Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Two by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 17-The Underground Devil


We start to move again and after a short while Fagil said, ‘The hallway where the Bourin lives is five-hundred yards further up the roadway.’

I said, ‘If we are lucky, he will be asleep.’

‘No.’ Fagil said. ‘He will smell us long before we come into view!’

‘Yes, and I can smell him,’ the stench is terrible. After another minute I can see it, it is a giant of about twenty feet tall and around three tons in weight. I can see a collection of weapons, and there is a small grotto or cave where it probably slept or ate.

‘I said, ‘why doesn`t it come into our area?’

Fagil said, ‘The light drives it back!’

It was pacing about as though it knows something is about to happen. It grabbed a large club from the floor and came nearer. I told Reeas to stay clear unless I am about to get killed. She is holding the sword as though she knows how to use it, and she probably does.

‘Right, I’m ready.’ Reeas said, ‘Be careful.’

I walk nearer until I am about fifty yards away then I stop. I looked around at the immediate area sizing everything up; I notice there is a ledge at the rear of the Bourin about thirty feet above the wall. The creature is surprisingly agile, I notice, it swayed from side to side moving the club from one hand to the other. I look back and notice the Yalton are in prayer again, they are standing in a ring and holding hands.

I said a small prayer lifted up my axe and charged. I then slid on my side as I reached my opponent; I hit it in the leg with my axe. To my surprise it didn`t fall, but tried to stamp on me. I got up quickly and swung my axe which hit the Bourin’s club. My axe was now stuck in the club! I leap back. Reeas had seen what had happened and came running. I shouted to her to get back but she didn`t do as ordered; she swung the sword and hit the Devil on the side making a large gash. The Bourin stepped back took hold of the axe and pulled it out from the club. Reeas again swung the sword, but the Bourin also swung the club at the same time. Hitting Reeas, I didn`t think anything of it, I know Reeas is strong, but I underestimated the strength of the Bourin. Reeas lay still. I wanted to go over and help her, but I know what I have to do. The Bourin now has both weapons. I ran while grabbing the knife from around my neck and jumped. I hit the Bourin in the eye with the knife and before he could react, I jumped from his shoulder onto the ledge above. He looked up at me as the blood came gushing out of the wound. I looked over at Reeas and saw the Yalton had formed a ring around her and are praying. I know she is badly hurt, and I wish she had stayed were she was, but she is a warrior, like me, and we are Tourgen. I looked down at the Bourin; there is no sign of emotion and no sign of fear, just hate and evil. I held the knife in both hands and jumped. The knife went in its scull up to the hilt. Then it slowly toppled over and I jumped off as it hit the ground, I can see it is already dead.

I ran over to Reeas. The Yalton are still praying but I can see she is dead. The Tourgen didn`t feel much emotion, but I did, and I can`t stop the tears. I think to myself, maybe it is the first time a Tourgen has cried?

‘My people will take Reeas back to our spiritual hall,’ said Fagil. ‘We will continue to pray for her, but we must hurry there is not much time left!’

‘What`s the point.’

‘The point is, the Universe is at stake!’ It is Sionn’s voice!

‘You heard Your Masters voice?’ Fagil said.


‘You know what you must do now, then?’

‘Yes, but please give me a moment to reflect.’

‘I’m sorry, Dan, but we must hurry we have to get through this door. This is the entrance to Junction 50. You will have to use all your strength!’

My mind is in a whirl. I feel anger, frustration, and sadness all in one. I can`t do anything about the sadness, but I can take the other two out on the door! There are two massive boulders in front of it.  Then a very large metal bar slotted into two metal plates, at each side of the door secured with the biggest padlock I have ever seen. Right, I think, let me get the axe. I slotted the axe under the boulder and heaved, once I got it moving, I simply rolled it away. I can see the Yalton are impressed. I did the same with the other one then I took the axe and smashed it down on the padlock. It broke into several pieces. Now all I have to do is simply lift off the metal bar. I notice that the door only opened outward which is toward me and there is no handle!

‘You will have to smash it,’ said Fagil.

I don`t know how thick it is, but knowing the people on Far-Station, I guess it is pretty thick.

‘OK,’ I said, I grab the metal bar, and I ran at the door using the bar as a battering ram. There is an almighty bang but the door is still solid. This requires a great deal of force, I think. I then stand still and try to focus my mind, as in yoga. The Yalton are also praying in a circle, as usual. After about five minutes I went over to the boulder and using all my strength I lift it onto my shoulder, I then ran at the door and smashed into it. The noise must have been heard on the surface but I can`t care less. The boulder is broken in pieces so I moved them away; I noticed the door is split slightly.

I can feel the power increasing in me! I am now more powerful than ever. It is, as though, the angrier I get, the more powerful I become. I ran over to the other boulder and lifted it easily. With one huge lungful of air, I run as fast as I can.

The noise is incredible! The door splinters into pieces, and I am thrown through to the other side, landing on my face, luckily, I haven`t hurt myself.

I look up to see another large Bourin holding a very large club in one hand, and a chain in the other!

OK, my friend, if you want to play, I`m your man.

It walks over to me. I’m not even nervous this time, I know I can take, It quite easily. It swings the chain down from its right hand. I side stepped It with ease. Then I jump onto its chest scratching both of its eyes out. It dropped the weapons and took hold of me around the back of the neck with its right hand. Then as It was about to hit me with its left hand, I caught it and bit one of its fingers off; then I bit another one off, it let go of me. Now, it is in panic! I walk over to the metal bar which used to secure the door and pick it up; I then walk casually over to the Bourin and smashed it down on its head. It fell dead. I look over at the Yalton; they are ecstatic! ‘You have defeated the strongest being in this planetary system. Fagil said, ‘you are to be praised!’

The Yalton are now holding hands again and chanting. I think, we haven’t got time for this, but I must be patient. The other thing I think about is Kallo; surely, he must now know we are trying to break Sionn out. The Yalton stop chanting! Then I hear a faint noise from the tunnel ahead. Then I see a faint light. ‘My brothers are coming.’ said Fagil. The light is now beginning to get very bright; also, the sound of humming is also calming beyond belief!

‘Reunion is at hand,’ Fagil shouted. ‘With the help of our heroes let us go forth and release our saviour!’ I picked up the axe and Reeas`s rucksack and followed.’