Sparks by C.P. Mandara - HTML preview

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After a few minutes, I crawled back to my room. It felt bizarre being alone in the kitchen naked, and I needed a soft place to lay my weary bones. The past twenty-four hours had been gruelling, and there was some sleep I needed to catch up on. Drawing the curtains and pulling the plain white duvet on top of me, I wrapped it around me so snugly it was nearly as good as being clothed. Thankfully, sleep came upon me almost instantly and I fell into its deep, comforting embrace with open arms. 

Kiel was there waiting for me. One minute I felt like I was falling, and in the next I was cradled in his arms. 

“I’ve missed you,” I whispered, snuggling in close to his chest. In response, he hugged me tight to his body. 

“I’ve missed you, too.”

“How could you do that to me? Just walk out of my life without even so much as a goodbye?” There were tears of accusation in my eyes as he lowered me to the ground and cradled my face in his hands.

“Be fair, Kat. I didn’t exactly have much say in the matter.” He gave me the eyebrow.

That was typical of Kiel, always making light of every situation. I thumped him.

“I want you back here,” I whimpered.

“I know, but it’s kind of nice here, what with the harps and cherubs and everything.” His Irish accent hit me right where it was supposed to – smack between my legs. It took me a couple of seconds to get my voice back, and when I had, I was semi-outraged.

“If you even think of entering heaven, you are in so much trouble, Mr. O’Sullivan.” I thumped him again for good measure. As per usual, he barely noticed. It may have had something to do with the fact that he’d been built somewhat similar to a brick. 

“And why’s that, Kat?” 

Bringing my lips up to his, I sank into him, running my hands over the planes of his back, seeking familiar territory, stroking beautifully honed muscles. 

“Because I’ll never get an entry pass through those gates. If you want to see me again, you’d better head on over to the dark side.”

My hands ran themselves through his thick black hair, and I caressed his cheek over and over again. I greedily drank him in and hoped that I remained wherever I was forever. The real world was too dirty, too messed-up, and way too painful. I’d quite happily never return.

His head swooped in and his lips nuzzled my neck. The feeling was exquisite. 

“Ahh, don’t be so hard on yourself, Kat. You’ll make it through the pearly gates.”

I shook my head sadly at him. “I won’t, Kiel. Dammit. You were such a good person. What did you ever see in me?” There were tears in my eyes as I said it, and as one dribbled down my cheek, he picked it up on his index finger. It hovered there for a moment, one perfect sphere of emotion, glistening with light, and then everything began to waver. 

“Don’t leave me again, Kiel,” I whispered through a choked sob.

“You’ll see me again sooner than you think,” he said, giving me his trademark wink, and as I reached for his body, my fingers went through him, and he disintegrated in my hands.

“No,” I screamed. “No, don’t do this to me!” A draft of air whispered around my body and, once again, I was all alone, facing a world that was mean, cruel, and excruciatingly painful.

“Lois. Lois, wake up.” There was a rattling noise, and I realised that was the sound of my teeth banging rapidly against each other. As far as rude awakenings went, it was X-rated.

“Stop. The. Damn. Shaking.” I got the words out where I could, but it was difficult when my body felt like it had been fed through a paper shredder. 

“You were having a bad dream.” James gave me a concerned look, which was quite comical when I came to think of it. 

“So, you’re worried when I have a bad dream, but think nothing of it when you beat the shit out of me?” I gave him a sideways glance at that one.

Frowning at me, he condescendingly said, “Lois, you asked for that. I warned you of the consequences. It’s not my fault you’re unreasonable.”

“And nuts,” I added for good measure. It was mostly true. These days, the pieces didn’t fit together quite like they used to.

“I didn’t say that.” The look he gave me was sardonic.

“You didn’t have to.” I smiled up at him and grabbed his cheek. “I’m hungry. What’s for lunch?”

Sitting down on the side of the bed, he was undeterred by my comment as he said, “The dream, Lois. Want to talk about it?” He grabbed my hand, and although I’d pulled it away as soon as I saw him reach for me, he was way too fast. Rubbing the skin across my knuckles gently, he said, “You need to talk.”

“I don’t.” I furnished him with a stubborn, mutinous gaze, and we both sat there for a good couple of minutes trying to stare each other out.

