Lew's Photo Studio - Book 5 by Lew Pit - HTML preview

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Chapter 40

Gina and Victoria visit Grace and Nancy


Thursday I got a call from Gina, informing me they were planning to come to Belgium the week after next and asking if I could arrange accommodation for them in a hotel not too far away from where I live for a couple of nights.

“My dear Gina, you are more than welcome to stay at my place, I’ve got a nice big en suite spare bedroom crying out to be used by two lovely Italian girls.”

“If it’s not inconvenient, then yes we would like that.” I heard her say something in Italian to another person in the room, I guessed Victoria, whom I heard agreeing immediately.

“Was that Victoria?”

“Yes, and she’s thrilled to stay at your place.”

“OK, that’s done then. I presume you also like to meet with Grace and Nancy while you’re here to discuss realtor business?”

“Of course, that is the second main reason for our visit.”

“Oh, and what would the first reason be then, if I may ask?”

“To see you and that great studio of yours of course, silly! Did you think we were only coming for sightseeing?”

“Well you never know, what would two beautiful young girls come to Belgium for? Let me guess, to see the Manneken Pis in Brussels or the Atomium? I can’t imagine it would be to visit an old man who loves to take pictures of nude girls.”

“But that is our main purpose to shed our clothes in this old man’s studio and have our pictures taken…and then ravish him.”

“Oh boy, I better visit the gym a few times then to be prepared.”

“Don’t forget a visit to the chemist either, you may need some chemical support to keep standing during the days of our visit.”

“Is it going to be that hard?”

“Yes it is, and ‘hard’ is indeed what you will need to be.”

“Great I can’t wait, I’ll give Grace a call to set up the meeting and please let me know your flight number so I can pick you up at the airport.”

“We’re not flying, we’re driving.”


“Yes, it will be our annual three-week vacation trip, we intend to visit a few sights as we drive through France and spend a couple of days in Paris as well.”

“Sounds great, I wish I could join you, it’s been a while since I was last in Paris., Maybe I should treat Grace to a weekend in Paris, to thank her for the cruise she took me on.”

“I don’t know her personally, though I hope to remedy that during this trip, but from what you told me about her I guess she would appreciate that.”

“When exactly do you girls plan to arrive here?”

“We leave Rome on the third of November, the total distance is about 1,800 km so we plan to arrive at your place on the 13th, which would be a Friday. I sure hope you’re not superstitious. We can spend the weekend together and meet with Grace and Nancy maybe Sunday evening for dinner, then do our business the day after on Monday?”

“Sounds like a plan, shall I make reservations in our local restaurant for Sunday evening for you girls, Grace and Nancy?”

“Yes, and don’t forget to make the reservation for 5.”

“Oh, who do you intend to bring on your trip?”

“Nobody silly, we want you at that dinner as well, did you think we were going to stay at your place and not invite you to dine with us?”

“Euh what can I say, I’d love to join you. I’m already used to being the talk of the town, so I wonder what stories they’ll invent next when they see me dining with 4 gorgeous women at the local watering hole?”

“Oh, you have a reputation? Well, then you better keep it up, remember when they gossip about you they don’t gossip about anybody else.”

“That’s true, but who knows, maybe they’ll brand me as a pimp and start to see me like Stephen Ward in the Profumo scandal in the UK in 1963 when who took Christine Keeler under his wings.”

“We’ll give them plenty to talk about when they see the outfits we’ll be wearing.”

“You really are set on completely ruining my reputation aren’t you?”

“Not at all! We just want to make our mark and show the world, your local world that is, that you are a prize catch.”

“I’m very sorry but I don’t want to be caught, remember, I’m an inveterate bachelor.”

“I know Lew, I’m just pulling your leg, for now, I’ll be pulling other parts of you when we get there, I promise.”

“You make me curious, but for now, I’ll take care of everything from this end. Drive safely and please let me know about your progress during the trip, so I don’t worry from the day you start till you arrive.”

“We’ll keep you posted, send pictures, and tell you how things are going while we’re on the road. So see you in about 3 weeks then.”

“Yes I’m really looking forward to your visit and please send my love to your mom. How is she by the way, how was their cruise, I haven’t heard anything.”

“The cruise was a great success, they came back like a young couple totally in love again, already planning future cruises. Marco is over the moon as well since dad isn’t always looking over his shoulder anymore now he’s proven he can run the restaurant on his own. Mom told me she wants to send you a long e-mail with all the juicy details of their cruise, I’ll remind her of it, she gets forgetful at her age.”

“Shame on you girl, your mother isn’t old, she’s ten years younger than I am! What does that make me, a fossil?”

“Sorry Lew, I shouldn’t talk about mom like that, and you are definitely not a fossil.”

“OK I forgive you, but please send her my love and tell her I’m really looking forward to this e-mail.”

“Wonderful, so till November 13, keep well, ciao, ciao!”

“Yeah ciao, ciao, Gina.”

That was totally unexpected, I never thought they would visit me or Grace. I’d better call her quickly to tell her the good news and make sure she blocks the dates in her diary. Better yet I’ll invite her to dinner, after all, it’s already been a few weeks since we returned from our cruise and I still hadn’t given her the photos I took on our trip.

“Grace darling, how are you?”

“Well, well if it isn’t my cruise companion, I thought you had died or gone on another cruise without me.”

“I’m so sorry for not contacting you earlier dear, but I’ve been so busy. Please allow me to make it up to you over dinner next Friday or Saturday.”

“I’d rather have the photos of our trip you promised me.”

“Mea culpa, yes you are right, I already have them here on a stick and I should have given them to you a lot earlier, so how about dinner?”

“OK, I’m free on Saturday evening.”

“Wonderful, but I’ve some other questions for you.”

“Don’t tell me you need a venue for a photoshoot again.”

“No, no nothing of the kind, something completely different. Are you available on the 14th, or 15th for a meeting?”

“A meeting, what meeting?”

“I’m not sure if I told you about my visit to Rome just after our cruise, but if I didn’t, let me tell you now, I met Catharina’s daughter Gina and her friend Victoria and they run a similar operation, although smaller in size to Rachel and Jeff in Florida. It’s on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea near Rome and they would like to meet with you and Nancy to discuss potentially working together, representing each other’s properties.”

“Do you want me to go to Italy?”

“Eventually yes, but for now they’re coming to Belgium in a few weeks, arriving on the 13th and they would like to meet up with you and potentially Nancy on the 14th or 15th.”

“Oh I see, let me check my agenda…” I hear Grace tapping on her computer, “that will be OK either date is OK for me.”

“Shall we do Saturday the 14th then; they want to go to a restaurant and I will book The Deerhunter if that’s OK for you?”

“Of course that’s OK, do we meet before to discuss business or after?”

“I would say before, shall I bring them to your office in the course of Saturday then?”

“Yes, that would be the best thing.”

“What time?”

“Four? Would that be all right, we can discuss for say max 2 hours, they can return to wherever they’re staying, freshen up and we can have dinner at 8?”

“Would Nancy need a babysitter, or do you have a fixed one?”

“We don’t have a fixed one, as Nancy usually doesn’t need one in the evening and Amelia goes to daycare from 8 to 5.”

“Shall I ask Jada to babysit?”

“You think she would want to do that?”

“First Jada does everything I tell her to do, she is my sub, but in this case, she will gladly do it, she loves kids, and a little extra money in the pocket is usually welcome.”

“OK, you’ll take care of that for me then?”

“It will be my pleasure my lady, oh, and by the way, I told them about Jeff and Rachel’s setup in Florida and the potential there, with Americans loving to go to Rome.”

“Good thinking Lew, this could work out beautifully, now I only need a bunch of luxury vacation villas in Belgium to complete the circle.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out by the time the connection is made.”

