Beyond Bedroom Guitar by Spencer Westwood - HTML preview

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Finally, before we really start – a few words of warning

You are permitted to make backup copies of this file and the accompanying materials for your own use only.

You may print out one complete copy of the book for your own use and four copies of the second appendix. Teachers wishing to print out multiple copies of any part of the book for their students must contact me for permission first. (I can do a discount on bulk orders –email for details
I cannot be held responsible for the misuse of any of the techniques in the book. If I gave you a hammer you could use it to bang nails into wood or use it to ‘brain’ someone. The choice on how you use the tools and techniques is yours alone to make. I would hope that you choose to use them wisely and for the benefit of yourself and others.

When using any technique which uses visualisation, hypnosis or changing your mental state – do not drive or operate any heavy machinery. You should be sat in a comfortable chair or lying down resting whilst doing any of these types of techniques.

When practicing any of the practical techniques, if you feel any pain in your hands, wrists, shoulders etc. STOP PLAYING and rest. If the pain continues when you start to practice seek medical advice before continuing.