“Fine,” he said resignedly, after I’d sat there unwavering for the better part of five minutes. “Let’s eat.”

Considering I’d had to work really hard for that victory, you’d have thought I’d have been more cheerful at the outcome of our very stilted chat. Unfortunately, James had that unpleasant sparkle in his eye that said things were probably not going to go well for me if I continued being difficult. Crossing my fingers together, I hoped I was wrong, but didn’t hold out much hope for my immediate future.

As I’d suspected, my afternoon proved to be more than just a little ‘difficult.’ Eating lunch was an experience all in itself. Firstly, I was not allowed to sit at the table. My place was on the floor beside my Master, where I was to be fed scraps. I took umbrage to this, but he gave me ‘the look,’ which I’d now learnt meant do as you’re told or go home. Sighing under my breath, I cursed the fact that the floor was hard and cold, and that James couldn’t feed me anywhere near quick enough to satisfy my appetite. It also might have had something to do with the fact that he’d made me pasta al forno for lunch, which I was particularly partial to. As sun-dried tomatoes, mozzarella, chilli peppers, olives, and parmesan cheese danced on my tongue, all I could do was groan, silently enjoying my own little slice of heaven. Being fed by James’s fingers might have been messy and decidedly unsanitary, but I decided I wasn’t going to care. The food tasted good, and I was hungry. Really hungry. All this crawling around I was doing must have worked up an appetite.

“Getting full yet, kitten?” James gave me the raised eyebrow and held a piece of pasta just above my nose, near enough that I could smell it, but too far away to bite, unless I was going to stand up. Doing that incurred a punishment, or so I’d been told, so I was forced to sit there and pout. 

“No, I am not full, and don’t tease me, Sir. This is the first time I’ve had an appetite in forever. Don’t forget that you’re the one who wants me to put on weight.” I nodded at him, and my stomach rumbled as if on cue. He laughed.

“Fine. But you’ll need to beg for it. You might as well start practising.”

“You want me to beg for food, Sir?” 

“I do.”

“Please Sir, can I have some pasta?” Although I had reservations about begging for sex, I was more than prepared to beg for food. Call me weird.

The fork that had been hovering just above my nose then backtracked into his mouth. I gave him a horrified look and moaned.

“You’ll have to do better than that, Lois. Use your words. Some adjectives would be nice. Make me know you want it.”

Was it me, or were double-entendres floating around here? As it happened, I did want it, and I knew I wasn’t going to get it. Actually, I lie. The challenge was out there, and I intended to try my hardest to ensure that I got what I wanted before I was shoved out the door. My womanly wiles needed a bit of dusting down, but I was sure that before our training session was over, I would have managed to agitate the cool, calm Mr. Leveritt in some way. Whether it would be in the way that I wanted remained to be seen, but one could hope. 

“Please Sir, can I have a morsel of the mouth-wateringly tasty pasta al forno, which you are greedily keeping all to yourself over there. I want to taste an explosion of …”

“Don’t overcook it, Lois. Makes you appear slutty and desperate.”

I sighed and rolled my eyes. It was very easy to make fun of someone when you were the one holding all the aces. Shifting from one knee to the other, to ease their soreness, I purred, “Feed me, oh gorgeous one.” I added a look that said he’d better do it, else I was going to do him bodily harm. Thankfully, it seemed to do the trick. 

“I suppose that’ll have to do.” Several more mouthfuls of pasta were gently forked into my mouth before a generous helping of Torta Caprese followed. The man really was trying to fatten me up. This time he fed me by hand, and as decadent chocolate and almonds melted on my tongue, I decided there were worse places to be in the world. As my tongue tangled with his fingers, tormenting them slowly, I couldn’t help but wonder if my body or actions had any effect on him. 

“So, what are we going to cross off the limits list after lunch? Any preferences?” I immediately stiffened. The simple pleasure I had taken in eating instantly disappeared, and I was once again on the defensive. As I still hadn’t fully discerned James’s fighting style, it would make sense to pick something rather tame off the list, so I wracked my brain trying to remember exactly what was on there. It wasn’t as easy as you’d have thought, considering I had poured over that sheet just a few days ago. For some reason, my mind was blank. This probably had a lot do with the fact that my stomach was comfortably full, I was still naked, and James was sitting mere inches away from me. In the end, I had to hum out loud, which is one of my little quirks to aid concentration, and then I had it. Why not pick something that would torment him for a change? Every now and again this deal had to have an upside, right?

