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Knowing the nutritional facts can spare you a few pounds.

With so many diet fads people often wonder which plan works best for them. The fact is a low-fat diet is more beneficial than any other diet plan on the market.

Still, you must learn more about what you eat to understand what goes in your body. In addition, you must also know what you need to balance the body. We all are different; thus, your doctor can help you decide the best plan that works for you.

Facts revealed:

Did you know that beef is low in sodium? At what time you eat beef along with added iron-rich foods you are increasing the iron intake. (Note: Anorexia could benefit from beef)

Did you know that protein in beef contains 22-amino acids, which is essential to the body?


Red meats alone have around 21 grams of protein. Fish and poultry have the same amount.

Did you know that beef provides the body with the vital source of zinc? Zinc promotes the metabolism, as well as various other functions of the body. Beef also has niacin and Vitamin B-12.

Niacin and Vitamin B-3: Niacin along with Vitamin B3 has proven to relate to the central nervous system (CNS), skin, and the gastrointestinal system. Niacin has proven also to fight high blood cholesterol and win. The fact is however that niacin works to promote metabolism, which converts energy deriving from fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

The conversion is proven to give the body what it needs.


3-ounces of Filet Mignon have 181 calories, 72 milligrams of cholesterol, 8.7 grams of fat, and 54 milligrams of sodium.

Gourmet burgers have 227 calories, 85 milligrams of cholesterol, 13.5 grams of fat, and 70 milligrams sodium.

Bones Strips have 183 calories, 65 milligrams of cholesterol, 8.7 grams of fat, and 58 milligrams of sodium.


Top sirloin has 171 calories, 76 milligrams of cholesterol, 6.7 grams of fat, and 57 milligrams of sodium.

Filet of Prime Ribs have 203 calories, 66 milligrams of cholesterol, 11.8 grams of fat, and 61 milligrams of sodium.

Now, the cholesterol looks high to me, as well the grams of fat and sodium appear high as well. Yet, let us get the facts to see if this is true. Reports claim that high cholesterol is dangerous because it often goes undetected.

The body produces an amount of cholesterol alone, and as we eat egg yokes, meats, drink milk, or eat shellfish we add more cholesterol to the body, which targets plaque and the arteries.

I would check with your doctor and get tested for cholesterol before including these dishes into your diet plan. You may have to eat meats one day, eggs the next and so forth to live healthier, happier, and longer.

As we discussed the body could benefit more from a low-fat diet plan. We can provide you a tasty dish tip that can help you work toward good health.



Did you know that all-seasonal grilled chicken is low fat?

When you peel the skin back on the chicken it also reduces fat and calories.

While cooking foods you want to cutback on butter and vegetable oils. While the packers of vegetable oils claim the oils is healthier than other types of cooking oils, the fact is that vegetable oils contain saturated fats, which is less healthy than unsaturated fats.

When cooking meats, if you cook them on the stove top, you can boil in water, which will produce meat juices that give you a tasty dish, as well as cuts back on some of the ingredients that could cause poor health. Bad habits can decrease your lifespan.