Sparks by C.P. Mandara - HTML preview

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The flogger cascaded down upon my back in earnest, as if making sure I wouldn’t commit the grave error of talking back to its owner. There was little chance of that. After the first couple of stinging blasts, my whole body went into hypersensitive mode, and the only thing I could do was pant and grit my teeth. Thud, thud, thud. He carefully aimed the swats to cover every inch of me, and the man was making sure I felt them. After a few minutes, I sank into the bench and forced myself to relax, inhaling the scent of warm leather and sweat. There was reason to be thankful that my stamina level was impressive, because I was starting to wonder how long James could wield that thing for. Thud, thud, thud. The fire inside my body began to build once more, and as soon as he concentrated his attention on my already reddened ass, I nearly blasted off into orbit. The flogger was not in the least bit fussy about what it hit. Its tails pressed each of my plugs into me and licked around my spread open sex and clit. It was in one moment excruciating agony, and in the next some of the most intense pleasure I have ever known – but it was never enough. Quite simply put, I was desperate for an orgasm. The trouble was, I would rather have died than admit that to him, so I lay there quietly and took all the punishment he could muster. The word yellow had been on my lips at least twice before he finally paused for thought. 

“I hate to say this, but you’re impressing me, Lois. A part of me wondered whether I’d have you in tears by now, but I can see that you’re made of sterner stuff. I think it’s probably time we moved on to phase three. Is there anything you want to ask me before we move right along?” So I was in no doubt as to his meaning, he dragged the tails of the flogger gently up my left inner thigh, then let them settle upon my clitoris, which was screaming for release. I squeaked.

Taking a deep breath, in and out, I managed a cool reply. “No, nothing,” I said brightly, but far too quickly. It couldn’t be helped. 

He laughed in response. “Well played, Lois. I wouldn’t have granted you your request, in any case. There’ll be plenty of time for that kind of thing later.” He then set about releasing my restraints. When he reached my wrists, he brushed the sodden mass of my fringe away from my forehead and put his face in front of mine. His lips seemed to move in slow motion, and when I heard his voice, it was deceptively kind and soft. “Lois, when I finish untying you, I want you to slowly slide back down the bench and crawl over to the exam table. My reasons are twofold.  One, I get to watch your ass wiggle, and two, if you do decide to faint you won’t have far to fall.” 

My face must have been a picture. It was a mixture of ‘you must be fucking joking’ combined with ‘the exam table sounds really scary.’ James clearly didn’t know what to make of my expression, either. 

“Are you going to prove difficult, Lois?” His face bore a serious look, but I was sure I detected a sparkle of amusement in his eyes. I wisely shook my head. He nodded in response, and the last cuff on my wrist fell towards the floor. 

Free of my fetters, oddly enough my first instinct was to run. When you considered I had paid a fortune to be here, running wasn’t really in my best interests, but the itch was there. Somehow I ignored it, and I slid off the bench exactly as he had instructed, but when my knees touched the floor, I decided there and then that I wasn’t going to crawl. I was perfectly capable of walking the five metres, and he’d still be able to watch my ass wiggle, because I sure as hell wasn’t giving him the front view. Making it to the exam table on two legs, I was rather proud of myself when I reached it without even the tiniest of stumbles. My elegance and grace were back. Finally. 

“Pleased with yourself?” James’s voice had turned cold, and it didn’t take me long to realise I had committed a grave error. Turning my head over my shoulder to face him, it was to see two dark eyes bearing down upon me as his body ate up the floor in order to tower over me. Getting up close and personal, his face inches from mine, he said, “Beautiful little display of defiance, Lois. You have no idea how much pleasure that gives me.” My stomach dropped at the almost palpable excitement in his voice. “You do realise naughty girls must be punished?” His body gently pushed mine down on to the mattress below, and I felt myself shiver. “By the time you leave this room, Lois, you will be obedient to my every whim, or so help me God, I will join a monastery on my exit. Do I make myself clear?” His eyebrows had straightened into one long line, and it was a little intimidating, but unfortunately not enough to stop my smart mouth. 

“Were you thinking Catholicism, Buddhism, or did you have another avenue of…”

“Sit on the damn table, Lois, and shut up. If I hear another word, I’ll gag you.” A large, round, red rubber ball was then dangled in front of my face, complete with leather straps, and it was enough of a threat that I shut up instantly. I did not want to be gagged.