“Oral sex. Let’s tackle that one.” I gave him a bright smile, and to be honest, I wasn’t even sure I’d be upset if I lost this one.

“You still want to fight?” James asked.

“Yes.” He looked rather put out by my answer, but that was too bad.

“Most girls have to beg to suck my cock.” He stuck out his bottom lip and frowned. It was almost adorable until I considered how many people might have sucked his cock in the past. If my fighting skills didn’t improve, I was probably going to get an unpleasant critique of my oral ability. Oh well. I’d just have to be brave and take it on the chin.

Standing up, he carried the plain white china plate that we’d wiped clean between us to the sink, and then he set it down gently on the drainer. Filling a clear glass with water, he handed it to me and said, “Drink.”

Having not realised how thirsty I was until the water was straight in front of me, I accepted his offer greedily, gulping it down in one. “Thank you, Sir,” I whispered. 

“If you ever need something to drink, just ask. Food will be entirely up to my discretion, but drink is your responsibility. I can’t have you fainting on me. If I’m not around, help yourself to a glass whenever you need to, okay?”

I nodded in response. He wasn’t a complete asshole, then. 

“Right, it’s time for round two. I hope you’ve changed your game plan since last time.” Interlacing the fingers between his right and left hand, he stretched them sharply and released. Then he took up his familiar crouching position, and I was on the alert. 

“Out of curiosity, which martial arts have you trained in?” It might have been an unfair question, but I needed all the advantages I could get. James was taller, stronger, and weighed a good deal more than me, and all of these combined gave him a distinct edge. If I could narrow that ‘edge’ down, then I might stand a chance. 

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” He made the ‘come-get-me’ gesture with his hands, but I wasn’t to be deterred.

“Come on, James. Let’s make this game a little more fun,” I whined. “You’re a guy and I’m a girl - the least you can do is help me out here.” I stretched my hands out wide in a gesture of helplessness. Let’s see what he does with that, I thought.

“You started this, Lois. You can pull out anytime you like. Contrary to popular belief, I take no pleasure from hurting you. For the record, I’m still mightily offended that you’re trying to get out of the immense honour of blowing me.” 

How James kept a straight face after that line, I had no idea. Either his ego was immense, or his sense of humour was a little dry, but which one? 

“James, help me out here.” Staring those ice-blue eyes down, I crouched into a similar stance and hovered on the spot. Damned if I was making the first move.

“On a scale of one to ten, how abhorrent is the idea of sucking my cock? One being fucking awful, and ten being fucking incredible.”

I grinned. Men and their egos. “Like I’m going to tell you that,” I said, diving for his thigh, but he disappeared into thin air, and I was left clutching at straws. 

“You move fast,” I grumbled, as he side-stepped lightly away on his feet.

“You need to move faster.” Before I knew what was happening, he looped his leg under my knee, and I went sprawling across the floor. It didn’t take me long to get up again, but I was not happy about the prospect. 

“Tell you what, you answer my question and I’ll tell you what style of martial art I’ll use to bring you down. It has to be an honest answer, though, Lois.”

“Always the optimist. Fine. I’m not against the idea of fellatio. If I’m scoring, I’ll go with an eight.”

“Huh.” James looked mightily put out for a moment, and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing out loud. “It seems I have more work to do than I thought,” he said, scratching his chin. Recovering his composure quickly, he simply said, “Tae Kwan Do.” 

Having a split second in which to register that comment before a flying tornado kick to my chest sent me sprawling towards the floor, I wanted to scream. The man could kick box as well? Was there no end to his bloody talents?

 When I landed, rather brutally on a solid floor, the jarring impact was nasty. Not bothering to get up, as the wind had been completely knocked out of me, I concentrated on trying to breathe. Swearing was going to be the next thing on my list, but air was more important at the moment. 

Ever the solicitous teacher, James carefully brought me up to a sitting position and bent me over. “It’ll be easier to breathe this way. Just take your time and stay still.” He stroked my back gently, as we waited for my lungs to fill. 

“I hate you,” I finally spat, adding several of the swear words that had been dying to leave my lips for the past minute or so.

