77 Secrets of Seduction by Alexandra Fox by Shadhin Khan - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

Men Don’t Really Know What They


Dear Friend,

Let me start this letter by asking you a few questions. Please be honest when you answer them.

Have you ever felt frustrated because the relationship is struck and going nowhere? Have you ever felt confused about what he's thinking and why he's not responding to you the way you'd like? Have you ever felt a lack of deep connection between you two? Doesn't it just kill you that when it comes to communicating with him, you have no idea what to say or what to do to get your desired outcome?

Have you ever wondered how some women can get any man they like? They are never the best-looking, the smartest, or the most accomplished. But for whatever reason, they can get a man to do anything for them … without even lifting a finger.

If so, you are not alone. For many years, I was confused about how attraction works. I had no idea what to do or what to say to get my desired outcome. It took me many painful trials and errors to finally figure out these must-know secrets that will help you transform your love life.