Baffling Bluffed Winks by Puloq Arafat - HTML preview

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Moonlit Glaze

O moonlit night...

Sketch my face in your glaze.

Keep an intense bond with me..

And your voice please rise.

Tell the night to glitter more and more..

O moon don't make me bore.

Where is your door?

I wish to make me pour..

Into your gleaming beauty and shore.

You have captured white silky ink from sun.

Paint me with this.

And surprise me with your bliss.

Random infection has seized my heart.

Share with me your milky innocence.

Give me a glittering stance.

I will give you my mind..

And you are so generous and kind.

You’re flourishing beauty of chilly breeze.

It writes that you are an uprising tide.

O moonlit night..

Never be ended up solo.

I wish to be with you until the sunrise.