Ascension: The Rising Son by AP West - HTML preview

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Chapter Eleven





Antonia sits on her bed waiting in the apartment she's called home for the last three years. Her dark-brown canvas backpack trembles in her lap as she nervously waits for her boyfriend, Paulus, to come and rescue her from the inevitable punishment that surely waits. She still doesn't know what happened. Just two days ago, she was a promising young officer, rapidly rising in the ranks of the Corsair. Even Brutalius had recently let her in his inner circle. And now, she has betrayed him.

At least that's what they told her. The last thing she remembers is updating the Corsair leader on the spread of the blackout-worm being installed on Alcazar's computers. She also recalls beginning diagnostics on attack programs for the assault shortly thereafter, but then that's it. The next thing she knows is waking up at home this morning, in this very bed, to the sound of officers knocking on her door. Their message was terrifying. It was full of accusations of treason and aiding the enemy. The only reason she's even still alive is because of her relationship with the younger son of Vitus Kaine. Her request to speak to him was the only thing that delayed her arrest. Justice is swift here and time is running out fast. I've probably only have an hour, she thinks to herself.

The doors swings open and in walks her savior. Tall, lean and muscular, he is bigger than his older brother and more handsome too. He dismisses the guard outside and shuts the door behind him. Antonia stands to embrace her hero, "I'm glad you're finally here, what did you find out? What exactly do they think I did?" His thick brow tilts upward in a stern look as he takes her hand, "We don't have time. We have to get you out of here, now."

"But if they catch us Paulus, your father will disown you, not to mention we'll both die."

"That's why we can't waste anymore time. I'm not worried about my father at the moment, my only concern is you. It's clear something's not right. We just have to be careful. You packed everything you need?"

"Yes, but the only thing I need is you."

Smiling, he takes her face in his hands, and they kiss passionately before going outside. "There was a big uproar in Alcazar today, some crazy, freaked out soldier came walking through, demanding to speak to Brutalius. He kept mumbling something about a message and someone named Apollo, you know, like the sun god? Does any of that ring a bell?"

Antonia shakes her head, but inside, she knows that's not true. Apollo. The word hovers oddly in her thoughts. She's almost certain she's heard of the person before, although she can't recall anyone by that name. As they climb on Paulus' motorcycle, he turns to her, "I'll explain everything better, once we get outside the Boundary. Don't worry; they won't touch you as long as you're with me." He kicks the bike to life, piercing the air with a deafening rumble. A dusty trail follows them as they speed off away from their home, and toward the southeast.




A black, military-looking truck accelerates across the dry soil in a swirl of dust. The ride is much smoother now since Apollo's gotten the hang of driving. It's a good thing there are not a lot of things to crash into. Grace looks over at him as he steers the truck they stole from a Corsair patrol. Apollo fought them, killing one and sparing the other in order to deliver a message to Brutalius Kaine. They've been traveling for a little over an hour and the forest seems closer now than ever. Its relative shelter and safety will provide much needed rest, giving them time to put the final touches on a plan to rescue Apollo's uncle and brother, and hopefully liberate their city.

"What happened to Oriah?" Grace's question makes him cringe at the memory of his father getting mauled by a mutant bear and captured. "We got attacked, but he didn't make it. You know, I think he sacrificed himself for me." Apollo suddenly slams on the brakes, causing Grace to lunge from her seat. Before she can protest, he is out of the truck, staring back towards Alcazar, he wipes a tear from his left cheek. "I fear the worst, Grace. I can't feel him. We could communicate telepathically, him and me, and I'm sure if he was alive he would reach me."

Apollo bends down, picks up a fist-sized stone and throws it. The rock leaves his hand with a much greater force than he seemed to have used. It moves with such velocity, it vanishes in an instant, following the curvature of the earth into the horizon. Grace stands up with surprise; her upper body protrudes through the open roof of the vehicle as she gapes at the awesome spectacle. She tries to reassure her close friend with something she believes is definitely a possibility, "Maybe he's alive, Apollo, he just can't talk right now."

"I hope you're right, but either way, we have to go back."

And just as soon as their words fade into the wind, something comes screaming through the sky. It's wailing whistle sounds like an incoming artillery shell. And in a loud, crisp and tight snap, the returning stone powerfully collides with Apollo's open palm, like a catcher's mitt snagging a fastball. Grace quickly ducks back through the opening and rolls from the truck. She runs to him with astonishment. Smoke smolders from Apollo's clenched fist, and blood trickles down his forearm. She shrieks as he opens his hand and they both examine the blood-dripping rock. "Oh my Goodness! Are you okay? What was that?" His unharmed hand makes it apparent that it's not Apollo's blood, and that only adds to Grace's mounting confusion.

"I don't know what's going on anymore. You're starting to scare me, Apollo."

