Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Four by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 35-Lost Ship


We are now within communication distance from the lost ship. I say communication distance, but, as you know, their radio, or communication system is different from ours, so we have to alter things a little. I said to Reeas, ‘Do you want to take this,’ referring to the job of first-contact, ‘no, Dan, you are doing fine.’

‘Very well,’ ‘but you know I’m not too good at first impressions.’

‘My first impression of you was very good.’ she said.

‘Thanks, that is all I want, OK, here we go.’

‘Star ship from Amiron, do you read me?’ I can now see and hear everything on the Amiron ships bridge, and I can tell they have only just received my message, in other words, they had no prior knowledge that we were near. I can see the people in charge scrambling to the microphone.

Boy, it must have been a momentous few second for them.

‘Yes, please go on, who are you? Are you from Amiron?’

They are excited, and I can’t blame them. I realize they are now over-the-moon, but I also notice that the ships defences are now in red mode,  with the defence shields up.

Debra said, ‘Their weapons are trained on us, Dan.’

‘OK, Debra, I know.’

‘I know, she said, but I thought I would let you know anyway.’

‘Thank you, Debra.

‘Please, Debra.’ said Reeas, ‘we are trying to contact them.’

‘I know, said Debra, I am just trying to be helpful.’

‘Thank you,’ said Reeas, ‘we can handle it.’

Debra made a sort of humph noise, and went blank.

‘Unknown ship, can you read us?’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘I can also see your shields are up, and your weapons are trained on us.’

The person who is in charge looks flustered.

‘Hurry up and get the captain out of sleep mode.’ He said to one of his ship mates.

‘There is no need to panic,’ I said, ‘we are friendly.’

‘Good,’ he said, ‘we too, are friendly. Will you please state your intentions?’

‘Our Intentions are to help you.’


I can now access everything I need, to sort out, whatever is needed to be done, to get the ship back on track to Amiron, also, anything else that is needed to supply and equip it. I can see the Info-Scrambler has been activated on their ship. This means they are trying to access our computer.

‘These are not very trusting people,’ I said to Reeas.

‘No, but to be fair, you can’t blame them, their computer will be unable to access anything about us, so it is only natural they will be a little suspicious.’

‘Yes, but this guy in charge is very Grumpy, I can tell by his thought pattern.’

‘Yes, said Debra, I wouldn’t trust him, Dan.’

‘Thank you, Debra.’

By now, the Captain has arrived in a very agitated state, I know what he is going through. Anyone who has been in Deep Sleep Mode knows well enough what a pain it is to wake up. He has to sit down to gather himself together.

‘Don’t worry, Captain Kriron, we will wait till you are rested.’

I know that will shake them up a bit.

‘How do you know our names?’ he said.

‘We know everyone’s name on your ship; we also know everything that we need to know to get you back on track to Amiron,’


‘Yes, you are to be sent home.’

‘No!’ he shouted, ‘we are on a mission to find new worlds.’

‘Can we come over and discuss it.’

‘Not if you insist on trying to send us home. He said.’

‘This is going to be harder than I thought,’ I said to Reeas.

‘Yes, I suspected this would happen.’

‘OK,’ I said, ‘now what?’

Debra said, ‘Their weapons are charged Dan.’

‘Yes Debra, I know.’

‘You know we will be contacting the Veritalanian-Meridian in seven hours,’ Reeas said.

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘I know, OK, let’s get aboard their ship.’

‘Can I come, Dan.’ Debra said.

‘How,’ I said.

‘I can come as a hologram.’

‘You don’t need to come,’ Reeas said, you can access anything we can while here on the ship.’

‘Yes,’ Debra said, ‘but I want to be near Dan.’

I glanced at Reeas with a ‘we-might-have-a-problem’ look.

‘Can you actually appear as part of the ship, Debra? I mean, as a Robot.’

‘I am not a robot!’ she said!

‘No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean, robot. You know what I mean, as part of the ship, in body form.’

