Alexa - Legionnaire: Prequel to Alexa - The Series by Arno Joubert - HTML preview

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French Foreign League Headquarters

Aubagne, France


Alexa marched around the parade ground with the remaining thirty-eight troops who had completed the training with her. They stopped in front of Laiveaux, thudded their right boots down in unison, then saluted.

He saluted back. “At ease, lady and gentlemen,” he said, winking at Alexa. She smiled back.

He called them forward one by one, handing them their braided epaulets and white Kepis. Alexa’s name was called last. She marched forward and saluted. Laiveaux simply stood there, smiling. He took her shoulders and kissed her, once on each cheek, then handed her the epaulet and Kepi. “I never thought I would see this day, Miss Guerra.”

She smiled. “Didn’t think I had it in me, General?”

He pursed his lips, intense grey eyes assessing her. “You are an astonishing young lady.”

“What happens next, General?” she stammered, unable to think of anything else to say.

He gazed at her for a moment longer then smiled. “I’m going to fast-track your career, Lieutenant.”


“I’ll be sending you to Greece, parabatallions. You’re going to learn how to jump out of planes, my girl.”

Alexa’s mouth dropped open. She didn’t know what to say; her heart was beating in her throat. She had always wanted to skydive. And it was damn near impossible being selected for this elite unit. “Thanks, thank you so much, General.” Control yourself, dammit. He is a normal man, not a god.

He saluted. “Just be careful, my girl.”

She nodded then saluted smartly. “I’ll try, General.”

She turned towards the amazed faces of her fellow troops. Screw protocol, she thought as she fist-pumped the air.