Big Diabetes Lie by The ICTM - HTML preview

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Simplifying Nutrition


Many of us think that we are well informed about nutrition, although in most cases we are not. We either jump on the no fat or high protein or low carb wagon, then embrace vitamin E or calcium supplements, and usually focus on one nutrient or extremely small aspect of nutrition thinking that we have unlocked the secret of good health. In recent years people have fallen for fad diet after fad diet, the Dr. Atkins or Protein Power craze, Paleo diets, the low fat diets, and countless other diets. But in reality there is increasing evidence that these modern diet fads especially the high protein diets continue to inflict a variety of dangerous health disorders. Most times, not knowing and not understanding nutrition can hurt us.

So why all this confusion? Well, far too often science tends to focus on very specific details while completely ignoring the whole or the larger picture. They put all their effort into one box, one specific nutrient or one very small aspect of the whole, whether it be vitamin E to treat heart disease or vitamin A to prevent cancer isolating specific biological parts of food trying to reach broad conclusions about diet and health. This can lead to contradictory results which confuse scientists and policy makers and end up in a very confused public.

What’s the problem anyway? Is it fats? Is it the carbohydrates? Is it the protein? How many calories should I be eating? What’s the ratio of nutrients that will make me lose weight fast? What vegetables should I be eating for my blood type? Am I eating the right supplements? If you are not exhausted, starving, or constipated from these ridiculous plans then you are probably having a major headache trying to count and measure the fats, carbs, protein, and calories.

This is not health, these are fad diets that are only meant to capitalize on your confusion and make billions of dollars. They are nothing but the worst of science and medicine. If you are looking for a quick fix, or some gimmicky monthly eating plan then maybe this book is not for you. I’m here to give you a much deeper understanding of your body and your health. There is a much easier and simpler way that will bring you more benefit than any fad diet, eating plan, drug or surgery ever can, without any side effects.

The evidence can no longer be ignored. The people in science or medicine who choose to turn the other way are being more than stubborn, they are being irresponsible. It is now known that even genetic predisposition is no match for diet. With proper nutrition, we can avoid these “genetic” diseases even though we may have a gene responsible for that disease. Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and many others all can be reversed with proper nutrition.

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