Hoisting both legs up onto the table, I placed my hands on my thighs and looked downwards. Hopefully James would calm down in a minute or two. It wasn’t as if I had done anything really bad. Honestly, from his tone, you’d have thought I’d just committed the crime of the century. 

He didn’t look at me or speak to me again as he began unfolding two metal stirrups from under the exam table. Great. My pelvic exam wasn’t due for another year, but if he was performing one now, I wondered if he’d be able to ship off some results for me. 

“Does your butt hurt, Lois?”

The question caught me off guard, which it was supposed to do, because he was then manhandling my right leg into a stirrup and fastening black Velcro tape around it. 

“Yes.” My ass stung, particularly now that it was pressed against the firm surface of the mattress, but it was by no means an unpleasant pain - more a tingling reminder of our previous session. My left leg was then placed in the corresponding stirrup, before my arms were chained upright to a ring above my head. My breath caught.

“Good. Are you nervous?” 

I rolled my eyes. I couldn’t help it. “You’ve got me naked, restrained, and you’re about to spread my legs wide apart. No, I’m just fine and dandy. What are you planning on doing to me?” I bit my lip, and I mean I really bit my lip. This was way out of my comfort zone, but I was well aware that a lot of things would be in the upcoming weeks, which might make this seem tame by comparison, so I needed to find a way through my anxiety. 

James took care of that problem for me. Snapping on a pair of clear latex gloves, he perfunctorily asked me if I was allergic to rubber products, and as soon as I shook my head, he pushed the stirrups wide and his fingers found their way to my clit. I gasped. 

“I’m going to torment you, Lois, because that’s what I do best.” With his free hand he plucked a small glass tube from the table behind him, the end of which had a clear length of plastic tubing and a rubber bulb attached to it. “This is a clitoral pump. I’m going to put it over this little bud here.” He pressed down upon my clit, making me moan. “Then I’m going to suck all the air out of the cylinder. This will make your clitoris swell to at least twice its original size. It’s going to do funny things to you, take my word for it. I will also demonstrate some of that needle play we talked about last night. Remember the needle corset? I’m going to design one across your stomach. Finally, I’m going to catheterise you. You will experience a complete loss of bladder control, Lois. Call it your punishment for being naughty, but don’t worry, we’ll play with sounds and electro-stim, too. It will be quite a session. But first,” he said with an evil glint in his eye. “I’m going to demonstrate the magic of the Hitachi wand, which is another a kind of punishment all of its own.” 

I barely heard his last sentence because my mind was reeling. He was going to shove needles into me and then do what? Red, red, red, my subconscious was screaming. My teeth clamped together in an effort not to shout my thoughts from the rooftop. It might not be all that bad. You may even enjoy it. This was great. I was arguing with my inner self. God, if my psychiatrist ever caught a whiff of this, I was in serious trouble. 

A sequence of startlingly shocking vibrations stopped all the voices in my head instantly. If I’d thought the plugs in my pussy and butt had impressive pulsations before, they were nothing compared to the beast in front of me. You know that feeling when someone ramps up the sound really loud in a concert and your whole body vibrates? Well, I kid you not - my clit was going to be out of action for several weeks, judging by the power of this monster. 

“Get that thing away from me,” I panted, but try as I might, there was no wriggle room for me to squirm out of its path.

“Take it like a good girl, Lois. The first one will be fun.” James’s gloved hands moved the hood of my clitoris upwards, so the wand could have better access, and he began moving it around in slow circles. He brought me to fever pitch within twenty seconds, and I was almost ashamed of myself. 

“Don’t fight me, Lois. Just relax and let it happen.”

Easy for you to say, I thought, but in the end I had no choice in the matter. My orgasm ripped through my body with the force of a category five hurricane. It was so fierce I barely had time to appreciate its beauty because another one was already bubbling up inside me.

I had a moment to wonder what was wrong with me, because it usually took ages before I got myself anywhere near the land of “O,” but the insistent pressure of the wand remained, and I swear it couldn’t have been longer than another minute before I rocketed into my next orgasm. That was when my head began to shatter into a thousand, bright white, tiny pieces. 

