The life expectancy in and around the world is increasing each day. Here are some ways to help a person to live a long healthy life. Just think how nice it would be to live until you are eighty years old, or longer.
Eating healthy: Nutrition, vitamins and the right food will help you to live the age you would like to live. The body needs food to function, and with out a proper diet we will be starving vital organs from functioning. Overeating is poor for the body and makes the heart work harder. Some doctors and other health professionals claim eating the right foods that are healthy for you is more significant than exercising.
Exercise on a daily bases will increase chances of one getting brittle bones and stiff joints when you get older.
Working out can give your heart a good pace, which helps you to continue a healthier lifestyle without feeling sluggish. Stress and anxiety can be reduced with exercising.
If you are not doing any exercise right now, start now. Do not get into big workouts to start with. Doing simple arm lifts, leg lifts, even just stretching. Go up and down stairs if you are able to use stairs at a slow pace a couple of times.
After a week you can introduce your body to a little more work out. Take your time.
Sleeping will help with body functions, less stress, and anxiety. Sleep helps you to think clearly. Get a good routine for sleeping. Find out how much sleep you really need. During the day, perhaps you if are not working, you could take a 20 minute nap, which could help you feel better during the evening. Everyone is different so you will need to find out for yourself what your body requires for sleep.
Drink plenty of water. Water will help carry out toxins, other related bugs and things that your system does not need. Water is the only fluid that will really flush ones system out. It is recommended to drink water everyday.
Remember next time you are out and need something to drink. Stop and pick up a bottle of water. You will save money and your health with out sugar, carbon and other ingredients in a soda.
Protect your self from hazards that can harm you. Do you like to ride a bike? Do you wear a helmet? Don’t say oh that’s not for me. Today both children and adults are injured everyday with bike accidents. Protect your head and why not your brain.
Stress, depression, and anxiety: All of these are things that a person should really work on and think about to reduce stress, depression and anxiety in their life. Not only is it harming you, it is causing stress to the heart. We need to learn to live with these things and learn to relax.
Smoking you must give it up. Not much to say about that.
It is not good, smells bad, and tastes bad. Your heart and lungs don’t like it. Give it up.
Keep the doctor appointments. See your doctor as often as they would like you to go. Have yearly check ups to assure that things are ok with you. We need to take an approach of preventive care.
Use good moisturizers and lotions to protect the skin from too much sun. Lotions and moisturizers will help keep healthy skin. As we age the skin will start to break down and thin out.
With using a good lotion and moisturizers on you skin the whole body will help keep your skin in the right balance.
Learn more about how to live longer and healthier.