7 Motivational Marketing Weapons Against Fear by John Di Lemme - HTML preview

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The three major enemies in your life are fear, indecision, and procrastination. They are the enemies of your success that slow down your ability to achieve your Why. When you’re fearful and indecisive you procrastinate, “Should I do it? Should I not do it?” You can’t move forward, because you are being held back by these enemies.

Fear, indecision and procrastination are activated and/or deactivated by the words that we speak. Many people unconsciously choose to deactivate their miracle through their negative words such as, “This is just who I am. I can’t achieve success. That’s only for the rich people.” Their words instantly activate fear, indecision and procrastination that will ultimately keep them stuck in their same situation.

I’m going to teach you seven motivational marketing weapons to win the battle against fear, which is the biggest enemy of our success. Most people are so frozen with fear that it seems impossible for them to even remotely believe that they have the ability to achieve their Why in life. That’s why we need weapons to fight fear and annihilate it from our lives.

I love teaching from Navy SEAL books, because of the mindset and discipline it takes to be a Navy SEAL. The mind and body are capable of achieving miracles when there’s no way out except to fight. Real enemies exist in the physical realm. That’s why we have the United States military and special operation teams like the Navy SEALs.

Right now, there is a rapid increase of weapons being used against our freedom by enemies from around the world. Navy SEALs are trained to protect that freedom. Even when a Navy SEAL has survived Hell Week, completed years of intense training, and ultimately received his trident, he must still participate in additional trainings. If a Navy SEAL has not been in combat within the last year and he’s on active duty, he has to go through another three-week “refresher course.” The enemy produces weapons so quickly that just training from a year ago is not going to give a Navy SEAL the extra edge to defeat the enemy.

If the top military forces in the world have to consistently participate in training to fight the enemy, then so do you. Fear is relentless and you must be highly trained and possess weapons to fight it. I’m using the military example, because it’s a war out there. We are constantly bombarded by the negative societal views that attempt to label us as how we are seen by others instead of the Champion deep inside that has a right to success.

Once again, you must be trained to fight for your Why. The first step is making sure that you have the needed weapons to protect yourself. So, let’s get started!