Cure Your Cancer by Bill Henderson - HTML preview

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Cancer Prevention

Many of the anti-oxidants our body needs to gobble up the free radicals and prevent cancer must come from supplements. If you’ve talked to your doctor lately about this subject, you were probably not encouraged by his response. Most physicians feel that supplements are unnecessary. A “proper” diet will provide all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes you need, they say. Just eat a “balanced” diet.

One prolific author on cancer – it’s treatment and prevention -- is Ralph W. Moss, PhD. Dr. Moss has written 10 books on cancer therapy, causes, cures, prevention, etc., including Questioning Chemotherapy, Herbs Against Cancer and The Cancer Industry. This excerpt [along with my comments in red] is from his latest book, published in 2000, called Antioxidants Against Cancer.

Attitudes of Doctors

Thousands of scientific articles point to the power of antioxidants, yet many doctors are not taught about this in medical school. Others may know about this exciting development but shy away from it because they fear peer pressure or stigmatization. And all too often, doctors respond to positive reports with a warning that patients should not take food supplements."

“The conventional line is that research is promising, but there just isn't enough data on which to base firm conclusions…


Are you beginning to see the importance of "co-doctoring" with your physician?

Certainly, few medical interventions can have less risk than eating a diet high in antioxidants. We are not talking about taking arsenic here, but about brightly colored fruits and vegetables, as well as concentrated extracts. Yet many physicians draw the line when you discuss antioxidants and say, 'Much too risky. Not enough known.' "

I remember exactly when I first heard of Linus Pauling, Ph.D, and his theory about the antioxidant (anti-free radical) benefits of Vitamin C. It was 1953. I was 21 years old. My first wife was about to have our first baby. Dr. Pauling was touting 15,000 or so milligrams (15 grams) of Vitamin C a day as an antivirus measure -- cut down your colds, flu, etc. He was literally ridiculed by the medical profession. Since then, he is renowned as the only individual to be awarded TWO Nobel Prizes.

Cure Your Cancer

Do you think it would have taken 47 years for Dr. Pauling's antioxidant theory to become "verified" if there were the same profit margin in manufacturing Vitamin C capsules as there is in manufacturing chemotherapy "cocktails?"

"No wonder laypeople are turning to books, magazines, and Websites for information on antioxidants, and that many patients hesitate to even discuss questions of nutrition with their doctor. Patients are becoming more educated (sometimes more educated than their doctors!) and more empowered."

I certainly hope that you will feel "more educated than your doctor" and definitely empowered when you finish reading this e-book. Right now, that is my whole reason for being!

If you would like to read more of Dr. Moss's work, these excerpts are from his book "Antioxidants Against Cancer", copyright 2000, by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. You may also want to visit his website:

Effective Antioxidant Supplements

We've been talking about antioxidants in relation to cancer prevention. They are also important in the prevention of heart attacks, strokes, macular degeneration of the eye, and about one hundred other illnesses associated with aging.

The reasons for including antioxidant-rich foods and supplements in your daily routine go far beyond cancer.

Let me give you here the best source for a supplement that covers all the bases. If you know of a better one, I'd like to hear about it. Please post the information on the Discussion Board at my website:

For just over 15 years, I have been receiving a newsletter called "Alternatives" written by Dr. David G. Williams. His writings about everything having to do with healthy living have been immensely helpful to my family and me.

[By the way, nothing I recommend in this e-book results in even one dime of income for me. I am truly writing this for your benefit, not for mine. If I ever do get paid for anything, it will be clearly marked as an ad.]

You are very fortunate. Just a year or so ago, Dr. Williams completed his website. It now contains archive copies of his monthly newsletters, all the way back to 1985. This is a treasure trove of health information. You can purchase for four or five dollars any of the back issues that interest you. Check it out at

About the antioxidants...Dr. Williams, about 4 years ago, put together something he called "Daily Advantage". It is a little transparent plastic package containing 7 capsules. My wife and I each take one package with breakfast and another with lunch, as Dr. Williams advises.

Here's how he describes the "Daily Advantage" nutrient package:

"I've carefully chosen the 65 vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, herbs, superfoods, amino acids and digestive enzymes that are in Daily Advantage, based on all my years of research into nutritional supplementation.

