Boosting Self Esteem Guide by miloud - HTML preview

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The key points

The key points to using mental imagery successfully for any aspect of your life are

 Focusing your imagination on one idea

 Forming as clear a mental picture or image of the idea and outcome in your mind

 Building up the idea from the foundations to completion

 Successfully executing your plan

Taking care of your mental health

In order to live a happier, healthier life you should take care of more than your physical health by way of dieting and exercising, you should also take care of your mental health. Only by having a complete system of healthy living can you be a healthy person, while exercise is important for your body it is also important for your mind.

Stress comes to all of us in some form or other with worries about finances, job security, responsibilities and relationships all taking their toll on our mental

health. Stress is one of the biggest factors to disrupting our mental health and ultimately our well-being, it is as important to reduce stress in your life, as it is to reduce your fat, sugar and calorie intake to remain healthy.

There are many ways which we can take care of our mental health and eliminate some of the stress from our day, some of the steps you can take to remain stress free include

 Learn to manage your day and time better by setting out realistic goals which you can manage to meet everyday

 Learn how to utilize your time more efficiently throughout the day by focusing and completing one task at a time before moving on to another

 Remain flexible in your thinking when it comes to completing tasks, if you cannot accomplish them the way you had planned then do it another way

 Take small breaks throughout the day, these will give you time to clear your head and get back on track and stay focused on the task at hand

 Admit that you are only human and you cannot do everything, admit when you need a little help and don’t be afraid to ask for that help should you need it’

 Learn when to say “no”, while we all like to do favors we can sometimes take too much onto our plates and when this happens we cannot manage to fit everything in and stress sets in

 Never try to over exert your body, you can only do so much in a day, by trying to push yourself continually beyond your limits will stress your body and mind

 Learn to recognize when you are starting to get stressed and take immediate action to relieve that stress

 Learn techniques which you can quickly eliminate stress, there are a wide range of techniques which you can use, with some working better than others and giving you better results. Techniques such as breathing exercises and visualization are very effective measure which can be used to quickly ease stress and let you refocus

 Positive affirmations can help you deal with stress effectively, a positive mind with positive thoughts is a healthier mind and one to stress less eagerly

 Always make time for some quiet time, time to just relax and do something you enjoy and don’t feel guilty for taking this time out The #1 Secret For Manifesting Wealth, Happiness, Love & Success...

Manifestation Miracle: Here

Chapter III: Overcoming Negative Thinking Dispelling fears for a more positive outlook

Fears and phobias are something which can have an affect on anyone to some extent, while most of us can conquer our fear and most fears and phobias are dislikes more than actual phobias, for some people fear and phobia can be severely distressing and have a huge impact on their day-today living.

Fear and phobias obviously cause negativity and constant negativity gets us down, while some phobias and fear can be deep-seeded you can break the hold it has over you with time and help. There are various methods of help, and the more deeply seeded the fear or phobia, the more likely professional help may be advised in the form of a therapy or hypnotherapy. If the fear is only mild then you may overcome it by using self-help methods.