The Healing of Lust- No Going Back by Danielle W Batts - HTML preview

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Burning desire


It had only been a few days when Wendy next visited our house. The weather was hot that summer. I was sitting watching TV when Wendy arrived to see my sister. She stayed for coffee and a chat and Just when she was leaving, she slipped a folded piece of paper into my hand. The moment she was out of the door I went to my room to read it, to avoid prying eyes.

Meet me at the caravan in one hour for your next lesson. Suggest you have a wank beforehand. Yes! I thought I may even have a bath. In fact, I may even have a wank while taking a bath. 


Wendy was already there when I arrived at my uncle’s caravan. Within moments we were stripped to our underwear and underneath the duvet, kissing. Wendy loved kissing, proper kissing. We took it in turns to prob inside each other’s mouths. We and even attempted the skilful art of double tongues, delving into each other’s mouths simultaneously, but that required a lot more practice.


Now groping, and kissing is where things really start to warm up. I was already engorged when Wendy explored my cock through my pants. She could feel its gentle curve, my knob restrained from going any further by the waistband. Wendy squeezed my balls and then wrapped her fingers around my shaft.


It was only polite that should return her affections. Her cotton panties cut tight to her pussy. I ran my fingertip up and down her crack. I imagined her camel toe as I fingered the fabric into her engorged lips. In moments she was wet. I was wet. I pressed her wet patch and I could feel her entrance, I forced her panties to mould into her. I so wanted to push those knickers all the way into her, but Wendy intervened.


“Take my knickers off, you naughty boy.” She raised her hips to assist me while hurriedly pulling at mine. We were naked both shaking with excitement. My cock was fully erect and oozing with pre-cum as she laid beneath me, her legs splayed.


For the first time, my penis touched her soft pussy lips. I was rampant with arousal as I stabbed aimlessly with my cock trying to find her entrance. She giggled,

“lower. It's lower down." Wendy was also hungry for sex and did not want to wait any longer. She knew I would soon peak and she wanted me to be inside her for that moment. Wendy took my shaft and guided me into her secret chamber. Our sex together was short, but it was electric. I would have dearly loved to have fucked all night, but that was never an option for my first time. My cock throbbed inside her and all too soon I shot my hot cream. I couldn't be certain, but I think she came too. Afterwards, we laid together until my erection turned limp.


I was elated. My time with Wendy as she took my virginity was the best feeling in the world and a moment I would cherish for years. Our sex high finally waned, and rational thinking returned. Shit, I thought, I never wore a Jonny, even though I had bought a packet with me. Wendy smiled as if she could read my mind, "Don't worry, I'm on the pill."


The evening was young. We decided to have a drink at the holiday-park clubhouse.

“It will be a chance for you to recharge your batteries, cos I haven’t finished with you yet.” I grinned with delight at the thought of a second chance to fuck Wendy. While she went to the bar, and just in case the staff questioned my age, I stayed outside and found us a table in a quiet corner of the garden. Soon Wendy returned, carrying two pints of cider. She had also bought a packet of cigarettes and a box of matches. We drank, we smoked, and we laughed.


I was halfway through my second pint when Wendy asked me,

“are you ready yet?”

“I’ve still got half a pint left!” I replied. Wendy placed her hand on my crotch.

“I didn’t mean have you finished your drink.” She squeezed my cock to see if there were any signs.

“Oh, well, let’s find out.” Concealed by the table I placed my hand on Wendy’s leg and slid it up beneath her skirt until the tips of my fingers touched her love mound. I felt her softness again, her panties were still damp. My cock started to swell. Wendy looked into my eyes.

“You’re ready.”


We hurried back to the caravan. As we arrived, I was shocked to see a car parked outside.

“Fuck. That’s my uncle’s car. I forgot, mum said he was coming down this weekend.” I looked at Wendy with sorrowful puppy-dog eyes.

"Don't worry," she said, come with me, I have an idea.” She took my hand and we left the caravan park.


The path we followed led us through the woods until we reached a hay meadow on the other side. Ready for the machine to lift them onto the trailer, bales of hay were stacked together, ten high, looking like a town of the three little pigs. The meadow was quiet, the farmer had finished his work for the day. We pushed over a haystack and made our own little camp, four walls, two bales high and with a small gap as an entrance.


In seconds we were both naked again. This time when we made love, I found my way without guidance. Halfway through, Wendy felt the makings of her orgasm. “Let me go on top,” she pleaded. She wanted to act out the thoughts in her mind, the fantasy chats she had had with her friends when, from an early age, they talked about boys and having sex. Wendy wanted to ride my erection, to pleasure herself as she wanted, to drive my cock deep into her pussy as she wanted. And I had no problem experiencing this new position. To feel my cock inside her, to watch her tits as they bounced up and down bought me closer to orgasm with each joyful thrust. We both reached our climax, and this time Wendy confirmed she had had a massive orgasm.


Wendy lit a single fag and we shared the calming pleasure as we breathed in the cigarette smoke. Still straddling me, Wendy gyrated her hips, checking she had milked every drop from me, vein-fully hoping I could manage a replay. Sadly, she was unable to win a second orgasm as my cock slowly deflated inside her and the juice of our love trickled down over my balls.


I'm not sure if we even dozed off after we finished our fag and laid there cuddling in the warm evening sunshine. I could have sworn we had extinguished the cigarette properly. Suddenly a bale of hay ignited, and it was well alight before we realised what had happened. We both sprang to our feet and flapping around we tried to put out the flames. It was no use. In the end, we fled naked and dressed once we were back in the trees. We could only watch as the flames consumed our little pig's house of hay filling the sky with grey smoke. Luckily the rest of the haystacks was far enough away not to catch fire.


It was then I realised I had left my pants behind, during our blind panic. I never could explain to my mother.

“Where are your dirty underpants?” she asked, as she sorted through the laundry basket. I knew they were heavily soiled with the pre-cum so maybe it wasn’t a bad thing that they went up in smoke.