...these hard-to-find nutrients work together to supercharge the antioxidants in the vitamin complex, making the overall formula more powerful and better able to destroy the free radicals attacking your cells."

Here are the ingredients in each Daily Advantage set of capsules:


Essential Vitamins and Minerals:

Vitamin A 5,000 IU Vitamin C 2,000 mg Vitamin D 800 IU Vitamin K 60 mcg Thiamine (Vitamin B1) 50 mg Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 50 mg Niacin 126 mg Vitamin B6 110 mg Folic Acid 400 mcg Vitamin B12 100 mcg Biotin 300 mcg Pantothenic Acid 150 mg Calcium 1,000 mg Iodine 100 mcg Magnesium 500 mg Zinc 20 mg Selenium 200 mcg Copper 2 mg Manganese 10 mg Chromium 200 mcg Molybdenum 100 mcg Potassium 100 mg Vanadium 150 mcg Choline 100 mg Quercitin 50 mg N-acetyl cysteine 50 mg Trace Minerals Complex 50 mg Lemon Bioflavonoids 40 mg Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) 30 mg Inositol 100 mg Silica 26 mg Rutin (from buckwheat) 10 mg Hesperidin (from citrus peel) 10 mg Boron 1,000 mcg

Advanced Antioxidant Shield

Vitamin A (as beta carotene) 15,000 IU Vitamin E 400 IU Tocotrienols (from rice) 20 mg Coenzyme Q10 10 mg Alpha-Lipoic Acid 10 mg Lutein (from marigolds) 6 mg Lycopene (from tomatoes) 6 mg

Herbal Superfood Booster

Spirulina (from algae) 750 mg Turmeric (from root) 200 mg L-Taurine 200 mg Siberian Ginseng Root 180 mg Bee Pollen 100 mg L-Carnitine 100 mg Royal Jelly 50 mg Astragalus (from leaf) 50 mg Ginger Root 50 mg Gymnema Sylvestre 50 mg Pancreatin 50 mg Ox bile 50 mg Green Tea Extract 50 mg Siberian Ginseng Extract 50 mg Panax Ginseng Extract 40 mg Betaine Hydrochoride (HCL) 20 mg Ginkgo Biloba 10 mg Lipase 10 mg Cellulase 10 mg Maltase 10 mg Protease 10 mg Amylase 10 mg You can get more information at his website or by calling Mountain Home Nutritionals in Ranson, West Virginia, the people who distribute Daily Advantage for Dr. Williams. They can be reached at (800) 888-1415.

We pay about $44 monthly apiece for Daily Advantage, including shipping by Priority Mail. I cannot even imagine how much it would cost us to buy these ingredients at the local health food store. We attribute our glowing health largely to this product, a sensible diet and regular exercise. We don't smoke. We drink very moderately (less than one glass of wine or equivalent per day).

Vitamin B or Not to B

I can't tell you how many lists I have read of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. like the one above and what each does for my body. Have you done that? Doesn't each one make your eyes glaze over? They sure do mine.

To this day, I have no idea why it is good for me to eat some choline, querectin, astralagus or ginger root each day. If a gun were held to my head, I could not tell you what all of Dr. Williams' 65 ingredients do for me...or what dire results would threaten my body if one were eliminated.

The exceptions are the antioxidants -- which include Beta-carotene, Vitamin E, tocotrienols, coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, lutein and lycopene. These I have studied enough to know why they are good. They are the best thing you can take to prevent cancer and lots of other degenerative diseases. Also, I know that Vitamin C is great for your production of collagen that supports your joints, soft tissues and proper bone formation. It also helps maintain strong blood vessels, your immune system and your body's own repair capabilities.

All I can tell you is that since beginning his Daily Advantage supplement program in 1996, my wife and I have had no recurrence of the many colds, flu and other maladies that we suffered through before we started on it. This includes many years when I took Centrum Silver and many other "drugstore" supplements every day.

We have lots of energy, we sleep well and we enjoy exercise. We also enjoy sex. She enjoys her gardening and cooking, as well as Yoga. I walk 18 holes of golf twice a week, sing in a men's a cappella chorus and play bridge on the computer with people from all over the world.

"Look to your health: and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of: a blessing that money cannot buy."