Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book One by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 6-Relmar


We hover about fifty feet above the walkway. The first thing I notice is most of the people are dressed the same, it is an off white sort of jump suit.

For students: you already know we can`t just pass through the walls as we are in the physical realm. We have to enter by the door, so we must keep out of the way of anyone. No one can see us but they will be able to feel us so we have to be very careful.

‘We will make our way to the science room where the man in question is. He is called Dyon17.’

I already know this info but I sure am glad he is reassuring me. We didn`t walk up the moving platform that is the stairway to the lab room, we simply floated by thought! I am in awe of this technology; I feel like a ghost!

We get to the room in question. We have to wait till someone entered before we can go in otherwise the door will open and it will seem unusual and cause suspicion. We didn’t have to wait long for access, but we will have to wait a while for the actual incident to take place.

The room is nothing like a laboratory back on Earth; most of the equipment is different, but along the walls are screens with sections that open up underneath them. I already know these are fabrication machines; whatever is put in them will be reproduced in a fairly short time. I now know how the planet will be threatened. Dyon 17 will try to reproduce materials found by Relmic astronomers from an uninhabited planet. They think this material will bring wealth beyond measure, as some of the material is mixed with a very rare mineral highly sought by neighboring planets but instead of getting permission for special test procedures, Dyon 17 would take it upon himself to show the government what he has achieved; the result will be an instant increase in the material but not in the quantities that he is expecting. The oxygen in the atmosphere will be depleted so much that people will suffocate in their millions. Within six months ninety per cent of the population will be dead; of course, in the meantime people will have fled to the outlying planets in panic in their private ships, and anything that will transport them off their world. Of course, the damage will have been done as the spores will be carried on the people themselves. The time frame will be just three years for complete annihilation, also the spores will still be around the planets for a long period of time. I can`t contemplate the picture that Sionn is painting of Relmar’s destruction. I just wanted to get it over with.

Sionn is watching Dyon 17 with his usual unconcerned look!

Dyon 17 is standing next to an access screen with a container. He is about to put the material in. There is another person standing next to him looking anxious, they both looked at each other, and then a quite unusual thing happened. Sionn touched them behind the neck, in the next second both Dyon 17 and his accomplice freeze on the spot. Sionn then took the container from Dyon17, he then resealed the lid then he pulled a small sack from his suit covered the container making it invisible. He then handed me the sack while he touched both men behind the neck again. The men started to move again, but simply turned away and went about their business as if nothing had happened!

Sionn took the sack off me and then we wait for someone to walk out of the lab before we can exit. We then made our way out of the building. My thoughts at this time are of how easy Sionn seemed to deal with these world changing decisions. We then fly up between the lines of shuttle-ships and back to our craft. I know all of this may sound like fiction of the highest kind. But as students you already know it to be true. I on the other hand am relatively new to all this so you can imagine I am still reeling from these extraordinary events.

Once inside the ship I asked Sionn how he made the two people freeze and forget what they were doing.

‘It was just an overpowering mental ability.’

I asked him if they would remember about it in the future.

‘No, but we will monitor them and the planet regularly.’

‘What are we going to do with the spores?’

‘The container will be neutralized.’

I began to search the ships screen for information about other local planets; when I say local, I mean anything in the region of thousands of light-years. I noticed one called Sandera in a nearby sector, it is at the same stage as Earth and the wildlife is totally exciting with a huge difference in animal and plant life. I also think I will practice some dance moves. I asked the ship’s computer to play some Disco. I realize the computer sounds like one of my old girlfriend from school called Debra, I asked if I could call it that.

‘You can call me anytime, Dan, and you can call me anything you want as long as it’s not ‘it’.   

I think this is funny, is the computer coming on to me?

I swirled around in my dance move to ask Sionn if we can check out Sandera when he disappeared! Seconds later, I am wandering what to do when a person appears. A man of about 50 years of age. He is a tall man; about six feet three, and is sneering at me. It takes me a few seconds to realize, but I now know it is Kallo, the outlaw Guardian. I start to move when I am suddenly frozen to the spot and unable to talk.

Kallo said, ‘Don’t worry, you will get another light body someday, but for now you have to die. By the way, nice dance move, ha, stupid fool!’

I can see he has the container with the spores in his hands, but poor me, the Trainee-Guardian, can do nothing.

With a flick of his finger, I drop to the floor unconscious.

(I don’t yet realize it, but I am dead.)