“Speaking of a connection, I got a mail from Rache informing me they’re planning a trip to Europe beginning of next year in the Winter which is their slow season, they have a bunch of retired regulars staying 3 months in Florida, which means a lot less work for them.”

“That’s excellent news, they can come here first, and afterward travel to Italy and stay in one of Gina and Victoria’s villas while visiting Rome, I’m already looking forward to their visit, I’ll let Tanja know as well once we have a definite date - I’m sure they’ll want to visit the club.”

“If you want to include the Florida connection in our negotiations with your Italian bit on the side…”

“I beg your pardon, my Italian bit on the side? May I remind you that Gina is the daughter of the love of my life.”

“The love of your life, Catharina? I never knew you had feelings for her.”

“Yes I had, deep feelings, but when we were young it was impossible, me traveling all over Europe, she stuck in a winery in the Italian countryside and by the time I had my shit together and could have moved to Italy she was working in a restaurant in Rome where she met the love of her life, Mario, so it wasn’t meant to be.”

“You poor thing.”

“It’s all water under the bridge now, let’s talk about next Saturday, when shall I pick you up?”

“7:30 OK for you?”

“Excellent, The Deerhunter OK, or do you prefer another place?”

“Since you love Italy so much, and if you’re game, just recently an Italian eatery opened up in the next village named Mario’s and it got excellent reviews.”

“You don’t say, Mario’s? Speak of a coincidence that’s Catharina’s husband’s and their restaurant’s name, with such a name it must be good, can you make a reservation?”


“See you Saturday then, and I promise to bring the photos, they’ll be on two separate memory sticks, one normal and one X-rated.”

I put the phone down and went about my business as usual. When Jada arrived I asked her if she could babysit on the 14th. she had nothing on, so that was taken care of. I sent a quick mail to Grace to let her know I had mentioned to Jada that it could be very late and that she might even have to stay the night, but that was no problem either, as long as she got paid. I felt in my bones this was going to be a night you would only see in the movies.

Before I realized it, Saturday had arrived and as agreed I picked Grace up at 7:30 and took her to Mario’s place in the next village. This Mario was a lot younger than the one I knew in Italy, but the place was almost a carbon copy of Antonio’s in Rome. The place Catharina took me to so many years ago on our first dinner date, even down to the red and white checkered tablecloths. The food was superb, the wine wonderful, and the company even better.

After some chitchat and reminiscing about the cruise and the Florida trip, and just before the dessert, I broached the subject of the trip I wanted to offer her.

“Grace Darling, to thank you for giving me the cruise experience of a lifetime and seeing Mickey and Donald again after so many years I would like to take you on a weekend trip to a European city of your choice. Where would you like to go? A cultural trip to Paris, Christmas shopping in London, discovering Madrid, Rome, Barcelona, Berlin, or any other city of your choice.”

“You don’t need to do that, I loved to have you on the America trip.”

“Yes I do, and I insist, don’t tell me you can’t tear yourself away from the office, your daughter, or your granddaughter to spend 2 or 3 days in a vibrant European city with this old rogue?”

“Think of all the things we could discover together, the Louvre in Paris, Harrods in London with the Christmas decorations and the food halls, or the Parthenon in Athens, just to name a few.”

“Well if you insist, you could convince me to go to London. It’s been a while since I went to the theatre there and the Christmas period always offers great shopping fun there.”

“London it is, now all we need to do is set a date.”

“I don’t want to go too close to Christmas, we could do the weekend of December 12 and 13, how many nights do you want to go?”

“We could leave Friday the 11th and come back Monday the 14th so 3 nights, gives us extra possibilities to go to the theatre or a show.”

“Excellent, how will we go?”

“Eurostar maybe? Going by car would be a nightmare, any hotel preference?”

“No, I’ll leave it up to you.”

“Excellent I’ve still got a bunch of HHonors points so I’ll book the Metropole Hilton hotel, it’s within walking distance from the West End or Oxford Street, or we can take the tube.”

“You’ve got me all excited. I can’t wait to go.”

“That was the general idea, but what about now? Dessert maybe?”

“Yes please, tiramisu would be nice.”

“Tiramisu it is.”

After the dessert, knowing from our travels together she didn’t like strong Italian coffee, I suggested to Grace we had coffee or tea at my place with cognac or grappa, whatever tickled her fancy. She agreed - I saw in her eyes she’d secretly hoped I would take her home for coffee or whatever after dinner.

When we got to my place it was like in the movies, no need for coffee or any other beverage. Barely after closing the door to my apartment, we were all over each other, kissing and tearing at each other’s clothes. I led her to the bedroom, leaving a trail of shoes and clothes from both of us in our wake.

By the time we hit the bed, we were both completely naked, with hands and mouths exploring each other's bodies. I took the lead and laid her on her back, the fingers of our hands intertwined. I moved her arms high above her head giving my mouth free access to her gorgeous boobs. By the time I reached the nipple of her right tit, it was rock hard and I eagerly sucked it into my hot mouth, drawing moans from hers. My right hand slid over her left boob to make sure it wasn’t forgotten, pinching the nipple between my thumb and index finger.

Grace pressed my head with one hand hard against her bosom while trying with her other hand to grab my cock. Unfortunately for her, it was just out of reach and I was not going to make it easier for her by sliding down toward one of the most beautiful pussies I knew. I intended to tease her, bring her to the edge, and keep her there for a while. From her nipple, I licked my way down her ribcage and midriff leaving a saliva trail on her luscious naked body, then tickling her belly button with just the tip of my tongue before moving towards her pleasure garden.

I was pleasantly surprised to discover she had continued to shave her bush after I took care of that during our cruise. Moving my tongue over and past her smooth pubic mound, I began concentrating on her inner thighs, kissing and licking them, opening her legs with my hands as far as I could, and going from one side to the other. Grace began squirming and moaning, her arousal rising. When my nose accidentally touched the crevice between her legs going back up towards her joystick I felt the moisture forming on her pussylips giving me more than just a whiff of her intoxicating female aroma.

When I finally snaked my tongue into her, she was so hot and wet that I realized that I had to slow it down as I didn’t want her to cum just yet. I passed over her clit back to her belly button and midriff and then to the valley between her tantalizing tits. Some disappointed noises escaped her lips, quickly stopped by me Frenching her. She was quick to grab my cock now that it was within her reach and started pumping it, quickly getting it from hard to rock-hard.

“I feared I was never gonna get my hands on that pleasure stick of yours, she murmured between our lips.”

In response, I murmured back, “I wouldn’t dare to deprive us of that pleasure my dear.”

After guiding it towards that place between her legs where boners are supposed to go she said “Good, now stick it in me; I want to feel you inside me.”

Who am I to deny such a sincere request? She was so wet that I could slide, with minimum effort, balls deep into her inner sanctum in one mighty thrust, and that’s where I stopped all movement. She looked at me with questioning eyes, but I didn’t move a muscle.

“You gonna just stay there?”

“Yes, it feels soooo good that I want to stay here forever,” I said with a devious smile on my face.

“Stop teasing me! Start moving - make me cum!” She shouted while slapping my bottom with her hands.

“Why do you want to cum, doesn’t it feel good just being united?”

“What is it with you today? You’ve been acting weird all evening, have you joined some cult or other?”

“No just savor the moment; let it come to you.” While I kept her on edge I moved my arms so I was resting on my elbows, allowing my hands and fingers to begin teasing her tits and nipples again. I felt her getting more and more aroused and slowly slid out of her, just keeping my glans inside. She moved her legs across my back hooking her ankles and pulling, but I resisted and remained at the entrance of her quivering hole, not yet moving. When I felt her get desperate again, I began to move ever so slowly, just sliding a little further in and quickly retreating, stimulating only the sensitive entrance to her sacred hole. While I kept on doing that I heard her breathing accelerate as a clear sign of her increasing arousal, confirmed by a few moans.