‘Yes,’ Debra said.

‘Good,’ I said. ‘Yes, you can come with us, Debra, will you also be in charge of the ship?’

‘Of course, dear.’ she said.

Reeas, is, by now, a little concerned about Debra.

OK, now for you students out there, yes, I know, it is funny that Debra is acting strange, but I am not worried, after all, a ship of our magnitude will regenerate often, so it is just part of the process. She seems to be attracted to me; I’m not complaining, who wouldn’t want a gorgeous female light body near them. Reeas and I know that with our light suits, we can simply fall out into space, and fly over to the Amiron ship, and then simply, push our way in without endangering either ourselves or the Amiron ship.

‘This should be a shock to them,’ I said.

Debra said, ‘Yes dear.’

‘Please, Debra, don’t call me dear, in front of them, will you?’

‘Why not?’

‘Just don’t,’

‘All right, but I can’t understand why?’

‘Just call me, Dan, as usual.’

‘OK, Dan,’ she said, sounding a little put out.

‘Make sure they can’t see what is happening, Debra, will you.’

‘Yes, Dan dear. Only joking, she said.’

I take a deep breath, sigh and then we push our way out into space and fly over to the Amiron, which is the actual name of the ship. It is a giant of a craft some several thousand yards long; with massive laser guns which are capable of destroying any normal craft, of course, our craft isn’t normal. We reach the main entry door and simply, yes, I know I use simply a lot but things do seem easy when you are a Guardian.

We simply walk into the airlock room then through into the main boarding compartment. The look on the crew members faces as we walk in is one of total shock. I see that security people are in the room also with high-intensity blasters at the ready, in fact, one went off and glanced off my suit, then ricocheted into the wall making a substantial hole. I know the damage is serious as the air refilter system is now in danger of failure.

‘What the hell,’ shouted one of the crew.

‘Don’t worry,’ I said, ‘Debra, get that, will you?’

Debra walked over to the wall and touched it. The repair is now done. ‘God almighty, shouted another of the crew. I thought to myself this crew are a lot like the people from Earth, trigger happy, and nervous.

‘Please don’t use your weapons anymore, someone might get injured, now take us to your Captain.’

You students know that Reeas and I are still in our regular clothes, plus our light suits, which are invisible. Debra is in a skimpy dancing dress with frilly tassels at the elbows. I was going to say something but I thought, no, leave it, also, she has on very high heels, and lovely earrings.

‘Please, Debra.’ I whispered, ‘can you just be normal?’

‘Why don’t you like me,’ she said

‘I do, but we are at work.’

I can see the crew from the Amiron are confused.

The security chief is eyeing us up with menace. I can tell he is stressed out and unsure what to do. I can also read his thought pattern, and know I have to watch him with closely. I said, ‘please let us go to the bridge.’ He gestured with his laser rifle to walk to the main door. We walk up a very long corridor to the bridge. Debra, is, by now, walking like a fashion model on a catwalk.

Reeas said, ‘What are we going to do about her?’

I said, ‘What can we do?’ The security guards are in front and at the rear with guns at the ready. I instruct Debra by thought to neutralize their weapons.

‘OK, Danny,’ she said.

Oh, hell, I think, why bother, just accept it. The more I get bothered about Debra, the more it seems to get worse. We reached the bridge, by now, there are lots of people around us.

Why I didn’t just readjust the Amiron from our ship, I think.

‘Hello, Captain,’ I said, ‘we are from the emergency landing base on the asteroid Aulous.’

‘I don’t care where you are from, just go away,’ he said.

‘Captain,’ one of the crew, said. ‘Can we just hear, what they have to say?’

‘No,’ the Captain shouted!

I ask Debra to assess his mental state. She informs me that he is suffering from severe stress overload.

‘OK,’ I said, ‘who is the 2.i.C.’ (second-in-command).

People are now looking at another person in the room, but I already know who he is.

