7 Steps To Health and The Big Diabetes Lie by Max Sidorov - HTML preview

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What many doctors and other health specialists practicing mainstream medicine don't realize is how important nutrition is to good health. How could they? Doctors barely get 6 hours of nutrition education for every year they are in medical school.

Doctors aren't being trained to help you; they are trained to become glorified prescription drug dispensers. And since the multibillion dollar pharmaceutical companies are the ones sponsoring and writing curriculum for medical schools, nothing is going to change anytime soon.

And this big pharma influence doesn't stop in medical school; pharmaceutical companies legally bribe doctors to prescribe you more drugs. Many doctors get kickbacks from drug companies for every drug they prescribe or certain brand of insulin meter they recommend to you.

The entire medical system is made to keep you hooked on drugs for life while lining the greedy pockets of pharmaceutical companies. Nobody wants to cure you or make you get better. Everything is made to keep you as sick as possible, thereby guaranteeing profits to them for life.

Sounds grim? Well it is. Think about it. If your diabetes goes away, they lose a customer. They can't sell you any more insulin pumps, glucose meters or monthly drug refills. That's tens of thousands of dollars lost from every patient. This is why they have absolutely no intention of helping you get better. If they were actually in the health business, they'd be putting themselves out of business.

I couldn't just sit there and watch so many diabetics suffer and struggle their entire lives, which is why I wrote this book. In this book I cover the many aspects of proper nutrition and how it relates to perfect health. Countless scientific studies over the years have shown that proper nutrition is many times more effective than most drugs and pills at reversing, curing and eliminating disease.

I think you deserve to know the truth regarding our medical system, food and drug system, and health policy. I think you deserve to know what is being done and not being done to keep you sick and unhappy, and I want to shed some light on what is actually important and what actually matters. And I think you deserve to know that the most common notions you have been told about the food you eat, and about health and disease are wrong:

  • Hoping that drug manufacturers or genetic research is eventually going to discover the miracle pill to “cure” any disease is ignoring the decades of scientific studies and research that already prove how diseases can be reversed and prevented with diet alone.
  • Chemicals in the environment, as bad as they might be, as well as your “predisposition” to disease are not the main causes of most illnesses.
  • The genes that you inherit from your parents are not the most important factors that will determine whether you will suffer from any illnesses or diseases.
  • Controlling any one aspect of your diet, for example carbohydrates, fats, protein, or any one nutrient is not going to lead to any strong improvement in your health.
  • Drugs and surgery DO NOT cure the diseases that kill most people today.
  • Most likely, you doctor has absolutely no idea what you need to do to be the healthiest that you can be.

The health industry, just like any other industry, is just that; an industry. And the sole purpose of any giant mainstream industry is to increase profits. How does the health industry make money? They need more and more unhealthy people each year who will buy their products. What would happen if people became healthy, and happy? That’s right, the whole industry would collapse overnight, and all their billion dollar profits would disappear.


Countless scientific studies (which I will get to later on) over the years have proven that simple dietary and lifestyle changes work much better than conventional methods involving drugs and surgery and without the side-effects. When you take drugs, you still LIVE with the disease you are treating. You still LIVE with the side-effects from the disease while throwing away your money on pointless pills.

When you start eating right, when you eliminate the harmful oils, fats, and foods, your diabetes goes into remission and overtime even disappears - and with it disappear all the horrible side-effects. Without the use of drugs, pills, surgery or injections.

And trust me, you are going to be quite angry when you see for yourself what the drugs and pills that you might be taking really do to you - and why you never even had to take them in the first place.

Tomorrow's Medicine

"Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food"


2500 years ago, Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine", said to his students, "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food". Moses Maimonides, the great 12th century physician, repeated the Hippocratic statement when he said, "No illness which can be treated by diet should be treated by any other means". In essence, Hippocrates and Maimonides were insisting that their students practice nutrition therapy, healing the body not by pills, drugs, or surgery, but by changing the things you eat. This type of medical therapy is being used by doctors today, but only by a very small minority.

If you went to your mechanic because there was a loud noise coming from the car and instead of fixing the problem he gave you some ear plugs, would you be satisfied? If a red warning light started blinking and all your mechanic would do is remove the light, would you be happy? This is the same problem with doctors. When you go to a doctor, many of them don't tell you how to cure your disease or ailment but prescribe pills to fight the SIDE EFFECTS of this problem. The drugs simply turn off the warning lights that your body is frantically flashing.

High cholesterol? They tell you to take some cholesterol lowering drugs without analyzing you body to find out WHY you have high cholesterol. High cholesterol is a warning sign of something much worse.

Have heart disease? Blocked arteries? They say you need heart bypass surgery or blood thinning drugs. They never tell you how to clear up your arteries or reverse your heart disease.

Do you have diabetes? The doctor puts you on drugs, and makes you measure your blood sugar daily. None of these things will ever cure diabetes, they are just treatments.

Have you ever wondered why some people have diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol and other illnesses while others don't? It's all very simple - they eat different foods.

Doctors are not trained in nutrition; they are trained to prescribe drugs and other medicines. They are not allowed by law to even mention natural ways to cure illness or disease using anything other than prescription drugs.