“Oh yes please keep doing that, it feels so good!”

“Glad to hear you appreciate what I’m doing, shall I take you over the edge, or shall I continue?”

“Make me cum please, enough of this teasing, I want to cum!” The last part she almost shouted.

I slid my cock deep into her cunt and started pumping deeply. After about ten strokes, without reaching her desired goal, I thought I should maybe try something different after all. I pulled out again resulting in another protest from beneath me.

“Why don’t you get on all fours?”

“You want to doggy me? Oh yes, I’d like that very much.”

“That’s the idea.”

Grace quickly complied, holding open her buttocks with both hands and making it easy for me to slide my rock-hard cock deep into her pussy again. At the same time, this allowed me to frig her clitoris, which I hoped would bring her the desired relief, and it did. I felt her frantically reach for her orgasm, not allowing me to postpone it any longer.

She shouted, “OH my Gawd!” at the top of her voice as she began to shiver and shake, pushing her butt with all of her force against my belly, trying to get me as deep as was humanly possible into her love canal. I was frantically frigging her throbbing clit with one hand, while at the same time shoving the thumb of my other hand into her rosebud. When I tried to pull out, her pussy clamped down on my cock, keeping it imprisoned, convulsing and contracting down on my shaft, squeezing and milking me. Oh my God, that woman had a cunt like a milking machine. She drew squirt after squirt of sticky cum from my rod, giving me the most divine pleasure, taking her own at the same time.

After she had squeezed the last drop from my dick, I felt my legs go rubbery and I collapsed on her back, squishing her between myself and the mattress. It took me the better part of 20 seconds to realize I was slowly smothering her so I tried to pull myself together and roll off her. I heard her take a deep breath like a drowning person coming back to the surface, while she also rolled to her side, facing me.

“I’m so sorry, I almost smothered you,” I whispered also trying to catch my breath.

“Don’t worry, I’ll survive, besides I needed this.”

“What do you mean, you needed this? What did you need?”

“SEX, I haven’t had any since we returned from the States, so it was worth it, just let me catch my breath like you.”

“Could I maybe prepare you the promised cup of coffee while you recover?”

“You always try to be the perfect host don’t you?”

“I want to take the utmost care of a woman that makes me feel like you do my dear, and a promise is a promise.”

I jumped out of bed and walked naked to the kitchen to start the coffee maker. Following my example, Grace followed a few minutes later, also just wearing her skin, and taking a seat on one of the high stools at the kitchen counter. All of a sudden she realized she could see outside in the roof garden.

“Are we safe? Can’t we be seen?”

“No Grace, nobody can see you. From the outside, the windows look like white glass they are one-way, even with all the lights on in here. I don’t want to scandalize the whole village.”

“Oh I see, you do this often, walk around in the buff here?”

“It happens, remember my hobby?”

“Oh yes, photographing naked women, you do that up here as well?”

“Depends on my relationship with the woman or the circumstances, the photo session with you was in the studio, and remember I had a hard time convincing you to shed your clothes. I even had to shed mine before you did, but you’re not so bashful now anymore, are you?”

“No, you convinced me that a woman of my age can still get men hard, even younger ones like Jeff.”

“You enjoyed that didn’t you?”

“Yes I did, and I would do it again, given half a chance.”

“So would you mind if I took some photos of you now in this homely setting?”

“Not anymore, go right ahead.”

I picked up my camera and started shooting away at Grace. After a few shots, she got in the mood and started posing, almost like a pro. We were at it on and off for the duration of 5 coffees, after which she called it a day and started dressing again. We said our goodbyes, but not before I handed her the two promised memory sticks with the American trip photos.

I was bushed and slept like a log - it was a good thing I had Sunday and Monday to recover.

Maybe I was getting too old for these antics, but on the other hand, I must admit I was well and truly addicted to pussy and boobs, probably to my dying day.



The next weeks flew by before I realized it, and Friday the 13th of November was upon me and I got more and more nervous as the day wore on. I only hoped they would arrive safely. Promptly at five, the shop doorbell rang and they both walked in with big smiles on their faces.

“Jeez, girls what took you so long? I was worried something had happened to you.”

“Relax Lew, we’re OK, we just spent a little bit more time in Paris than we planned,” Gina replied, “and we had lots of traffic on the road. Come here and let me give you a hug to reassure you everything is fine.”

Gina grabbed me in a bear hug, planting a sexy kiss on my lips, immediately followed by Victoria who even tickled my lips with the tip of her tongue, setting the stage for what was to come this weekend.

“So tell me what happened in Paris?”

“You know, we went shopping and we got carried away, spending too much money and time. At one o’clock, we suddenly realized we still had to drive 350 km to get to your place. Luckily, getting out of Paris at that time was not too hard and the limit is still 130 km on a big chunk of the highway between Paris and Belgium. It was hard to tone it down to 120 when entering Belgium though, but I guess we made it within a reasonable time.”

“I should have known that two young women let loose in Paris with all the shops would take time, but I’m glad you enjoyed yourselves. Let me show you to your room so you can unpack and freshen up before I give you the grand tour of the studio.”

They grabbed their suitcases and Parisian purchases out of the car and I let them into the apartment and showed them the guestroom annex bathroom.

“I close at 6 so you have plenty of time, make yourselves comfortable, if you want anything to drink the fridge is full and the coffee maker is at your disposal. I’m afraid it’s not up to making an Italian espresso, but I’m afraid it’ll have to do till you get back or we find a place that serves strong Italian brews.”

When I came back upstairs, I found them both in the kitchen having a sugar-sweet strong black coffee.

“I guessed you would be tired, so I prepared a traditional Belgian home-cooked dinner so we don’t have to go out today. We’ll go out to dinner tomorrow with Grace and Nancy and we have a little surprise for you.”

“Oh, please do tell.”

“If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore, now would it? Maybe you should first concentrate on the food surprise of tonight.”

“OK, so what Belgian delicacies have you prepared for us?”

“As it is that time of the year, I have a pumpkin soup to start with, followed by chicory, wrapped in ham covered with a cheese sauce baked in the oven, accompanied by mashed potatoes, also with a cheesy crust.”

“Yummy, I’ve never had chicory prepared that way, and from your description, it can only be good. Because of our time constraints in Paris, we didn’t have lunch so when can we dig in?”

“Time constraints, my foot, too much shopping is more like it.”

“You know how it is when the temptation is so big.”

“OK, we can eat in about 30 minutes, let me get a bottle of wine, do you like Beaujolais?”

“Absolutely,” they said almost in unison.

“Excellent I’ve got a nice bottle of Saint-Amour.”

“Very appropriate I would say,” Gina said with a wink towards Victoria who confirmed with a smile.

It’s a good thing I’d prepared a lot of food as the girls were ravenous; they must have skipped more than just the one lunch today. They both had a big bowl of soup and two chicory shoots, each with lots of potatoes. I had to open a second bottle of wine as well.

“Any room left for dessert ladies?” I asked when all the hot food was gone.

“Dessert, I thought you would be dessert tonight?”

“Mmh, later maybe, but now I had more of a sweet in mind, how about a Dame Blanche?”

“Absolutely, with real Belgian chocolate sauce and whipped cream right?”

“Yes indeed, although the whipped cream will be of the spray can variety.”

“Good, I don’t mind, you might well find other uses for the can later on?”

“A dirty mind is a joy forever, and I do like yours’ Victoria, but for now let’s stick to the ice cream concoction. I have plenty of whipped cream spray cans in the fridge for you to play with later.”

Needless to say, they each had three scoops of vanilla ice cream with lots of hot chocolate sauce, and the can of whipped cream was emptied as well. After the meal, they helped to put the dishes in the dishwasher and then adjourned to the sofa, where I saw them open the top buttons of their jeans to take the pressure off.