Coughing, spluttering, and squirming madly, I tried my best to avoid the wand’s insistent pressure, but James had other ideas. “Stay still or I’ll turn it up, princess.”

OMG. This thing wasn’t on its highest setting? My clit was now burning in pain, and more than anything I wanted to avoid the intense vibrations that were going to be bringing me headlong into another dimension of earth-shattering convulsions. Orgasms are great, don’t get me wrong, but too many orgasms all at the same time are almost as painful as they are pleasurable. 

“Breathe, Lois. Just breathe.”

And what the hell was this breathing thing? My whole body had locked up in a rigid line, and my eyes were going to pop out of my head. Be that as it may, it didn’t slow my third orgasm down in the slightest, and in its wake, my whole body started to shake uncontrollably. My legs were rattling in the stirrups, and a low, keening hum started in my throat as I pleaded with James to end my torment.

“What do you do for a living, Lois?” The bastard smiled at me, and the wand, if it were possible, began to vibrate harder. It was unbearable, and I had no option but to suffer under its cruel wrath. 

It took me a minute to prise my jaws apart. “I thought you weren’t here to learn my secrets?” I whispered, and there were tears of pain in my eyes.

“I’m not. This is purely for entertainment value on my behalf. When you give me an acceptable answer, I’ll turn the wand off.” Having said that, he ground it into my clit, and I screamed. I swear if I’d had the use of my hands, I’d have ripped his head off. Unsure of how much more punishment I could take, my lips formed the words, “Fitness instructor,” and I bit them out. It was another lie, but it fit with his earlier comments about my body tone, so I hoped it would appease him.

It didn’t. The wand notched itself up another level, and I was seeing stars. “What do you teach?” The half smirk on his face told me that he still didn’t believe me, and there was no chance of answering his question because I was too busy sobbing my way through orgasm number four. Though I hadn’t considered the finer details of the female anatomy before, I was now coming to realise that there was such a thing as too much pleasure, and it equalled pain. 

When the most painful waves of my climax subsided, I yelled, “Yellow.” 

Thoroughly annoyed with myself, knowing I probably hadn’t been in this room more than half an hour, I realised that I couldn’t take too much more of this. My whole body was going into meltdown, and the shaking was so bad I could barely control my limbs. 

He grinned at me for a second, one of those all-knowing smirks that said he knew exactly what he was doing, and said, “I know, sweetheart. I know.” He looked at his watch. “A yellow in just under fifteen minutes. How good am I?” 

He raised an eyebrow and wiggled it, and I wanted to slap him. Fifteen minutes! Seriously? The chances of me making it through this session were looking slimmer and slimmer by the second. I needed to get a hold of myself. My next assignment counted on my being able to get through this.

“However, I still think you can make it through another two orgasms before I start sticking pins into you.” He pulled the wand away from my clit for a second, and I almost cried in relief, gulping in deep breaths of hiccupping sobs as my body tried to replenish its oxygen stores. 

“So, what do you teach, Lois?” The brief respite was over. The wand was back on my clit and my body went into lockdown. Thankfully, I had already prepared my answer, which burst through my lips as my body tried its hardest to fight off orgasm number five. 

“Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.” It was a martial art requiring all-over body strength and tone, and appropriate for females. It worked on the principle of being able to teach a smaller person how to defend herself against a larger one by using leverage and skilful technique. This time there was at least some truth to my statement. I was a black belt in the art, and it had taken me a long and laborious ten years to achieve it. 

“Hmm. Interesting. Where you do you teach?” James moved the wand around a little and slowly rotated the plug in my ass. I came with tears of agony rolling down my face. Every limb in my body was now rebelling against this method of torture, and it was beginning to fatigue me. I couldn’t help but wonder if that had been his plan all along. 

The wand was dragged away again as he waited for my response, and I pressed my luck by making him wait for it. My clit was painfully engorged, swollen, and on fire. The thought of enduring any more of this torture was excruciating, and I wanted to put it off for as long as possible. 

“Three seconds, Lois, or I’ll put this baby up to its highest setting.”

He would do it anyway after he heard my answer, so I didn’t have a lot to lose either way, but I gave myself another three seconds of breathing space before I said, “London.”

