7 Motivational Marketing Weapons Against Fear by John Di Lemme - HTML preview

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Motivational Marketing Weapon #7: Change Your Habits

Last but not least, the final weapon comes from Affirmation #121, “My habits predict supernatural miracles.” Habit is defined as “a usual or established behavior.” Basically, it’s something that you do all the time without much thought. It’s second nature.

What are your habits? What’s that one thing that is second nature or just comes naturally? For example, if you were to throw a basketball to Michael Jordan, he would catch it. Even if he was in the middle of a conversation, he would likely catch the ball without thinking about it. It comes natural to him, because he’s been doing it his entire life. For years, he practiced and trained to be one of the very best basketball players in history. My favorite Michael Jordan quote is “If you quit once, it becomes a habit. Never quit!” He fully understands that one decision will develop a habit that could change the course of your future. Michael Jordan’s success lies in his daily habits and refusal to quit.

Now, let me ask you again. What are your habits? Take a minute to think about what you do every day that has become a developed habit – good or bad. For me, it’s exercise and self-development. No matter where I am in the world I will exercise and do my self-development, which I like to call my Morning Miracle Preparation. I drink a gallon of water every day without hesitation. These are my habits that empower me to face my day with strength and live in an atmosphere of supernatural expectation that miracles will happen in my life.

Unfortunately, the word “habit” has a negative undertone. When most people think of a habit, they reflect on the self-destructive things that they do in life such as smoking, drinking, laziness, etc. When you shift your focus from bad habits to good ones, your life will change and most of those bad habits will fade away.

For instance, if you make a decision to create a new daily habit of eating healthy and exercising every day, then it will be harder for you to continue smoking and drinking. The two habits just simply don’t go together and it’s hard for them to coexist. In the end, one habit will win over the other, and it’s your decision as to which one it will be.

Similarly in business, fear and faith cannot go hand in hand. The enemy of fear cannot live in the faith zone, where you are saying your daily affirmations, immersing yourself in daily personal development, building your business on a solid foundation of integrity, and focusing on long-term relationships with your clients. Those are just a few habits that annihilate the enemy of fear.

Once you’ve established your faith zone and those daily habits come second nature to you, I guarantee your customers will take notice and your business will explode. There’s no stopping the supernatural miracles that will occur in your life once you make the decision to change your habits.