“Do you mind if we take these skinny jeans off Lew?”

“Make yourselves at home my darlings, I don’t mind one bit - if you don’t mind me indulging in my hobby.”

‘You mean take our pictures?” Gina said.

“Yes, dear.”

“As you know we don’t mind at all. Do you want more?” she said while pulling her T-shirt off revealing her gorgeous B-cups to me.

Victoria clearly didn’t want to get left behind and also removed her T-shirt, but because of her ample bosom she was wearing a bra, so it took just a bit longer to expose her DD-cups in all their glory, complete with erect nipples.

“Hey didn’t you have a special room to take photos?”

“Ah yes, you haven’t seen the studio yet have you? I completely forgot, want to see it now?”

“Why not,” they got up and started to put their T-shirts back on.

“No need for that my dears, you can go as you are, my studio is like your inside garden, you can’t be seen from the outside. Just follow me - I’ll go first to switch on the light.”

I took them downstairs via the direct access staircase ending in one corner of the studio, and once downstairs I opened the door to the studio and let them in.

“Wow Lew, this is much bigger than I expected, you could drive a car in here.”

“Yes, and that even happened once.”

“Do tell.”

“I got this request to photograph a bunch of naked girls in and around a big old-time Chevrolet Impala convertible. Once I even got a live horse in here, but I’ll never do that again, that was a mess, and it took my cleaning lady a long time to sort out the floor afterward and days to get the stable smell out.”

They had a ball having their pictures taken against a number of the backdrops I showed them. As we went along they became more and more intimate with each other losing more and more clothes in the process. Well, they weren’t wearing much when they came downstairs in the first place, aside from jeans and panties, so it didn’t take long to get them prancing around completely nude. After a while, watching them kissing and pawing each other got me quite excited and that began to show in my pants. All of a sudden Victoria noticed I was having some problems with my erection and pointed it out to Gina who immediately came to my rescue.

“You poor thing, we keep arousing you and with nothing to follow it up. Allow me to help you release this poor hard cock of yours from its confines.”

Before I could protest or stop her (as if I wanted to), she had pulled the zipper of my pants down and took my cock out, Victoria had joined her and immediately took it in her mouth. I tried for form's sake to object, but I was cut short.

“Yes give it the kiss of life before it dies on us. It would be a shame to let it go soft again without being used to our advantage,” Gina said to Victoria, completely ignoring my protest. She even shushed me up by invading my mouth with her tongue while Victoria continued on my steel pole, licking around the glans and tickling the frenulum on the underside with the tip of her tongue, while her hands were playing with my balls.

My hands squeezed Gina’s solid butt cheeks. After a good minute of tongue tango, Gina slid down to join Victoria licking and sucking my man meat. Victoria replaced her fingers on my balls with her tongue and mouth, giving my balls a hot saliva bath while Gina gobbled my cock completely up, deep-throating me. She was good - what am I saying, she was masterful. I couldn’t disappoint them by cumming immediately so I called upon all my skills to keep from filling her mouth and throat with loads of my cum which I rather wanted to deposit in either pussy or rectum.

“Ladies, I think you have sucked enough on this old pole of mine, I want to taste some pussy for a change.”

“OK, how do you want to go about it? Which pussy would you like to taste?” Gina asked standing next to Victoria, both mons’ pushed delightfully forward.

“I don’t care, but let me put it another way, who wants to ride the pleasure stick first?”

“Can I have a go at riding your cock first, pleeeease?” Victoria interjected.

“OK Gina, let me feast on your glory station then,” I said while I stretched out on the floor. God, what I don’t do in my old age to enjoy pussy, lying on a hard cold studio floor, while I’ve got a soft comfy bed upstairs. The girls didn’t give it a second thought and mounted me, Victoria grabbed my hard dick and guided it to her wonderland, allowing it to slide in all the way to the hilt. Gina, in the meanwhile, was on her knees with her legs spread wide facing Victoria, her pussy hovering over my face, waiting for my tongue to begin its culinary adventure. At least with Victoria’s muff pumping my cock it was much easier to keep an orgasm at bay than when she was handling it with her mouth.

As the girls were facing each other, my view was completely blocked by Gina’s gorgeous ass, so I could only go by the noises they were making to figure out what was going on between them. I could see Gina’s arms moving, so I guessed she was caressing Victoria all over her body, playing with her tits, and having her own played with by her partner. Kissing and slurping noises reached my ears giving me a good indication of what was going on.

Victoria had clearly learned a few new moves since the last time my cock was in her sopping hole, she was tilting her pelvis, allowing my cock to go even deeper while stimulating the glans in a way I had never experienced before in my life. This almost made me orgasm, and I silently thanked Alicia in my mind for her lessons so long ago and started concentrating again on Gina’s pleasure garden.

As I had my hands free I began to feel up her stomach and midriff, making my way to her pert boobs. As I slid them up, I had to squeeze them between both girls’ knockers. They pushed them together for my benefit, giving me the best of two worlds, or should I say four worlds? Whatever, it felt great, but how could I stimulate them both? I turned one hand taking Victoria’s nipple between my fingers, while I pinched Gina’s with the other hand; this got me a surprised squeal from both of them.

“That feels so good Lew, how do you always come up with these surprises?”

It was impossible to answer with my mouth full of Gina’s twat so I remained silent aside from some humming, which I knew was a strong extra stimulant to her already quivering pussy. More was needed to get the girls over the crest though, and the best bodily part to achieve that goal was right at the top of their intimate folds. Sliding my hands down from between their breasts, I moved my nimble fingers toward their respective little nubbins. Feeling around, blind as I was, resulted already in some high-pitched exultations of pleasure from both of them. Once they realized what I was looking for, they tilted their pelvises so that I could access their magic engorged little appendages much more easily.

Once I got my fingers on the triggers it didn’t take me very long to have them moaning and whimpering, inching both their orgasms closer to boiling point. They both came in the next 30 seconds, one shouting at the top of her voice, “Oh fuck Leeeeeeew, yes, yes, yes.”

The other shouted, “OH my Gawd, here I go,” followed by squealing like a pig. I was rewarded with a double batch of girl cum, one over my belly and pelvis, the other all over my face, almost drowning me in the process.

As she came, Gina’s legs gave away and she sat on my face, almost suffocating me, my nose pushed into her puckered asshole. When, after 30 seconds, she didn’t give any sign of moving I grabbed her buttocks and lifted her, taking a noisy big gulp of air.

“Oh God did I almost suffocate you, Lew? I’m so sorry,” she said while sliding over my head and sitting on the ground behind me, “and you haven’t cum either I see.”

“For the moment that was the least of my worries darling, surviving was my first priority,” I said with a wink.

“Again I’m so sorry.”

“That’s fine, was it at least a good orgasm?”

“Oh yes, it was heaven, thank you.”

“And you Victoria?”

No response came from between my legs. I sat up, and when I looked at her I saw she had a blissful smile on her face. Her eyes were closed, as she slowly came back to earth from her orgasmic bliss, while still flying high on a cloud of rapture; that’s why she was so quiet. Could it have anything to do with my very stiff cock still embedded in her glorious pussy?

“Hello, Earth to Victoria,” I whispered. She looked at me and a smile appeared on her face.

“I’m OK,” I just need to catch my breath. Your cock feels so good inside me that I wanted to enjoy its visit just a little longer.”

“That’s OK darling, though I think it’s time we call it a day and both of you get some well-needed rest after your busy day today. You need to be well-rested for tomorrow’s adventures.”

“What do you have in mind tomorrow then?”

I thought I’d give you the tourist tour of Antwerp in the morning. We can visit Brabo on the market square so you can see the guild houses, the town hall and the cathedral, take a walk along “De Meir”, the main shopping street, and end up at central station to see the hall and cupola. After that, we can have a quick tour through the zoo, then grab a bite to eat at one of the restaurants near the station. When we return you have a meeting planned with Grace at 4 o’clock, to discuss your potential working together in the representation and rental business, then I suggest a rest followed by dinner in the evening at around eight with Grace and Nancy.