I said, ‘I am now speaking to all the people in the room. Do you want to go home?’ No one said anything for a few seconds, and then one young woman speaks. I already know she is Tyren, the person who is earmarked for Guardian training.

‘Yes,’ I want to go anywhere, but here,’ she said.

‘I’ll have you suspended-in-time, for this,’ the Captain said.

I look at Debra, she already knows my thoughts. The Captain is now rooted to the spot, and totally stiff.

Will you please take him to the Sleep-Tubes,’ I said? The security people are still training their weapons on us. One security man, who, I now, realize, is Second-in-Command of security, started to approach me, he said, ‘as my boss is in a coma, and in sleep-mode, I am now taking over control.’ The actual Second-in-Command of the ship said, ‘no you’re not, I am in charge while the Captain is away.’ The security man then pointed his weapon at him and said, ‘When it comes to the security of this ship, I am in charge.’

I look at Reeas. She whispers, ‘Dan, we have less than thirty-five minutes before we reach the Meridian.’

‘Yes,’ I said in a low voice, ‘I know.’

I can’t explain to them that a Non-Human alien race will destroy them in a short while.

‘Right,’ I said, ‘time to act.’

I look at Debra, she already knows what to do, everyone on the bridge just walk off to their stations of work or rest.’

Thank you, Debra.’

‘No problem, Big-Boy,’ she said.

Reeas just started to laugh. Tyren is in the room with us, I know she is somewhat confused; but she can understand something of who we are.

‘I knew you would come, someday’ she said.

‘What do you know of us?’, I said.

‘I know I see you in my dreams.’

‘Don’t even think about it!’ Debra said, taking hold of Tyren’s arm.

‘Debra, please,’ I said. ‘She is a Potential-Guardian.’

‘I know, Dan, but she has feelings for you, I can tell.’

‘Yes, and I have feelings for Reeas, what do you think of that?’

I wish I hadn’t said that, as Debra suddenly grabs Reeas by the arm.

‘What is happening?’, I said. ‘OK, back to the ship and that’s an order,’

I am feeling pretty scared at that moment, I can tell you. Debra is all powerful and I know it. I had to keep my thoughts on the job and not get emotionally involved, I know it is silly, but I don’t know what she will do, in anger, so to speak.

Back on the ship we can see a message has just come through for the Amiron ship, it says to turn away from Groveelion space or be destroyed. I instruct Debra to assess all the data from the Groveelion’s, after a short time we have enough Data to trim down their numbers by mainly assessing their mental or rather etheric state.

We have, by now, realigned the Amiron Ship; it can now travel home in eight point two Years, Tyren is escorted over to our ship, and she formerly accepted training as a Guardian, she is excited, but not overly concerned, and that is a really good sign, it means she can cope with the stress, and there will be stress, my student friends.

OK, now for the Good bit. To experience a ship like the Amiron being upgraded by a lightship is really special, also the crew were to be retrained in whatever is needed to get them back to Amiron. Most of the crew are happy to be going home, although they have never been on a Planet! What will the people on Amiron think when they get back?  All of the crew’s relatives long dead!

It had been 375 years for the crew, but it was twelve thousand six-hundred years for the Planet Amiron! The distance is only a paltry 350 light years, but with time-dilation you can, as it were, time travel.

For those students who want to be exact, please be aware that the ship was not always traveling at light speed, also they were stopped for a number of years to make repairs, whatever the outcome, they will be very late! OK, not wanting to blow our own horns, we did pretty well, I think. Now, you say, why did we have to go through all that when we could had done it all aboard our ship, well, all I can say is, it is a learning thing for us all, and as Zelda 3 said, we had to leave it till the last minute to get more info.

Amiron already knows about Guardians, so that won’t be a problem when they get back.’

OK, Debra, I said, back to the base.’

‘No Problem, Daddy,’ she is now also giving me a shoulder massage;

I must admit, I like it. Reeas just had to laugh. Tyren just looked on in a confused way.