Toximolecular medicine, used by the majority of doctors (especially in the past 50 years) is the administration of drugs at sub-lethal levels to cover up diseases or ailments. Drugs, of course, are alien chemicals which serve to cover-up the disease – to mask it, help relieve symptoms, but never to eliminate the real cause. They offer symptomatic relief but often at the cost of severe and dangerous side effects (if you read the side effect list on some of the most popular drugs, they actually cause much more problems than they solve).

Drugs create dependence on the part of the patient and often complicate the doctor's job by masking or alleviating the symptoms, which are valuable clues as to the real source of the disease or illness.

Of course drugs can save the life of an ill patient, as can surgery and the other techniques at which doctors are very good at. But the paradigm is changing. The common practice of using drugs or surgery to treat what is caused by nutritional deficiencies is slowly on its way out the door. As a doctor in Dublin recently said, "The evidence for nutritional therapy is becoming so strong that if the doctors of today don't become nutritionists, the nutritionists will become the doctors of tomorrow."

Patrick Holford, Director of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in London which is at the forefront of research and education in this field, makes this very clear: “Tomorrow's medicine will not be about using nutrients instead of drugs. It will be about looking through a new pair of glasses which reveal the true causes of disease. In most cases these lie in faulty nutrition, pollution, stress, negativity, addiction and lack of exercise - the greatest cause of all being ignorance. The original meaning of the word 'doctor' is "teacher or learned man" and that is perhaps the most important role a health professional can perform.”

Let’s figure out the basics first. We do not have a headache because of a lack of Tylenol, and we don’t develop diabetes because of a lack of Metformin. Our stomachs don’t get upset because of a lack of Pepto-Bismol, and I’m sure we don’t get high cholesterol because of a lack of cholesterol lowering drugs. Do you see where I’m going?

Tylenol does not cure your headache, it just stops you from feeling it, Metformin does not cure diabetes, it just makes your liver release less glucose, and Aspirin thins the blood which “seems” to help with heart disease, but why was the blood thick anyway? Why did you have a headache? Why is there so much glucose in your blood? What is the CAUSE of all those diseases? Has anyone ever asked what the real cause of their disease was instead of just taking a pill to make the symptoms go away?

The entire approach and foundation of Orthodox Medicine is based on Luis Pasteur's Germ Theory, a flawed concept. A disease condition is viewed by the orthodoxy as an isolated event, confined to the area in which it manifests itself (E.g. an ear infection, eye infection, gum infection, lung cancer, skin cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. ). Under this theory, for unknown reasons, microbes or tumors indiscriminately grow in the patient and must be cut (surgery), burned (radiation), or poisoned (drugs) out of the body. In the orthodox model, the solution is sought through mechanical and chemical means. Seeking to understand WHY the infection or disease condition appeared in the first place, is not explored. The quick fix with a prescription for drugs to smother the symptoms is the typical orthodox 'answer'.

A contemporary of Pasteur, Antoine Bechamp, had a different opinion as to why disease conditions 'took hold'. Bechamp felt that the ENVIRONMENT, or the ECOLOGY of the blood played the critical role in deciding whether disease conditions would manifest or not.

It is important to discover the stressors (environmental, biological, chemical, psychological, and emotional) in a patient's life that cause a weakening of a particular bodily system; which in turn allows the manifestation of a disease condition in a weakened area. In order to maintain a state of health, all systems within the body need to exist in a state of balance or equilibrium. Imbalance leads to conditions of discomfort (disease) which eventually spirals into ill health if not corrected. The Chinese and Indians (Ayurvedic medicine) had worked all of this out thousands of years ago.

Orthodox or Allopathic Medicine utilizes poisonous substances (drugs) in non-lethal dosages in order to suppress symptoms in an affected area. This approach neither addresses the cause of the disease condition, nor is it responsible for healing the patient. Rather, the use of drugs often will temporarily mask the outer manifestations of the malady, while at the same time, drive the disease deeper into the body...only to reappear at a later date, as a more serious, and chronic health threat. One of the many flaws of the orthodox approach is that it focuses on the disease condition itself, rather than the patient. The term holistic (or holistic) originally sprang up to distinguish those physicians whose diagnostic methods consider all of the physical and emotional factors interacting with the patient.

Why is medicine these days so concerned about the symptoms, why do we have so many drugs for so many diseases? Every year there is a thousand new diseases added to the list. It’s because treating the symptom is much more profitable for the billion dollar drug companies than curing the cause.

There are a few principles guiding the pharmaceutical “business of diseases,” and none of them have anything to do with your health. The financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry do not lie in the cure or prevention of the common disease – the maintenance and expansion of diseases is the only way for the financial growth of this industry. A key strategy to accomplish this goal is the development of drugs that merely mask symptoms while avoiding the curing or elimination of diseases. This explains why most prescription drugs marketed today have no proven efficacy and merely target symptoms.

Medical doctors are not trained in nutrition; they are trained in drugs, drugs, and more drugs. Asking a doctor about nutrition is like asking a train conductor about brick laying.

The monumental rise of the pharmaceutical industry seen in the last couple of decades should be followed by the reduction of diseases right? Since there are thousands upon thousands of drugs for every possible disease or illness, people should be feeling better, healthier, more vibrant and full of energy, right? You would think so. But the fact is, EVERY SINGLE disease is on the rise EVERY SINGLE year!