“Wow that’s quite a program, then yes we better get some shut-eye, but what should we do about your nice, still hard cock then?”

“I’m not gonna say it’ll keep till tomorrow, but it will rise again tomorrow without a doubt, I promise, and you can have a go at it then.”

“Oh yes, together with Grace and Nancy?”

“Wow girls, I’m not a teenager anymore who can have several orgasms one after the other.”

“No, that’s true, but you do have the stamina to keep it up for a long time without cumming, so maybe you better take one of your blue pills during dinner tomorrow evening.”

“You want to make a drug addict out of me?”

“No, absolutely not, I only want you to have quadruple fun tomorrow to make up for this evening.”

“OK, we’ll see, but for now, I do need my rest and so do you.”

But before we went upstairs, the girls gathered their clothes and wanted to see the dressing rooms. After seeing both of them, Gina was rather curious about the third door in the back.

“It’s only a storeroom,” I said, but before I could stop her she had opened the door…

“There’s a staircase here,” she shouted to Victoria, “where does this lead to Lew, is there a cellar?”

“Euh, yes there is, but that’s just for storage, I said.”

“Can I see it?”

“There is nothing to see,” but by the time I got to her, she was already downstairs looking at another door.

“This door is locked.”

“Yes, and it’s going to stay that way.”

“Why? Is it a secret?”

“It would be of no interest to you and besides I don’t have the key with me.”

“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that, besides, now you’ve made me curious.”

I could see in her eyes she was not going to stop asking questions about the door and what was behind it, so maybe I’d better tell her something.

“There is a cellar behind that door, but I don’t use it. I rented it to someone I know.”

“And what does he use it for?”

“It’s not a he it’s a she”

“A she, a secret lover Lew?” She said with questioning eyes accompanied by a frown.

“No, not a secret lover, just an acquaintance who needed a big space for some activities that she organizes.” All of a sudden I realized I had said too much and that she was not going to stop asking questions.

“OK, if you must know, she runs a BDSM club in there.”

“What! A BDSM club? You have a BDSM club in your cellar?”

“No, no it’s not mine, I told you I’m just the landlord…”

“And the house photographer, no doubt!”

“OK, OK, now you know all my secrets.”

“Oh, can we visit Lew? Pleeeease!”

“Certainly not, the club rules are very specific, members-only and tonight is one of the open nights to attract new members but only if you have an invitation and are sponsored by existing members.”

“If they have open nights, do they have a closed night as well?”

“God this girl was just too fast for me.”

“Yes, Monday they are closed.”

“Can we visit Monday then?”

“I don’t know, I’ll have to ask Tanja, and she is very strict, so I don’t think she’ll allow it.”

“Can you at least ask her? Pleeeease!

“OK, I’ll see what I can do, but I don’t make any promises, so please don’t get all excited, you may be in for a big letdown, but for now can we go to bed please?”

“OK, I’ll keep my fingers crossed, but I still hope, visiting a BDSM club is on my list of 69 sexy things I always wanted to see and maybe experience before I die.”

Back in the studio, the girls gathered their jeans, panties, and shoes and we adjourned upstairs, each to our respective bedrooms. I still heard them chattering for quite a while before it all became silent.

Usually, I’m awake some 10 minutes before my alarm clock goes off but this time I was still fast asleep when I was rudely awakened by the radio switching on. I jumped out of bed and hit the shower. I wanted to treat my guests to a nice breakfast.

I only hoped they liked breakfast as I’ve found today's younger people tend to skip it and just have a cup of coffee instead. I was not disappointed when I woke them and told them breakfast was ready, they were at the table within 5 minutes, they hadn’t even bothered to get dressed and showed up in their flimsy sleepwear. That immediately turned breakfast for me into quite an event. Keeping all their female goodies partially hidden made it all the more enticing, half a boob here, and a hint of a pussy there, definitely got my blood pumping.

“Judging by the rise it gave you, I think we made the right choice by coming so quickly to the breakfast table and not getting dressed first,” Gina said, with a silly big smile on her face.

“You know that sugar is not good for people my age, and yet you present me with all this eye candy, shame on you ladies.”

“Since you don’t take sugar in your coffee, we thought it wouldn't harm you. Besides you do need sugar to build your strength back up, after all the exercise we put you through last night and what you plan for today. Here, let me give you a better view,” Victoria said while pulling her flimsy nighty over her head giving me a totally unobstructed view of her gorgeous rack. Gina followed suit, removing not only her top but also the bottom part of her baby doll, before taking her seat also completely naked.

“Why did you do that? I want Lew to look at my pussy too,” Victoria shouted, jumping up, also removing her bottom and spreading her labia wide for my eager eyes.

“Ladies, I love every bit of you both equally, although you’re different, you both have the most gorgeous boobs, with pussies and butts to die for. I’d love to play with all your goodies right now, but we need to move on if we want to get through our program today, so please finish your breakfast and get dressed before I lose control and ravish you both, here and now.”

“Oh, Lew would you? Pleeease.” Gina said with big puppy eyes.

“No, though maybe I should consider spanking you for not eating properly and misbehaving at the table little girl.”

“Oh yes I’d love that, I’d love that very much,” Gina whispered

“Me too,” Victoria said as well.

“What am I going to do with you two to get you to move on?”

“You can start by giving us a morning kiss on all of our lips,” Gina said with a giggle.

“If that will get you to get going, OK, please line up.”

They quickly downed their coffee and stood next to each other along the counter in the kitchen where I had served the breakfast, their lips pouting. I gave Gina a quick peck, but she grabbed my head and pulled me into a full-fledged Frenchy lasting at least half a minute. When she let go Victoria did exactly the same. That done I stood back and looked at them, they didn’t move.

“Come on ladies you promised, let’s get a move on.”

“You haven’t finished sir!”

“Yes I have I kissed you both, now let’s go!”

“Yes you kissed us both, but I did specify ALL our lips, so there are still two sets of lips you haven’t kissed,” Gina replied while pointing towards the place where her legs met.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes!” they said in unison.

What could I do, I dropped to my knees and gave first Victoria’s vertical lips a French kiss and then Gina’s. This took a bit longer, as they each kept my head pressed to the apex of their womanhood for at least five minutes. It’s not that I didn’t want to enjoy their womanly flavor and aroma, I just love it and can’t get enough, but we were on a tight schedule. The kind of games they were engaging me in now were more planned for this evening.

Nevertheless, I was ‘forced’ to give them both a small orgasm before I got back up and gave them a slap on their butts. I sent them back to their rooms to get ready for our excursions, while I put away the breakfast stuff. They kept on surprising me, and in less than 10 minutes they showed up again, fully dressed, ready to go.

“OK girls, we’ll take the tram to the city center, because parking downtown is a nightmare,” though we did take the car to the Park and Drive at the terminal of tramline 3 that would take us straight to the heart of the city, Green Square with the statue of Rubens in the middle. From there it was a short walk to the town hall and the statue/fountain of Silvius Brabo. I told them the story of this nobleman who liberated the town from the giant Druon Antigoon by cutting off the hand he used to collect taxes from everyone who used the river for their business. It’s one of the many stories concerning the origin of the name of the city.

The story goes that the name Antwerpen, comes from “hand werpen”, the Flemish for “to throw a hand”, which is what Brabo did, throwing the giant’s hand into the river after he cut it off. I took them to “Het Steen” the fortress where the giant had lived, right on the bank of the river Schelde, which cuts the city in two. We also visited the Cathedral and had a coffee in one of the many cafés around Green Square. We visited “De vlaaikesgang”, a street you actually enter through a door, which is very popular in the summer to enjoy the carillon concerts away from the normal street noises.

