Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds book five by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 49-Lightship, Debra


Debra, or the ship, is running as smoothly, as we know, she can, and that is very smooth, It is, as though, we are sitting in a comfortable chair and resting. Reeas is her easy going self, and Deria, is somewhere inaccessible, as she is able to become invisible, even in the physical world, if she is resting. Suddenly, four distress signals come in at the same time! We know Kallo will try to put us off track, so, we are ready for it. The signals are from planets that the android ships have attacked, two sister planets called Theren 1 and 2, and two more called Zeiren and Critor which are roughly twelve thousand two-hundred light-years from Earth. We can't take a chance on entering the worm-hole at Station-Eta 63457 as it could be booby trapped; you know, that worm-holes are easily shifted by any higher source of power, such as a ships light cannon. We would just have to travel in Hyperdrive for the duration. It will take just two hours by worm-hole to get to the lead ship, but at least, this way it would give us time to make plans to disable the fleet. The planets are under attack from several ships. Theren 1 and 2 had sufficient technology to fight back but Zeiren and Critor were at the mercy of the attackers, and you already know that android robots are without mercy. So, what do we do, my student friends? How did Kallo get to the physical world to instigate this action? He didn't, he has agents all over the Physical, and Spiritual worlds, also, he has the ability to transfer his consciousness into the android leader. What is our next step? Is it to help the planets in question? Or do we go after the leader? We go after the leader, and leave the planetary war to Sionn and friends. If we can disable the leader we can stop the whole war. Our sensors show multiple cities are under attack on all planets with untold numbers of casualties. We can also see that if the android army wants, they can destroy the planets easily, so that means the apprentice wants to delay us. We also have information that the worm-hole at Station Eta has been moved; this means Sionn and company can't use it. We were fortunate to bypass it when we did. We also have information that the apprentice has disappeared from level 36. Tamia tried to locate him but with no luck. This means, he could be anywhere; maybe, he simply transferred into the android leader. When man invented the android, he didn't just invent a robot, with human intelligence, he invented a monster.

Reeas said, ‘How are we going to handle this, Dan? You are the expert on lower consciousness beings.’

‘Yes, but these androids are something else. You know that if we take out the lead ship, the next one will automatically takeover.’


‘OK, so we will transfer on board and destroy it. We will then reprogram the central computer to destroy the whole fleet.’

‘The apprentice will be expecting that move though, won't he?’

‘Yes, that is why we will destroy the lead ship and several of the other ships, then we will transfer to any one of the others. The apprentice won't have time to search for us, you can board one ship, Deria can board another, and I will board one. Deria will still be able to message us, because, as you know, she, can send messages to us which will not be picked up by agents, but we won't be able to send any, OK? We all know how to disable and reprogram any computer so it should be relatively easy. The only danger is from booby traps and the apprentice will be an expert on those, you can guarantee it. We will scan all craft before we board, but please be wary. Reeas and I will be in the Tourgen bodies but Deria will stay in her usual form as a higher being; she maybe able to get access to other information such as the location of the apprentice.’

Now for you students again: A message has just come through from you. You ask: how can a higher being like Deria move into the physical world without a cloned body? Well, as I said before, she is a higher being and can access any plane, but can't be seen or detected, there are many such beings in the Worlds-of-God but ordinary people cannot detect them. Now, if you read my record of events from Far-Station on my first major job, you know, that Reeas, and I got married. We went to the lovely Austrian alps in the dream state for our honeymoon, well, now we are about to go on a short vacation in the dream worlds, just to charge our batteries, so to speak. Time in the dream state is none existent, so it can seem like a few minutes or a lifetime. So please excuse us while we take a break.


I will leave most of the details out, for obvious reasons,  but I just want to say my batteries are charged. We stayed in a lovely chalet in a beautiful little town in the Tyrol. I wish life could be that simple but it’s not, in reality there are some terrible things that happen and being a Guardian, means, we have to experience them. Please don't think we have wasted our time on holiday. As we lost no time getting to the android fleet.