Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Three by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 23-Past lives


We wake up in our normal bodies on the outskirts of my town. ‘Reeas,’ I said, ‘before we meet my family, I would like to show you a special place. I wonder if we could fly without people noticing around here.’ Reeas said, ‘Of course we can, all we have to do is make ourselves invisible to the locals.’

The feeling I get as we take off over my town is something special, I can see my house and our dog poppy in the garden. Why aren`t I going to meet them? Why am I going somewhere with a person I had become very fond of rather than meet my wife!

‘Reeas said, ‘Do you know we have been together before, in past lives?’

I am astounded!

‘How do you know?’

‘I looked into the past life records section!’

Now, I realize. The universal love I feel for her, the wanting to be near her. We held hands as we fly over the Northwest landscape, or I should say danced over the landscape, the amount of greenery is stunning, I see the Cumbrian mountains coming up fast, I know them well, we landed on Gowbarrow fell, above Ullswater.

I said, ‘You know Wordsworth wrote his famous poem here.’

‘Yes,’ she said, ‘but we lived here long before Wordsworth.’

‘Please, tell me.’

‘I can show you. First take a look at the landscape.’

I looked over to Helvellyn in the Southwest then to place fell to the South. The view is lovely, as usual.

‘Close your eyes.’ She said, ‘Open them.’

The view is the same, only, certain things have changed, some of the stone walls are gone, and the houses are gone. The mountains themselves are hundreds of millions of years old, so they are the same, so are the lakes. Reeas said, ‘We lived in a settlement not far from the Roman fort called Galava in the year one-hundred and forty AD. The modern name is Ambelside. The Romans wanted too much tax off us so you broke into the granary where you got caught and killed!’

‘What happened to you?’

Reeas said, she didn`t want to dwell on it, but she died in childbirth shortly afterwards. I feel terrible.

‘Don`t feel sad,’ she said, ‘we had many happy times as well, our first incarnation in the human form together was 250,000 years ago near Stonehenge, of course, the monument wasn`t there then, we came across a land bridge which joined France with England.’

‘Which was our last incarnation together?’ I asked.

‘It was in the year 1726. We were North American Indians of the Shoshoni tribe. We lived to the west of the Rocky Mountains in Utah. Life was very hard. There was a lack of big game; we had to live on rabbits, fish, roots and seeds. You were the man as usual, and wanted to use your physical skills, I was the woman, and wanted to learn new skills, but I couldn`t with the way of life we had. I then incarnated to a series of planets in the Galaxies of Zeta3 where I could finally learn about mathematics and other such things, and then finally to my home planet of Erinon5.’

‘I feel sad for letting her go, but I know it is all in the greater scheme of things. Now, we are back together.

‘Reeas, I feel unsure of this mission, such a lot depends on us.’

‘I trust your judgement, she said, and I will help in any way I can. We can use the invisibility device so we can move about without being seen, although I know we will have to be careful. We can now go back to the ship as we are approaching Antarra.’