After an hour they’d clearly had enough culture and were ready to go shopping on “De Meir”. But halfway between Green Square and Central Station, there was the House of Rubens which we couldn’t miss. After a quick visit to the imposing main hall of Central Station with its high dome, we spent a little over an hour in the zoo. By the time we left, it was high time for lunch, which we took in one of the many restaurants in the Antwerp version of Chinatown on the other side of the square in front of the station, but not before a half-hour window shopping the numerous jewelry shops in the station itself and the surrounding area known as the Jewish quarter. In the end, we had just a half-hour to get back and make the girl’s four o’clock appointment with Grace.

After I dropped them off at Grace’s realtor's office, I went back home for a well-earned siesta. I slept solidly for one and a half hours, leaving enough time to pick the girls up again at 6 as agreed. Walking into Grace’s office, they were finishing the discussion on their potential alliance with each other and how the Florida connection could work.

“So ladies, fruitful afternoon?”

“Yes, I think we could very well work together on this project, I had already sounded out Jeff and Rachel by mail about this, and we just closed a Skype call with them. They were enthusiastic, and looking forward to their visit early next year,” Grace informed me.

“Oh that’s a pity I missed them, I would have liked to say hello, but as they are coming soon to Belgium that’s something to look forward to as well. So have you agreed on a time for dinner tonight?”

“Yes we did, but could I have a word with you Lew before you take these two lovely young ladies away?”

“Sure what’s up?”


With an apologetic look, Grace switched to Flemish, so the girls couldn't understand what we were talking about.

“Have you made reservations?”

“Oh my God, I completely forgot.”

“As it has the same name as the restaurant of Gina’s father wouldn’t it be fun to take them to Mario’s then instead of The Deerhunter, or do you think it would be unwise to take Italians to an Italian restaurant?”

“No, I think it’s a great idea, I served them a typical Belgian meal last night and we had Chinese for lunch.”

“Oh did you go to Chinatown?”

“Yes, we were near anyway when we came out of the zoo, so it was the obvious choice.

“Excellent, I’ll make a reservation at Mario’s for what? 8 or is that too late?”

“No 8 is fine, they can have a rest first and take a shower.”

“And you can have some fun and games?”

“What do you think of me Grace? I don’t go around ravishing young women left, right, and center.”

“No, not really, but they did tell me about breakfast this morning and how they got what they wanted from you - aside from a lavish breakfast.”

“Oh my God trust women to always gossip, is there nothing sacred anymore these days?”

“Between women, there never was Lew, you should know by now.”

“OK, I’ll be there by 8. Is Nancy joining us there? Babysitter Jada booked?”

“Yes, yes, and yes, and between you and me I hope to be able to say that again a few times this evening when we have coffee after dinner at my place.”

“Wow, the woman has plans, wild plans?”

“That my dear is for me to know and you to guess, but if I were you, I’d bring one of those blue pills to take halfway through dinner. A warned man is worth two, or maybe three or four? Only time will tell,” she finally replied with a wink and a chuckle.

By the time we got back to my apartment, it was about six-thirty allowing the girls plenty of time to have a rest and get ready for this evening’s entertainment. After disappearing into the bedroom they took their time to get ready, but the result was stunning, it took my breath away when they came out, wearing similar quite scanty dresses but in different colors. Maybe a little challenging for this time of the year as it was already getting rather chilly in the evening, but in the restaurant, it would certainly be warm enough so they could probably carry it off, although when they would walk in the effect of the outside cold would probably be clearly visible.

Although it was pleasantly warm in my place, their nipples were rock-hard, and clearly on display. Arousal already I wondered? They had taken a lot of time to prepare. I let my eyes travel over their lithe figures starting at their ruby lips, down their necks, and almost bare shoulders, with just a spaghetti strap over each, then down the plunging neckline showing ample cleavage - I couldn’t detect any sign of a bra.

The dresses stopped mid-thigh showing off their never-ending legs, with their feet encased in killer 5-inch stiletto heels. They gave a twirl so I could get the overall effect. I was trying to discern if they were commando or not, but that was too hard to see due to the material of the dresses. Even if they weren’t their look held the promise of a fun-filled evening and definitely guaranteed turning heads and envious looks at the restaurant.

“Are you ready to go to Mario’s?”

“Mario’s?” Gina asked. “Are we going to dad’s place?”

“No dear, we're going to Mario’s in the next village, not Rome. We have the privilege of our own Mario’s almost next door.”

“Oh I see, I’m curious.”

“You won’t be disappointed, if I didn’t know better, I’d say he is your father’s slightly younger brother, from the way he runs the place and the food he serves.”

When we arrived, Grace and Nancy were already waiting at a nice table in the center of the room. It felt as if the whole restaurant was expecting royalty to arrive, a hush fell when we came in, all eyes, male and female turning toward the girls. The male ones eager, taking in the beauty and the displayed feminine curves, the female ones displaying a touch of envy. Grace and Nancy got up and greeted us warmly with lots of hugs. Grace introduced her daughter and business partner Nancy to them.

“Hi, Nancy, everything OK with Jada and the baby?” I asked.

“Yes, Jada showed up well in time and she and Emilia immediately got on like a house on fire, she seems very good with kids.”

“Yes, she is, and from what I’ve heard, so is her older sister Elisa. She looks regularly after her boss, Jack’s kids when he wants an evening out with his missus.”

When we were seated, Mario showed up with all the Italian charm. When he found out we had two Italian guests, who on top had a father with a restaurant with the same name, they were lost and began chattering away in Italian. All of a sudden, he realized he needed to give us the menus, which he did while apologizing profusely. Grace told him she left it completely to him to surprise us with the best things he could offer, needling him a little by saying he competed with one of the top restaurants in Rome.

The meal he served was superb, far better even than what we had had the previous time we paid him a visit. He offered us coffee and grappa on the house, but we declined gracefully. As Grace and I had already agreed, we adjourned to Grace’s place for coffee and whatever else we had in mind.

Once we arrived, the girls were clearly impressed.

“What can I get everybody to drink?” Grace asked, “Champagne, Grappa, coffee?”

We decided to go for Champagne, to celebrate their working together in the future. Although it was chilly, Grace suggested having the drinks outside in the hot tub.

“But we didn’t bring any bathing suits,” Gina remarked.

“We never wear bathing suits in the hot tub dear,” Nancy replied while she began to undress in front of us.

“In that case, don’t mind if we do too,” Victoria said with a wide smile on her face, getting up and copying Nancy. Grace and Gina quickly followed their example. I sat relaxed on the sofa and watched this whole undressing ceremony taking place just a few feet away from me. When Grace led the procession outside towards the Jacuzzi she looked back at me noticing I was, as usual, the only one still fully dressed surrounded by a bunch of naked women.

“Girls, somebody here is not playing ball, we urgently need to remedy that.”

All 8 eyes turned in unison on me. I looked back all innocent as if nothing had happened, but that didn’t last very long when 4 naked females scrambled towards me and began tugging at my garments. I only hoped they would leave my clothes in one piece as they began to remove every stitch off of my body, getting me naked in 10 seconds flat, and exposing my rock-hard flagpole due to the quadruple striptease I had been treated to merely a few minutes ago.

They dragged me off the sofa, picked me up, carried me outside, and unceremoniously dumped me in the hot tub, which was already bubbling away. Within seconds I was flanked by 3 nude females with a fourth depositing a tray with 4 filled Champagne glasses on the side and a big bucket containing another two bottles of bubbly. A fifth glass with lemonade was put to the side for Nancy, who was still breastfeeding Emilia. I could see that she was eager to show off her diving capabilities by immediately going underwater and taking my dick in her mouth. Victoria and Gina watched with wide eyes, chattering away in Italian about how long Nancy stayed there, resurfacing after a good 3 minutes.

