Beautiful Body Essentials by Edwin Kakaire - HTML preview

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Keep Going

Momentum is a central part of uniform exercise. It's normal to have those weeks when everything goes correctly: You do all your exercises, eat like a health nut and begin to think, 'I may completely accomplish this!'

Then 'it' materializes. 'It' may be a vacation, an illness...something that throws you off your game. Getting back is constantly tough, partly as you've lost that momentum. We already realize that an object at rest tends to remain at rest, so getting going again is the only way to get your momentum moving.

 Rather than caring about making up for lost time with intense exercises, center on simply getting some exercise time in. Plan your exercises for the week and call yourself successful simply for turning up.

Purchase yourself a little something like a new pair of running shoes or an exceptional pair of shorts to wear to the gym. If you're having hassles getting back to it, get a new outfit or download a few new songs to your MP3 player so you've something to look forward to.

Make an appointment to exercise with an acquaintance or call your gym and arrange a free consultation with a personal trainer. Even if you don't sign on, getting back into the exercise environment may be just what you need.

If the thought of coming back to boring gym exercises makes you want to die, do something completely different. Sign on for a local belly dance class or check into that new yoga studio. A switch of scenery and a brand new activity may refresh and rejuvenate you.

Picture this: you're at a party and you've promised yourself you won't scarf down the buffet like a famished maniac. Then you see a huge platter of the prettiest cheese you've ever came across. Many hours later, feeling your cheese hangover start, you vow to make up for it tomorrow with a long workout.

There are some issues with this approach--first, you can't undo what you consumed the night before and, secondly, killing yourself with an exercise isn't a good answer as it makes you hate exercise even more.

If you're busy living in yesterday's errors, many of your decisions will be founded on guilt and shame instead of what you really want (and need) to accomplish to achieve your goals. Real change comes from day-to-day choices and becoming mindful and basing your choices on what you need now (rather than what you did or didn't do yesterday) will make your exercise life much more passable.