James just looked at me, his eyes sparkling with a gleam of delight, and then everything went into slow motion. I saw him blink, and I swear that moment would be forever etched into my memory with a dull knife. There was a flash of white as his teeth formed a feral smile, and then his lips moved. I didn’t hear a word of what he was saying. My eyes were glued to the white plastic head of the wand as it moved forward, sinking back between my legs. I think I tried to yell something, possibly a colour, but I didn’t get the words out quick enough. The full fury of the wand was back, and long tendrils of lightning cracked through me. They snapped and fizzed, burning a path of white-hot heat, until I felt sure my brain had exploded. For the first time in my life, I lost complete control of my body, and it scared the shit out of me. Unsure of how long I lay there, with my eyes rolling, tongue lolling, and saliva bubbling around my lips, it was his voice that gradually brought me back to consciousness.

“Lois. Come back to me, Lois. Big, deep breaths. You can do it.” When I finally opened my eyes, it was to find a cold napkin being dabbed against my forehead and James’s concerned eyes before mine. He had his hand on the carotid pulse in my neck and was looking at his watch. 

“Hey,” I whispered.

“Hey yourself,” he said, smoothing the hair on my forehead away from my face. “You still with me, or do you want to call it a day?” I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was pretty sure I’d reached my limit. Little did he know, I did not give up that easily.

“How much time do we have left?” It was an important question for me. I wanted to know how much longer I would have to endure this kind of torment, to decide what the odds were on my lasting the duration. 

“Doesn’t work like that, sweet pea. If you’re gonna call red, do it now. I won’t ask again.”

“Promise me no more orgasms?” If I had that much from him, I thought I might just make it, but I knew I was grasping at straws. 

“I’m more than happy to do that, Lois, but you’ll be begging for one before the next twenty minutes is out.”

“Five hundred pounds says I won’t,” I whispered.

He shook his head, and his top teeth rolled against his bottom lip, an action I found oddly fascinating to watch.

“Oh, Lois,” he sighed. “You have far too much testosterone in you. Never make bets you haven’t a cat in hell’s chance of keeping.” He shook his head again and got to his feet. He picked up a purple plastic box on the table beside him and opened it. He then plucked out a two-inch long silver needle and examined it. The box was almost transparent, and I could see there were around another twenty of the wicked–looking things in there.

“What colour do you want, Lois?”

“Needles?” I looked at him and winced. “Not feeling too fussy on that score.” Needles had never been one of my most favourite things.

“No,” he laughed. “For the lacing of your corset. Black or red usually work well, but you can have any colour of the rainbow.”

Thinking long and hard, I finally said, “Pink.” I wondered if he might look a little effeminate and a whole lot less scary when handling pink ribbon.

“Pink it is.” While he went off to look for the ribbon, I calmed myself down. Forcibly pressing my body down into the mattress, I managed to get the shaking back under control. Thankfully, my body was in good shape and could take this kind of punishment, but I had a feeling that lasting out the full two hours would be a lot harder than I had anticipated.

When James returned, he had a reel of coral pink ribbon in one hand and some antiseptic swabs in the other. He looked puzzled. “You intrigue me, Lois. Your pulse rate after the six orgasms should have been at least one hundred beats per minute, and I would have expected it to be a lot higher than that. It was closer to eighty. You’re the kind of fit that Olympic athletes attain, and I don’t believe for a second that you teach martial arts.”

“So why keep asking me questions if you know I’m going to lie?” He merely grunted at that and began soaping down my torso with what I guessed was antibacterial soap. After that had dried, he swabbed antiseptic solution over the area. Pulling another pair of gloves on over the ones he already wore, he turned to face me.

“Do you want to be blindfolded?”

I considered this for a moment. Did I want to be in a world of darkness while James stuck pins into me and played with rather delicate parts of my anatomy? Hell no. I was going to keep my eyes on that man at all times. 

“No, thank you,” I croaked. My voice was a little scratchy from all the orgasmic screaming, and it sounded funny, even to my ears. 

“I thought you’d say that.” He held a thick piece of black cloth in his hand and came towards me. 

“Now, wait a minute,” I bit back, pulling at the ring above my head as I foolishly tried to free myself. “Didn’t I just say no?”

“You did. But you’re also under the illusion that you get to call to the shots around these parts, and I’m here to tell you that you don’t.”

