The Healing of Lust- No Going Back by Danielle W Batts - HTML preview

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A troubled Child


Wendy and I laid on the bed in our state of undress and we talked and laughed for ages. 

“So, come on then,” Wendy said, let's share a secret. You tell me something no one else knows and I will tell you a secret of mine.”

“Just one!” I joked, “you only have one… Ok then. Would you like to know why they call me Teddy?”


“Go on then, why?” My face flushed with embarrassment and already I wondered if I should have kept my mouth shut.

“If I tell you, you must promise me never to say a word, to anyone, and especially not Lou.” Wendy gave her solemn oath.


“I must have been about fourteen when I first learnt it was fun to play with myself. And I don't mean sticking tiny pieces of plastic together to make a model aeroplane that was never going to fly anyway. Once I had a taste for it, I found it quite addictive. Perhaps that’s why as I got older, I spent more time in the shower and taking long baths!” Wendy smiled and listened intently.


“Lousy loved to wind me up so I tried my hardest to get one over on her. On this occasion, I was alone in the house. As usual, if I got bored, I started to think about sex. In particular some of the girls from school. I imagined them running around the pitch, with braless tee-shirts and wearing tiny red hockey skirts with skin-tight hot pants beneath.” Wendy interrupted,

"I used to have to wear them, I think I even saw you once, perving at me," I smirked at her joke. She wasn't making my story any easier to tell.


“I was searching Lousy’s room to see how I could piss her off… Sitting on her bed she had this great big teddy bear. It would have stood about three foot tall if it could have stood. I had already rifled through her underwear drawer and pulled out a pair of silky panties. The same colour as I imagined the hockey girls wearing. I thought it would be a good idea to dress teddy in them, for Lousy to find when she came home. The fact was, they felt very soft and smooth. I had already rubbed them across my cheeks, before trying to stuff teddy's fat fury legs into them."


 Wendy was beginning to crumble. I could see how hard it was for her to keep a straight face.

“I know it sounds a bit pervy, but I wondered what those panties would feel like against my cock.”

“No!” Wendy cried, with tears in her eyes. “please don’t tell me you did!” Now I really wished I hadn’t shared my secret. Wendy was in fits, but she begged me to continue.  

“Fuck it, I’m in the house, alone, no one’s going to know. I took off my trousers and pants. I already had a hard-on thinking of those hot girls. I did it. I took teddy by his arms and rubbed his pantie covered crotch up and down my shaft. I not going to lie, it felt good. I laid teddy on the bed and climbed on top. Before I knew it I had slid my dick inside the leg hole. I’m sure teddy never minded me fucking him on Lou’s bed. He did growl at me a couple of times, he had one of those things inside that make a sound when rocked.”

“Go on, go on, what next” Wendy pleaded.

“To finish my experiment, I grasped my cock through those knickers and imagined it was one of the hockey girl’s wearing them. The next thing I knew I had shot my load all over teddy and Lou’s knickers.” Wendy was now crying.

“They say a standing cock bears not conscious.” We both laughed before I finished my story.

“I suddenly grasped the full horror of how I had violated poor teddy. I rushed to the bathroom to clean him up. The face flannel was all I could find, in my panic. I didn’t think who might use it next.


Just then I heard a key go in the front door. I panicked. The lock on the bathroom door had broken months ago and dad had never fixed it. Before I could finish cleaning up mother came rushing up the stairs needing the loo. As the door opened, she caught me standing there naked from the waist down, cum was dripping from the end of my knob and teddy was half-submerged in the sink still wearing Lou's red knickers.


Much to my amazement, she didn't say much. I think, after that, she believed I was a little troubled. "You best get that teddy cleaned up," she said, "and make sure you put that flannel out to be washed."

For a long while, I thought mum had kept my little secret, but when dad started calling me Teddy, I knew she had told him. After Dad called me, Teddy, everyone else followed.”


When it came to Wendy telling me her secret, she just grinned and looked out of the window. It was almost dark.

“It will have to wait until next time. I promise I will tell you then.”

“Will there be a next time then?”

“Maybe,” Wendy said.