“Wow Nancy, where did you learn to do that?” Gina asked.

“Oh it’s a hobby of mine,” Nancy replied, going immediately back underwater, grabbing Gina’s knees, opening her legs wide, and going to town on her now exposed pussy. Gina took a deep surprised breath when she felt Nancy’s mouth invading her womanhood. I could see her surprised face change to a satisfied look with her breath increasing as she uttered small moans of pleasure in the process. Victoria looked at her lover and participated by sucking on Gina’s tits.

While both girls were pleasuring Gina, Grace moved closer to me and gave me a deep kiss, invading my mouth with her tongue, while grabbing my hard cock under the water and masturbating it. That allowed me to get one of my greedy hands on her nice big tits, with the other trying to find its way towards her twat. She obligingly opened her legs for me to get better access to her pleasure garden. My index finger quickly found the entrance, pushing in and upwards in a come hither motion on her g-spot and drawing some serious moans and whimpers from between our kissing mouths. Grabbing my shoulders, she hoisted herself onto the seat I occupied, straddling me by placing a knee on each side of my hips while holding my cock up to her pussy.

She lifted her butt and maneuvered my stick to the entrance of her vagina and impaled herself on it. She was so wet that I immediately bottomed out. With her hands now around my neck she began going up and down, making sure that with every move she made she rubbed my shaft against her clit.

“Ooooh, Leeew! Please fill my pussy with your hot cum!”

If it had just been Grace and myself, I would have gladly obliged, but three other females might need my cock soon as well, and despite the blue pill, if I spilled now, it could become too difficult to even try to pleasure another one let alone all three of them. Concentrating very hard, keeping my eyes averted from the porn show the other three were putting on, and to better stay in control, I took the moving over from Grace, still pumping my pleasure stick in and out of her, but combining it with one of my thumbs frigging her engorged magic appendage.

That was helping, and she began to breathe and sigh harder, hopefully inching her orgasm closer to boiling point. I kept a close eye on her but as the saying goes, “A watched pot never boils”. Nevertheless, I kept on hammering her pussy with my cock and hoping to reach my goal before my 60-year-old muscles gave up on the task.

I needed her to topple over the crest in the coming 60 seconds, or else I would have to find another solution. It would be far less tiring if only I could make a woman orgasm just by talking to her, instead of removing her clothes and fucking or frigging her. Something to study in the future perhaps, but then again where would the fun be in that for me? All of a sudden I felt her get rigid, her lips forming the sweetest whimpers while she pushed her crotch hard against mine, a sure sign of a cresting orgasm.

“Oh yes, yes, ohmi god fuck yes Lew, yes, yes…” and then nothing but air coming out of her wide open mouth, breathing hard and fast, like she had just run a marathon and reached the finish line. Nancy had surfaced again and the three were looking at Grace with open eyes cheering her on.

“Way to go girl!”

After the rigid phase, came the limp phase, turning Grace into a wet noodle draped all over me. I helped her take a seat next to me so she could comfortably recover from her high.

I had just done that when the other three attacked me like a sitting duck. I thought there was no way I could satisfy them all at once, but 10 minutes later they proved I was mistaken. They got up and out of the hot tub and pulled me out grabbing a few fluffy towels that Grace had the foresight to lay out, dried themselves, and then quickly began drying me before I had the chance to begin shivering from the cold air around us.

They almost carried me inside led by Grace, who had now completely recovered, directly to one of the bedrooms in her mansion. I had not seen this one, but when I went in, I immediately saw it qualified as “A Playroom”. Grace clearly got the idea from the red rooms in Jeff and Rachel’s “vacation center”. In the center of the room was a big round bed, and guess what, yes indeed with red satin sheets, and mirrors on all the walls and above. Looking around me I not only saw four naked women but sometimes 8 or even 16, it was dazzling.

I was thrown unceremoniously on the bed and they each grabbed either an arm or a leg, then something I never had experienced in my life before, I was attached in a spread eagle position with handcuffs and ropes. My cock now pointing straight up for all to admire. How did I end up in this situation? With 4 women having total and unrestricted access and control over my body and most importantly my cock, I could only beg for mercy and hope for the best. It became even worse when they put a blindfold over my eyes - I could only hope they wouldn’t gag me.

“Shall we gag him too?” I heard one of them ask.

“No, it will be much more fun to hear him moan and groan when we make him cum, won’t it Lew?”

“What in heaven’s name do you have in mind ladies? Wouldn’t it be more fun if I can use my hands to pleasure you and look at you enjoying it?”

“We don’t think so,” someone replied accompanied by a lot of giggles, “by the way, you will only cum if we allow you to, so keep your dick under control, we know you can do it, you told us so, or was that pure invention or wishful thinking on your part?”

“No, it wasn’t but don’t forget, I was a lot younger then.”

“That’s true, you’re getting older and we want to check if you still have it.”

Another voice, which I recognized as Grace’s said, “Your bodily functions seem to be still OK, but you did have the support of one of your blue pills - or did you forget to take it?”

“No, I didn’t…” “Then don’t you worry one bit, but we want to test if your mental capabilities are still as they were. You’re getting on in age, now that you’ve passed the big 6 O. Older people tend to have memory problems and that’s what we want to test, to see if you can recognize which pussy you are pleasuring without looking, and beware if you fail, the consequences could be painful.”

Now they’d really got me worried, resulting in my cock slowly deflating.

“Ladies, we need to do something here because I see the flagpole crumbling,” Grace warned.

Her words were still in the air when I felt a hot tongue starting to lick my balls and then another at the top of my cock, while I felt nimble fingers tickling my chest and nipples bringing my manhood immediately back to attention and also making my nipples rock hard. I realized it was going to be hard to satisfy these four women, but I would do my utmost to succeed in my mission.

The next thing I felt was a stiff nipple sliding from left to right over my lips, I almost automatically opened my mouth and sucked it in, careful not to bite but only using my tongue to pleasure the nubbin. In no way did I want to give any form of pain, not willing to give them any crazy ideas. My tongue work was rewarded with some satisfying whimpers from the boob owner. Before I realized it the nipple was removed from my eager mouth and I felt soft thighs on each side of my head plus a hot wet pussy pushed against my mouth and I began to lick and suck dutifully on it. My cock all of a sudden felt cold when the licking and sucking stopped, but it was quickly replaced by a very wet and hot snatch, accompanied by a couple of hands on my chest, supporting the person who had impaled herself on my pole.

Whoever it was, she began riding me like an accomplished amazon. I was trying to discern who was doing what. From the size of the thighs around my head and the taste of the pussy, I guessed that Grace was riding my mouth and Nancy was riding my cock; I remembered from previous encounters she had this special move she used to get the most friction on her clit. Aside from the attacks on my body, I distinctly heard French kissing going on above my head, my guess Gina and Victoria kissing each other, or kissing Grace and Nancy I had no idea.

I just let my imagination run wild, picturing Victoria sitting on her knees behind Nancy, between my wide open legs, kissing her neck, and playing with her milky boobs. Did I feel a squirt of milk on my chest, or was I just imagining things? Judging by the moans and groans, whoever was riding my dick was clearly building up to an orgasm. Maybe if she started to talk I could figure out who it was, but I think they tried to deceive me.

“Yes, oh yes I’m cumming, I’m cuuummiiiiiiing,” someone shouted while I felt a pussy convulsing and contracting down on my shaft. It wasn’t Nancy’s voice I heard and it seemed to come from directly above me, where I thought Grace was.

“OK Lew, this is your first test, who enjoyed an orgasm on your cock?”

That was Grace’s voice again I heard, but based on the signature movement I felt, it would have been Nancy who orgasmed on my dick.

“I have a feeling you are trying to trick me Grace, as far as I can make out, you are sitting on my face and Nancy was riding my cock. I guess that it was Nancy who came, but you voiced it.”

