Cure Your Cancer by Bill Henderson - HTML preview

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What is Co-doctoring?

Do you believe you have to co-doctor with your physician? So do I. Look at this as a “How To” book on co-doctoring.

First, you must understand the causes of cancer. Then, you can intelligently evaluate treatment options. Sensible cancer treatment involves treating the causes, not just the symptoms.

But you can’t do this on your own. To treat cancer, you must be tested often to tell if the treatment is working. “Do it yourself” and you are almost certainly going to die of your cancer. Learn to co-doctor and you have a good chance to regain complete health.

In other words, if you think your oncologist (cancer doctor) has all the answers, then you are wasting your time reading this book.


Two Brief Examples

Let me tell you two brief anecdotes. A friend is hale and hearty today, because she listened to me and took the natural substance I bought for her. She was nearly dead after over two years of chemotherapy for her metastasized breast cancer. She started on the substance in October 1998 and was well (according to her oncologist) by December 1998. She is still not only well but she dances flamenco every Friday and Saturday night at a local Spanish bistro --- and she still smokes. Details are in Chapter 2.

Another doctor (radiologist) friend got a terminal diagnosis of metastasized melanoma (a form of skin cancer) just as I was finishing the first draft of this book in October 2000. He stubbornly refused to take anything his oncologist didn’t recommend. He wouldn’t even read this book. Three weeks later, he was dead.

Either of these people could be you or your loved one. Cancer cures are available. They are non-toxic. They are made from natural substances. They do not destroy your quality of life. They work on almost all kinds of cancer.

Why should you believe me? Well, first because I'm not selling anything (except this e-book and my continuing newsletter service, which you’ve already bought). And second because your only other choice is to remain in “the system,” like my radiologist friend.

Don’t Fire Your Doctor -- Yet

As an informed consumer of medical service, you will be empowered. When the doctor's advice tracks with your knowledge, you'll confidently accept his/her treatment. When you need to, you will intelligently opt to seek a second opinion.

Unless your doctor is constantly studying microbiology, neurology, endocrinology, nutrition, immunology, alternative medicine and lots more disciplines, he/she is not fully qualified to advise you on beating your cancer. No human being can read and evaluate all the information currently available. Put yourself in your doctor’s shoes. Daily several drug salesmen bombard her, each leaving her free samples. A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is looking over her shoulder, criticizing every diagnosis, every test. Attorneys await her least slip or recommendation of “unusual” treatment, misdiagnosis or prescription of the wrong drug. She is more and more narrowly specialized. Even keeping up with the explosion of information in her own specialty is virtually impossible because of the demands of patient care on her time.

Is it any wonder that 51% of doctors in a recent large survey said they would not go into medicine again and 65% said they would not recommend it to their children as a career.

Even if they weren't so busy, there are very few doctors who understand the relations between lifestyle, environment and disease. For the most part, this knowledge can only be gained by a search covering many disciplines. Precisely the search I have been engaged in for the last 10 years.

I'm not offering medical advice. I'm not qualified to do that. Nothing you read here should be accepted as medical opinion. However, I think I am qualified to offer you information you may be unaware of -- information which will help you cooperate better with your doctor to heal your or your loved one’s cancer.

Get An Advocate

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you need to find your closest friend or relative and ask them to be your advocate. Cancer evokes emotions in almost everyone that are hard to deal with. You naturally fear for your life, you fear disability possibly even more. You are quickly exposed to confusing terms and advice of all types from well-meaning sources.

When your friend or loved one who is a cancer patient asks you to be their advocate, accept gratefully. There is no more spiritually fulfilling and uplifting role in this world.

Your service will quite possibly save your relative or loved one’s life. It most certainly will help him or her avoid the drastic damage done to their lifestyle and well being by the cancer “system.”

Let this book be your guide to use every resource available to help your loved one.


It’s Not All “Alternative”

This book will feature knowledge from many M.D.s. Most of them have broken the mold of the doctor who is concerned only with treating symptoms and curing disease. They have done unique research resulting in breakthrough knowledge about understanding the causes of cancer and treating them.

Equating the white jacket and stethoscope of the M.D. with God-like knowledge is nothing new. For thousands of years, people have entrusted their health care to the man or woman in the white jacket with the stethoscope around their neck.

Now we know better. With the help of the "information explosion" caused by the Internet, we are able to co-doctor as never before. The weak physicians decry this as a potential threat of "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" and dismiss the cures we’ll discuss as “quackery.” The strong doctors welcome it.