest. At 7 I also took my leave giving Grace a passionate kiss after which Nancy invaded my mouth also with her agile tongue while Grace looked on with a big smile on her face.

“It’s been a long time since we had such a nice Christmas party, Lew, surrounded by a bunch of lovely friends and we have you to thank for it.”

“Also for me, It’s been a while since I had such a great Christmas celebration, will I see you at the New Year’s party in the club next week?”

“No, I’m afraid not, I’ve been there once and that was enough for me, you know it’s not really my thing, and by the way, thanks for keeping it low-key today, I was getting pretty scared when I heard all the things they wanted you to do to punish me.”

“Some BDSM play is fine, but I know it’s not your thing, but I had to do something to keep the crowds happy.”

“Yes I understand, but hey you can tickle me anytime.”

“I’ll keep that in mind Grace and if I don’t see you anymore, please give my regards to Jeff and Rachel when they come over.”

“When they come I want you here, they’re looking forward to seeing you again as they do me and Nancy, Rachel wants to meet Emilia, she so loves kids but unfortunately she can’t have any of her own.”

With that last sad remark in mind, I took my leave and went home for a good night’s sleep, I think I’ve earned it after my performance with 5 women today, sorry 6, I did change Emilia’s diaper once.

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