I fought him. It was probably going to be my last act of defiance, judging by the number of restraints I had on my person, but I wasn’t letting this go down without a fight. My head twisted from side to side as the swath of black cotton came down around my eyes, and I even made a good attempt at trying to head-butt him, but he was ready for me, pressing my body back up against the wall firmly. 

“Shh, Lois. It’ll be better this way - you’ll see.” He ran his fingers down the side of my face, and I shuddered, though it wasn’t in revulsion. I just felt helpless, and strangely enough, I was beginning to realise that this kind of thing turned me on in the worst way. 

“I can still call red,” I whispered angrily, annoyed with myself for reasons I was not going to examine. 

“You keep threatening to do that, but you need to put your money where your mouth is.” His hand trailed down my arm and along the length of my leg with a torturously light touch. I moaned. Fuck. I was definitely going to lose my earlier bet. 

“And if I’d have said I wanted the blindfold?” It was a petulant little comment, but I needed to know the answer. 

“Then you wouldn’t have worn one.” I’d figured as much.

The first needle pierced through the skin of my upper abdomen with no warning, and it made me gasp. As my body tried to arc up off the exam table, James’s hand held me steady. 

“The first one’s always the worst. The next will seem like child’s play.”

“Nothing you do around my body will seem like that.” He chuckled, but when the next needle pierced my skin, I was ready for it, and the pain barely registered. A sharp scratch could be felt, but little more. 

“I’m keeping them to the upper levels of the epidermis, so there will be a little reddening around the entry site, but no lasting effects,” he said. 

“That’s reassuring.” Another needle went in, and I felt a little buzz of excitement creep through me. 

“I’m aiming to stimulate some minor sensory nerves. There are usually two outcomes to this procedure. You’ll either feel pain gradually begin to consume you, or your body will compensate with some hormones and you’ll get a high or rush instead. I’m aiming for the latter.”

“Good to know,” I said, with a fair dose of irony. He didn’t reply. Gradually I lost count of the needles, and my stomach became awash with sensation. It was bizarrely pleasurable. Things were circulating around my bloodstream that I had no control over, and I began to feel lightheaded and giddy. 

“You okay, Lois?” James circled his fingers over my cheek to capture my attention.

“Mmm,” I moaned. “Whatever you do, don’t stop.”

“Ah, good.” He wiggled the needle that had just pierced my skin, and I mewled prettily. The pleasure of that tiny movement was intense. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” He patted my thigh, and I felt my clit burn in anticipation. Oh, Lord. Six orgasms. Six. There was no way I could want more, was there? “That was the last needle, Lois. I’m now going to thread the ribbon around the hubs. You’ll feel it pull a little, but I think you’ll like it.”

I didn’t like it. I loved it. Lost in my own little world of darkness, all I saw was blazing light. It lit up my body with delicious frissons of electricity, and every inch of me prickled with the need to be touched. Now that he had taken away my sight, all my other senses were compensating, and each tiny whisper of sensation was felt acutely. The satin ribbon slowly stroked my skin, its lightweight tail whispering over my sensitised flesh before it coiled itself around the hubs of the needles embedded into me. I felt the pink satin strip complete a slow weave of my stomach, and with every breath I took, the material pulled softly at my skin. I played about with deep inhalations and shallow ones but wasn’t sure which I liked best. I had a sneaking suspicion that I might be into this pain thing, but decided it was best to reserve judgement until after James had finished with me. 

“How tight do you want it?”

Before I had to chance to figure out exactly what that meant, James drew the ends of the ribbon sharply upwards, and for a moment, I saw stars. 

“Can you handle that?”

“Mmm,” I whimpered, not at all sure that I could. I felt him tying the knot that would hold my temporary corset in place and then he let go of the ends. 

“How does it feel?” His lips were close to my ear, and I shivered. 

“Hot, stingy, burning, and mighty fine,” I whispered.

“I thought so. You have a higher than average tolerance for this stuff. Good. We’ll continue.” He patted my stomach, and I screeched. He laughed, then blew a line of hot air across the needles, as if to soothe me. I squirmed madly, the needles jarring within me.

“You’re a bastard, you know that, right?” 

“You have no idea,” he laughed. “By the end of this session, you’ll begin to understand what I’m capable of.”

That sounded ominous, and wisely I kept quiet. 