“Yet you want to suck my cock. This is a conundrum, Lois. Methinks you do protest too much.”

“I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!” I sounded like a two-year-old, but I didn’t care. Adding another several hundred cuss words, I was surprised to find that I actually felt better. This venting stuff was obviously good for my health.

“Did you honestly mean an eight?” 

“You aren’t that hot,” I lied, glaring at him.

“Is that so?” His look was calculating, and that should have been enough of a warning, but did I heed it? Hell no.

“Yes.” Rather proud of the confident tone I’d used to answer his question, I nodded my head.

“Then I don’t think you should suck my cock.” He looked just as confident as me, if not more so. Where was this heading?

“You don’t?” My voice may have wavered slightly, because it was something I’d been looking forward to doing, and it now looked like it might be taken away. My plan had just backfired, and spectacularly so. You know that ‘taking candy away from a baby’ expression – well my face must have looked a picture, but thankfully he seemed oblivious to my obvious torment.

“But we have a problem, Lois.” He sat with his face in his hands and looked deep in concentration. It was almost amusing, considering the subject of his thoughts, but I was not to be consoled in any way, shape, or form.

“What’s that?” I asked resignedly. This was probably going to be yet another thing I would not like.

“We need to cross oral sex off the list, or we’ll need to fight for it again. You’re two down to nothing, and I need you in some kind of useful state for training, so… how about I practise on you.” The downward lilt to the end of his sentence suggested it was not a question, and that bothered me.

“I’m not sure I like that idea.” My face wrinkled up as I remembered the last series of orgasms he had given me, all in quick succession. Could my body take any more of that? Doubtful.

“It wasn’t a question, Lois.” And there it was. I bit my lip and tilted my head from side to side for a couple of seconds. I may have looked like an idiot, but at least I didn’t swear and try to lump him one.

“Follow me.” James strode out of the room with a sprightly step, and I swore silently at his back. I ached all over, and whilst I might have brought this upon myself, blaming Mr. Leveritt was a whole lot more fun.

“I almost heard that, Lois.”

Ooh, you fucking didn’t, I mouthed to myself.

“I almost heard that, too.”

I could envisage the bastard smiling as he said it, and that enraged me more. Calm down, Lois, and get some perspective on the situation. Yeah, like that was possible. Somehow, my body found some energy, fuelled mostly by anger, and though crawling was now pretty painful, we were in my bedroom again before I knew it. 

“On the bed.” James gave a flick of his fingers, and this time I did as he said without question. I wasn’t going to contemplate another round of sparring today, and it was beginning to dawn on me that I was no match for James. He was in another category entirely, and I would have dearly loved to know where he learnt to fight like that.

“Spread your legs.”

“I love it when you talk dirty, Sir,” I purred.

“What have we said about that sassy mouth of yours, Lois? It’s going to land you in trouble. The question is, what kind of trouble? Shall we say ten edging sessions followed by an orgasm if you’re good?”

“What does ‘edging’ mean?" I asked suspiciously, slowly widening my legs upon the crisp white sheets of my double bed. 

“It’s when you’re taken to the edge of orgasm, but not allowed to come. Basically, it’s a vicious form of teasing, but it does have its benefits.”

Raising an eyebrow, I waited for him to continue.

He took his own sweet time in replying, settling himself between my thighs whilst happily blowing warm little breaths of air upon my sex and watching me quiver in delight. Honestly, I couldn’t help it. There was a hot man between my legs, who was amazing at just about everything he did between the sheets (or outside of them, for that matter) and my body was singing his praises, even if my mind still rebelled.

“When you’re finally allowed to come, things get a little more interesting than usual.” There was a heavier breath of air, and I jumped. 

“Damn it, James.”

“Damn it, Sir. Actually, that should be, ‘Whatever you say, Sir.’”

“Yes, Sir. Define interesting? Unless the idea is just to torment me silly, which you seem to excel at, by the way.” I shuffled up the bed, trying to escape the heat of his mouth. It was a fruitless endeavour, because he just moved higher up the bed himself. 

“It isn’t a whole lot of fun for you, no. Well, not until the end.” He smirked.

“What aren’t you telling me?” My body did another involuntary shuffle, and I hit the headboard. Damn it. 