He doesn't look her way, he just maintains his gaze in the direction of his enemies, answering her in a somber tone. "Brutalius got his message, and now his search for us will surely intensify. Let's get out of here."

But she doesn't budge, "No, you're going to have to tell me what happened." He turns to look at her and is shocked by the uncertainty in her eyes. He holds out his other hand, "I swear Grace, once we get there, I will tell you everything. Please, will you trust me?"

She still doesn't make a move.

Tears well in her eyes, as she notices the defeated look on his face. With his open hand still reaching for her, he pleads, "You know what's in my heart, I can't do this without you.”

She finally steps to him, rushing into his arms. He gently takes her face in both hands, and moves it back from his chest. With his forehead against hers, he gazes into her eyes, "I won't let them hurt you, I swear it." Dust churns around them as the wind eerily howls, seeming to mimic the destitute and loneliness of their circumstances. For a moment, they stand amidst the bleakness, holding onto each other because they know it's all they have left. Apollo finally takes her hand and they go back to the truck and resume their journey toward the protection of the large swathe of trees.




"But Sire, I think this is something you might need to hear." The guard winces a little as he speaks. He's obviously scared of his new leader's wrath. Brutalius has already dismissed the annoyance twice before, and the resourceful young tyrant tries to always think before he speaks. A message, for me? Who would dare send me a message?

"Fine, send him in, so you will shut up!"

The guard quietly cowers in compliance, nodding over to the Corsair guards standing by the enormous oak doors that are the entrance of the great Acropolis. They slowly creak open and a single disheveled, bloody, crumpled heap of a man limps in and toward Oriah's throne where Brutalius now sits. His sweat, mingled with blood and dirt, drips a dotted trail on the floor as he staggers. The condition of his ragged feet makes it clear he's been walk for at least hours, perhaps days. He finally reaches the throne, his empty, weary gaze rises up to meet the youthful conqueror. The man's voice carries a weird monotone quality as though he's in a trance.

"I have a message for you. Apollo Lex says to enjoy his father's chair. For he's coming to reclaim it."

Brutalius leaps up and glowers down at the pathetic waste he sees standing before him.

"Who! Who do you speak of! What weakling dare challenges me! I am the.."

The dazed courier calmly continues his proclamation, ignoring the Corsair leader's tirade, "And if anything happens to his people or his family, be assured Sire, you will suffer greatly."

Brutalius howls at the absurdity of the threat and pulls out a gleaming dagger from his right sleeve, sneering down at the feeble, defeated soldier. He's about to strike but then, something screeches through the open doors, down the Great Hall, and slams into the wretched messenger's head with a wet, solid thud. The man instantly falls to the ground and Brutalius staggers back startled, dropping his blade. Blood and brains cover his tattooed face. He shakes his head violently and glares about with wild eyes, searching every inch of the large room.

"Whoever this person thinks he is! We need to..."

He is interrupted as the stone suddenly dislodges itself from the man's skull, and with a wisp of wind it whizzes back past everyone, and out the door from which it came. The whole room drapes in absolute silence until a disgruntled Brutalius finally speaks with a low voice.

 "We need to find out who this person is. Bring me Nathan Lex. I think it's time he and I had a little chat."

Two guards leave to retrieve the requested prisoner. Brutalius slumps back down into the ornate golden chair, gazing out into space with his fingers crossed and pressed to his lips. It's time I send a message of my own. If this person is who he claims to be, I will lure him here with the pain of his loved ones. A wicked grin expands out of his malevolent inked scowl. Apollo Lex, I await your arrival.

Nathan Lex, Viceroy to his beloved older brother, Oriah, now stands in front of his cruel captor. Despite his hands being chained behind his back he still boldly holds his chin up. Brutalius circles him like a predator eyeing his prey before the strike, "I thought your Doyen had no children?" The defiant prisoner doesn't flinch, and his silence persists. "Who is this Apollo? You will answer my questions!"

"I want to see my brother."

Brutalius erupts in an evil chuckle that's directly followed by an explosion of laughter that fills the room. "You brother is dead, Nathan. Now, you will respond to my questions, or join him!" The Corsair leader drives his boot hard into the man's stomach sending him to the floor, gasping for his breath. "Guards, get him up!" Two men move in, reach under each arm, and bring the struggling prisoner to his feet. Brutalius stares directly into his eyes this time and repeats the question, stressing each individual word.


"I don't know who you are talking about, Oriah had no children."

Brutalius chuckles again, this time at the sarcasm in the man's voice. "Okay Viceroy, you've called my bluff. I'm not going to kill you," He moves even closer, pressing his cheek against the man's face and whispers directly in his ear, "I've got other plans for you, my friend, but I know someone else who can produce the information I desire." Brutalius steps back, never relenting his attention from the man in front of him, and yells out to his gang.

"Bring me the boy!"