Acts of Apostle Continues with Your Name by Emmanuel Edache - HTML preview

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Series 1



One of the greatest gifts God has given to us is the gift of imagination. We can sit in one place and imagine the whole world; it is a gift and we thank God forit.

It is only on this side of eternity while we are alive that we can change anything about us, make decision concerning our soul and eternity.

He that judges himself will no longer be judged but he that lives as if he is not responsible to anyone will give account of his stewardship (daily life), while the man who judges himself and corrects himself as if he is accountable to the people will no longer be judged.

Let us put our imagination in to work now!

Now, all these things happened unto them for ensamples; and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he falls’ 1Cor.10:11-12.



Imagine fora moment that you are in the church, your local assembly, one Sunday morning; then King Solomon, the wisest king came to fellowship in your assembly. The pastor introduced him as the Son of David, a man after God’s own heart, the wisest and richest king that ever lived, the writer of the book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Songs of Solomon, the one who built the most magnificent temple for God, the great grand-father of our

Savior Jesus Christ. And the pastor continued the introduction;

This man married Seven hundred wives, Three hundred regular girlfriends, he came to the throne by the mercy of God because he was not the first son of David that should have taken over the throne; he built the magnificent temple for God Almighty in Jerusalem and also built one thousand altars to different gods and idols because he loved strange women and their idols. 1King 21-13.

He forsook the Lord God who established him. He oppressed the poor so much that Israel had to weep. They told his son Rehoboam; your father so tortured the masses with ‘SAP’ (Structural Adjustment Program) that never ended, hard austerity measure, please lighten our burden and we will serve you. 1king 124 “Thy father made our yoke grievous; now, therefore make thou the grievous service of thy father, and his heavy yoke which he put upon us, lighter and we will serve thee.

Because of this your father could not be named among the heroes of faith in Heb.11.

How do you think this special visitor will feel after this elaborate introduction?

Imagine for a moment you were King Solomon; all eyes on you! How would you feel listening to the story of your life? May be he didn’t know that someone was watching him and recording all his acts.

Imagine that you were king Hezekiah, who served God with the whole of his heart, you visited the house of God one day, and because you had caused reformation and revival in Israel, your good records, how you trusted God, removed all the idols in your kingdom, broke Nehushtan, (Moses’ lifted serpent in the wilderness that now became an object of worship in Israel), fought battles in the name of the Lord and defeated, prayed to God to change the date of your death, and God added 15 more years to you with an uncommon sign. Your credentials of the exploit you did for God is unending 2 kings 18 & 19.

Then when you came to church, the pastor handed over the bible to you to read the text for the day from 2 kings 211-18 where Manasseh your son ruled after you and all the evil he did; rebuilding all the idols you destroyed and even putting them in the house of God, shedding innocent blood even more than heathen kings.

And when you reflected back, you knew that you gave birth to this Manasseh after God had told you that his plan for you had been accomplished, that you should come and rest. You started praying a soul- ish prayer that God should give you more years. Within the years of your desire, you exposed the secrets of your God by showing the king of Babylon all the secret treasures of God’s house 2king 2012-17, you gave birth to Manasseh who became a reproach. Your successor became a reproach instead of a success.

How would you feel reading your own account to the on looking saints; elated or ashamed?

Maybe the last two examples were taken from the Old Testament; and as a New Testament believer, you are saved by grace and the Holy Spirit will not lead you into such assembly where you will be disgraced and embarrassed! Amen.

But imagine that you suddenly became Ananias or Sapphira, and you were invited to a fund-raising dinner for charity; and the chairman of the dinner knew you were there because you are a rich man with so many landed properties in choice places. The man chose to give his maiden address from the book of Acts 51-11 where in the midst of a mighty revival you lied, fearlessly lied in agreement with your wife to cheat, frustrate and test the Holy Spirit; and you received instant judgment of death, how would you feel sitting on the high table?

Now all these things happened unto them for ensample and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the end of the world is come 1Cor. 1011.

If human wisdom is so smart in this age that the government can put CCTVs on the roads, in the malls, cities, and this can be stored, played back when needed, zoomed where necessary,

How much more will the almighty God record your daily living as a special creature that Christ died for?

So our deeds are recorded.

There is a hand that is writing now

Christians live your life in Jesus,

To His royal mandate bow

For the day is approaching;

It must come to one and all

When your acts and your behavior

Will be shown for all to see."