“You’ll find out soon enough. Okay, Lois, the rules of the game are thus. If you play nicely and lie there perfectly still, I won’t cuff you. As an added incentive to lie still, I’ll also let you come at the end of the session, which you’ll want to do.”

“Says who?” I glowered at him.

“Trust me.” His tongue snaked out and caught my clit in a single, deep stroke. I was immediately in a whirlwind of oestrogen and progesterone, and whether or not I trusted him, I already wanted an orgasm, so things were not looking good. He then used his tongue to gently tickle my sex for a minute or two, which also drove me crazy, before pulling out the big guns and suckling at me for all he was worth. Stopping dead about three seconds before I was about to scream the walls down, he looked up at me, almost apologetically as I lay there panting, in a reasonable degree of discomfort. Thankfully, it was nothing that I couldn’t handle. 

“Will they do this to me in CB?” I asked breathlessly.

James began fondling my thigh with his fingers, and I felt the current shoot sharply upwards. Hopefully Alain would be hideously ugly, or I would be done for. A sharp bite on my thigh knocked that thought straight out of my head, and I squealed, though it hadn’t really hurt that much.

“Yes, and no.” 

“That’s not an answer.” The ‘r’ sound hung on for a lot longer than necessary, because he attached his mouth between the centre of my legs once more. After what seemed like an eternity of licking, sucking, and biting torture, he came up for air to answer my question.

“It’s the truth, and it’s the only answer I’m prepared to give.” I then had a brief respite from his mouth whilst he used his fingers to flick, press, and dive deeply into me. What I wouldn’t have done for release at this moment in time was anyone’s guess but let me tell you it could have involved a hacksaw and James’s head.

“Explain.” My voice was a good deal higher pitched than usual, but there was little I could do about it. 

“Yes, they’ll do this to you in CB, but no, it’s unlikely that they’ll let you come at the end. They like keeping you on edge.”

Another deft sweep of his tongue and I was there again, body stiffening, and limbs hardening into painful lines whilst my breath came in short little pants. When he stopped, I howled.

“So, I might as well get used to this?” The thought was abhorrent.

“Yes. That’s what you’re here for.” James traced a figure of eight around my sex, and it didn’t improve my mood in the least. Not for the first time, I wondered what the hell I was doing here. How long could a person endure this rubbish? Sighing, and gritting my teeth as he began again, I decided I could endure it for long enough to get the job done. After that, nothing else would matter.

Clutching the headboard above my head with all the strength I had left, my hands were shaking as James brought me to the eighth ‘edge.’ My body felt as limp as a rag doll and my energy had dwindled down to nothing. The effort of keeping my hands from either a) pushing him as far away from me as far as possible, or b) knocking him unconscious, was almost too much to bear. Being tortured by pain was one thing - being tortured by pleasure was another entirely.

“Stop, stop, stop,” I whispered, unable to help myself. Almost certain that I couldn’t suffer through yet another second of this miserable torment, he came at me again. 

Spluttering and groaning, my clitoris so sensitive it could barely be touched without pain, he took no mercy on me, diving in for yet another round. I think I began screaming uncontrollably, though I couldn’t be entirely sure, as my head was spinning around in circles and my body was tied up in knots. Never having wanted to come so badly, I would have sold my soul to the devil in order for this round to be the last. Clamping my mouth shut to stop the awful noise that was filling the room, I tried to lay as still and as silent as I was able, in the hopes that James might misjudge the exact moment to stop. Of course, he knew my body almost better than I knew it myself, and I was screaming out my frustrations at the top of my lungs yet again, wondering if anyone bar myself actually heard me.

“Just one more to go, Lois. You’re doing great,” James said with what I thought was a genuinely pleased look. I had news for him. I was not doing great, not by a long shot. There was a raging fever storming through my body that demanded to be sated, but I wasn’t entirely sure I’d be able to see the next session through to the end in order to enjoy it. On the other hand, the thought of not being able to quench the fire that had been so cruelly stoked within me was impossible to contemplate. For the love of God, Lois, you’ve been in far worse situations than this. Woman up to the challenge! The trouble was, normally I’d be able to distance myself from the guy I was with, but this time it wasn’t possible. Trying desperately to keep a clear head, my body was driving me crazy. It was almost as if James had turned it into a weapon to be used against me, and right now, I’d rather be in anyone’s body but my own. 