The next thing I felt was his gloved finger on my clit, and it felt amazing, but damn cold. 

“Just greasing you up for the pump, Lois, so I get a good seal.”

Oh, God, I’d forgotten about that. His fingers worked the lubricant over me with far more enthusiasm than necessary. Keeping a straight face took far more effort than it should have, but somehow I resisted the urge to break down and beg for orgasm number seven. I was strong. I could do this. His talented fingers said otherwise. 

Although my clit was sore from its previous exertions, it was quickly coming to life. When the plastic tube covered my little nub and James began sucking the air out of the container, I gritted my teeth. My poor, bruised clitoris was now being stretched into an inch-long tube, and I grasped my hands together above my head to deal with the pain. Thankfully, it didn’t last long. 

“There. All done.” 

“Am I supposed to say thank you?” My fingernails were digging into my palms, and my jaw locked tight. Once again, my body was on fire. I heard the sound of his footsteps upon the wooden floor and immediately regretted my outburst.

Lacing his finger through the middle of my makeshift corset, James pulled. My eyes watered, and I yelped in pain as twenty needles burrowed into my flesh. “Watch that smart mouth, Lois. Your martial arts training won’t help you here.”

He was right about that.  

“Okay, where were we? Hmm, I think we were just about to have some fun with electricity.” 

My head had been swaying from side to side as waves of pleasure and pain roiled through my body, and the sensory overload was almost too much to process. Those words brought me back to the here and now. 

“We were what?” My mouth had opened so wide it was threatening to dislocate my jaw.

“Yes, well, when I say ‘we,’ I mean ‘you.’” He said nothing else, but I heard a ripping sound and felt a sticky wet pad being placed upon my left inner thigh. Trying to squirm further back on the bench got me absolutely nowhere, and a similar pad hit the opposite side. 

“Brace yourself.” No sooner had the words left James’s mouth than a sharp prickling sensation began to crawl up my legs. It made me jump, but it wasn’t painful. 

“We’ll give you a minute or two at that setting, then we’ll notch it up. Meanwhile, I have two electrodes to replace your vibrating plugs, so I’ll go ahead and swap them over.”

Of course, James didn’t play fair. He twisted the plug in my pussy around and around, and then began pumping it in and out. Little squeaks and gasping noises were coming from my mouth, but I paid them no attention. Now that he had encased my clit in a hard, tiny plastic tube, I could feel it throbbing angrily with a pulse of its own. It was seeking attention and was most annoyed that it was not receiving any. When James began to play with the plug in my ass at the same time, I nearly expired on the spot. 

“Stop, stop,” I begged, and I rattled the chains above my head with a furious sense of helplessness. 

“‘Stop’ isn’t a word that carries any weight in this room. If you want to stop, yell red.”

The vaginal plug popped out, and I moaned loudly, missing the sense of being so completely filled. Two of his fingers replaced it, slowly feeding cold lubricant inside me before they began stroking a firm path up my inner walls. 

“Ever had a G-spot orgasm before, Lois?”

I gurgled. Whatever he was doing, all I knew was that he must never stop. 

“A G-spot orgasm is much more intense than a clitoral one, take my word for it. If I do this properly, you might even squirt for me.”

Squirting? I’d read about squirting but figured that was a myth. Did people actually do that? Was that a thing? 

His fingers began stroking a little harder, and I squeezed my eyes shut tight beneath the blindfold and sobbed. I swear I could feel each of those damn little needles biting into my flesh with each breath I took, and combined with James’s fingers in my pussy, I was swimming in a sea of virulent hormones that had only one goal: explosion. 

James didn’t stop his fingering as the plug in my ass was gently removed. I barely noticed when he replaced it with another because I was far too lost in my own little world of excitement. When the current began pulsing inside me, though, I sobbed again. 

“Feels a little like fucking, doesn’t it? But I guess you wouldn’t know that, right?”

“Nnnghh.” That was the most intelligible sound that would pass through my lips. Although I tried again, no words could be formed.

“Shh, Lois. I won’t make you beg for this one. We’ll save that for later. I think we need to loosen you up a bit, so just relax. You’re not going to be able to avoid this one, princess.”

I had a feeling he was right. The plug in my ass was monstrous, but it felt amazing. It was his fingers that did the most damage, though. I’d thought the G-spo