Boosting Self Esteem Guide by miloud - HTML preview

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Creativity Tips and Resources

Everyone can benefit from creativity in their lives. You can use creativity to help with work projects, goal setting, home and family management and a whole lot more. To help with all of your home and work projects, here are 10

tips to improve your creativity.

1. Stay Healthy

Find an exercise routine that you enjoy and stick to it. Change it when you want to, but keep doing some sort of exercise. Sleep well. Eat a variety of healthy foods. Meditation or something you like to do to relax can help you keep your mind focused.

2. Explore New Things

We do so many things without thinking about them. These things become our daily routines – the mundane and boring. Try something new. It can be something as little as taking a different route to work or something like taking up a new class in something you have always wanted to learn.

3. Start Thinking Like Curious George

Ask yourself questions about everything you see, hear and read. Why? How?

What if? Find out the answers to your questions. You can also keep a curious journal and track all of your findings.

4. Read a New Book

Choose one that you wouldn’t normally choose. Pick one up at the library. If you have always preferred reading nonfiction, pick up a fiction book. There are so many interesting books to read and so many different genres to choose from. Your librarian will be happy to help you explore new books.

5. Act Like a Kid

Children are so carefree, honest and fun. Think about what you used to do for fun as a child. Paint a picture, take out those charcoals, get some fingerpaints, go to your local amusement park…anything that a kid would do! And have fun!

6. Everyone Needs a Little “me” Time

Take some time everyday to just relax. You can use meditation if you like to meditate. Don’t make any plans, pay any bills…nothing. Just do nothing for a little while.

7. What If?

What is the end of the world was tomorrow? What if you did go to college for business? What if aliens were real? What if there is an afterlife? Make up your own what if questions and just see where your brain takes you.

8. Never Assume Anything

Assuming anything always gets someone in trouble. You might assume that your boss is a jerk. What if he just doesn’t like his life and takes it out on his employees? You might assume that the person who cut you off this morning was inconsiderate. What if they were rushing their child to the hospital?

9. Write About You

Who are you? What kind of person are you? Where have you been in your life? When are the most important things in your life? Why do you do things the way you do? How do you live your life each day?

10. Have Conversations with People

Listen closely to what they have to say instead of waiting for your turn to speak. What must it be like to be this person? Imagine how they live and think.