Tears were pouring down my cheeks when he began the tenth and final increment of my torture. I couldn’t tell you how many times I wished I hadn’t fought him for oral sex. I could have deep-throated him a couple of times and been lying fast asleep on my bed by now. Instead, I’d undergone what was pleasure’s version of pain’s waterboarding, and the monster above me was still going strong. 

“Stop, stop, stop, stop,” I mumbled, as my legs quivered like spring flowers in the breeze. I couldn’t take any more. Even one more second was going to send me insane. 

“Now you don’t really mean that.” Captain Smug paused for a gulp air, then continued his pursuits below deck. Wisely, I didn’t answer his question. It was entirely possible that he wouldn’t lavish me with the orgasm he’d promised, and as much as I hated the thought, I also wanted it so badly I was prepared to do anything he asked of me, should it be necessary. That was the stage where I was at, and I wasn’t particularly proud of the fact.

“Beg me, Lois. Beg me for that release you so desperately need.” His fingers kneaded my legs as his teeth nipped a way up my thigh. Tiny flicks of his tongue along my sex sent paroxysms all the way through my body, from the tips of my toes to the top of my hair roots. 

“Do you enjoy humiliating people?” I moaned. My thumbs gripped on to the iron headboard like a lifeline, and if I’d have let go of my anchor point, I was sure I would fall to pieces.

“Yes, but this is nothing compared to what they’ll do to you in CB, Lois. Am I getting through to you yet? This is the kind of torment you’ll be expected to endure on a regular basis. Are you strong enough for that, kitten?”

My legs twitched madly as he worked his way up and down them, his fingers in my pussy working the wetness back over my sex in order to use it as lubrication, so he could torment me a little bit more. The man was an animal.

“Yes. I’ll take whatever they throw at me.”

“Then you’d better be prepared to take whatever I throw at you. Beg, Lois. Prettily. You can do it.”

“Please, Sir, please can I come?” I wailed.


“Why, you colossal ass…” A heavy hand over my mouth stopped me from saying anything further, but the temptation to bite it was great. 

“You even think of finishing that sentence and I’ll make sure you don’t come for the rest of your stay here.” That was enough to have me tucking my canines back in where they belonged.

“You said that you’d let me,” I whined. 

“Yes, and they’ll say that, too. Lesson one is that everyone behind closed doors at CB is an asshole.”

“How come you get to say things like that, but I’m not allowed to,” I grumbled.

“I’m not the sub.” 

Deciding I had every reason to smack the living daylights out of the man, I tried to raise my hand from the bedpost, only to find that it was rather permanently secured by means of a cuff. Turning to the other side, I found that my other arm wore a matching steel bracelet.

“How in hell did you manage that?”

“You were preoccupied.” James flicked my nipple with a fingernail and I almost sobbed out loud.

“Are you just going to leave me here like this?”

“Yes. You need to get used to the feeling.” 

Pulling at the handcuffs madly, and realising there was little point fighting with solid steel, I said, “For the love of God, James, please will you let me have an orgasm just like you promised, and in return I promise not to kill you when you release me.” I was deadly serious.

“You promise not to try and kill me when I release you. There’s a difference.”

“Release me this instant, James Leverett,” I screamed, making about as much noise as the average rock band, “Or I’ll fucking castrate you.”

He laughed. The bastard actually laughed out loud. “You are going to get into so much trouble, Lois. I’ll be amazed if you aren’t dead within a week. I think we need to work on curbing that acerbic tongue of yours.” Sucking his index finger into his mouth, he sighed, and my pulsing clit sighed with him. “Tell you what, Lois. If we can do the next thing off the limits list without having to fight each other, I’ll let you come.” He licked his lips, in case I was in any doubt to his meaning.

“But that’s cheating,” I howled, incensed that he would pull this stunt on me.

“It is, but you’re the one who’s tied up and wants an orgasm, so the ball is firmly in my court.”

“One day, Mr. Leveritt, I am going to cut off…”

“Your deal expires in three seconds. One, two…”

“I’ll take it. I’ll take it,” I yelled. He didn’t give me a chance to say that there were certain conditions I wanted to add to his offer, because his mou