“Very clever Lew, you surprise me, and yes it was Nancy who came and she had the hardest time doing that quietly while I was the one shouting, I see that an old fox may lose his hair but not his cunning, so with a little help from your mouth I will join Nancy cumming next.”

“I didn’t respond but, thought ‘good, one down three to go,’” and continued licking and sucking on Grace’s wonderland. Not long after I heard her moan more loudly while sliding her pussy harder over my face and flooding me with her womanly juices. They were accompanied by the usual vocal cries and shouts, only this time uttered by the person who actually orgasmed. When she lifted her cunt off my face I took a deep breath and whispered, “That was you, Grace, no doubt about it, I’d recognized the taste, the moment you presented your sexy pussy to me.” I felt Grace move off the bed without confirming or denying my claim, and then all of a sudden it became very quiet.

When I didn’t hear anything for a while - being blindfolded I had no idea how long - I began to worry they’d forgotten about me, but all of a sudden I heard some whispers and the sound of bare feet on the carpeted floor approaching the bed. A hand took my dick and was sliding the foreskin down, exposing the glans followed by a kiss from someone’s soft lips, hmmm I thought a blowjob, but again I was deceived when indeed the lips opened very carefully and slid over my dick but the feeling that followed was icy cold and prickly. I shouted in surprise, “What the heck? Is that you Gina?” No response of course, but the feeling was heavenly so I enjoyed it to the full.

After a while, I felt the bubbly, because that’s what I figured it was, being released bit by bit to glide over my balls. The feeling was as exquisite, as the first time so many years ago in my hotel room, together with Catharina. Once it was all gone the mouth disappeared and was replaced by a hot, wet pussyhole, which one, I could only guess. I hoped they played fair and only took one ride each, so it could be Gina or Victoria. Based on the Italian-sounding whispers I could hear it was clearly one of them, but who was riding my dick and where was the other one, I could only guess. I didn’t have to wait very long for the second one to invade my face with her already moist glory station. All I needed to do was trick them into revealing who was who or dig into my taste and smell memory, after all, it was less than 12 hours ago I had last tasted both Gina‘s and Victoria’s cunts.

Maybe I could try to figure it out by licking above her slit and trying to discern the shape of her pubic hair. I had noticed this morning that Gina had it in the form of a lightning bolt and Victoria had it heart-shaped, challenging, yes, but doable I thought. But luck was with me when I made my move to her mons she realized too late that she gave herself away by saying, “What are you…” she stopped but it was too late.

“Hello, Gina’s kitty!” I mumbled my mouth full of female flesh.

“How do you you know?” Gina replied, lifting herself off of my face.

“Well darling, first, I used my culinary senses to detect your unique taste, second your intimate hairdo, and finally, even with so few words, you did give yourself away with your reaction to my strategic move to your mons.

”Why did you do that in the first place?”

“I knew what style you had your beaver cut, you had a lightning bolt and Victoria, who I guess is currently riding my dick, has a heart-shaped carpet, so I needed to examine it with my tongue to detect who was where.”

“You’re clever, I must admit that.” I heard all of them agree.

“So ladies, how about taking the blindfold away so I can feast my eyes again on your hot and electrifying bodies? I don’t think I need to tell you that men are very visually inclined. And while you’re at it, why don’t you release my hands as well to allow me to let them roam freely over your exquisite curves.”

Having been in the dark for a while, I was blinking my eyes when the blindfold was removed, but I could soon eye Gina’s hot body, towering above my face, while I went to town again on her prized jewel. They even released my legs as well, allowing me to bring my knees slightly up and move Victoria into a better position to try to build up some more tension. Although difficult, my goal was to make all three of us orgasm in unison.

The way I was positioned now allowed me to increase the rhythm of my fucking of Victoria’s muff, while frigging Gina’s clit with my right thumb, which in the meantime had attained the size of a prawn. With the addition of my left index finger easing into Victoria’s butthole, I hoped to achieve my target.

Going by the noises the girls were making they were both pretty close to climaxing and so was I. Sucking hard on Gina’s prawn, alternating with small bites, I felt her juices start to flow profusely, accompanied by animalistic groans. I could see Victoria intensify her squeezing of Gina’s tits from behind as she herself was nearing the ultimate bliss, uttering high-pitched wails and yelps while riding me faster and faster. As the torrent of searing pleasure burned through her body causing it to convulse, I heard Victoria scream.

“I’m cumming, I’m cuuuumiiiiing, yes, yes, give it to me, fill my cunt with your hot jizz, pleeeaaase!”

At the same time, above me, Gina shouted at the top of her voice, “Oh my God, yes, yes, this feels sooooo gooooood.”

I felt Victoria’s pussy convulsing, making my sperm race up my shaft and filling her pussy to the point of overflowing as my gooey gunk mingled with her hot juices which were now also flowing profusely. At the same time, Gina climaxed in my mouth, filling it with her salty-sweet, not dissimilar to salted caramel, female ejaculation. Victoria’s orgasm washed over her in repeated tides which didn’t seem to die away immediately.

My brain released its chemical reward right after the first squirt had hit Victoria’s womb. Somewhere through my now fuzzy brain, I heard applause, and looking to the side I saw Grace and Nancy standing there clapping their hands. This was the very first time in my life I got a standing ovation for my sexual performance.

“That was awesome, I’d never seen a triple orgasm in my life,” Grace said, a big smile on her face.

“Me neither,” Nancy added.

“Now that you passed your test with flying colors, do you think you could do this again any time soon, but then with the both of us on the receiving end?” Grace asked.

“Not today, no, I could go another round though but only with one of you.”

“As the host, that should be you Grace,” Gina said with a wink.

Victoria immediately vacated my cock, which, due to the blue pill was still standing proud pointing towards the mirror above the bed.

“No, no, let one of the younger ones enjoy the pleasure stick, I’m too old for this.”

“You are never too old for this mom, you should definitely go for it, you’ve not ridden Lew’s cock yet.”

“Yes Grace, make us all proud, I want to see you tame this stallion,” Victoria said.

“Indeed why not Grace, let us old folk show these youngsters how it’s done, climb aboard.”

Accompanied by rhythmic applause Grace climbed on the bed, moved her muff right over my cock, and plunged down, impaling herself on my rigid pole, I helped her keep her balance with my fingers entwined with hers. Once she began riding me, we let go and I held her by her waist sliding my hands to her luscious girls, pinching her nipples which were on high beams already.

After a while of riding me, she bent forward and kissed me passionately drawing another round of applause from the small crowd watching us. Her new position allowed me to start piston fucking her bringing both our orgasms to boiling point. Again we orgasmed in unison but this time in total silence, thoroughly enjoying each other's bodies to the full. When we collapsed onto each other, panting, the audience had enough and left the room. After about 15 minutes we joined them in the living room, where they were having drinks, sitting still in the nude chatting.

“How about it girls, shall we go home? You have another sightseeing day planned tomorrow, what am I saying, today, it’s already after midnight. You’d better make tracks to Nancy so you can let Jada go home as well.

“Yes, you’re right, she’s still taking care of the baby, time flies when you’re having fun doesn’t it?

“Well I hope everybody had fun, I sure did, and Grace your threesome will happen I promise, but please give me a few weeks to recover from tonight, and remember, at the beginning of next year Rache and Jeff will be here as well and that will be a very tiring experience too I’m sure.”

We left and were back at my place soon after, where we hit the sack, I was so tired but they were clearly not as I could hear some sex sounds coming from the girl’s bedroom. While dropping off I remembered I needed to call Tanja for the Monday evening's event in the cellar I had promised Gina and Victoria. Luckily I had Sunday off when the girls wanted to go sightseeing in Brussels and on Monday they planned to visit the Venice of the North, Bruges.