Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book One by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 4-Dream Worlds


Sionn informs me that the next phase will be to learn and serve in the dream worlds while the ship is on its way to Andromeda, we will sleep then we will wake up in the other worlds; in this case the Astral Plane.

Ok, now I have to make my thoughts accessible to any students who may be able to access to deep-mental-logic program on the Guardians computer banks. So, from now on I will, every so often, upload my thoughts. Forgive me if I get a little carried away as I am new to this. I have been told to refer to you out there who can access these recordings as students, please forgive me if you are more than that.

I find it very easy to sleep but Sionn is helping me, the next thing I know is, we are standing in a place that is so unbelievably beautiful. The feeling I experience is something I have never felt before in my whole life, or my old life.

‘This is one of the higher astral worlds, a place people call heaven. There are children and wild animals playing together! A young girl stroking a tiger! A lion is carrying a boy on its back while a baby lamb is sitting nearby! People are waving and having fun together such as I’ve never seen before; the feeling is of joy and delight. I am speechless. I asked Sionn if this is prearranged for my benefit. Sionn said, partly. But we have a job to do in the next town. I try to keep my emotions under control, but it is very hard, as the experience plays havoc with my senses. We walk along the lovely roads where everything seems perfect, when a thought strikes me:

‘Can we…’

‘I`m sorry, Dan, we can’t go to see your wife and son just yet, they are on a different plane at the moment but later you will meet them. You have to learn to keep your emotions in check, this is very important as you will be tempted and tested in many ways later. Your yoga training will help you also; never forget that you are a Higher Being and Eternal.’

I feel disappointed, but I know he is right, as usual; had he ever been wrong, I thought.

‘Yes, even as a Guardian I made mistakes, one in particular.’

I can’t believe it, not Sionn.

‘There was once a Guardian named Kallo, we were past life friends and born on the same planet numerous times. He got corrupted by the power of office and is now an outlaw.

I trusted him and he stranded me on a deserted planet without my light suit. I had to leave my body there and transfer to the dream worlds. In other words I died! Kallo had disabled my suits power system, something that we thought was impossible at that time. Our technology was not as good as it is now; even now there are limits to our way of life, for instance, some black-holes are dangerous to us, but that is only in the physical world, as you know.’

I asked Sionn a question that had troubled me all my life:

‘Could you tell me how big the Universe is?

‘People believe the Universe is only about 13.5 billion light-years in distance. But we know it is much more than that also the inner worlds are much bigger than the physical worlds but of course, they are not physical, we will leave it at that for the moment.’

OK, time for another lesson for you Student-Guardians: You know the physical plane is the normal world where we all live whether it is Earth or some other planet. There are also other planes of existence; the next one up is the Astral Plane it is a very big place but not in the space that we know, also there are numerous sub planes, in fact thousands so please be aware when we are visiting these realms, which will be very often. Of course, you are Trainee-Guardians so you won’t need to be lectured like this too much, right? OK, enough said.

We arrived at our destination. It is a small decrepit house with a scruffy garden and a feeling of depression about it. Sionn knocked at the door and a voice said:

‘Get the hell away from here.’

It took me by surprise; obviously this part of town has its share of problems.

‘Not really.’ Sionn said, ‘just this house.’

Sionn walks in. Suddenly a man comes running at him!

‘I`ll kill you’ he shouted.

Sionn just stood there as the man lifted his arm! I didn`t notice the knife at first but I can’t help panicking as it comes into contact with Sionn`s shoulder. I needn`t have worried as the knife just glanced off again and again. The man started to get tired, obviously thinking he is in the physical body.

Sionn calmed him down before trying to explain to him that he is to be transported to a hospital in another region.

The man is escorted away by people from whoever is responsible for that sort of thing.

I said, ‘Couldn`t they have done what you did?’

‘Yes, they could, but we had nothing else to do, and it was a learning experience for you.’

‘So, in a way, we are like spiritual guides.’ I said.


I thought, Wow, can this be true? I was just an ordinary person from an ordinary town, in an ordinary country, on a small planet.

“Please don’t think that way. You are a Guardian-of-Space and as such, you are unlimited.’

We wake up back on the ship.